Effect of Managerial Ownership, Return On Assets, And Size Company Against Corporate Social
Responsibility Disclosure
5 Return: Study of Management, Economics and Bussines, Vol(1), Sep 2022
enough answer social company. It means This research can be generalized to all companies in
the textile and garment sub-sector registered in Exchange Effect Indonesia in 2016-2020.
Return on Assets has a positive and significant effect on the disclosure of
responsibilities corporate social responsibility. This means that when the Return on Assets
increases, it will be followed by an increase in the disclosure of corporate social
responsibility, and vice versa if Return on Assets has decreased, it will be followed by a
decrease in disclosure of corporate social responsibility and significant meaning that this
research can be generalized for all textile and garment sub-sector companies listed on the
Indonesia Stock Exchange year 2016-2020.
Size company takes effect positively and significantly to the disclosure of corporate
social responsibility. This means that when the size of the company increases it will be
followed by an increase in the disclosure of corporate social responsibility and on the
contrary if the size company experiences a drop so will be followed by decreased disclosure
of corporate social responsibility and significant research meaning this could generalized for
all company subsector textile and garment which registered in Exchange Effect Indonesia
year 2016-2020.Consists of the overall conclusion of the research along with suggestions for
future research.
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