Strategy for Internalization of Karimah Values in Learning Islam in Al-Halim Garut Vocational School
30 Return: Study of Management, Economic and Bussines, Vol(2), Oct 2022
In Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, the Government
seeks and organizes a National Education system that can increase faith and devotion to God
Almighty and noble character in the intellectual life of the nation. In Chapter II article 3 it is
stated that "National Education aims to educate the nation's life and develop Indonesian
people as a whole, namely humans who believe and are devoted to God Almighty and have a
noble character (Kurniawan, 2018), have knowledge and skills, physical and spiritual health,
a strong personality." and independent and socially and nationally responsible. Every
implementation of education in various paths, types, levels, and units of education must refer
to the goals of National Education above (Blossfeld, Schneider, & Doll, 2009).
Based on the educational objectives above, it is full of values and the formation of
students must be prioritized, not only the fulfillment of information but there is a balance
between cognitive, psychomotor, and affective (Dharmaningsih, Tanu, & Sutriyanti, 2018).
Seeing the phenomenon that has occurred, education seems to only produce products whose
beneficial value is only a means of self-gratification, while the values of benefit by religious
values are ruled out. Achieving these educational goals cannot be separated from the three
most decisive elements, namely teachers, students, and the curriculum, especially in the
learning process (Gunawan, 2017). The teacher according to his function is in charge of
optimizing students' abilities in learning by what we call teaching. Students with all their
characteristics in the learning process are expected to maximally achieve learning objectives
(Wuryandani, 2021). The curriculum can be viewed as a guide to achieving the desired
results. However, the biggest problem for educational institutions in Indonesia in improving
the quality of Indonesian human resources is the extent to which educational institutions play
an active role in translating national education goals as expectations and at the same time as
an indicator of the success of the implementation of education in Indonesia (Tanjung, 2020).
One of the problems facing our world of education is the problem of the weakness of the
learning process (Agbele & Oyelade, 2020). In the learning process, students are less
encouraged to develop thinking skills. The learning process in the classroom is directed at the
ability to memorize information (Breunig, 2017), the child's brain is forced to remember and
hoard various information without being required to understand the information it remembers
to relate it to everyday life. When our students graduate, they are theoretically smart,
otherwise, they are poor in the application.
The poverty of religious values in the education of a nation's generation can gradually
become a disaster for the nation itself. Quite a tragic incident has been experienced by several
countries that separate aspects of religious moral and ethical values from education
(Friedman, 2017). For example, the collapse of the Soviet Union which later became the
Federal state of Russia was rooted in the "void" of education in the development of ethical
and moral values of religion, in addition to the weakness of the Marxist foundations
themselves. The communist state, which was built on the Marxist ideology, has neglected the
importance of religious and moral values in part from the educational aspect. Even religion is
considered the opium of society which is dangerous.
The loss of one characteristic pillar for the nation through education in the Soviet Union
caused these countries to be unable to compete with America, which developed education in
a similar context, namely educational secularism. But because the United States provides
broad opportunities for people to cultivate religion through religious institutions outside of