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Aceng Enin
, Wiwik Dyah Aryani
, Marwan Setiawan
Universitas Islam Nusantara Bandung
, wiwikaryani10@gmail.com
, dr.marwansetiawan10@gmail.com
October 01
October 08
, 2022
October 20
, 2022
Background: In this modern era, how important it is to maintain harmony,
harmonize development and progress, and must preserve and instill in all
humans, especially students, so that education is designed as well as
possible so that all students can understand and live the best. It is important
to implement the moral values that are taught.
Aim: The purpose of this study is to describe the religious development of
students who seek the development of religious culture at SMP Negeri 10
Method: This research is a type of qualitative research. The research
approach used is a phenomenological approach (the meaning of existence)
which is an approach to gaining knowledge about something (object) as it
appears and becomes our conscious experience.
Findings: shows that the implementation of student religious development
through the development of religious culture at SMP Negeri 10 Bandung
has been going well and programmed, both carried out by the school as a
complete educational institution with wisdom related to the development of
religious culture in schools and community activities carried out by Rohit (
Spiritual Islam) as a kind of extracurricular activities for special schools in
the shade. other religious activities. This success can be achieved because of
the efforts of the principal and the support of the entire school community
by showing commitment that each goes together and supports the other.
The Development of Religion, Religious Culture.
In this modern era, values are very important to maintain harmony, harmonize
development and progress, and moral values must still be preserved and instilled in all
humans (Ilyasin & Tohet, 2020), especially students so that education is designed as well as
possible so that all students can understand and live the best. It is important to implement the
moral values that are taught (Chowdhury, 2018).
Therefore, Islamic religious education (PAI) must be able to build the character of
students for the better (Susilawati, Aprilianti, & Asbari, 2022), especially reflecting the
character of Islam, namely "Rahmatan Lil Alamin" which of course upholds moral values,
tolerance, social and re sponsibility. we need to know and understand that many of the
problems that occur in our country are caused by the depletion of moral values, so that it
becomes a necessity for the community to stick to these values even though it is not an easy
matter, but it must be done. , and one thing that must be remembered is that without
understanding these values it is impossible for a person to able to practice them in life and all
of that will be obtained through education.
Strategy for Internalization of Karimah Values in Learning Islam in Al-Halim Garut Vocational School
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In Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, the Government
seeks and organizes a National Education system that can increase faith and devotion to God
Almighty and noble character in the intellectual life of the nation. In Chapter II article 3 it is
stated that "National Education aims to educate the nation's life and develop Indonesian
people as a whole, namely humans who believe and are devoted to God Almighty and have a
noble character (Kurniawan, 2018), have knowledge and skills, physical and spiritual health,
a strong personality." and independent and socially and nationally responsible. Every
implementation of education in various paths, types, levels, and units of education must refer
to the goals of National Education above (Blossfeld, Schneider, & Doll, 2009).
Based on the educational objectives above, it is full of values and the formation of
students must be prioritized, not only the fulfillment of information but there is a balance
between cognitive, psychomotor, and affective (Dharmaningsih, Tanu, & Sutriyanti, 2018).
Seeing the phenomenon that has occurred, education seems to only produce products whose
beneficial value is only a means of self-gratification, while the values of benefit by religious
values are ruled out. Achieving these educational goals cannot be separated from the three
most decisive elements, namely teachers, students, and the curriculum, especially in the
learning process (Gunawan, 2017). The teacher according to his function is in charge of
optimizing students' abilities in learning by what we call teaching. Students with all their
characteristics in the learning process are expected to maximally achieve learning objectives
(Wuryandani, 2021). The curriculum can be viewed as a guide to achieving the desired
results. However, the biggest problem for educational institutions in Indonesia in improving
the quality of Indonesian human resources is the extent to which educational institutions play
an active role in translating national education goals as expectations and at the same time as
an indicator of the success of the implementation of education in Indonesia (Tanjung, 2020).
One of the problems facing our world of education is the problem of the weakness of the
learning process (Agbele & Oyelade, 2020). In the learning process, students are less
encouraged to develop thinking skills. The learning process in the classroom is directed at the
ability to memorize information (Breunig, 2017), the child's brain is forced to remember and
hoard various information without being required to understand the information it remembers
to relate it to everyday life. When our students graduate, they are theoretically smart,
otherwise, they are poor in the application.
The poverty of religious values in the education of a nation's generation can gradually
become a disaster for the nation itself. Quite a tragic incident has been experienced by several
countries that separate aspects of religious moral and ethical values from education
(Friedman, 2017). For example, the collapse of the Soviet Union which later became the
Federal state of Russia was rooted in the "void" of education in the development of ethical
and moral values of religion, in addition to the weakness of the Marxist foundations
themselves. The communist state, which was built on the Marxist ideology, has neglected the
importance of religious and moral values in part from the educational aspect. Even religion is
considered the opium of society which is dangerous.
The loss of one characteristic pillar for the nation through education in the Soviet Union
caused these countries to be unable to compete with America, which developed education in
a similar context, namely educational secularism. But because the United States provides
broad opportunities for people to cultivate religion through religious institutions outside of
Strategy for Internalization of Karimah Values in Learning Islam in Al-Halim Garut Vocational School
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school (Mason, 2018), the weaknesses of Values Education in formal educational institutions
can be overcome.
This research is a type of qualitative research. The research approach used is a
phenomenological approach (the meaning of existence) which is an approach to gaining
knowledge about something (object) as it is displayed and becomes our conscious experience.
The use of this approach is adapted to the main objective of the study, which is to describe
the Internalization Strategy of Karimah Moral Values in Religious Learning at SMK Al-
Halim Garut.
The informants of this research consisted of principals, teachers, and students who
were determined later according to the needs and objectives of the research. Informants were
selected based on and related to the research theme, using the “snowball” principle, which
ensures that a small number of research informants will eventually become large. To collect
all research data. needed in this research comprehensively, researchers used three kinds of
data collection techniques, namely: interviews, observation, and documentation. Furthermore,
the data that has been collected is analyzed qualitatively by following the data analysis
technique proposed through three flow of activities carried out sequentially, namely; (1) data
reduction, (2) data presentation, and (3) conclusion drawing/verification is carried out
continuously throughout the research process.
1. The planning strategy for implementing the internalization of good morals in
learning Islamic religion at SMK Al-Halim Garut
Planning is always related to hopes and desires for the future, many factors influence
it. Without an educational plan, you will lose opportunities and will not be able to answer
about what will be achieved and how to achieve the goals of educational institutions.
Therefore, plans must be made and programmed so that actions can be directed and focused
on the goals to be achieved.
Planning is always made by anyone, be it individuals, governments, business institutions, or
educational institutions.
The most important thing in a plan in achieving the goals desired by SMK AL-HALIM
GARUT is the existence of standards that will spur the teacher's role to improve and develop
insight, creativity, and teacher competence in designing and implementing intelligent
learning, religious attitudes, and morals. karimah, so that educational institutions can be
According to Stoner, quoted by Agus Sabardi planning is an activity that is divided
into 4 stages and applies to all planning activities at the organizational level, namely:
a. Set goals. Planning begins with decisions about what the organization or workgroup
b. Formulate the current state. How far is the organization's position from the goal? What
resources are available for the purpose? Only by analyzing the current state of the
organization, a plan can be formulated to describe the next activity plan.
Strategy for Internalization of Karimah Values in Learning Islam in Al-Halim Garut Vocational School
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c. Identify all facilities and obstacles. What internal and external factors can help the
organization achieve its goals? What factors can cause problems?
d. The magnitude of the activity for the purpose. This final stage involves developing various
alternative activities to achieve goals, evaluating these alternatives, and selecting the best
alternative among existing alternatives to achieve the goal (Sabardi, 2001: 55).
In the context of learning, (Mujib, 2008) suggests that: "Planning can be defined as
the process of compiling subject matter, use of teaching media, use of teaching approaches
and methods, as well as assessment in a time allocation that will be carried out at a certain
period to achieve the desired goals. has been determined.
The vision or goal of SMK AL-HALIM "The Realization of Students Who Have Faith,
Knowledge, and Morals" with a mission no 2, namely Pioneering and implementing
education quality management to develop vocational education based on pesantren in the NU
studies is expected to be internalized by students holistically. maximally through religious
activities that are a program at SMK AL-HALIM GARUT.
When referring to the main goal in the learning process, refers to the purpose of the
school or the school visit itself. The school's vision is based on input from various school
residents and interested parties, in line with the vision of the institution above it and the
vision of national education. It is decided by the board of educators led by the principal by
taking into account the input of the school committee, then socializing with school residents
and interested parties and reviewed periodically developments and challenges in the
The strategy process for implementing the internalization of good morals for students
can be carried out well if there is cooperation and harmony from various parties in
educational institutions. One of the things that play an important role in the implementation
of the strategy for implementing the internalization of good morals in Islamic religious
learning is the strategy that is applied and applies within the institution.
Based on the findings that have been discussed in the previous discussion, Islamic
education teachers, SMK AL-HALIM GARUT always prepare a planning concept which
includes the RPP (Learning Implementation Plan) and the Islamic Boarding School Takhosus
Program. The Design of Learning Implementation discusses the components of learning,
media, methods, approaches, and techniques as well as time allocation and evaluation so that
by organizing learning components that can be involved, the direction and objectives of
learning are carried out optimally.
SMK AL-HALIM GARUT prepares a lesson plan as contained in the results of the
interview, that in responding to learning ethically, the Islamic Islamic Education teacher
makes a learning plan so that in the process of implementing the internalization
implementation strategy, the karma can run optimally. starting from the curriculum, syllabus,
lesson plans, learning objectives and so on.
Planning is making decisions about what to do to achieve goals (Wina, 2007).
Planning is one of the initial functions of management activities in achieving goals
effectively and efficiently. Planning is also referred to as foresight and creates a framework to
direct one's actions in the future. Thus, the process of planning must start with setting goals to
Strategy for Internalization of Karimah Values in Learning Islam in Al-Halim Garut Vocational School
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be achieved through needs analysis and complete documents, then determining the steps that
must be taken to achieve these goals.
Planning is a process of systematically preparing activities to be carried out to achieve
certain goals. Planning is a way to achieve goals as well as possible with existing resources to
be more effective and efficient. Wina Sanjaya stated that the planning of the learning process
includes time allocation programs, annual programs, semester programs, syllabus and
learning implementation plans. This is as contained in the Permendiknas Number 41 of 2007
that the planning of the learning process includes the syllabus and learning implementation
plans, but in the Permendiknas planning is more emphasized on the syllabus and lesson plans.
Planning is a process of systematically preparing activities to be carried out to achieve
certain goals. Planning is a way to achieve goals as well as possible with existing resources to
be more effective and efficient. Wina Sanjaya stated that the planning of the learning process
includes time allocation programs, annual programs, semester programs, syllabus and
learning implementation plans. This is as contained in the Permendiknas Number 41 of 2007
that the planning of the learning process includes the syllabus and learning implementation
plans, but in the Permendiknas planning is more emphasized on the syllabus and lesson plans.
2. The Strategy Process for Implementing the Internalization of Karma Moral Values
in Islamic Religious Learning at SMK Al-Halim Garut.
The implementation of strategy of implementing the internalization of good morals in
Islamic religious learning for students at SMK AL-HALIM GARUT, of course, pays
attention to the important parts or components that are included in the learning process. Its
components include instructional objectives to be achieved, subject matter, methods, teaching
aids, and evaluation as a measuring tool for achieving or not achieving goals.
Based on the research findings in the implementation of the strategy of implementing
the internalization of good morals in Islamic religious learning, these students have been
quite well implemented because they pay attention to the structure and components in
planning. The implementation of strategy for implementing the internalization of good morals
in Islamic religious learning for students at SMK AL-HALIM GARUT includes several
things, namely:
a. Objectives: The purpose of the strategy for implementing the internalization of good
morals in Islamic religious learning is of course what is contained in the vision,
mission, and goals of the school, namely to create students who are faithful, pious,
and have character by practicing religious values.
b. Material: The material in the strategy for implementing the internalization of karimah
morality in Islamic religious learning, the most basic of which refers to the package
book and module of Islamic Religious Education and takes most of the material in the
Qur'an and Al Hadith which talks about the strategy of implementing the
internalization of karimah in learning. Islam and other supporting references.
c. Methods: Islamic religious education teachers in implementing strategies for
implementing the internalization of good morals in Islamic religious learning through
appropriate methods so that students can understand what the teacher is doing.
d. Media: The media used in the strategy of implementing the internalization of karimah
morality in Islamic religious learning, of course, which is easily accessible and
Strategy for Internalization of Karimah Values in Learning Islam in Al-Halim Garut Vocational School
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affordable for students, students can be encouraged and enjoy participating in each
series of activities for the application of morality.
e. In the application of morals, the teacher also uses various methods that are selected
according to the character, situation, and condition. The method is one of the
strategies or methods used by teachers in the learning process to be achieved. The
more precise the method used by a teacher, the better the learning will be.
In addition to using the application method, PAI teachers also use the media as access
to facilitate the implementation of the strategy for implementing the internalization of good
morals in students' Islamic religious learning. Teaching media according to Ibrahim and
Syaodih is defined as anything that can be used to transmit messages or lesson content,
thoughts, feelings, concerns, and abilities of students, to encourage the teaching and learning
3. Evaluation Of The Strategy For Implementing The Internalization Of Good Morals
In Islamic Religious Education At SMK Al-Halim Garut.
means an evaluation of the level of success in achieving the goals that have been set
in a program. Based on the findings in the field, evaluation is one of the important indicators
to determine the value and information in a moral process. The evaluation process is
important in the implementation of morals at SMK AL-HALIM GARUT because with
evaluation, the program that is being run can be known about how the results of
implementing the program and how to improve it.
One of the functions of educational evaluation is as a tool to find out the knowledge,
values, and skills that have been given by a teacher. Including the evaluation of the strategy
for implementing the internalization of good morals for the students of SMK AL-HALIM
GARUT, it is not only the cognitive aspects that are considered but the skills and behavior of
students are also an assessment.
Evaluation measuring tools are broadly divided into two ways, namely test, and non-
test. The tests include a written test, an oral test, and an action test. While the non-test is
divided into six, namely: multilevel scale, questionnaire, match list, interviews, observations,
and curriculum vitae.
Based on the research findings contained in chapter IV, in general, it can be said that the
strategy of internalizing good morals in Islamic religious learning in class XII SMK AL-
Halim Garut is by the planning, implementation, evaluation, and all components involved in
it which include the foundation, basis, guidelines, and rules contained in the Law on the
National Education System, Vision, Mission, and School Goals.
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