Evaluation of Revenue Accounting Implementation According to Government Regulation No. 71 Of 2010
in Regional Revenue Services of East Java Province
Return: Study of Economic And Business Management, Vol 2 (5), May 2023
that has legal force in an effort to improve the quality of government financial reporting in
Indonesia (Halim & Kusufi, 2007).
Accrual Based Government Accounting Standards
Government Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 71 of 2010 article 1
paragraph (8) states that accrual-based government accounting standards are government
accounting standards that recognize income, expenses, assets, debt, and equity in accrual-based
financial reporting, and recognize income, expenditure, and financing in reporting on budget
implementation based on the basis applied in the APBN/APBD. The accrual basis for the balance
sheet means that assets, liabilities and fund equity are recognized and recorded when a transaction
occurs, or when environmental events or conditions affect the government's finances, regardless
of when cash or cash equivalent is received or paid (Rintiani, 2014). Accrual-based SAP is applied
in the government environment, namely the central government, regional government and
organizational units in the central / regional government environment, according to laws and
regulations the said organizational unit is required to present the financial statements of the
Accrual-Based SAP stated in the form of a Statement of Government Accounting Standards
(PSAP) and complemented by the Government Accounting Conceptual Framework (Petrie,
Regional Income
According to Law Number 32 of 2004 (Undang-Undang (UU) Tentang Pemerintahan
Daerah, 2004) concerning Regional Government, regional income is all regional rights that are
recognized as an addition to the value of net worth within a certain budget period, regional income
comes from receipts from central and regional balancing funds, also those originating from the
region itself, namely income original area and other legal income. Based on PP 71 of 2010
concerning Government Accounting Standards, income is classified as; Local Own Revenue,
Transfer Income, Other Legal Income (Niu et al., 2014).
Revenue Accounting Policy
The revenue accounting policy has the objective of regulating accounting treatment in order
to compile a Budget Realization Report which includes LRA Income items, as well as Operational
Reports which include LO income items.
LRA Revenue Accounting Policy
Definition: LRA revenues are all receipts from the Regional General Cash Account which add to
the Extra Budget Balance in the relevant fiscal year period which become the right of the East
Java Provincial Government, and do not need to be repaid by the East Java Provincial
Recognition: LRA income on a cash basis is recognized in the current fiscal year when the cash
has entered the Regional General Treasury account. At the end of the reporting period, if there is
income collected by/paid to the Receiving Treasurer/Associate Receiving Treasurer but has not
been deposited to the Regional General Treasury it is not recognized as LRA Income.
Measurement: Measurement of LRA Revenue uses the rupiah currency based on the nominal
value of cash that enters the regional treasury which has clearly become the right of the East Java
Provincial Government from sources of income. Cash receipts that are not the income rights of
the East Java Provincial Government are not recorded as LRA Income but are Unearned Income
or Payables to Third Parties and are reported in the balance sheet.
Presentation and Disclosure: LRA revenues are presented in the Budget Realization Report in
accordance with Permendagri 13 of 2005 concerning Guidelines for Regional Financial
Management (Abdullah & Asmara, 2006).