E-ISSN: 2963-3699
P-ISSN: 2964-0121
This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Emergency Limatujuh
, Mirwan Surya Perdhana
Faculty of Economics and Business Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
Worklife balance is a phenomenon in the social dynamics of work life. Work balance is an important
issue in increasing responsibility and balancing work, social and family activities. A company that is
committed to creating a work balance that is most liked by employees and will get a good reputation.
However, work and family conflict is a dual role for each individual, so work-life balance is important
to ensure work effectiveness. Knowing the extent to which family scope can cause work conflicts, work
can interfere with family life activities, family life can motivate employee performance and work
activities can improve the quality of family life in PT employees. ASABRI (Persero) Semarang Branch.
The type used in this research is qualitative through a case study approach to do so. The research method
used to obtain data is interviews. Data analysis carried out qualitatively requires interactive activities
starting from condensing data, presenting data and drawing conclusions that are carried out on an
ongoing basis to meet all the required data. Work-life balance is related to physical and psychological
meaning as stability between body and mind. A well-managed job is able to support work activities that
can contribute to personal life. Employees who are given the opportunity to manage work life will
actually help employees become more focused, productive, and efficient at work while being able to
fulfill their personal needs, goals, and responsibilities. Personal life and work affairs are two different
things and cannot be mixed up, but both are on the top priority scale that must be done.
Keywords: Worklife Balance; Workload; Performance
Worklife balance is a phenomenon in the social dynamics of working life, because the
high demands on employee competence, standardization and workload from companies cause
employees to be depressed, so that they are less optimal at work (Garengo et al., 2021). A healthy
and conducive work environment fosters a balance between professional responsibilities and life
personality, thereby increasing work loyalty and productivity (Soomro et al., 2018). Work-life
balance is achieved through equalized workload and support from friends and the work
environment (Talukder et al., 2018).
Work-life balance is an ever-changing cycle of life, allowing each individual to be able to
complete work boundaries, just like a game of pazzle (Sabatier & Legendre, 2017). Work balance
is an important issue in increasing responsibility and balance of work, social and family activities
(Bhumika, 2020). Work imbalances negatively affect social and professional life, resulting in
decreased health and productivity as well as low performance (Lakshmi & Prasanth, 2018). Every
employee must have a balance between professional, family, and social life.
The presence of supervisors in work activities has an impact on work-life balance (Au &
Ahmed, 2016) (Russo et al., 2016), but achieving work-life balance also requires workplace
support and non-work resources that help employees (Greenhaus et al., 2012). Quality of work,
work design, and work life are important to consider in achieving work balance (Agus & Selvaraj,
2020). This indicates that work-life balance is created with internal and external company support.
(Irfan et al., 2021) a study on work-life balance shows that workconflict arises due to poor
time management, thus implicating personal and professional work commitments (Turner et al.,
2019), work-lifr balance is also the basis for a career (Hatane et al., 2021). Companies that are
committed to creating the most preferred work balance by employees and will get a good
reputation. However, work and family conflict is a dual role of each individual, so work-life
balance is important to ensure work effectiveness (Punia & Kamboj, 2013). Based on that,
balance in work life relates to balance or the effort to harmonize some of the roles taken in life.
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Worklife Balance
Work-life balance is the competence of an employee to balance work needs with individual
and family needs. Work-life balance is defined as a person's competence in achieving work
obligations as well as family life and responsibility for everything outside of work (Bhende et al.,
Work-life balance is a concept that deals with career priorities and quality of life
(happiness, opportunity, family life and spiritual fulfillment) (Singh & Sharma, 2021). Work-life
balance is an effective form of management of a job and other equally important activities such
as family life, community activity, volunteer activity, personal life development, travel and
entertainment. Work-life balance is an individual's perception that work and family activities are
compatible and promote growth according to individual life priorities. Work-life balance is
largely based on work stress theory. Work and family have been noted as particularly strong
sources of stress because the two demands require most of the time, energy, and attention of most
adults. The ability to easily balance the demands of work and family results in reduced stress,
greater satisfaction, and increased well-being. Conversely, the inability to balance personal and
professional demands can result in greater stress, reduced satisfaction and reduced well-being
(Young et al., 2022).
Individuals who place greater priority on family or personal life will experience increased
stress as work requirements permeate those areas of life. Professional employees who value
personal and family time will be more satisfied and committed to work that allows better
balancing work and personal demands. For example, software development work often requires
unexpected hours of work during project implementation and when software weaknesses are
revealed. Such unexpected demands can impact the ability of individuals working in the job to
meet family and personal demands, which can result in increased stress and job dissatisfaction for
those who value more personal/family time. Therefore, individuals working in support work are
less likely to have unexpected demands that affect the ability to meet family and personal demands
leading to reduced stress and job satisfaction (Zhang & Gable, 2017).
Poor work-life balance is associated with increased work stress across multiple job
domains. Greater work-family balance is associated with increased job satisfaction and
organizational commitment. Many studies have found that poor work-life balance leads to lower
levels of job satisfaction and higher levels of burnout (Kaliannan et al., 2016). Several studies
report a positive relationship between academic work-life balance and job satisfaction (Agha et
al., 2017). In principle, excessive workload positively affects work and family conflicts, thereby
increasing work burnout, which contributes to a higher desire to move..
Family closeness, friendly relationships with co-workers are important factors in forming
a balance in work life. There are different perceptions of job suitability for women and men.
Social relationships have a much greater influence on the perception of the suitability of women
than men. Women perceive work-life balance as a consistent and ongoing challenge whereas men
perceive work-life balance in the past tense and largely in association with the challenges
associated with raising children. These differences suggest that the importance of work-life
balance on job satisfaction and perceptions of commitment differ for men and women (Venkatesh
et al., 2017).
The concept of work-life balance is built on the idea that work life and personal life
complement each other in bringing perfection to one's life. Success in achieving work-life balance
can bring many benefits to employers because employees are more motivated, productive, and
less stressed. This is because employees feel valued by their respective superiors. Work-life
balance can also result in increased productivity and reduced rates of absenteeism and turnover.
Organizations that embrace the concept of work-life balance are most preferred by employees and
will gain a reputation as the employer of choice. On the other hand, work and family conflict is a
concept that explains about the need of individuals to perform multiple roles, so work-life balance
is considered important to ensure the effectiveness of the work of employees in all institutions
where they work (Punia & Kamboj, 2013).
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The concept of balance in work and family life includes a much more developed and
broader interpretation of the ideologies associated with family life, thus relying on the belief that
balancing, as they are two things that are equally important for work and family. Work-life
balance is defined as the relationship between work and other aspects of an individual's life
(Kelliher et al., 2019). Work-life balance achieves that there are values of the role of life in the
discourse of work and family conflicts. Life role values as a value system that individuals hold,
regarding work and family domains, which are based on individual priorities. Therefore, in
contextualizing work-family life balance, it is necessary to explore more deeply on shared values,
priorities and roles, with respect to how to inform work-family life balance (Akobo & Stewart,
Workload is a work situation with various job descriptions that must be completed within
a predetermined period of time (Inegbedion et al., 2020). Workload refers to all activities
involving an employee's time spent in performing duties, responsibilities, and professional
interests in the workplace, either directly or indirectly. Workload is the amount of time each
employee takes to manage official duties inside or outside of working hours. Therefore, the
workload not only takes time in the company but also has to spend extra time after work to be
more effective and productive in the profession (Johari et al., 2018).
Intensive employee workload includes development on increasing work productivity. This
is due to the fact that employees are constantly burdened with new tasks added to the job
description. This situation worsens job satisfaction and organizational commitment among
employees, which ultimately affects the quality of work of employees. A long number of working
hours due to extra workload may have a negative impact on job satisfaction as these circumstances
interfere with one's well-being at work and at home (Pourteimour et al., 2021). Workload is a
series or several jobs that must be completed by a group of employees or individuals at a
predetermined time (Rahmi & Apri, 2019). Excessive workload can make employees stressed so
that they experience pressure at work. This is due to the high level of competence needed, high
work speed, workload that is too large and so on.
The type used in this research is qualitative through a case study approach to do so.
Qualitative research is a method of finding and knowing the meaning of some people or groups
associated with social or humanitarian problems (Creswell, 2019). The source of data in this study
involved employees of PT. ASABRI (Persero) Semarang Branch which consists of customer
service and general administration, while the informants of this research are 9 employees of PT.
ASABRI (Persero) Central Java with a Branch Office in Semarang City, consisting of 4
employees in customer service and 5 employees in general administration.
The research method used to obtain data is interviews. Interview is a method used to collect
data where researchers ask several questions to informants, namely researchers collect data from
informants to provide information or data (Johnson & Christensen, 2018). The researcher is the
person who asks the various questions and the interviewee is the individual who answers these
questions (Moleong, 2019). This research was conducted through an in-depth interview method.
The main strength of the in-depth interview method is that researchers have the freedom to ask
questions that are used to obtain explicit answers or additional information.
The development of validity used by researchers is a triangulation technique. Triangulation
in testing credibility as checking data from various sources, techniques, and time. Data collection
must be adjusted to the condition of the source, based on that, so in this study the author uses
source trianggulation, with the meaning that the researcher compares information obtained from
one source with another source. Dig out the same source with different techniques and determine
different times. The data analysis used in this study was an interactive model from Miles and
Huberman. Data analysis carried out qualitatively requires interactive activities ranging from data
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condensation, data presentation and conclusion drawing which is carried out continuously until
all the data needed is fulfilled, so that all data is available.
Work-life balance is an important part of PT. Asabri (Persero) Semarang Branch, because
employees with a high work-life balance can increase their work productivity, have high
commitment and are loyal to the company. A good work-life balance will result in high morale,
feelings of satisfaction with work and a sense of full responsibility at work and in personal life.
Work-life balance is concerned with the physical and psychological meaning as stability between
body and mind. The same thing about the term work-life balance refers to the term to
accommodate comfort in working and spending the rest of life happily. Work-life balance is about
effectively managing and organizing actions between work and all other important activities
outside of the realm of work so as to benefit the family, society, volunteer work environment,
self-development, and utilization of leisure time. Employee of PT. Asabri (Persero) Semarang
Branch in handling various problems every day with a long working time often feels a fairly heavy
workload. The weight or lightness of a workload carried out by employees can be used in
determining the duration of employees to be able to carry out their work activities in accordance
with the ability of workers, the heavier the workload, the more disruptive personal life that affects
Work-life balance is about creating and maintaining a supportive and healthy work
environment, which allows employees to have a balance between work and personal
responsibility, thereby strengthening employee loyalty and productivity (Meenakshi, 2013).
Although the workload received is quite high, the presence of people around police members such
as family, superiors and colleagues will help PT employees. Asabri (Persero) Semarang Branch
to balance between his work life and personal life. The application of work-life balance to PT.
Asabri (Persero) Semarang Branch will be achieved if it can minimize the workload and make
the work a pleasant activity and supported by organizations, colleagues and a conducive work
Company employees who are too ignorant of work will have a bad impact on personal life.
The most dominant problems arise when personal needs are not met, always thinking about work
affairs that never get done, awareness that between personal life and work affairs are two things
that cannot be mixed, lack of control over personal problems, many concerns about meeting
personal and family needs, cannot control themselves and thoughts so that the workload always
looms, Lack of experience in solving household problems, and principled simple life is the key,
but generally employees are not ready. Although his personal life is declared as a harmonious life
and feels that it has been carried out simply, in reality personal life has negative qualities that
have the potential to interfere with all work matters. Work activities and work situations are two
aspects that must be combined, because at the same time, various personal activities and the
demands of the quality of life of the family will hinder work responsibilities. Personal conflict
will also affect a person's emotions, contributing negatively to work time commitment, work
engagement, job satisfaction, and work flexibility. Personal conflicts usually arise because of the
demands of roles and life needs, so work has an impact on personal life.
Work pressure causes upheaval and requires someone to have more time and push their
abilities to the maximum, of course, this is a source of pressure for employees. Another problem
that occurs in the banking sector is the high duration of working hours, because there have been
many cases that employees still have to receive emails or messages related to work matters outside
office hours or when they are at home. Companies should provide flexibility to their employees
to be able to organize activities and divide free time, so that employees can commit to themselves,
have the option to work from home, and take breaks or time off to help them maintain the right
work-life balance (Sathya Dev & John Mano Raj, 2018).
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The normal state of a job that must be done well by employees is in accordance with the
operational standards of organizational work. Then emotional support and appreciation is a form
of attention, empathy and concern given to someone with the aim of providing a sense of comfort,
belonging and love. Information support is provided in the form of advice, advice, direction and
assessment of individual actions in overcoming problems. The aspect of time balance relates to
how an employee is able to divide his time for work and activities outside of work. A balanced
division of work time will provide opportunities for employees to enjoy their free time with
activities they like (Aziz-Ur-Rehman & Siddiqui, 2020). Improving work-life balance and job
satisfaction needs to be done by announcing flexible and clear working hours arrangements to
Work must be managed properly, so as not to interfere with personal activities, because in
fact many employees of PT. Asabri (Persero) Semarang Branch who felt that his personal life was
disturbed by work. The negative influence of work on personal life is reflected in attitudes,
behavior, and results. This is the result of inflexible working hours, excessive work involvement,
and work stress, which can result in stress in family relationships, withdrawal from family
responsibilities, and affect a person's overall quality of life. Personal life can essentially be a
motivation to improve the quality of work if it can be managed properly. Personal life can actually
be an inspiration for employees to work, thus further improving the quality of work. Employees
who are able to enjoy a working life will feel happiness, because productive, general employees
reflect happiness and higher levels of well-being that have an impact on improving performance
and work arrangements. Improved living standards are related to financial well-being. Employees
who work and feel a higher level of life satisfaction show evidence that having a lower level of
job stress, so that an increase in job satisfaction will have an impact on life well-being.
The balance aspect of engagement relates to a level of psychological contribution and a fair
commitment at work and outside of work. Balance and satisfaction are the way individuals
perceive and feel satisfied at work and outside of work. The satisfaction obtained by employees
is not only about compensation and incentives, but can also be in the form of free time, colleagues
who bring positive energy, superiors who also appreciate to be able to socialize with people
around them other than colleagues (Ganapathi, 2016). If an organization wants to increase
employee job satisfaction through its work-life balance, then the organization should focus on
improving the satisfaction balance first but not forgetting the improvement of time balance and
engagement balance.
A well-managed job is able to support work activities that can contribute to personal life.
Employees who are given the opportunity to manage work life will actually help employees
become more focused, productive, and efficient at work while being able to meet their needs,
goals, and personal responsibilities. Work success is always measured by results and
achievements. Things explored include the impact of success in life, healthy emotional perception
and conflict management. Results and achievements are included to perceive success in personal
life. Positively formed family relationships include one of the successes of personal life.
Employee of PT. Asabri (Persero) Semarang Branch who works in the insurance sector is often
required to be professional in completing their work affairs. In fact, it also has a personal life that
must also be taken care of. The insurance sector is currently moving in a more competitive
direction where many other insurance institutions are offering more variety of financial products
and service upgrades. But underneath it all, employees cannot enjoy the flexibility of what is done
fully, and this is one of the risk factors of the profession (Ali et al., 2020). Employee of PT. Asabri
(Persero) Semarang Branch strives to serve the various needs of its customers. Increasingly
crowded work deadlines and heavy work targets, of course, bring up the feeling of working under
pressure, but it is still difficult to balance between work professionalism and serving family. If
this is the case, then it all depends on the quality of each human resource (Suganthi et al., 2020).
Another highlight of the insurance clerk profession is the inability to balance life. As a result,
feeling depressed, mental disorders, feelings of not wanting to enter work, to the decision to stop
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Personal life and work matters are two different things and cannot be mixed, but both are
on the top priority scale to do. Employee of PT. Asabri (Persero) Semarang Branch is fully aware
of the relationship between personal life and work activities. Employee of PT. Asabri (Persero)
Semarang Branch hints at having two different worlds when it comes to dealing with these two
lives. When you are immersed in work activities, you often remember how personal activities are
so fun to do and the family conditions at home. However, when you are enjoying time relaxing
and doing activities that you like (exercising, watching television, gathering with friends and
family), immediately you also have to stop these activities because you remember the work task
that never finishes. The two domains of life cannot necessarily fill each other's shortcomings,
because both already have equal portions and occupy the top priority scale to do.
A good work-life balance will result in high morale, feelings of satisfaction with work and
a sense of full responsibility at work and in personal life. Work-life balance is concerned with the
physical and psychological meaning as stability between body and mind. A well-managed job is
able to support work activities that can contribute to personal life. Employees who are given the
opportunity to manage work life will actually help employees become more focused, productive,
and efficient at work while being able to meet their needs, goals, and personal responsibilities.
Personal life and work matters are two different things and cannot be mixed, but both are on the
top priority scale to do.
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