Worklife Balance: Social Dynamics of Work Life
Return: Study of Economic And Business Management, Vol 2 (6), June 2023
The normal state of a job that must be done well by employees is in accordance with the
operational standards of organizational work. Then emotional support and appreciation is a form
of attention, empathy and concern given to someone with the aim of providing a sense of comfort,
belonging and love. Information support is provided in the form of advice, advice, direction and
assessment of individual actions in overcoming problems. The aspect of time balance relates to
how an employee is able to divide his time for work and activities outside of work. A balanced
division of work time will provide opportunities for employees to enjoy their free time with
activities they like (Aziz-Ur-Rehman & Siddiqui, 2020). Improving work-life balance and job
satisfaction needs to be done by announcing flexible and clear working hours arrangements to
Work must be managed properly, so as not to interfere with personal activities, because in
fact many employees of PT. Asabri (Persero) Semarang Branch who felt that his personal life was
disturbed by work. The negative influence of work on personal life is reflected in attitudes,
behavior, and results. This is the result of inflexible working hours, excessive work involvement,
and work stress, which can result in stress in family relationships, withdrawal from family
responsibilities, and affect a person's overall quality of life. Personal life can essentially be a
motivation to improve the quality of work if it can be managed properly. Personal life can actually
be an inspiration for employees to work, thus further improving the quality of work. Employees
who are able to enjoy a working life will feel happiness, because productive, general employees
reflect happiness and higher levels of well-being that have an impact on improving performance
and work arrangements. Improved living standards are related to financial well-being. Employees
who work and feel a higher level of life satisfaction show evidence that having a lower level of
job stress, so that an increase in job satisfaction will have an impact on life well-being.
The balance aspect of engagement relates to a level of psychological contribution and a fair
commitment at work and outside of work. Balance and satisfaction are the way individuals
perceive and feel satisfied at work and outside of work. The satisfaction obtained by employees
is not only about compensation and incentives, but can also be in the form of free time, colleagues
who bring positive energy, superiors who also appreciate to be able to socialize with people
around them other than colleagues (Ganapathi, 2016). If an organization wants to increase
employee job satisfaction through its work-life balance, then the organization should focus on
improving the satisfaction balance first but not forgetting the improvement of time balance and
engagement balance.
A well-managed job is able to support work activities that can contribute to personal life.
Employees who are given the opportunity to manage work life will actually help employees
become more focused, productive, and efficient at work while being able to meet their needs,
goals, and personal responsibilities. Work success is always measured by results and
achievements. Things explored include the impact of success in life, healthy emotional perception
and conflict management. Results and achievements are included to perceive success in personal
life. Positively formed family relationships include one of the successes of personal life.
Employee of PT. Asabri (Persero) Semarang Branch who works in the insurance sector is often
required to be professional in completing their work affairs. In fact, it also has a personal life that
must also be taken care of. The insurance sector is currently moving in a more competitive
direction where many other insurance institutions are offering more variety of financial products
and service upgrades. But underneath it all, employees cannot enjoy the flexibility of what is done
fully, and this is one of the risk factors of the profession (Ali et al., 2020). Employee of PT. Asabri
(Persero) Semarang Branch strives to serve the various needs of its customers. Increasingly
crowded work deadlines and heavy work targets, of course, bring up the feeling of working under
pressure, but it is still difficult to balance between work professionalism and serving family. If
this is the case, then it all depends on the quality of each human resource (Suganthi et al., 2020).
Another highlight of the insurance clerk profession is the inability to balance life. As a result,
feeling depressed, mental disorders, feelings of not wanting to enter work, to the decision to stop