Strategic Formulation Analysis of Business Development of PT Mega Power Surya (A Subsidiary of PT
Mega Power Teknindo)
Return: Study of Economic And Business Management, Vol 2 (5), May 2023 527
plan (Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, 2021b). (IESR, 2019) and the National
Movement for a Million Surya Roofs (GNSSA) which was initiated to accelerate the construction
of rooftop photovoltaic Surya power plants in housing, public facilities, government offices,
commercial buildings, and industrial complexes. In addition, PLN electricity tariffs for household
customer groups during the 2012-2020 period increased by an average of 8.5% per year, which
will encourage PLN Household Consumers to use Rooftop PLTS.
Based on the explanation above, the PLTS Rooftop business opportunity is very promising,
with the target consumers in this Business Plan being the household sector, namely, there is
potential for the development of PLTS Roofing Customers of Tariff Group R (Household) of
1,525.12 MW in December 2025, and of 3 331.8 MW in 2030 (PT PLN, 2021). In the
development of the PLTS system, it is tailored to the needs of its users, effectively utilizes the
existing energy potential, supports the reduction of carbon emissions, and provides alternative
financing solutions to general consumers (USAID, 2016, 2020).
In this Business Plan, we plan a short term of 2 years with a segmentation target including
household consumers of PLN UID Jakarta Raya and household consumers of PLN UID Banten,
the medium term is 3 years then expanded to household consumers of PLN UID UID West Java,
UID Central Java and Yogyakarta, as well as East Java UID of . Then, a long term of 4 years until
2030 is planned to expand to household consumers of PLN UID Lampung, PLN UID Palembang,
and PLN UIW East and North Kalimantan, PLN UIW South Kalimantan and Central Kalimantan.
Value Proposition Canvas
1. Customer Jobs To Be Done
The RUEN contained in PP No 22/2017 requires the use of Surya cells at a minimum
of 25% of the roof area of luxury houses, residential complexes, apartments, and complexes
as a condition for applying for a Building Permit (IMB).
The public also now views Rooftop PLTS as a long-term investment, because it can
save PLN electricity costs, and the excess energy produced can be exported to the PLN
network and can be compensated according to the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources
Regulation No. 26 of 2021 with an export tariff calculation of 100% of the PLN electricity
tariff. Sunlight is a new renewable energy source and can be obtained free of charge. If PLN's
electricity goes out during the day, the community can still be assured of a supply of their
electricity source through the Rooftop PLTS (Menteri Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral,
Today's household consumers have a lot of concern for the environment and feel the
need to actively contribute to shifting to new, renewable, and environmentally friendly
energy. By diversifying electrical energy sources with PLTS Roof, it will reduce coal
consumption which will help reduce carbon emissions. The use of PLTS Roof for home
consumers has become a trend with the increasing use of PLTS Roof 5 times for household
consumers. Based on research on residents of DKI Jakarta conducted by Greenpeace
Indonesia in 2020, where 83-85% of PLN consumer respondents with an installed power of
1300-5500 VA have a desire to use PLTS Roof and 96.2% of respondents who are PLN
consumers with a power of 6600 VA to above wants to take advantage of PLTS Roof
(Gubernur DKI Jakarta, 2019). The survey shows that there is an increase in public interest
in PLTS Roof (Setiawan et al., 2020).
2. Customer Pain
Household consumers have a number of concerns with the PLTS Roofing system
which is a new thing, including concerns about the initial installation cost which is feared to
be quite expensive. In addition, Rooftop PLTS depends on the irradiance of sunlight, so it is
feared that if the sunlight output does not meet expectations because for example, the
weather is cloudy, the energy received is not optimal. Consumers generally have existing
building constructions that are not prepared to accept the burden of Rooftop PLTS, so