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MPI, Postgraduate at UIN Sunan Gunung Djati Bandung Indonesian
noviyantonu[email protected]
, q.nada88@gmail.com
October 2022
October 2022
October 2022
Constitution Number 20 Years 2003 about The National Education System
in article 5 paragraph (4) states that: " citizens who have potency
intelligence and talent special entitled get education special ". The need
attention special to participant students who have intelligence special and
talent special is part function main education,namely develop potency
participant educate by intact and optimal. Destination study this for could
serve potency Participant Educate Intelligent Special need organized a
service program special. The program must made with earnest and good
governance (management). Study this aim for look for information about CI
class program management at SD Azhar Syifa Budi Legend. Method study
qualitative descriptive for used in study this. Data obtained
through,observation,interviews and documentation, the main source of data
school,insurer responsible for the program, teachers and parents CI students
and documents related, data analysis with method make
abstraction,categorized in check its validity. Results obtained from study
this CI class program management at Al Azhar SD Elementary School Syifa
Budi Legend includes activities ; planning,implementation and monitoring
walk with good / effective with indicator implementation of the CI class
program management process.
Management ; Class Special Intelligent ; Smart Boy Special
According to data from the National CI+BI Association, there are 2% of population child
age school,is child who has potency smart / talented special. If we refer to the 2005 BPS data,
there are 65,291,624 children age school (ages 4-19 years). It means There are 1,305,832
Indonesian children who have potency smart / talented special (CI+BI). Moment this service
to they not enough sufficient,the only one form service proper education for CI+BI children
are just in form acceleration (acceleration). Based on data from the CI+BI Association in
2008/9, the number of CI+BI students who have already served at school acceleration is still
very small,which is 9,551 people which means only 0.73% of CI+BI students are served
(Arifin et al., 2016).
Based on data from national CI+BI association that,there about 1.27% or approximately
829,204 children who do not get service in form speeding learning (acceleration). This means
part big from children is " forced " to follow same education with normal children,so they
experience underachievement condition
The need attention special to CI+BI child is one of the effort for develop potency
participant educate by intact and optimal.hal this in line with sound statement Law no. 20 of
2003 concerning National Education System,article 5 paragraph 4 that " Citizens who have
potency intelligence and talent special entitled get education special ".
Class Program Management Smart Special (CI) at SD Al Azhar Syifa Budi Bekasi Legend
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Ability innate / potential participant educate smart and talented special need development
and training by serious and systematic. According to Silverman " children " smart and
talented special interpreted as development that doesn't as should be in ability high level and
deep knowledge highest intensity in create the experience alone as well as awareness on
difference and development normally ” (Syukri, nd)
Development strategy potency the must designed systematic and integrated. Without
service systematic coaching to CI+BI students,the Indonesian people will lost source power
man best. Educational strategy adopted During this character mass give treatment standard /
average to all student so that not enough notice difference between student in
skills,interests,and talents. Consequence of this strategy,no all child smart and talented
special could develop the advantage with optimal. because of that need developed advantages
possessed by students so that their potential Becomes superior performance.
Study this only focus on service program child intelligent special (CI). smart boy special
according to Jill Hearne stated that: " Participants " teach CI is participant students identified
by staff professional and have ability achievement performance high. Achievement result in
one of the areas or combination multiple areas studies is sign performance high (Syukri,
nd) . Whereas according to Renzulli in the theory about the three rings conception of
giftedness concludes that a person who has behavior intelligent special / talented special
have combined ability general and/ or special above humans in general,level high
creativity,have high commitment to tasks,as well have ability apply it in life everyday ".
Conception three ring from Renzulli many used in arrange education for participant teach CI,
and is a underlying theory development education participant teach CI and talented special
(gifted and talented children) (Syukri, nd) .
Picture 1. Renzulli's Three-Ring Theory
Research results from Research and Development Ministry of Education and Culture in
1986 and CounCI+BIl of Curriculum Examinations and Assessment (Arifin et al., 2016)
2006,mentions that a child intelligent special could have a number of characteristic features
as following: 1). Very sensitive and alert,2). Study with easy and fast,3). Able to
concentrate,4). Very logical,5). Fast respond verbally with right,6). Fluent language,7). Have
power remember the good,8). Have knowledge broad general,9). Have broad and deep
interests,10). Have a desire know big to knowledge knowledge,11). Be careful or careful in
observing,12). Ability good reading,13. More verbal activity liked than activity written,14).
Have ability for resolve problem very quickly,15). have ability thinking a number of type
solving problem,16) Show method solving problem that doesn't common,17). Always have
strong views and opinions to something problems,18) Great sense of humor,19) Power
radical and original imagination,20). Abstinence surrender face difficulty (no quick break
hope), 21). Every activity or his deed there is clear goals,22). Not need encouragement
Class Program Management Smart Special (CI) at SD Al Azhar Syifa Budi Bekasi Legend
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(motivation) from outside,23). Interested in related topics with children aged more old of
him,24). Have ability very good communication moment communicate with adults,even
more good than if communicate with friend his age,25). Can learn alone in areas of
interest,26). Have focus not on what is taught but in his interest alone,27). Have Skills
social,28). less like routine 29). Show high leadership,30). Sometimes showing less behavior
However child intelligent special could is known with method conducted test with use
multidimensional approach. That is,measured with use various criteria (not just intelligence).
By general limitations used is participant students who have dimensions intelligence at the
level intelligent set IQ score 130 to on with measurement use Wechsler scale (on tool other
tests = mean IQ score added two standard deviation), dimension creativity height (set CQ
score in score raw tall or plus one standard above deviation mean) and has binding self (task
commitment) to Duty good (set TC score in category score raw good,or plus one standard
above deviation average).
Participant very smart student or intelligent special have characteristics in between like
learning,superiority in academia,like analyze and own ability solve problem with superior
way,have high energy and enthusiasm,always want to know to novelty,level activity high
physical and intellectual and so on. A functioning brain as results interaction genetic produce
characteristics that,while influence environment formed by different for participants educate
intelligent special (Davis Gary, 2012) . By biological child who has intelligence special have
difference with child other as Clark put it as following: (1) Production cell neurological,i.e
cell special surrounding neuron cells,far more tall amount from production cell brain humans
in general. This thing add activity Among neuron cells (synaptic activity), which allows
acceleration of thought processes ; (2) By the biochemistry of the neurons Becomes richer
with allow development pattern think complex. Also a lot occur brain prefrontal cortex
activity so that occur future planning,thinking based on understanding and experience
intuitive." (Davis Gary, 2012).
Based on characteristics children who have special intelligence,a service program
education special required for Fulfill coincidence this.the best service for this model boy is
class Intelligent Special (CI). CI class is organized class for serve needs child who has
intelligence special at level education elementary and secondary consisting of from so that
could complete the education program in time more fast from participant educate other.
According to Ruwiyati et al class program special Intelligent Special (CI) requires
seriousness from party school as the place maintenance and need existence good management
so that capable hold on and walk in accordance with the target (Syukri, nd) . Management is a
series of processes consisting of from activity planning,organizing,directing,and controlling
for reach goals that have been set. Stoner in Handoko state that: " Management " is the
process of planning,organizing,directing and controlling members ' efforts organization and
use processes source power organization for reach goals that have been set (Handoko, 1995) .
Management in the implementation process,has activities certain must implemented.
Activities certain that 's the usual called as functions management (Mulyono, 2008) .
According to George R. Terry (Maujud, 2018) , there are five combinations of fundamental
functions of management in skeleton reach purpose. Combination A consists of from
Class Program Management Smart Special (CI) at SD Al Azhar Syifa Budi Bekasi Legend
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planning,organizing,giving encouragement (actuating) and supervision (controlling).
Combination B consists of of the process of planning,organizing,motivating and doing
supervision. Combination C consists of from planning,organizing,staffing, giving direction
and supervision. Combination D consists of from the process of planning,organizing,staffing,
delivering direction,do supervision,innovation and giving role. Combination E consists of
from planning,organizing,giving motivation,supervision and coordination. Essence from
combination the could simplify Becomes three function main management,namely
planning,organizing,and controlling.
CI class program management can interpreted that management CI class must separated
from management school by general it means head school no take office as guarantor answer
the program, must there is team specifically which regulates that all related with CI class
program that working optimally in support achievement of the school program. In practice
team special the To do functions managerial to the program and report it to head School by
periodically. Functions management the includes: planning,organizing,implementing,and
evaluating the CI class program (Suparlan, 2022) .
Since in 2005 one of the flagship programs at SD Al Azhar Syifa Budi the legend is
acceleration learning (Acceleration), along with change curriculum enactment 2013
curriculum and with Permendikbud No.158 of 2014 concerning implementation of the PDCI.
Al Azhar Elementary School Syifa Budi is a legend with SK no 421.9/901-PLB from
provincial education office official west java get permission for organize service special
Participant Educate Intelligent Special (Larasati, 2016) . CI class model held at Al Azhar SD
Elementary School Syifa Budi Legend is CI class with acceleration / acceleration program in
grades 3, 4, and 5 accompanied by: with enrichment for eye Mathematics and language
lessons England. Children who escaped selection academic,psychological test,health,and get
recommendation from the 2nd grade teacher will go through 3rd, 4th, 5th grade within 2
years lesson.
Based on a decree issued by the provincial education office West Java,Al Azhar
Elementary School given authority for run / implement CI programs have authority for
organize and manage school with source power by transparent,democratic,accountable and
independent. In effort increase CI class program services Various ledge taken by school
including: 1). increase participant input quality educate,2) improve process quality which
includes planning,organizing,and controlling (Suprapto, 2020) .
Interesting for studied by deep through something study about maintenance CI class
program management at Al Azhar Elementary School Syifa Budi Legenda which includes ;
planning,organizing and monitoring carried out for guard quality CI class program services
(Riski, 2021) .
Study this aim for explore,analyze and explain activity managerial serve the CI class
program at SD Al Azhar Syifa Budi Legend which includes activity planning,organizing and
controlling Benefit from study this for the school concerned is get report scientific regarding
the management process CI program services and can made base footing for could develop /
improve quality service. For writer study iini give new knowledge that can applied in the
future come if given trust for manage service similar.
Class Program Management Smart Special (CI) at SD Al Azhar Syifa Budi Bekasi Legend
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The method chosen by the researcher in study this is qualitative descriptive in the process
research: describe,describe condition variable or condition what exist (real). Moleong state
that " In " study descriptive,data and facts collected word or image ". Researcher play a role
as instrument key in data collection at once working observer set focus research,choose the
parties who will made data source,do data collection,reducing and testing data, interpreting
data and making conclusion the findings (Moleong, 2000) .
Research Place and Time Study this conducted at Al Azhar Elementary School Syifa
Budi Legenda which is located at Jalan Bima Utama Raya City Legenda Desa District Sari
Coat of arms South Tambun,Bekasi Regency,West Java. Study this carried out in even
semesters year 2020/2021 teaching
Data obtained through,observation,interview and documentation. Type data source used
is primary data sources and secondary data sources. Primary data sources are data obtained
by direct from data source,while secondary data source is source which obtained no direct
from data source except from other party or in form document. Source of data used informant
is head school,vice principal schools,CI class program managers,while data from CI class
program teachers and parents CI students obtained with method submit questionnaire via
google forms.
Data collection is done with method observation direct spaciousness,with build rapport
relationship (Moleong, 2000) with hope informant provide as much data as possible for
interest research,engineering Interview done by researcher alone by direct with use guide
interviews that have arranged before. Data that has been collected read,studied and analyzed
with method reduced with make abstraction (Moleong, 2000) stages next is data compiled in
data units and categorized and made coding. Furthermore,data/ information checked its
legitimacy with technique triangulation (Moleong, 2000) for get conclusion end from
According to Echols and Shadily Management originated from language English manage
which means manage,manage implement and manage (Echols & Shadily, 1975) . Manage
translated in Indonesian becomes management or management. Management or management
this according to Kurniadin & Machali (Kurniadin et al., 2013) with quote statement from
Millon Brown says as the effective use of people, money, equipment, materials, and methods
to accomplish a meaningful specific objective use people,financing,equipment
support,materials and selection effective method for reach goals that have been set. And
according to HR Lingt and Allen Louis,that management is framework knowledge about
management,where management is the process of planning,organizing,controlling machine
materials machine,and money for reach destination optimally. According to a number of view
expert that,can is known that management is a process of planning,implementing,and
controlling for reach goals that have been set.
The program is a unit or unity activities which are realization or implementation from
something policy,in progress in a continuous process,and occurs in something organizations
that involve group of people. So that could made that Program management is the process of
Class Program Management Smart Special (CI) at SD Al Azhar Syifa Budi Bekasi Legend
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planning,implementing,and executing supervision source power institution for operate a the
design that has been planned (JA, 2008) . Program management can interpreted a process of
planning,organizing and monitoring implementation a program.
Special Intelligent Child Concept
Special Intelligent Child is those who have ability distant intellectual beyond ability
other students his age who showed characteristics unique learning so that need stimulation
special so that potential his intelligence could come true Becomes optimal performance.
According to Witty in clark (Clark, 2001) states describing them as children whose
performance is consistently remakable in any potentially valuable area that has meaning
child intelligent special is those who have ability outside normal show it by consistent with
his talents. Meanwhile, the theory of the three rings of conception of giftedness proposed by
Renzuli as quoted Semiawan state that someone who has behavior smart / talented special
have combined from ability general / special above the average human other,have level high
creativity and commitment to assigned tasks as well as capable apply it in life everyday.
Children who have intelligence special could study more a lot,learn with fast,remember more
good, and able apply the knowledge he has with more good than child with average
intelligence (Davis, 2012) .
CI child is different with child smart (bright/high achiever) though You're welcome have
level intelligence belonging to tall to top. Ability child intelligent in analysis,abstraction and
creativity no pants normal CI child. Referring to the concept giftedness Renzulli (Nuha,
2019) , there are three criteria giftedness for CI children,namely: (1) have level very high
intelligence (very superior), (2) has level high creativity,and (3) have high commitment to
task. Third characteristics the support CI child for capable complete studies more short
compared with child non-CI. In fact,we often see and get performance CI students who are
not optimal according to with potential owned. Even possible no impossible there is failed CI
students complete the acceleration program appropriate time.
Gap level intelligence from level intelligence in the average population often cause
difficulties and problems for CI child for adapt with environment and also causes
misunderstanding from environment to CI child. Besides that,population CI children also
have the variety and uniqueness of each in pattern grow flower,personality,and his
giftedness,and things that will cause problem alone for CI child.
For prevent and overcome problem CI students,need a special strategy in the form of
Mentoring Program CI students who are implemented in schools,accelerated program
organizers study / accelerate,in skeleton facilitate optimization potential and solutions studies
appropriate time for CI students.
Regulation of the National Education Standards Agency Number: 0020/P/BSNP/1/2013
concerning Procedure Operation Standard Maintenance National Examination for Middle
School, High School, and Level education equivalent other year 2012/2013 lessons,among
others, reads:
1. Students who can complete their studies for 2 (two) years in the acceleration program or
credits must show evidence that shows special abilities as evidenced by the academic
ability of the educator and Intelligence Quotient (IQ) 130 (one hundred and thirty) as
Class Program Management Smart Special (CI) at SD Al Azhar Syifa Budi Bekasi Legend
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stated by the university. higher education institutions who have accredited psychology
study programs or other psychological institutions recommended by BSNP.
2. Students as stated in point 1 are required to send evidence to BSNP no later than a week
before the end of registration.
Smart Program at Al Azhar Elementary School Syifa Budi Legend
one schools designated by the Ministry of Education and Culture through service
education provincial government West Java for host program service CI class with system
acceleration / acceleration is Al Azhar Elementary School Syifa Budi Legend. is school
private national insightful international the address is Jalan Bima Utama Raya City Legend
Village District Sari Coat of arms South Tambun,Bekasi Regency.
Azhar Elementary School Syifa Budi Legenda has vision Achieved mutaz (superior)
education through spiritualization education and nation and character building (development)
nation,diversity single ika,as well as the Unitary State Republic of Indonesia, and the
formation of character) to formation human Kamil (human plenary). Mission 1). Forming and
developing personality participant educate to have spirit da'wah based on mastery science
theistic,2). Planting and fertilizing habit charity pious in broad terminology based on mastery
skills,3). Build personality participant able to teach show identity Islam and can build
connection good to Allah, to each other,and to nature.
Class Special Intelligent special (CI) SD Al Azhar Syifa Budi Legenda is an organizing
program designated education for participant educate with above average intelligence. this
program is a program launched government education office provincial government West
Java. In implementation includes the process of planning,organizing,carrying out supervision.
Planning is phase first from the whole process of managing the class program special
Intelligent Special.Research this focus on planning participant students,teachers and
curriculum. Following will displayed results study about class program planning special
Special Intelligent (CI) on components participant students,teachers and curriculum. In the
planning process head school shape team form organizer consisting of from head school,vice
principal school and some potential teachers who will made guarantor program answer. The
team on duty for compiling programs. Compilation this CI class program plan among others:
a) the process of preparing the program carried out by the team and formulating CI class
program objectives,along with step step in reach destination that,b) planning curriculum that
refers to BNSP as well as existence modification curriculum along with calendar academic,c)
planning managers and teachers along with development,d) planning recruitment participant
educate refer to the guidelines from Directorate PLB coaching and (e) planning CI class
program facilities and budget.
Student Program Preparation Special Smart for give opportunity to students who have
ability above average or intelligent special (CI) can complete the education program in time
more fast from student other. The education program in question above called Acceleration
Program Study or student program talented academic where student Elementary school can
complete education in five years time. Base law for carry out student programs talented is
Constitution number 20 of 2003 concerning Article 5 paragraph 4 of the National Education
System,namely " that " citizens who have potency intelligence and talent special entitled get
education special ". Destination especially as following:
Class Program Management Smart Special (CI) at SD Al Azhar Syifa Budi Bekasi Legend
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1. Provide special services to students who have special intelligence.
2. Provide opportunities for students who want to complete the program faster in
Elementary School (SD).
3. Develop students' thinking and reasoning abilities more comprehensively and
4. Develop creativity optimally.
5. Provide learning challenges at an appropriate level to avoid learning saturation as a
result of repeated learning
Planning curriculum carried out at Al Azhar SD Elementary School Syifa Budi refers to
to The curriculum set by the PLB Directorate is: curriculum differentiation (Karim et al.,
2018) who experienced modification with integrated with payload curriculum religion set by
the foundation Syifa Budi Jakarta. Structure curriculum CI class consists of on amount eye
lesson,burden study,and calendar education. Subjects consist above: Subject mandatory and
optional followed by every participant educate in unit education.
Study load declared in study hours every week for study time During one semester (same
with 1 chess months / 4 months). Study Load Setting Service Acceleration Special
Intelligence at Al Azhar Elementary School Syifa Budi Legend as following:
1. One hour learning structure, face to face : 35 Minutes
2. Number of Lessons Per Week : 44 Hours Lessons
3. Effective Weeks of Academic Year : 42 Weeks
4. The learning load of structured assignments and unstructured independent activities is a
maximum of 40% of the total time for face-to-face activities of the subject in question.
5. The allocation of time for practice, two hours of practical activities at school is equivalent
to one hour of face-to-face. Four hours of practice outside of school is equivalent to one
hour of face-to-face.
6. The allocation of time for the development of self-expression and self-potential is
adjusted to the type of self-development chosen and the conditions of the school situation
and context.
Subjects that provide more competency orientation to intellectual and affective aspects
are grouped into group A subjects while subjects that emphasize more on affective and
psychomotor aspects are grouped into group B subjects.
Learning thematic is approach integrated learning various competence from various eye
lesson. Integration the conducted in 2 (two) matters,namely integration attitudes,abilities /
skills and knowledge in the learning process as well as integration various draft related basis.
Learning theme give learning mean to participant educate it means after learn something draft
base could apply it in life real.
Curriculum Structure Special Intelligent Service Acceleration Class
Al Azhar Syifa Budi Legenda Elementary School
Allocation of Time Per Week
Group A (General)
1. Religious Education
Class Program Management Smart Special (CI) at SD Al Azhar Syifa Budi Bekasi Legend
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Load Acceleration Program curriculum service Special Intelligence at Al Azhar
Elementary School Syifa Budi Legenda consists of from 8 eye lesson namely: 1). Religious
Education, 2). Citizenship Education,3). Indonesian, 4). Mathematics,5). Knowledge
Knowledge Nature,6). Knowledge Knowledge Social,7). Art Culture and Skills,8). Physical
Education,Sports and Health. Whereas payload Local Acceleration Program at Al Azha SD
Elementary School Syifa Budi Legenda consists of from: 1). Sundanese,2). English,3).
Computers,4). Native Speakers, 5). Boy Scouts,6). Tahfizul Quran
indicator completeness study in something competence base set range between 0-100.
Based on meeting team special Criteria Minimum Completeness (KKM) which refers to to
method formulate the issued KKM Ministry of Education and Culture set KKM class
program Smart Special organized by unit Al Azhar Elementary School Education Syifa Budi
is 80 (predicate Good) which includes KI 1, KI 2, KI 3 and KI 4.
Evaluation development potency participant educate actualized from intelligence
special by teachers and psychologists. The assessment carried out by the teacher with method
observe and measure level progress study.mMeanwhile,the assessment carried out
psychologist covers development in aspect personality,interests,motivation,and behavior
displayed During follow the educational process. Recommendation for participant educate for
stay on track current education followed or switch to more path in accordance with
development participant educate could given after existence results assessment delivered by a
psychologist with consider results observation and assessment from the teachers can in the
form of. This thing showing that evaluation to participant educate must conducted by
comprehensive and sustainable.
Beside related assessment with aspects psychological,assessment is also done to
progress study. Destination assessment in general besides as effort for give description about
2. P.Pkn
3. Indonesian Language
4. Mathematics
5. Ipa
6. Ips
Group B (General)
1. Culture And Arts:
2. Penjas, Or, & Health
3. Sunda Language
4. English
5. Computer Education
Group C (Development)
1. Conversation (Native)
2. Tahfizul Quran
1. Mandatory (Scouts)
2 Choices
Total Allocation Of Time/Week
Homeroom Hours
Class Program Management Smart Special (CI) at SD Al Azhar Syifa Budi Bekasi Legend
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development results study participant educate and for improve the learning process that must
be done,also used as confession to quality education that has achieved in a school the
organizer of the acceleration program,which is shown through certification.
Evaluation based class chosen as technique appraisal CI class. Evaluation this collect
and analyze information based on stages progress study students by teacher for gift score to
results performance participant educate so that obtained portrait / profile ability every
participant educate in accordance with a defined list of competencies in curriculum.
Assessment technique class in implementation combined with activity teaching and
learning,in formal or informal atmosphere,inside nor outside class,conducted at a special
time. or integrated in activity teaching and learning.
Evaluation class held through various way,like test written (paper and penCI+BIl test),
assessment results work participant educate through gathering results participant 's work
educate (portfolio), assessment 3 -dimensional product,and assessment,show participant 's
performance educate. Steps evaluation class is a process that begins with planning,gathering
information,discussion and manufacture reporting,and use information about results study
participant educate.
Planning educators and staff education at Al Azhar Elementary School no held
selection special,like an eye teacher PAI, Sundanese,Sports,English,KTK lessons are taught
by the appropriate teacher with eye the lesson,while for guardian CI class is chosen by
potential teachers with very strict criteria,selected and done test psychology by psychologist
from LANIZRA Jakarta, psychologist recommended teacher that 's the teacher who will
Becomes guardian CI class. This thing refers to the criteria from Directorate PLB coaching
(Syukri, nd) . Chosen teacher as guarantor answer program prepared through workshops,
workshops,seminars, and improved ability language English. Management staff appointed by
the head school. Measurement effectiveness planning teachers and administrators referring to
opinion from a number of experts,including from Directorate coaching PLB stated that for
get optimal processes and results from maintenance education service specifically,the teacher
must Fulfill specified requirements ”. The manager of the CI class program in regular schools
must: have manager / manager alone with Duty main managing CI class programs,in
implementation his job assisted by staff in the form of staff independent nor compiled by
staff school by general. Planning teachers and managers at SD Al Azhar shifa Legend is
enough good because the teacher who teaches in class CI, 90 percent already Fulfill criteria
professional with indicator have competence pedagogic,professional, personal, and social,as
well as a number of mastered addition for CI class program teachers as determined by the
Directorate PLB coaching,though for development still need improved.
Planning Recruitment Participant education carried out at Al Azhar Elementary
School Syifa Budi Legend begins with method formation the CI class PPDB committee
consisting of from Head School,Deputy, Head of CI Program and teachers who teach class 3.
Requirements recruitment participant teach CI class program designed really tight,thing this
aim for: 1). get candidate accelerated program students who meet criteria as CI child ; 2).
facilitate student in understand characteristics self and develop draft self positive ; 3).
facilitate student in set destination period long and long term short ; 4). facilitate student in
knowing problems and solve problem by positive,effective,and constructive ; 5). facilitate
Class Program Management Smart Special (CI) at SD Al Azhar Syifa Budi Bekasi Legend
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parents and teachers in understand characteristics CI child and support optimization potency
his son ; 6). give help to CI students who are facing problem.
Acceptance process for elementary school carried out in grade 3 with time at the end of
semester 5 or at after increase Recruitment Process class conducted by comprehensive
covering aspect:
1. Administration Selection, namely the average value for 4 semesters is not less than 80
and there is no value below the KKM value
2. Psychological tests include: Intelligence Quotient (IQ)- WISC 130, Task Commitment
(TC), Creativity Quotient (CQ) carried out by psychological institutions that already
have SIPP (Psychological Practice Permit) issued by the Indonesian Psychological
Association (HIMPSI).
3. Academic selection includes MIPA and Language skills
4. Additional data information includes: Student and Parent interviews and monitoring
by grade 3 teachers
Planning CI class program financing is designed with financing more tall a little
compared with regular class,p this conducted for cover cost operational because amount
participant educate in more CI class little and development with more programs many if
compared regular class. For measure effectiveness planning facilities and budget use
reference theory put forward by several expert including: Bedjo Sujanto state that " if "
achievement activity result balanced with costs incurred,then activity said effective
(Kurniawan, 2011) . Same thing expressed by Sri Minarti state that " management " finance
said Fulfill principle effectiveness if activities carried out could arrange finance for finance
activity in skeleton reach destination institutions,and their outcomes in accordance with
programs that have been established (Minarti, 2011) . Based on the opinions above with
condition objective in the field so planning facilities and budget already good because facility
facilities and infrastructure at SD Al Azhar Syifa Budi Legend exceeds set standard in
provision for institution organizer CI class.
The implementation of the CI class program includes 4 things important as following ;
1. coordination with several related parties in the implementation of the CI class
program, Coordination carried out routinely by SD Al Azhar Syifa Budi Legenda with
related parties, including related institutions, namely the Central Education Office,
Provincial Education Office and City Education Office, Assembly Council, resource
persons for the CI class program, teachers, psychologists, and parents of students.
Measurement of the effectiveness of coordination based on the opinion or theory put
forward by Mulyasa states that “Coordination will be effective if it is carried out
continuously and continuously from the initial stage to the end of the work; seek
meetings and build good relations with various related parties, as well as develop an
attitude of openness” (Fajrin, 2018) . Based on the theories or opinions of experts that
have been put forward, the implementation of coordination carried out by SD Al
Azhar Syifa Budi Legenda is good, because coordination is carried out continuously
from the planning stage, program preparation, implementation to the end of program
Class Program Management Smart Special (CI) at SD Al Azhar Syifa Budi Bekasi Legend
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2. socialization of the CI class program, the socialization of the CI class program aimed
at the general public, parents and students, several educational units that have the
potential to become prospective CI students, the socialization is carried out through
social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, through
circulars, billboards, leaflets, and banners, as well as information loading on the
website. By referring to the definition of socialization according to the Big Indonesian
Dictionary, it is an effort to socialize something so that it becomes known,
understood, and lived by the community. So the socialization of the CI class program
at Al Azhar Syifa Budi Legenda Elementary School has been going well, considering
that the CI class program is already well known in the community.
3. , the implementation of student selection for the CI class program is one of the factors
that greatly determines the success of the CI class program. Al Azhar Syifa Budi
Elementary School refers to the provisions of the PLB Directorate. In its
implementation, it begins with the identification process, there are two stages, namely
screening and selection.
4. Screening to find nominations (netting); Screening is an early stage identification
approach. This stage involves several parties, such as parents, teachers, and the
students themselves. The selection technique at this stage is based on: (a) academic
achievement in the previous class and (b) psychological test.
5. Final selection or identification stage (screening); After students are identified as
nominees through the screening process, then they then get a follow-up test or an
assessment from teachers, parents, or counselors who better understand with certainty
the level of giftedness. Students who pass this stage are given further tests
individually or in groups, including: intelligence tests, creativity tests, and the Task
Commitment scale. At the next stage, projective tests are also given as supporting
tests to determine emotional and social aspects.
Determination PPDB results for CI SD Al Azhar students Syifa Budi Legend Kab.
Bekasi via meeting plenary held by Al Azhar Syifa Budi Center in Jakarta. The results of the
CI student PPDB screening then we socialize results netting student to parents students by
resource person Psychologist LANIZRA Jakarta.
Implementation activity study teaching and support. By general implementation of
KBM in class CI SD Al Azhar Syifa Budi Legend no there is significant difference with the
learning process teach in regular classes. The difference lies in the method used,the modified
curriculum with approach differentiation and quantity participant educate for CI class no
more of 20 (twenty) people.
even though CI children have extraordinary intelligence normal however Lessons
given to CI students don't can too emphasize aspects cognitive. In skeleton balancing
learning conducted with method serve aspect concept and practice. This thing done,so that CI
students have maturity knowledge and ability for answer needs social socialize.
Learning must student oriented,not teacher oriented. Learning CI class allows every
participant educate get Theory different learning because learning CI class applies Theory
essential with method To do assessment ability participant educate to Theory lesson. If
Class Program Management Smart Special (CI) at SD Al Azhar Syifa Budi Bekasi Legend
61 This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
participant educate seen has dominate something material,then Theory the no need taught
In To do learning to CI students,in particular eye lesson MIPA family,usage laboratory
for activity practice need optimized. Use laboratory on activities MIPA learning. is part
integrated,meaning that when explain something draft teacher knowledge can direct practice
it in front participant educate. Finally student could understand material delivered by the
teacher effective.
Evaluation results study held through various way,like test written (paper and
penCI+BIl test), assessment results work participant educate through gathering results
participant's workmeducate (portfolio), assessment product crafts,and
assessment,performance (performance) participants educate.
Activity end in CI class program management is monitoring accompanied by
evaluation. Evaluation and monitoring are integral part of management education at the micro
(school), meso (Department of Education), and macro (Kemdiknas). Program evaluation use
Approach Process/Implementation Evaluation according to Badruddin type evaluation this
often started with a analysis about how 's the program match with applicable rules and
regulations,policies department,program design,relevance and standards professional or even
hope client ". Implementation every stages activity conducted based on instruction technical
assistance given by the director general of PLB starting from program
planning,curriculum,personnel educator,recruitment participant educate until technique
evaluation learning. Based on results Questionnaire distributed by researchers to parents
student could is known level high satisfaction to management of the CI class program
organized by SD Al Azhar Syifa Budi Legend.
Based on findings research and discussion that has been described in section
before,then researcher could conclude the process of managing the CI class program at SD Al
Azhar Syifa Budi Legenda, as the following a) the process of preparing the program carried
out by the team and formulating CI class program objectives,along with step step in reach
destination that,b) planning curriculum that refers to BNSP as well as existence modification
curriculum along with calendar academic,c) planning managers and teachers along with
development,d) planning recruitment participant educate refer to the guidelines from
Directorate PLB coaching and (e) planning CI class program facilities and budget have been
walk with good / effective,with indicator implementation all activity CI class program
planning but planning development teacher development and curriculum need improved,(2)
the implementation of the CI class program at SD Al Azhar Related legend Syifa Budi about:
coordination with a number of party related with CI class program implementation,CI class
program socialization,selection participant teach,implement activity study teaching and
supporting,has walk good / effective,with indicator implementation all activity
implementation of the CI class program,with a little notes about potency participant educate
CI class need optimized again,and (3) management evaluation of the CI class program at SD
Al Azhar Syifa Budi Legend has walk good / effective,with indicator implementation all
activity evaluation of the CI class program,however need repair in Thing report results
Class Program Management Smart Special (CI) at SD Al Azhar Syifa Budi Bekasi Legend
62 This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
evaluation by written and feed back from service education delivered to Al Azhar
Elementary School Syifa Budi Legend for improvement implementation more CI class
program services good in the future
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