The Influence of Regional Expenditure In The Education, Health, And Investment Sectors On The
Human Development Index In Eastern Indonesia Region
Return: Study of Management, Economic and Bussines, Vol. 2 (6), June 2023
of education, health, and economy (together) with HDI achievements in the regions and separates
the variables of health spending that are partially insignificant in forming HDI. However, each
variable has a positive effect on the formation of its own index. Furthermore, the insignificance
of the Health expenditure factors (together in the model) to HDI, but significant when modeled
alone against the health index illustrates that an evaluation of this expenditure allocation is needed
(Hendra & dkk., 2006).
Education and health are a combined investment in order to form quality Human Resources
(HR) that have an important role for a country's economy. Different patterns of economic growth
in each region can be seen from the difference in economic growth between developed regions
and less developed regions. The existence of this difference in economic growth will result in the
creation of income inequality between regions. Varying income inequality can be caused by low
human development, disparities in natural resources and unequal investment (Yanthi & Sutrisna,
Investment from both the private sector and the government can be said to be one of the
important elements in the economy of a country or region because investment has a relationship
with the sustainability of economic activities in the present and in the future. Based on its status,
investments include Domestic Investment (DDI) and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI).
In 2016 and 2017, the absorption of labor in FDI was greater than the workforce absorbed
in DDI. Meanwhile, from 2018 to 2020, DDI absorbed more workers than FDI (Zahara & Octavia,
2021). Investment will affect the improvement of public welfare, both public and private
investment, because investment will increase the number of workers absorbed. Along with
increasing income, the purchasing power of people who are part of the HDI component will also
increase. Economic growth accompanied by equal distribution of income will result in a higher
amount of HDI increase compared to economic growth that is not accompanied by equal
distribution of income in society.
The role of the government in improving the Human Development Index also affects
economic growth and vice versa. The rate of regional economic growth is positively and
significantly influenced by human development which is expected to improve the quality of
human life (Mirza, 2012).
Indonesia has experienced a fairly good increase in HDI in the last 12 years, namely in the
range of 70 to less than 80 since 2016. Until 2021, the ten provinces that achieved the high HDI
category were DKI Jakarta, DI Yogjakarta, East Kalimantan, Riau Islands, Bali, North Sulawesi,
Riau, Banten, West Sumatra and West Java while the ten provinces with the lowest HDI
respectively were Papua, West Papua, NTT, West Sulawesi, West Kalimantan, NTB, North
Maluku, Gorontalo and Central Sulawesi. There is a considerable difference between the western
and eastern regions of Indonesia (Gianie, 2022).
In the western part of Indonesia, which includes Sumatra, Kalimantan and Java, the average
HDI is slightly higher than the national figure of 72.86. However, in eastern Indonesia which
includes Nusa Tenggara, Sulawesi, the Maluku cluster and Papua, the HDI figure is below the
national figure, which is 68.95. The average HDI of eastern Indonesia in 2021 is almost the same
as the average HDI of western Indonesia in 2012 which was at 68.50. (BPS)
This shows, from the dimension of time, the results of development are not enjoyed equally
by all Indonesian people. It can be seen that there is a fairly wide gap in human quality between
the western and eastern regions. The achievement of HDI shows the quality of human
development in a region while the indication of development carried out by the government to
improve the quality of its society can be seen from the growth rate of HDI.
This study aims to analyze the influence of Regional Expenditure in Education and Health
both from the APBN and APBD, to analyze the influence of DDI and FDI Investment on the Human
Development Index in Eastern Indonesia from 2015 to 2019.