P-ISSN: 2964-0121
E-ISSN: 2963-3699
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, Suryadi
, Riani
Faculty of Agriculture, Malikussaleh University, Aceh, Indonesia
Indonesia's fisheries and marine resources have a very important role, but abundant marine resources are
not matched by the better life of coastal communities. Limited access and loss of living assets are serious
problems faced by poor people in coastal areas, thus affecting their livelihoods. This research was
conducted in Masa District, Bireuen Regency from July to November 2022. Purposive determination of
the location of the study considering that the sub-district is one of the areas with the highest number of
fishing households in Bireuen Regency. The population of capture fishermen was 9,432 people, and the
number of samples obtained was 120 fishermen. The sampling method uses accidental sampling
techniques. The data in this study will be analyzed with the SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) Model.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that affect the level of sustainability of fishermen's
lives in Masa District, Bireuen Regency, and analyze the relationship between vulnerability, life assets,
strategies and the sustainability of fishermen's lives. Based on the results of the study, it was found that
the factors that affect the sustainability of fishermen's lives are life strategies and ownership of living
assets. The fourth relationship is that increased vulnerability positively affects fishermen's living assets,
increasing the availability of living assets positively affects fishermen's life strategies. Increasing
ownership of living assets positively affects the sustainability of fishermen's lives and increasing life
strategies positively affects the sustainability of fishermen's lives.
Keywords: Sustainability of life; Fishermen; Jangka District
Fisheries resources in Indonesia have a very important and strategic role for the nation's
national development both from economic, social, security and ecological aspects. Judging from
the total volume of Indonesian fisheries production in 2019 as much as 23,006,152 tons / year.
From capture fisheries, subtotal production reached 6,981,935 tons / year and from aquaculture as
much as 16,114,217 tons / year (Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Aceh, 2019). However, abundant
marine resources are not matched by the better life of coastal communities. There are 6771
fishermen in Bireuen Regency, and of these there are 4767 people whose permanent jobs are as
fishermen, and 901 people as side jobs and there are 1103 fishermen owners (BPS, 2019). Masa
sub-district is one of the sub-districts in Bireuen regency which has the third highest number of
fishermen out of 10 other sub-districts.
However, it is generally known that fishing communities are faced with limited access and
the loss of living assets is a serious problem for the poor in coastal areas. In addition, low education
can also contribute to increased vulnerability due to them not being able to have high efficiency
and not being able to compete to achieve a better life (Lisna et al. 2012). Government policies
towards development that are less pro-poor also cause them to be increasingly marginalized so that
there is no opportunity to also make decisions in resource management and increasingly difficult
with natural conditions that are less conducive and the threat of various disease outbreaks and
natural disasters that can come at any time causing threats to the sustainability of their lives.
Community life can be said to be sustainable if it is able to overcome and deal with various
forms of vulnerability. But the reality is that until now many people living in coastal areas have not
been able to cope and face various forms of vulnerability, so they are still trapped in poverty so that
the level of sustainability of their lives is still inadequate (Slamet Widodo, 2011). Fisherman/coastal
villages in the form of social, economic, ecological and cultural entities, which are the boundary
between land and sea, in which there is a collection of people with certain patterns of life and
behavior and characteristics (Rosni, 2017) and are always faced with the problems of their lives. In
Analysis of Factors Affecting The Level of Survival of Fishermen in Jangka District, Bireuen Regency
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short, the preservation of life is when they are able to overcome obstacles and losses that arise at
any time, both anticipated and unthinkable beforea (Sati & Vangchhia, 2017).
Like other fishing communities, fishermen in Masa District, Bireuen Regency also
experience various types of vulnerabilities and asset limitations. Where this situation can affect the
sustainability of life both economically and socially. This situation will certainly have an impact
on the welfare of fishermen's families in Masa District, Bireuen Regency. Life sustainability cannot
be realized if coastal communities have not been able to overcome various forms of vulnerability
and limited access to various living assets owned by fishermen.
With regard to the problem of the sustainability of fishermen's lives, one of the approaches
used to determine the characteristics of fishing communities while assessing the sustainability of
life is the approach (Sustainable Livelihood Approach (SLA)). This approach has been widely used
by other researchers, but not many have used quantitative methods, especially with Structural
Equation Modeling (SEM). While the research conducted by (Sahri, M., Mashudi, & Sukoharsono,
2011) and Naning (2013) more emphasis on one asset accessibility factor. This approach explains
that there are several factors that affect the sustainability of life, including vulnerability factors,
living assets and strategies used to get a sustainable life. This study will analyze simultaneously the
four factors. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct research
The objectives of this study are (1) Analyzing factors that affect the level of sustainability of
fishermen's lives in Bireuen District, and (2) Analyzing the relationship between vulnerability, life
assets, strategies and life outcomes (life sustainability) of fishermen.
This research was conducted in Bireuen District, Aceh Province, namely in Masa District,
Bireuen Regency. The determination of the location of the study was carried out purposively or
deliberately with the consideration that the sub-district is one of the areas with a considerable
number of fishing households in Bireuen Regency, which is as many as 659 households. This
study was conducted from July to November 2022. The total population of capture fishermen in
Bireuen Regency is 9,432 people, using the Taro Yamane formula, the number of samples is
obtained as many as 120 fishermen. The sampling method uses Accidental Sampling technique,
which is a technique of determining samples by chance. This study used primary data obtained
directly through interviews and questioners from fishermen. Secondary data are obtained from
the Marine Service, Central Statistics Agency, Agricultural Extension Center and other related
The data in this study will be analyzed with the SEM Model (Structural Equation
Modeling) or Structured Equation Model (MPB). MPB is used to analyze the relationship between
the various assets owned by fishermen, the strategies carried out and the livelihoods they obtain.
This research will use a structured equation method which is a combination of factor analysis and
Measurement Model
The determination model known as factor validation analysis is a process that allows
researchers to use several indicators to obtain independent variables called latent factors or latent
constructs. This model of determination contains constructs that have no causal relationship and
correlation between them. Each latent variable is modeled as the underlying factor of the related
variable (Andriani, 2013) dan (Byrne, 2016). Loading factors that relate latent variables to known
variables are labeled λ ("lambda"). The error in the measurement model is denoted by ξ (ksi). The
measurement model can be illustrated in Figure 1.
Analysis of Factors Affecting The Level of Survival of Fishermen in Jangka District, Bireuen Regency
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Figure 1
SEM Measurement Model
Structural Model
Structured models emphasize relationships between latent variables. In the determination
model this relationship refers to the relationship between factors and indicators. Conversely,
structured models can show the relationship between the independent variable and the dependent
variable in multiple regression analysis (Santoso, 2011).
Figure 2
The SEM Structural model drawing follows, and will be analyzed using model SEM.
This study uses the following study framework:
Figure 3
Study Analysis Framework
Testing of Determinants of Fishermen's Life Sustainability
In accordance with the research model that has been developed, this study was conducted
to test the determinants of fishermen's survival using a structural equation model (SEM). Full
model analysis conducted to test the hypothesis of the determinants of the sustainability of
fishermen's lives, using the AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structure) program whose results can
be seen in the following figure :
Vulnerability Factor : Conflict with other fishermen
Sustainability of fishermen
Fishermen's assets:
1. Human Assets
2. Cultural Assets
3. Financial Assets
4. Physical Assets
5. Social Assets
Life strategy
Analysis of Factors Affecting The Level of Survival of Fishermen in Jangka District, Bireuen Regency
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Figure 4
Early models of Structured Equations
Model Conformity Test
The results of the model conformity index analysis can be seen in Table 1. The chi square
value (43.741) is already relatively low, indicating that the observed covariance matrix differs
markedly from the predicted one and this results in a probability smaller than the significance
level (0.277). However, because the Chi Square value is very sensitive to the number of samples,
it is necessary to look at other index values (Sati & Vangchhia, 2017), (McDonald & Marsh,
1990) and (Byrne, 2016). Most model conformance indices have met the required cut-off values
(RMSEA, GFI, TLI and CFI, AGFI and CMIN/DF), and only AGFI shows marginal acceptance.
The results of this model conformity index indicate that the model is adequate.
Table 1
Conformity Index Results Initial model of Structured Equations
Goodness of fit Index
Cut-off value
Chi square
Diharapkan kecil
Source : primary data, processed (2022)
Therefore, the value of the modification index is seen as a consideration of whether the
developed model needs to be modified or not (Carrasco, 2010). Based on the output of the AMOS
program, the modified index values can be seen in the following table.
Table 2
Covariances: Modification Index
Par Change
Source : primary data, processed (2022)
Analysis of Factors Affecting The Level of Survival of Fishermen in Jangka District, Bireuen Regency
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Shown in Table 2 the value of MI is quite small, but there appear three times, namely e20.
Based on these values, these variables are tried to be connected, the results of which can be seen
in the following figure:
Figure 5
Modified Model of Structured Equations
Based on Figure 5, it can be seen that the conformity index value of all indexes has met the
cut-off value standard, and the probability value is above 0.05 and the AGFI value still shows the
marginal acceptance value, which is more in the following table:
Table 3
Results of the Conformity Index of the Structured Equation Modification Model
Goodness of fit Index
Cut-off value
Analysis results
Chi square
Diharapkan kecil
Source : primary data, processed (2022)
The results of the estimation (regression weight) for the benefit of hypothesis testing after
modification of the model can be seen in the following table:
Table 4
Regression Weights After Model Modification
Strategy 1
Strategy 2
Strategy 3
Source : Primary data, processed (2022)
Analysis of Factors Affecting The Level of Survival of Fishermen in Jangka District, Bireuen Regency
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Hypothesis Test Results
There are four hypotheses proposed in this study, namely two hypotheses to see the
influence of living assets, and life strategies on the sustainability of fishermen's lives. The other
two hypotheses are to look at the effect of vulnerability on living assets, and the influence of
living assets on life strategies. The results of testing the hypothesis can be seen from the estimation
of regression weight parameters (McDonald & Marsh, 1990). Based on the regression weights
value in Table 4, the test results of the five hypotheses proposed can be described as follows:
Hypothesis 1: Increased vulnerability positively affects fishermen's living assets. The
results of statistical testing of hypothesis 1 show an estimated parameter value of 0.549; standard
error value 0.687; critical ratio value 2.800; with a probability value of 0.040. Using a significance
level (alpha) of 0.05, it can be concluded that there is enough empirically strong evidence to reject
H0 and accept Ha. This means that increased vulnerability has a positive and significant effect on
the decline in living assets (Kumala et al., 2013). This shows that the more frequent the storm or
rainy season, the more influential it is on the decrease in the number of fish catches, and this is
related to fishermen's financial assets. This research is in line with (Adhiana, 2016) where in the
study found that vulnerability is directly related to financial assets.
Hypothesis 2: Increased availability of living assets positively affects fishermen's life
strategies. The results of statistical testing of hypothesis 1 show an estimated parameter value of
0.408; standard error value 0.424; critical ratio value 2.963; with a probability value of 0.035.
Using a significance level (alpha) of 0.05, it can be concluded that there is enough empirically
strong evidence to reject H0 and accept Ha. This means that an increase in ownership of
fishermen's living assets has a positive and significant effect on fishermen's life strategies, in line
with research (Khuswati et al., 2022), and (Hidalgo & Cuesta, 2018). This shows that with the
increase in ownership of human assets, physical assets in the form of fishing gear and financial
assets in the form of sufficient capital to go to sea, it increasingly affects the life strategy carried
out by fishermen. The strategy carried out by fishermen is to increase various activities, such as
drying small fish caught, making salted fish, and others, as well as attending various trainings to
improve fishermen's ability to do business. This research is in line with (Adhiana et al., 2019),
Where the ownership of farmers' living assets affects their life strategy. The results of this study
are almost the same as (Rosni, 2017), Roslina, (2009), (Sahri, M., Mashudi, & Sukoharsono,
2011) which gets a connection between strategy and life assets.
Hypothesis 3: Increased ownership of living assets positively affects the sustainability of
fishermen's lives. The results of statistical testing of hypothesis 1 show an estimated parameter
value of 0.073; standard error value 0.456; critical ratio value 2.160; with a probability value of
0.033. Using a significance level (alpha) of 0.05, it can be concluded that there is enough
empirically strong evidence to reject H0 and accept Ha. This means that increasing the ownership
of fishermen's living assets has a positive and significant effect on the sustainability of fishermen's
lives. This shows that an increase in the ownership of human assets such as an increase in the
level of education and experience, an increase in the ownership of financial assets with the
availability of working capital, and the ownership of physical assets in the form of fishing
equipment in the form of outboard motor boats and 5-10 GT motorboats used to catch fish and
fishing equipment such as props, docks, nets, and bubu will improve the sustainability of
fishermen's lives, in line with research (Sati & Vangchhia, 2017), and (Mukherjee et al., 2002).
Hypothesis 4: Improved life strategies positively affect the sustainability of fishermen's
lives. The results of statistical testing of hypothesis 1 show an estimated parameter value of 0.131;
standard error value 0.298; critical ratio value 2.439; with a probability value of 0.040. Using a
significance level (alpha) of 0.05, it can be concluded that there is enough empirically strong
evidence to reject H0 and accept Ha. This means that improving fishermen's life strategies has a
Analysis of Factors Affecting The Level of Survival of Fishermen in Jangka District, Bireuen Regency
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positive and significant effect on the sustainability of fishermen's lives, and is in line with research
(Novianti et al., 2016). The strategy carried out by fishermen includes various activities that can
increase income, including drying excess fish, making salted fish, participation in courses and job
exercises that can increase knowledge in capture fisheries, in line with research (Sati &
Vangchhia, 2017). Turasih et al. (2012) In his research found that the livelihood strategy applied
by potato farming households is to increase agricultural land use and the two-type livelihood
model strategy. The two-way model strategy consists of activities to become farm laborers,
clothing merchants, tailors, horse-drawn carriage pullers, laborers, vegetable traders and potato
wholesalers. Hussen and Nelson (1998), found that people who settled in rural areas used life
strategies including crop diversity, population movement, and agricultural strengthening.
Twomlow (2002) in the results of his study stated that in agriculture farmers use strategies to
increase agricultural yields in the short term, or strategies to improve and conserve soil in the long
Based on the processed data with SEM, it was found that the factors that affect the
sustainability of fishermen's lives are life strategies and ownership of living assets. The strategy
carried out by fishermen includes various activities that can increase income, including drying
excess fish, making salted fish, participation in courses and job exercises that can increase
knowledge in capture fisheries. Ownership of living assets in the form of human, financial and
physical assets. The increase in human assets such as increasing the level of education and
experience, increasing the ownership of financial assets with the availability of working capital,
and ownership of physical assets in the form of the availability of fishing equipment in the form of
outboard motor boats and 5-10 GT motorboats used to catch fish and fishing equipment such as
props, docks, nets, and bubu will improve the sustainability of fishermen's lives. The relationship
between the four latent variables is that increased vulnerability positively affects fishermen's living
assets, increased availability of living assets positively affects fishermen's life strategies. Increasing
ownership of living assets positively affects the sustainability of fishermen's lives and increasing
life strategies positively affects the sustainability of fishermen's lives.
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