Tax Avoidance, Board of Commissioners, and Leverage's Influence on Firm Value With Profitability as
Return: Study of Economic And Business Management, Vol 2 (6), June 2023
value is the desire of a stakeholder, stakeholder welfare increases if the Company Value increases
it can also increase public trust in these companies. There are several aspects to measure Company
Value, but one of them is by looking at the company's stock market price. Stock market price
reflects the selling value of a company (Febrina, 2010). If the company's stock market price
increases, the Company's Value will increase and vice versa also if the company's stock market
price decreases, the Company's Value will also decrease. Company performance is often interpreted
as not good because the price is too low, but with a high stock price can also reduce the ability of
an investor to invest in the company. It can be known that more investors who invest can also
increase the Company's Value. This financial statement can also be referred to as an evaluation
report on company performance, operations, investment and funding (Riswan & Kesuma, 2014).
Shareholders can benefit when the company has good financial capabilities and large returns,
it also makes the Company Value high. Investors will reconsider investing in the company if the
Company Value decreases due to inconsistent financial capabilities, otherwise good financial
ability will easily attract investors to invest in the company. Manufacturing companies in the food
and beverage sub-sector are companies that process raw materials into finished goods. The
company of this sector continues to grow over time, as it produces the basic survival needs of the
general public. Therefore, food and beverage sub-sector companies are companies that are targeted
by investors to invest. Market prices have factors to determine the price of a Company Value
including internal, external, and company size factors (Winarto, 2015). This PSBB has hit many
industries whose movements are limited due to social distancing, during COVID-19 and PSBB
requires activities to be carried out online. However, even so, there are also companies that
benefited during the COVID-19 outbreak, namely companies engaged in Pharmaceuticals and
Health. The situation caused by this outbreak has a positive impact on the capital market (Lyke,
2020; (Phan & Narayan, 2020).
Company value is a description of the trust of outsiders or investors in the company achieved
in several years when the company's activities were running when the company was established
until now (Noerirawan, 2012). Company Value has many factors that can be influenced, but this
study only uses several factors including Tax Avoidance, Board of Commissioners Size, and
Leverage and uses a moderation variable, namely Profitability. Tax avoidance is a step to make tax
cost efficiency by showing transactions that are not tax objects in an effort to avoid taxation. When
costs can be reduced by the company, especially tax costs as explained in agency theory, it can
have a good impact on increasing company value (Firm Value). Cash flow that tends to look smooth
both for the short and long term can also provide additional value for investors to invest their money
because the value of the company tends to increase. In (Chen et al., 2014), said that there are direct
costs such as implementation costs, loss of company reputation, and also the potential for violating
certain laws. This can result in and illustrate a manager has his own interest in providing
information in the financial statements, especially on the company's profits, is not true to
stakeholders. In (Yustrianthe & Fatniasih, 2021), said that, tax avoidance is an action carried out
by company managers of a tax plan that is still in accordance with applicable tax law. Through this
tax planning are efforts to reduce tax costs that must be borne by taxpayers which must be within
the limits of tax law provisions that have been regulated in the legislation on tax planning. The
results of research from (Selviani et al., 2019), said that the high value of tax avoidance, company
value can be affected as well. Tax avoidance can have an impact on agency costs that will be
incurred by the company. Because of opportunistic actions taken by a manager on tax avoidance
activities that can make the market react negatively. This is also in line with the research of (Hanif
& Ardiyanto, 2019; Selviani et al., 2019; Wardani & Juliani, 2018) which revealed that tax
avoidance negatively affects company value.
The size of the Board of Commissioners is a role that is applied in Good Corporate
Governance in order to become one of the management systems in optimizing company activities.
The function of independent commaris is to supervise transactions to related parties where there is
a conflict of interest on the transaction, protect minority shareholders from exploitation of majority
shareholders, and finally because of their experience outside the company they can also become
consultants for the company (Zef Arfiansyah & Fin, 2020). The role of the board of commissioners