Calculation of Environmental Services For The Forest Adoption Plot of PT Bio Farma (Persero) In
Taman Buru Masigit Kareumbi, West Java
Return: Study of Management, Economic and Bussines, Vol. 2 (6), June 2023
reserves) (Nowak et al., 2007). Total O
production amounted to 358,033 tons / hectare / year.
The value of O
production in TBMK is higher when compared to O
production in Abdul Latief
Forest Park of 241.05 toh / ha / year (Sribianti et al., 2022). This can be due to the larger amount
of TBMK carbon stocks.
The economic value of environmental services CO
absorption produced by the Forest
Adoption plot of PT Bio Farma (Persero) in Buru Masigit Kareumbi Park amounted to
Rp28,318,422,- (twenty-eight million three hundred eighteen thousand four hundred twenty-two
rupiah). This value is obtained from the amount of CO
absorption multiplied by the
predetermined carbon price ($4.57). This value shows that forests have considerable
environmental service value economically. Caring for and maintaining forests so that they are not
degraded is very important so that forests can always produce environmental services for human
PT Bio Farma (Persero) forest adoption plot in Taman Buru Masigit Kareumbi has carbon
stocks of 134,095 tons, while CO
absorption value is 418,464 tons / hectare / year, and O
production value is 358,0,33 tons / hectare / year. The amount of carbon stocks, CO
and O
production fall into the large category. If evaluated, the Forest Adoption plot of PT Bio
Farma (Persero) has a carbon sequestration value of Rp28,318,422 (twenty-eight million three
hundred eighteen thousand four hundred twenty-two rupiah).
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