Analysis of The Performance Model Of Air Traffic Controllers (ATC) at Airnav Indonesia Balikpapan
Return: Study of Management, Economic and Bussines, Vol. 2 (6), June 2023
satisfaction will indirectly improve employee performance.
Based on the conditions of the respondents, it is known that compensation can create
attachment or engagement to the Air Traffic Controller (ATC) at Airnav Indonesia
Balikpapan branch. From the answers given by respondents, it can be seen that the financial
compensation received is on time and the benefits received are needed to meet the needs of
employees, this means that this compensation indicator has been running quite well among
Air Traffic Controllers (ATC) at Airnav Indonesia Balikpapan branch so that it can continue
to be improved and always maintained, but related to fairness in providing salaries between
divisions is still a point Important that needs to be considered by Airnav Indonesia
Management is financial compensation in the form of equal wages in accordance with the
duties and responsibilities of workers.
4. Career Development has a significant positive effect on Employee engagement Air
Traffic Controller (ATC) at Airnav Indonesia Balikpapan branch
Career development has a positive and significant influence on Employee engagement
Air Traffic Controller (ATC) at Airnav Indonesia Balikpapan branch. Based on the results
of descriptive research shows that all career development indicators, namely fair treatment
in career, direct supervisor care, information about promotion opportunities, the existence of
minants for promotion and the level of satisfaction possessed by Air Traffic Controller
(ATC) at Airnav Indonesia Balikpapan branch have great potential in generating better
employee engagement in Air Traffic Controller (ATC) at Airnav Indonesia Balikpapan
branch. In addition, it is supported by the results of the significance test which states the
influence between career development on Employee engagement Air Traffic Controller
(ATC) at Airnav Indonesia Balikpapan branch.
The theory states that career development is an effort made by companies to plan the
careers of their employees, consisting of career management, including planning,
implementing, and supervising careers. Career development is expected by every employee
and it will motivate employees to work well in its implementation, career development is
more inclined as the implementation of career planning. Handoko in (Sinambela, 2018) said
career development is a personal improvement made by a person to achieve the desired
career plan, on the other hand Mondy (2005) suggests that career development is a series of
activities to prepare an employee for planned career advancement. Poltak and Sinambela
(2019) suggest that in career development there are things that need to be considered,
namely: work has a very significant influence on career development if every day work
presents different challenges, then the things learned on the job will be far more important
than formal development activities. The form of skill development required, determined by
specific job demand, for example, to become a supervisor, the skills needed must be different
from the skills to become a manager;.
If a person acquires the skills needed to perform the job, if the demands are further
developed, then a person who already has the required skills is given a new job according to
the skills he already has, in this case the time required for development can be minimized by
identifying a rational series of individual job placements. Career development through
promotion for employees is something that is highly expected by every employee. Promotion
is a transfer that can enlarge the power or authority and responsibility of an employee to a
higher position in an organization so that obligations, rights, status, and income will increase
as well. With the promotion of trust and recognition of the ability and ability of employees
to occupy higher positions.
This condition is in accordance with research conducted by Robianto et, al (2019)
which states that career development, compensation, work environment and satisfaction have
a positive and significant effect on work engagement in Bukittinggi City Government
Employees. So that employees will believe that with the development of karia, the
relationship between employees is more pleasant and results in a better working atmosphere
in a company organization. This study explains that the higher a person's career development,