The Effect of Taxpayer Awareness, Tax Sanctions And Tax Knowledge On Individual Taxpayer
Compliance In Tangerang City With Tax Socialization As A Moderation Variable
Return: Study of Management, Economic and Bussines, Vol. 2 (6), June 2023
community is more obedient to taxation.
Based on the data above, it can be concluded that individual taxpayer compliance is very
important to support the increase in state revenue from the tax sector as evidenced by the PPS
program. The government noted that in Policy I there were 82,456 registered certificates,
consisting of 4,067 parcels belonging to corporate taxpayers and 78,389 sukets belonging to
individual taxpayers. In Policy II, which is only for mandatory private persons, in fact, the number
is much more, it can almost reach as many as 225,603 packages
( perusahaan-
relatif-bersih-orang-pribadi-masih-jadi-pr). Based on the article, it can be seen that many
individual taxpayers are not compliant because it is found that many individual taxpayers have
apparently participated in the TA program who are now also participating in the PPS program.
Based on these data, it can be concluded that taxpayer compliance is very important, especially
individual taxpayers. This is the reason researchers conducted research on taxpayer compliance,
where someone can comply with taxpayers because there is a TA or PPS program only. In
accordance with the attribution theory that researchers will use, that is because there are certain
factors or impulses that make someone motivated to do this.
Taxpayer awareness can influence a person to comply with his obligations. Tax awareness
is a condition of someone who knows and understands taxes well. Government regulations and
tax socialization will move people to comply with their taxpayer obligations and make people
aware of their obligations. However, it is not easy to influence public awareness in paying taxes,
especially for taxable entrepreneurs to be obedient in paying taxes. There are still many
entrepreneurs who do not have an NPWP, because people consider that making an NPWP is very
difficult, or there are entrepreneurs who already have an NPWP but do not pay their tax
obligations, because these entrepreneurs consider that paying taxes will reduce income.
Therefore, researchers want to test whether with the new regulations in force today, increasingly
modern tax socialization by utilizing social media and the increase in income levels (UMR) at
this time the awareness of individual taxpayers is still low or has increased. Research results from
(Pravasanti & Pratiwi, 2021; Putra & Setiawan, 2020; Subarkah & Dewi, 2017; Yayuk et al.,
2017) shows that taxpayer awareness has a positive effect on taxpayer compliance while the
results of research from (Atarwaman, 2020; Nugroho et al., 2016; Wenny, 2022) shows that
taxpayer awareness has no effect on taxpayer compliance. There are inconsistencies in previous
test results, prompting researchers to retest with tax sanction variables on taxpayer compliance.
To be able to create taxpayers who comply with their obligations, it is also very important
that there are sanctions in taxes. With this tax sanction, the level of compliance of taxpayers will
be higher. Tax sanctions violated by taxpayers will make themselves a lot of harm. Sanctions for
people who are negligent in carrying out tax obligations can be in the form of administrative
sanctions or criminal sanctions. There are many new regulations regarding taxation and strict
sanctions for negligent taxpayers make researchers interested in researching research on these tax
sanctions. It is expected that with the new regulations and strict sanctions, Individual Taxpayer
Compliance will increase. Research results from (Ali et al., 2020; Atarwaman, 2020; Dewi et al., 2021;
Kurniawan & Daito, 2021; Lesmana & Setyadi, 2020; Septyana & Suprasto, 2019) shows that tax
sanctions have a positive effect on taxpayer compliance while the results of research from (Anggini
et al., 2021; Bt Yunus & Bt Ramli, 2017; Situmorang et al., 2019) shows that tax sanctions have no
effect on taxpayer compliance. Inconsistencies from the results of previous studies make
researchers interested in retesting this tax sanction variable.
Sufficient tax knowledge is also an important factor for the Indonesian government in order
to improve taxpayer compliance, especially having knowledge about a good and correct tax
collection system. The tax collection system is a very important element in creating a successful
tax collection. There are three types of tax collection systems, namely self assessment system,
official assessment system, and withholding system. The tax collection system in Indonesia is a
self-assessment system. The implementation of this self-assessment system is required so that
taxpayers can be active starting from registering, filling out SPT (Notification Letter) to reporting
their own tax obligations properly, correctly, and especially honestly. Therefore, the need for tax