Ki Hajar Dewantoro's Tri Nga Concept In Learning The Macapat Song To Aba Ngabean 2 Kindergarten
37 Return: Study of Management, Economic and Bussines, Vol(2), Oct 2022
Learning in the classroom can be done with many methods of providing information
to children. The learning process of children, especially the process of learning activities at
school is one way to improve the quality of children's abilities from various aspects, namely
aspects of child development (Aprianti & Sugito, 2022). For early childhood, the preferred
method is learning by playing, singing, and dancing approaches. Children still find it difficult
to participate in formal learning activities. For this reason, children learn through playing,
singing, role-playing, and storytelling activities (Bujuri, 2018). This activity makes children
happy and can increase their talents and interests.
Learning with this cultural approach is well known, especially for educators in the city
of Yogyakarta. Developing children's learning competencies can be carried out through the
use of effective media, one of which is through playing from a cultural perspective (African,
2018). Preserving local culture is highly recommended by the education office in this student
city. Learning activities based on the culture that is often found are traditional games, dances,
and children's play songs.
There are eleven kinds of macapat songs, each of which has a different structure,
meaning, and function. The eleven songs included in the sekar macapat are songs; pocung,
maskumambang, gambuh, megatruh, mijil, kinanthi, pangkur, durma, asramadhana, sinom
and dhandhanggula (Afrizal & wayan Letreng, 2021). Salah Tembang macapat is a song in
Javanese which has a variety of different meanings and is easy to understand. Macapat
learning is a form of appreciation, preservation, development, and inheritance of Indonesian
culture (Arisyanto, Prasetyo, Untari, & Sundari, 2021). The macapat songs used in the
character education approach are Gambuh, Mijil, and Dandanggula (Rochadiana, Narimo,
Prastiwi, & Rahmawati, 2022). Macapat song activities have not been widely taught in early
childhood education. Therefore, researchers need to observe the implementation of the
macapat song that can be done for early childhood, especially in TK ABA Ngabean 2.
This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method that was carried out in TK
ABA Ngabean 2 with data collection techniques through observation, documentation, and
interviews. This research was conducted by collecting data from three sources, namely
teachers, school principals, and children's parents. Observations were carried out for one
semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. The method used in the implementation process of
this macapat song is using the Tri Ngo approach, the idea of Ki Hajar Dewantara which has
three abbreviations, namely Ngerti (understand), Ngrasa (feel), and Nglakoni (do)
(Wulandari, Murwaningsih, & Marmoah, 2020). The concept of learning from Ki Hadjar
Dewantara which means learning awareness of students to understand (understand) what
students are learning, then feel or internalize what they have learned into their hearts as a
form of learning outcomes (grass), after that implement student learning outcomes in the
classroom. in real life (nglakoni) (Kuswandi et al., 2021).
Implementation of macapat songs in children
An early childhood education institution in Kapanewon Tempel, Sleman Regency,
there is one school that received the title of an innovation school in Sleman and is a core