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Ad Dieni Maulana Rizka
, Joko pamungkas
, Septika Cahya Rahmawati
, Erina Putri
Yogyakarta State Universi
, joko_pamungkas@uny.ac.id
, septikacahya.2021@student.
October 2022
October 2022
October 2022
Background: Good citizens are people who want to continue the heritage
culture of their ancestors. Cultural values are very useful for life in the
Aim: This study aims to find out how the implementation of the macapat
song through the Tri Nga Ki Hajar Dewantara approach for early childhood
in TK ABA Ngabean 2.
Method: The implementation method used is a descriptive qualitative
approach with data collection techniques through observation,
documentation, and interviews.
Findings: An early childhood education institution in Kapanewon Tempel,
Sleman Regency, there is one school that received the title of an innovation
school in Sleman and is a core PAUD and Aisyiyah Pilot Kindergarten in
Macapat Song, Tri Nga, Children's Culture
Good citizens are people who want to continue the heritage culture of their ancestors.
Cultural values are very useful for life in the future. Cultural values themselves are something
the form of values that have been embedded and agreed upon by the community in the form
of habits as a form of behavior.
To something before or before it happens. Education must be given as early as
possible as a form of habituation and from these habits, the character is formed (Anto &
Anita, 2019). Early childhood education, can be the basis of the foundation for preparing
children's character. Habituation by practicing the values of everyday life in children,
(Istiqomah & Maemonah, 2022). is one form of improving the quality of education.
According to Ki Hajar Dewantara, culture is a nation's cultural process, which must be
recognized as early as possible (JPAU Dini, 2021). He also revealed that the task of
educational institutions is not only to teach people to be smart and clever in knowledge but to
educate means to demand the growth of character in life so that they become civilized and
ethical human beings by knowing, feeling, and carrying out their knowledge (Wijayanti &
Ernawati, 2021). Introduction to culture in today's easy. There needs to be innovation and
creativity from educators to be able to introduce culture to millennial generation children. So,
this is a challenge for educators to continue trying to develop cultural activities in PAUD
Ki Hajar Dewantoro's Tri Nga Concept In Learning The Macapat Song To Aba Ngabean 2 Kindergarten
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Learning in the classroom can be done with many methods of providing information
to children. The learning process of children, especially the process of learning activities at
school is one way to improve the quality of children's abilities from various aspects, namely
aspects of child development (Aprianti & Sugito, 2022). For early childhood, the preferred
method is learning by playing, singing, and dancing approaches. Children still find it difficult
to participate in formal learning activities. For this reason, children learn through playing,
singing, role-playing, and storytelling activities (Bujuri, 2018). This activity makes children
happy and can increase their talents and interests.
Learning with this cultural approach is well known, especially for educators in the city
of Yogyakarta. Developing children's learning competencies can be carried out through the
use of effective media, one of which is through playing from a cultural perspective (African,
2018). Preserving local culture is highly recommended by the education office in this student
city. Learning activities based on the culture that is often found are traditional games, dances,
and children's play songs.
There are eleven kinds of macapat songs, each of which has a different structure,
meaning, and function. The eleven songs included in the sekar macapat are songs; pocung,
maskumambang, gambuh, megatruh, mijil, kinanthi, pangkur, durma, asramadhana, sinom
and dhandhanggula (Afrizal & wayan Letreng, 2021). Salah Tembang macapat is a song in
Javanese which has a variety of different meanings and is easy to understand. Macapat
learning is a form of appreciation, preservation, development, and inheritance of Indonesian
culture (Arisyanto, Prasetyo, Untari, & Sundari, 2021). The macapat songs used in the
character education approach are Gambuh, Mijil, and Dandanggula (Rochadiana, Narimo,
Prastiwi, & Rahmawati, 2022). Macapat song activities have not been widely taught in early
childhood education. Therefore, researchers need to observe the implementation of the
macapat song that can be done for early childhood, especially in TK ABA Ngabean 2.
This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method that was carried out in TK
ABA Ngabean 2 with data collection techniques through observation, documentation, and
interviews. This research was conducted by collecting data from three sources, namely
teachers, school principals, and children's parents. Observations were carried out for one
semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. The method used in the implementation process of
this macapat song is using the Tri Ngo approach, the idea of Ki Hajar Dewantara which has
three abbreviations, namely Ngerti (understand), Ngrasa (feel), and Nglakoni (do)
(Wulandari, Murwaningsih, & Marmoah, 2020). The concept of learning from Ki Hadjar
Dewantara which means learning awareness of students to understand (understand) what
students are learning, then feel or internalize what they have learned into their hearts as a
form of learning outcomes (grass), after that implement student learning outcomes in the
classroom. in real life (nglakoni) (Kuswandi et al., 2021).
Implementation of macapat songs in children
An early childhood education institution in Kapanewon Tempel, Sleman Regency,
there is one school that received the title of an innovation school in Sleman and is a core
Ki Hajar Dewantoro's Tri Nga Concept In Learning The Macapat Song To Aba Ngabean 2 Kindergarten
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PAUD and Aisyiyah Pilot Kindergarten in Kapanewon. The institution is TK ABA Ngabean
2 with three classroom teachers, one assistant teacher, the principal, and two education staff.
The school was ranked third in the innovation competition in the Sleman district. The
curriculum used in the kindergarten is an independent learning curriculum and uses a center-
based learning model equipped with a STEAM approach and loose parts media and is
supported by an innovation program. One of the innovations made in children's learning
activities is to include activities with local culture as children's learning media.
Cultural activities are taught during learning activities, one of which is the macapat song.
This macapat song introduction activity. The introduction of this macapat song begins with
the teacher introducing it in one class, namely in group A. The teacher tries to introduce
children to the macapat song "Gambuh".
The introduction of the Gambuh song, after being tried, was immediately taught to
children, it turned out that the children were not interested and did not want to take part in
this macapat cutting. Then the introduction of the macapat song "Pocung" is carried out again
with a guess or bedhikan clothing. This macapat song was chosen during the activity with the
theme of learning to know water. Clenching is a traditional tool made of clay to collect water.
Here is Pocung's macapat song with bedhikan klenthing.
The introduction of the Pocung macapat song with bedhikan clenching is done by the teacher
giving examples and interpreting the lembang first. This song is on the theme of learning. It
turns out that children are more receptive and willing to follow directions from the teacher.
At the beginning of this introduction, the teacher sings a song to the child with a clear voice
and pronunciation by giving movement. Then the teacher provides opportunities for children
to ask questions and discuss. When children are invited to discuss anything they want to ask.
Then a child asked the following:
Besides that, someone asked what kuwaya was, and the teacher answered that kuwaya
means water. Then the child asked again what is the meaning of this song because there is a
source of air and air. After that, the teacher interprets the Pocung song, each line is
interpreted. At this stage, the teacher invites children to make agreed movements so that it
can make it easier for children to remember and understand the lyrics of each word of the
song. This stage is a collaboration of children and teachers in carrying out activities. Because
in education, collaboration is one way to improve the quality of education (Mariamah,
Bachtiar, & Indrawati, 2021).
The teacher performs movements and songs and practices in front of the class. Then
the children are asked questions about what guesses are in the song. It turned out that the
children's answers varied greatly. The objects for taking water according to the song above
according to the children are ciduk (dipper), glasses, kettles, pots, buckets, bottles, and bowls.
None of the children's answers are correct. Then the teacher answered that the song meant
planting. Children are confused because they have never seen or heard the word. Then the
teacher gives a picture and shows the planting picture to the child.
Thus, children are willing to receive information about planting and this song is sung
during the theme. In addition to every class, the teacher also teaches macapat songs so that all
teachers can do it in class. In addition, children are also invited to perform macapat songs
before entering class during public activities by all students at ABA Ngabean 2 Kindergarten
by singing along with their movements. Based on interviews with the children's parents,
Ki Hajar Dewantoro's Tri Nga Concept In Learning The Macapat Song To Aba Ngabean 2 Kindergarten
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when they were at home, the children often sang the macapat song. This means that children
have started to like songs by singing everywhere. Not only at school, but also at home with
parents and family.
On another theme, the teacher also introduced the Pocung song with elephant bedhikan on the
animal theme, a sub-theme of elephants. The implementation of the Pocung bedhikan Gajah
song is carried out using the same method, namely to guess the apperception towards the
elephant theme. The song is as follows.
In the Pocug song, the child knows about the size of a large elephant, and first having an
elephant is a great person like the regent. In addition, the elephant has a long nose and when
walking, the elephant's nose can wave.
Learning the macapat song is a form of appreciation, preservation, development, and
inheritance of Indonesian culture. In addition, macapat songs can also strengthen the
character education process, because macapat is a form of literary work that can be used to
provide moral teaching to children (Wahid & Saddhono, 2017).
Figure 1. Teacher teaches song
bastard in class
Figure 2. The child is singing pocung in front of a
Figure 3. The teacher invites the inner Pocung song
general class before learning
Introducing culture to children is not easy. need to adjust from the original culture
with the existence of children who are still innocent and do not know many things. This
adjustment is done by looking at the characteristics of the child. Where childhood is the
fastest time to receive information and also imitate new things (Jurnal Pendidikan Anak Usia
Dini, 2022). In this study, the researcher conducted an implementation analysis using the
explanation from the father of Indonesian education, namely Tri Nga. The following is an
analysis of the results of observations of activities at TK ABA Ngabean 2 Kapanewon
Tempel, Sleman district.
Ki Hajar Dewantoro's Tri Nga Concept In Learning The Macapat Song To Aba Ngabean 2 Kindergarten
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1. Got it
The word understand is in the Javanese language the word understands. In this case, learning
in the classroom, children need to be given an understanding of the material to be delivered.
Applying the macapat song in playing and learning activities in the classroom according to Ki
Hajar Dewanatara's point of view about Tri Nga in the Understanding section, namely when
the teacher provides understanding, examples, and meaning of the macapat song to children.
It can be seen that the ambush and pocung songs with two different methods give different
results. In the ambush approach, the teacher only teaches the macapat song by singing in
front of the children and then being asked to imitate it, it turns out that the child does not
want to receive information or knowledge easily. Therefore, in the Pocung song, the teacher
informs in advance as an initial approach to starting the introduction of this macapat song.
Adapting the song to the theme in class is the right idea to make it easier for children
to know the meaning of the song. On the same theme, children's insight will be much wider
and cornered in one direction of the subject. In this case, the enthusiasm of children in
participating in activities is higher than using a theme in their introduction.
In addition to providing examples and adjustments to the theme, interpreting songs in
easy language makes children new words that are easy to remember and meaningful for
2. Feel
The introduction of the macapat song with an explanation from the teacher alone is not
enough to determine the understanding of the child. Children can't understand this macapat
song by asking and answering questions and discussing the macapat song. In the Pocung
bedhikan clenching song, the child answered the question that from the song there was a
guess about the container to take the water. Then the child gave a variety of answers. That is,
children can understand the game or the flow of the activity in question. Children can also
explore the knowledge they have about water reservoirs. All of the children's answers are
correct. That the dipper is also a container of water, as well as the other answers. However, in
the context of this pocung song, the correct answer is planting. Therefore, children must be
able to feel first from the answers by finding out the answers themselves and telling friends
so that learning becomes more meaningful. Doing an activity meaningfully will make it easy
to carry out the activity.
3. Do it
After the child can know and feel what will be done, then the child will be easier to
follow the directions of the teacher. At this stage of playing, the child sings and moves songs
from the Pocung macapat song as in the movement above. This activity can be done
repeatedly. At this stage, the teacher can evaluate the understanding and pronunciation of the
Javanese language in children. In addition, the teacher can also determine the child's ability to
sing. Because children's intelligence is not only about knowledge, but also intelligence in
children's talents and interests such as singing, dancing, and other things that can be
Activities in the Nglakoni process, according to the explanation above, it has been
mentioned that children also sing songs at home. Therefore, parents also need to be invited to
cooperate in carrying out learning activities at school. Besides being able to sing in front of
their parents, children are also asked to come forward in front of the class to sing the pocong
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song themselves. This can increase the child's confidence level. The following is a diagram of
Tri Nga's analysis of the implementation of the macapat song in TK ABA Ngabean 2
Figure 1. Implication Diagram of the Macapat Song with the Tri Nga Method
The implementation of macapat songs in classroom learning is easier to do by using
the method from the idea of the father of Indonesian education, namely Ki Hajar Dewantara,
namely Tri Nga. The method is that the teacher can provide examples and understanding of
the macapat song that is used to be understood by the child (understand), then the child can
ask questions and discuss with classmates (grass), and the child will practice by doing the
numbing or singing the macapat song that has been prepared. taught by the teacher
(Nglakoni). This method can have a positive impact on six aspects of early childhood
development. The Pocung macapat song can be applied in PAUD institutions by adjusting to
the learning theme. The implementation of the macapat song can still be further developed by
adjusting the characteristics and rules of learning in the classroom.
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