E-ISSN: 2963-3699
P-ISSN: 2964-0121
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Eileen Nathania
, Mirwan Surya Perdhana
Faculty of Economics and Business Diponegoro University, Semarang, Indonesia
, mirwan@live.undip.ac.id
Communication problems are still the main thing in carrying out the company's strategy. This is a
challenge for farmers to build good relationships and relationships with partners who are partners in
cooperation in the livestock sector. There is no research related to the relationship between companies
and companies in Central Java and qualitative research, so it is necessary to conduct this research So this
study also analyzes what is carried out where companies must have character, trust (with mutual trust),
open communication, be fair and dare to take risks. Therefore, this study aims to fill the gap / gap of
previous research related to the topics previously described. The research method used is qualitative
research method. This research approach uses phenomenological methods. The study was conducted in
the close farm area of broiler chickens spread across Central Java and samples of 7 chicken coops to
represent the Central Java area. Based on the experience of 7 Saorce Person, the majority of decisions to
cooperate with companies are due to direct interaction communication from the company (Interactive
Communication). Communication is carried out formally at the cooperation agreement stage at the
beginning before joining the partnership. When there is a problem during the cooperation period, the
majority of farmers understand and seek solutions together with the company. The beliefs of each
resource person vary based on each individual's experience. There are resource persons who believe in
the company because of the company's image, trust the company because of closeness or Personal Bound
with Area managers / Supervisors / Staff.
Keywords: Communication Improvement Strategies; Supply Chain; Boiler Chicken Farmer
Based on the Central Bureau of Statistics (BPS, 2020) production of purebred chicken meat
in Central Java province amounted to 681,384 tons per year. The high production of purebred
chickens supports the attractiveness of partners who want to join a broiler yam flavored livestock
service provider company. With so many enthusiasts to establish a modern cage, the partner
carries out a contract farming system or animal husbandry that is carried out contractually within
a certain period of time. This system aims to prevent food safety risks to consumers. In developing
countries, of course, it has a high enough potential to develop a contract farm system. This system
will expand market share because it can produce a larger number of boiler chickens (Wang et al.,
The advantage of a contract farming system is that it can get leading services directly in
terms of technology. A good relationship between partners will improve the performance of the
alliance. The agricultural sector certainly collaborates a lot with farmers (Trebbin, 2014). The
close farm contract system for broiler chickens makes the farmer very dependent on the company.
To improve the harmony of relations between farmers and companies, good communication is
needed in the long term because basically the broiler chicken close farm business cannot be
separated from the risks that occur such as production selling prices, weather changes during
production which have an impact on decreasing production. Supply chains in livestock such as
meat farmers, egg farmers, feed and finished products / waste (Manning et al., 2007).
Communication problems are still the main thing in carrying out the company's strategy.
This is a challenge for farmers to build good relationships and relationships with partners who are
partners in cooperation in the livestock sector. The problem experienced between the two is
generally the level of trust and commitment. Organizational relationships are expected to run both
formally and informally (Cao & Lumineau, 2015). Therefore, the company is required to be able
to follow a good communication flow. This is due to the lack of views on the perspective from
the company's side with farmers in quantitative studies.
Strategy To Improve Communication Between Farmers And Companies In The Boiler Chicken Supply
Return: Study of Management, Economic and Bussines, Vol. 2 (7), July 2023
There is no research related to the relationship between companies and companies in
Central Java and qualitative research, so this research needs to be carried out. Based on previous
research conducted by Ridwan (2015) about the pros and cons of Contract Farming partnerships
in broiler chicken agribusiness in South Sulawesi, from the results of his research it was found
that farmers only understand the limited procedures for enforcement before to after production,
the productivity of cultivation activities which is illustrated by one of the indicators, namely FCR
(Feed Conversion Ratio) as well as profit sharing that is highly dependent on partners. Here the
breeder has a very weak strength. So this study also analyzes what is carried out where companies
must have character, trust (with mutual trust), open communication, be fair and dare to take risks.
Therefore, this study aims to fill the gap / gap of previous research related to the topics previously
Broiler Chicken Industry With Closed House System
In the broiler farming industry, broiler chickens have 2 types of cages, namely cages that are open
/ open house and cages that are closed / closed house. A close house cage is a cage with a closed
system where the cage has a regulation of temperature, humidity, wind speed and light entering
the cage. In the close house cage, broiler chickens are designed with conditions as comfortable
as possible so that broiler chickens can develop optimally and avoid stress. This cage system is
set with a lower temperature inside the cage than outside the cage (Parkhurst et al., 1988). The
production of broilers otherwise known as broiler chickens involves rearing. Maintenance in the
form of feeding, drugs and vitamins. There are 3 important factors in running the broiler chicken
industry, namely timely feeding, good management and sanitation.
Broiler Chicken Partnership
Partnership is a business that is carried out in collaboration between farmers and companies
that act as service providers with the aim of developing and providing guidance to farmers.
Partnership has the principle that both parties can benefit each other according to Yuli an i, (2004)
in (Raharjo & Ir Herrukmi Septa Rinawati, 2019). The broiler chicken partnership or known as broiler
chicken has been implemented in Indonesia since 1984 and regulated in the Decree of the Minister
of Agriculture. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 13/Permentan/Pk.240/5/2017 that livestock business partnerships are
cooperation between livestock businesses based on the principles of mutual need, strengthening,
benefit, respect, responsibility, and dependence. Farmer is an individual Indonesian citizen /
corporation who conducts livestock business. A livestock company is an individual or corporation
in the form of a legal entity or not established and domiciled in the territory of the Unitary State
of the Republic of Indonesia that manages livestock businesses with certain criteria and scales.
Companies that cooperate with farmers are responsible for providing chicken breeds / DOC
(Day Old Chick), drugs, vaccines needed during the chicken rearing period and feed. In general,
farmers who run a close farm system use a plasma core pattern where the relationship between
livestock companies and / or companies in other fields as the core and breeders as plasma.
Business to Business / B2B
Business to business atau b2b adalah pasar bisnis telah didefinisikan untuk mencakup:
organisasi yang membeli produk dan jasa yang digunakan untuk memproduksi produk lain dan
jasa yang ditawarkan kepada pihak lain (Zimmerman & Blythe, 2017). The market share of this
business consists of all organizations that provide goods and services (Kotler & Keller, 2016). It
can be interpreted that all organizations produce goods and services that will later be traded to
business customers or retailers with the aim of being reused which will later be traded to
customers. This business can certainly run because of the partners who work together. The factors
that affect the course of B2B are as follows (Lostakova & Pecinova, 2014).
a. Organizational behavior that provides human resources to serve the partnership.
b. Supplier-Customer Relationship.
c. The existence of certain activities organized by organizations / companies with partnerships.
d. Supplier flexibility in serving customers.
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The business to business (b2b) transaction process involves partnerships, governments,
manufacturers (service providers) and institutions.
Factors Affecting Success In Corporate Alliances
Consumer satisfaction based on a psychological approach according to Oliver, (2010) in
(Aliman & Mohamad, 2016). Satisfaction is the response from consumers from the assessment of a
product / service offered. Consumers certainly have their own standards for a product / service.
Standards can come from previous experience and diverse sources of information. The breeder
trusts the company. To increase trust in consumers, of course, it is necessary to do relationship
management or known as relationship management. When a company cannot implement the right
strategy to get the hearts of consumers, then cooperation between the two parties is carried out.
The company is required to maintain a good name during the cooperation period. The goal is not
to have an unpleasant experience and be felt by consumers. Consumers who enter into a certain
transaction against the company certainly have an assumption that consumers will get something
from the company that offers products / services (Ghafouri & Weber, 2020). The key to movement
and maintaining relationships with consumers is that companies see consumers as human beings
who have minds, hearts and spirits.
Constumer Satification
In running a business, consumers are the main key. Consumer satisfaction / customer
satification is described as an overall evaluation of total purchases and customer experience in
consuming a good or service (Khadka & Maharjan, 2017). Consumer satisfaction can be said to be
an important component in business strategy and the repetition by consumers of the purchase of
goods or services. In analyzing consumer satisfaction, there are several stages of analysis models
that are adjusted by Tao (2014), The law of the management triangle describes customer
relationships where customer satisfaction correlates negatively with customer expectations.
Customer satisfaction does not only depend on the quality of service provided by the company
but also based on the perception of each different consumer. This difference in perception is
compared between individuals with each other so that companies can find a certain assessment
(Tao, 2014).
Trust is a belief from a second/third party to what the first party can rely on (Arnott, 2007).
Trust can be built in the form of relationships between suppliers and consumers in terms of
business transactions. In addition, there is honesty and openness between the two parties so that
it will affect the development of the level of trust of people in other people / organizations (Dowell
et al., 2013). It can be said that trust is a very broad concept because it will have an impact on the
micro (individual) and macro (company) levels (Dowell et al., 2013). Trust can be said to be the
glue that holds together relationships that are collaborative and as a determinant in the success of
a relationship. So the farmer can trust the company because the company is able to build trust that
can be accounted for (Salam, 2017).
The method to be used in this research based on the formulation of existing problems in
the research question is qualitative research method. This research approach uses
phenomenological methods. This method is part of qualitative research. This research will focus
on the deserted resource persons, namely farmers who run partnerships with the closefarm system
in Central Java. With this phenomenological approach, it will direct the resource person to events
that occur in the environment where the source is located so that the researcher will know the
opinions expressed by the source. In addition, it also allows researchers to find out the perceptions
of the sources studied without interfering with previous opinions so that it will make it easier for
researchers to focus on perceptions of the sources.
Strategy To Improve Communication Between Farmers And Companies In The Boiler Chicken Supply
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The study was conducted in a broiler chicken coop with a close farm system in Central
Java. Before the research was carried out with prior permits for farmers who carried out a close
farm contract system with broiler chicken rearing service providers in the Central Java area. The
sample used was between 7 samples to represent the population in Central Java. In this study,
researchers will involve 3 farmer partners and 1 manager from service provider companies. The
purpose of data triangulation is to strengthen qualitative research. In this study using interviews
to resource persons directly (face-to-face) or indirectly (via telephone or video call). The research
was conducted by visiting resource persons (broiler chicken farmer business owners or broiler
chicken coop heads) in accordance with a mutually agreed time or conducting interviews outside
the work area. The interview process is carried out with a tool, namely a questionnaire. The study
was conducted in the close farm area of broiler chickens spread across Central Java and samples
of 7 chicken coops to represent the Central Java area. The questionnaire serves as a list of
questions asked to the interviewee. After the interview, data will be obtained in the form of video
or audio. The recording results will be given a uniform format with the aim of preventing data
Saorce Person (NP 01)
According to NP 01 that to choose a partnership it will be easier if you know in advance
with people who can be trusted and can hold responsibility if there are certain obstacles during
the cooperation period. However, due to the fairly smooth communication between the Central
Java Area Manager and the Supervisor of PT. Unggas Baik that makes NP 01 feel comfortable
and continues to this day. From questions related to communication, researchers summarized the
results of the interview with several keywords.
Table 1
Codes Communication Dimension of Resource Person 01
Dimension 1 : Communication
Quick response
Internal relations
Total codes = 3
Saorce Person 02 (NP 02)
In communication, PT. Partnering Together rarely visits his kennel and only exchanges
information via phone / whatsapp. However, this is not a problem for NP 02. Because all
operations in the cage must be mastered by the owner. According to NP 02, during the cooperation
process, there has been no obstacle. The delivery of information such as DOC (Day Old Chic)
shipments, medicines and vaccines is always informed. Some of the findings of the research
results from NP 02 are as follows
Table 2
Codes Communication Dimension Resource Person 02
Dimension 1: Communication
Recommendations of relatives
Quick response
Total codes = 2
Saorce Person 03 (NP 03)
According to NP 03, communication will be smoother if you get to know the
Manager/Supervisor / Staff of a company. By exchanging information with PT. Sumber Jaya is
very good. With PT. Bermitra Bersama resource persons feels comfortable because there are
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frequent field visits carried out approximately 2-3 times a week. The openness of NP 03 makes
this study successful in answering the questions asked by researchers.
Table 3
Codes Communication Dimensions of Resource Persons 03
Dimension 1 : Communication
Internal Relationship
Company reputation
Total codes = 4
Saorce Person 04 (NP 04)
Until now the Supervisor of PT. Bermitra Bersama always visits NP 04's kennel and
exchanges information quite often. After running the cooperation for 2 years, finally NP 04
ventured to expand again by adding 1 cage in the same city and not far away. However, PT.
Bermitra Bersama communication has a major impact on NP 04 in terms of performance and
revenue. PT. Sumber Jaya never makes periodic visits and rarely communicates with NP 04.
Table 4
Codes Communication Dimensions of Resource Persons 04
Dimension 1 : Communication
Communication frequency
Internal Relationship
Total codes = 3
Saorce Person 05 (NP 05)
If NP 05 asks about the disbursement of harvest funds, it is always responded well and
payments are always on time. If the Supervisor / Staff has difficulty coming to the cage owned
by NP 05, communication is made via telephone / whatsapp and asks to send a report in the form
of photos and videos. Although initially cooperating with PT. Unggas Baik did not know its
employees at all, but according to NP 05, communication continued well and experienced
closeness during the cooperation period.
Table 5 Codes Communication Dimensions of Resource Persons 05
Dimension 1 : Communication
Customer response
Total codes = 2
Saorce Person 06 (NP 06)
Communication with PT. Unggas Baik runs smoothly compared to PT. Bermitra Bersama.
According to NP 06, the comparison is in stark contrast in terms of periodic cage visits,
Surpervisor & staff responses to kennel owners.
Table 6
Codes Communication Dimensions of Resource Persons 06
Dimension 1 : Communication
Speed of responding to breeders
Respon terhadap pelanggan
Total codes = 2
Strategy To Improve Communication Between Farmers And Companies In The Boiler Chicken Supply
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Saorce Person 07 (NP 07)
Based on the experience of NP 04, communication is quite good and smooth. In terms of
shipping goods, medicines, vaccines, the harvest time is also very smooth. So far there are no
problems with PT. Bermitra Bersama. From the results of the interview, the researcher got
answers according to the questions asked.
Table 7
Codes Dimensions of Resource Person Communication 07
Dimension 1 : Communication
Customer response
Total codes = 2
Farmer's Positive Response to Communication
NP 01 resource person, he never moved for 4.5 years because before building the cage he
was quite close to the Central Java Area Manager. NP 01 says as follows :
From the beginning, it has chosen PT. Unggas Baik because it was inspired by the Central Java
area manager so we were encouraged to join. For 4.5 years this has never moved. Survive because
in my opinion and the owner. It is true that other partners are better when compared to PT. Poultry
is good. But if you follow other places, the result is also the same
The same thing was also felt by the NP 07 source that he said that the owner of the cage
still joined PT. Unggas Baik and stayed with the company because it was too comfortable with
the company.
The NP 02 resource person said as follows :
There are obstacles because we are on a long contract because there is help, so we are
contracted for 15 years. So this is what makes us unable to move around. There are obstacles
because we are on a long contract because there is help, so we are contracted for 15 years. So
this is what makes us unable to move around.”
Negative Response of Farmers to Communication
Of the 7 speakers interviewed by researchers, there were 3 speakers who moved to other
companies, namely NP 03, NP 04 and NP 06.
NP 03 always communicates directly or by telephone with the area manager of the company PT
Sido Jaya. Here is the experience experienced by NP 03:
First time same PT. Healthy broilers. Same PT. Healthy broilers almost 1 year (5 6 periods).
This covid condition made me want to move to PT. Bermitra Bersama. At that time PT. Healthy
Broilers are a bit rocking funding, prices are also falling. After that, there was also a change of
some employees and superiors, so I started to feel something strange. After that, I quickly
searched for information and finally moved to PT. Bermitra Bersama”.
According to NP 04, he moved because during joining 1 period (approximately 2 months)
did not get any benefits at all. This made NP 04 to change to another partnership. After running
for several years with the company concerned, he finally added 1 more cage that initially wanted
to return with PT. Unggas Baik with the hope of having 2 cages with the same partnership.
Breeder's Perception of Communication
An interesting fact was put forward by NP 04. NP 04 resource persons collaborated with 2
different partnerships, namely PT. Unggas Baik and PT. Bermitra Bersama. According to NP 04
that he survived because there were striking differences in characteristics and became their
respective characteristics. NP 04 says that:
The reason I want to work with these two partners is because these 2 partnerships have different
characteristics. I describe them one by one, mba. First, I am with PT. Unggas Baik first. PT.
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Unggas Baik directly PPL always comes at least 1 week to see my cage. Even though I have
changed PPL personnel several times, it doesn't matter to me because until now the
communication has been smooth. But so far also with PT. Bermitra Bersama is no problem. But
if the chicken is sick, we immediately contact PT. Partner Together and the doctor came right
away. Communication is also smooth. They come usually 1x per period and the rest reports are
based on calls and groups on whatsapp.
Farmer's Positive Response to Satisfaction
Farmer satisfaction is one of the important things in establishing cooperation between
companies and breeders. There is an interesting quote from NP 02 that to join one of the
companies, as a cage owner / breeder must realize that the owner will focus on visiting the cage
or just come several times in one period. Because according to NP 02 will affect the selection of
companies. Each company has its own characteristics. NP 02 says as follows :
In terms of giving recommendations to friends who like to make a chicken coop with a
partnership system, in my opinion, what should be considered is that you focus / not on the cage.
It means this, focusing in the sense that you as the owner really really knowing from beginning
to end means you can join the partnership PT. Bermitra Bersama. Especially in the area where I
am, such a remote place. Maybe the feed in the cage can be sold, the chicken can be removed by
our own employees and then sold to them. But if you don't focus on the cage, I think it's more
suitable at PT. Poultry is good. Because Suja helps in supervision. Because it's useless if you
have a cage that doesn't take care of it
In the resource persons NP 01 and 05 who joined the partnership of PT. Unggas Baik will also
recommend against such companies. This is because PT. Unggas Baik provides good service and
satisfies farmers in terms of visits to cages, good sapronak quality and timeliness in the delivery
of feed, vaccines and vitamins to support broiler chicken production.
Negative Response of Farmers to Satisfaction
The experience experienced by NP 03 who was forced to move from PT Sido Jaya due to
drastic changes to the company such as changes in the Company's Operating Standards, the
number of permanent employees who were terminated. Due to the changing condition of PT Sido
Jaya, NP 03 moved to PT. Partner together. But after moving to PT. Bermitra Bersama makes NP
03 feel that there is a significant improvement. NP 06 says as follows :
PT was previously PT. Partner together. When the cooperation was filled 9000 per cage, but
once it was also filled with 8000 heads. But to be honest to perform very, very lacking. The
performance was good in my cage when it was filled with 7000 heads. So for PT. Bermitra
Bersama I less recommend
In the next question, the researcher asked the resource person things that need to be improved by
the company to farmers.
Farmer's perception of satisfaction
For company recommendations, the majority of resource persons gave recommendations
to PT. Good Poultry which is included in the category of actively visiting the cage owned by the
resource person. In contrast to the opinion expressed by NP 02 that what needs to be improved by
the company is communication and openness of the company to farmers. According to NP 02, the
company does not accompany farmers. This is what causes farmers to have to learn self-taught
and lack of assistance from the company. The NP 02 resource person said as follows:
In terms of communication, there have been many breeders of PT. Partnering together is a lot so
automatically there is less communication. Second, PT. Bermitra Bersama makes old breeders to
"let's learn quickly" so once you get DOC whose grade is grade 2 / 3 (down) you can still exist.
Learning for breeders both for new and old breeders must have mutual openness and PT.
Partnering Together teaches lessons to farmers and provides information in subtle ways. Because
with PT. Bermitra Bersama urges farmers to learn quickly. Because the breeder's mindset is so
Strategy To Improve Communication Between Farmers And Companies In The Boiler Chicken Supply
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bad that he immediately feels "you know how come I get ugly, while other places can get good".
So the learning is more like being taught first before it is actually released and still exists. Yes,
back again that the characteristics of PT. Bermitra Bersama are farmers who are entirely running
and lack supervision .
The beliefs of each resource person vary based on their respective experiences. In uncertain
conditions such as the Covid pandemic where all aspects are affected.
NP 01: During pandemic conditions, there was 1 crop failure. This is due to restrictions on heavy
vehicle mobility during the PPKM period. As a result, the company found it difficult to carry out
the chicken harvesting process and was delayed.
NP 02: In a pandemic situation, NP 02 gets very good benefits because the production process is
carried out for 7 periods in 1 year (generally 5 periods).
NP 03: Early cooperation with PT. Sido Jaya continues to entrust the company. But by being
forced to move. This was realized by NP 03 because several times experienced setbacks in DOC
entry schedules and slow payments.
NP 04: PT. Unggas Baik has been a trust since the beginning of NP 04 joining. This is seen because
they want to add business in the same field with the same partnership but are rejected.
NP 05: The experience experienced by NP 05 during pandemic conditions was that the slow
chicken harvest was not in accordance with the predetermined schedule.
NP 06: The experience expressed by NP 06 during the pandemic is that his cage can operate as
usual despite a reduction in the population of broiler chicken production.
NP 07: Since 2016 until now it has not moved with other partnerships. NP 07 as the Head Manager
of the Cage stated that PT. Unggas Baik is one of the good partnerships and highly recommended.
Farmer's Positive Response to Trust
The covid pandemic was not a problem for the four speakers because during the covid pandemic
conditions it was felt that all parties were disadvantaged. The four sources said the same thing
that during the pandemic, farmers were supported by the company by still being allowed to
produce broiler chickens as before, which was quite helpful.
Negative Farmer Response to Trust
But behind all the good experiences and bad experiences, farmers from resource persons 03, 04
and 06 decided to move to a predetermined company. Speakers 01, 03, 04, 05, 06 and 07
experienced a reduction in the chicken population. This certainly has an impact on reducing
Farmer's perception of trust
Overall, from the experience of NP 01 and 05 resource persons who suffered considerable
losses. According to NP 01, during the covid pandemic, the company was constrained in the
process of harvesting chickens. Trust can be held if the company is still responsible and willing
to accept the risks that exist in the field.
Farms offered by companies with a contract system make farmers free to choose to
cooperate with companies that provide services. In Central Java, of course, there are widespread
broiler chicken farms with closed farms and contract systems. The condition of the chicken DOC
is alive and once lived. The development of broiler chicken population in Indonesia in the last 5
years is quite fructuative when compared to other livestock populations such as cattle, buffalo and
dairy cattle.
Based on the results of observations and interviews conducted by researchers, it was found
that each breeder has a different background. Some initially started working with companies
because it began by leasing land and equipment to the company. There are also those who directly
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build and choose with the company. But there are also those who move to other companies after
cooperating. Various kinds of decisions are made by farmers because to improve / maintain
performance and income. The relationship between companies and farmers is included in the
category of relationships between business and business or known as B2B (Business-to-Business).
Based on the experience of 7 speakers, the majority of decisions to cooperate with companies are
due to direct interaction communication from the company (Interactive Communication).
Farmer Satisfaction
From the results of interviews with 7 speakers, companies that will be recommended
include PT. Good Poultry and PT. Partner together. These two companies are the most superior
and recommended by many sources. In addition, breeders are satisfied because of the company's
service to breeders. The conclusion that I can draw from the interview results is that both
companies are partnership companies with reliable data. Based on the experience of resource
persons when there are unpleasant cooperation experiences such as falling prices, unstable feed
quality and late harvest schedules, as long as the company is still responsible, farmers will
continue to survive with the partnership.
Of the 7 interviewees. On average, they have been working with partnerships for more than
5 years. Cooperation takes place both those who remain with the partnership and some who move
with other partnerships. Based on observations, PT. Unggas Baik is a reliable partnership. Then
followed by PT. Partner together. Both companies have a good enough reputation that breeders
who work together from the beginning feel confident in the company.
The findings of this study are that even though farmers have experienced losses, they still
trust the company as long as the company is still responsible and does not deviate from the
agreement that has been determined.
Table 8
Farmer Response to the Company
Have joined for approximately
5 years and so on will be with
PT. Unggas Baik
Long contract for 15 years and
extend the contract by
expanding the partnership
with PT. Bermitra Bersama
The beginning with PT. Sido
Jaya for approximately 2 years
then moved to PT. Bermitra
With PT. Unggas baik for 7
years and does not move
After 1.5 months with PT.
Sumber Jaya then moved with
PT. Bermitra Bersama
7 years together and remain
with PT. Unggas Baik
1.5 years joined PT Bermitra
Bersama and finally moved to
PT. Unggas Baik
Strategy To Improve Communication Between Farmers And Companies In The Boiler Chicken Supply
Return: Study of Management, Economic and Bussines, Vol. 2 (7), July 2023
Stay together with PT. Unggas
Baik and has been working
together for 7 years
Based on research conducted by researchers, it aims to determine farmers' perceptions of
communication between partnerships and companies that have been running and improve the
relationship that runs between the two parties. Communication between farmers and companies
will certainly have an impact on decision making and achieving certain goals. The following are
the conclusions obtained by researchers in this study as follows : 1) Based on the experience of 7
speakers, the majority of decisions to cooperate with the company are due to direct interaction
communication from the company (Interactive Communication). Communication is carried out
formally at the cooperation agreement stage at the beginning before joining the partnership. Then
during the cooperation process, farmers and the company carry out communication with a
personal approach (Development of Personal Bonds). 2) The level of farmer satisfaction based on
experience during the cooperation period. When there is a problem during the cooperation period,
the majority of farmers understand and seek solutions together with the company. However, if it
has harmed the farmer in terms of performance and opinion continuously, the farmer chooses to
move to another company. 3) The beliefs of each resource person vary based on each individual's
experience. There are resource persons who believe in the company because of the company's
image, trust the company because of closeness or Personal Bound with Area managers /
Supervisors / Staff. There is also derived from the company's work performance in the form of
service quality. 4) The level of trust of farmers in the company based on trust ex ante and ad hoc.
Farmers believe based on the company's reputation and recommendations from fellow partnership
partners who have carried out cooperation.
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