Strategy To Improve Communication Between Farmers And Companies In The Boiler Chicken Supply
Return: Study of Management, Economic and Bussines, Vol. 2 (7), July 2023
There is no research related to the relationship between companies and companies in
Central Java and qualitative research, so this research needs to be carried out. Based on previous
research conducted by Ridwan (2015) about the pros and cons of Contract Farming partnerships
in broiler chicken agribusiness in South Sulawesi, from the results of his research it was found
that farmers only understand the limited procedures for enforcement before to after production,
the productivity of cultivation activities which is illustrated by one of the indicators, namely FCR
(Feed Conversion Ratio) as well as profit sharing that is highly dependent on partners. Here the
breeder has a very weak strength. So this study also analyzes what is carried out where companies
must have character, trust (with mutual trust), open communication, be fair and dare to take risks.
Therefore, this study aims to fill the gap / gap of previous research related to the topics previously
Broiler Chicken Industry With Closed House System
In the broiler farming industry, broiler chickens have 2 types of cages, namely cages that are open
/ open house and cages that are closed / closed house. A close house cage is a cage with a closed
system where the cage has a regulation of temperature, humidity, wind speed and light entering
the cage. In the close house cage, broiler chickens are designed with conditions as comfortable
as possible so that broiler chickens can develop optimally and avoid stress. This cage system is
set with a lower temperature inside the cage than outside the cage (Parkhurst et al., 1988). The
production of broilers otherwise known as broiler chickens involves rearing. Maintenance in the
form of feeding, drugs and vitamins. There are 3 important factors in running the broiler chicken
industry, namely timely feeding, good management and sanitation.
Broiler Chicken Partnership
Partnership is a business that is carried out in collaboration between farmers and companies
that act as service providers with the aim of developing and providing guidance to farmers.
Partnership has the principle that both parties can benefit each other according to Yuli an i, (2004)
in (Raharjo & Ir Herrukmi Septa Rinawati, 2019). The broiler chicken partnership or known as broiler
chicken has been implemented in Indonesia since 1984 and regulated in the Decree of the Minister
of Agriculture. Based on the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of
Indonesia Number 13/Permentan/Pk.240/5/2017 that livestock business partnerships are
cooperation between livestock businesses based on the principles of mutual need, strengthening,
benefit, respect, responsibility, and dependence. Farmer is an individual Indonesian citizen /
corporation who conducts livestock business. A livestock company is an individual or corporation
in the form of a legal entity or not established and domiciled in the territory of the Unitary State
of the Republic of Indonesia that manages livestock businesses with certain criteria and scales.
Companies that cooperate with farmers are responsible for providing chicken breeds / DOC
(Day Old Chick), drugs, vaccines needed during the chicken rearing period and feed. In general,
farmers who run a close farm system use a plasma core pattern where the relationship between
livestock companies and / or companies in other fields as the core and breeders as plasma.
Business to Business / B2B
Business to business atau b2b adalah pasar bisnis telah didefinisikan untuk mencakup:
organisasi yang membeli produk dan jasa yang digunakan untuk memproduksi produk lain dan
jasa yang ditawarkan kepada pihak lain (Zimmerman & Blythe, 2017). The market share of this
business consists of all organizations that provide goods and services (Kotler & Keller, 2016). It
can be interpreted that all organizations produce goods and services that will later be traded to
business customers or retailers with the aim of being reused which will later be traded to
customers. This business can certainly run because of the partners who work together. The factors
that affect the course of B2B are as follows (Lostakova & Pecinova, 2014).
a. Organizational behavior that provides human resources to serve the partnership.
b. Supplier-Customer Relationship.
c. The existence of certain activities organized by organizations / companies with partnerships.
d. Supplier flexibility in serving customers.