Millennial Employees Perception of The Influence of Transformational Leadership on Organizational
Performance Through The Implementation Of Total Quality Management (TQM) Empirical Study at PT
Asabri (Persero) Branch Offices
Return: Study of Management, Economic and Bussines, Vol. 2 (7), July 2023
those produced by the millennial generation. This is because the PT ASABRI (Persero) Branch
Office has contextual factors from the nature of the SOEs organizational structure, namely the
existence of bureaucratic administration. Therefore, the rigidity of the bureaucratic routine
restrains the influence of effective SOEs leaders through a performance perspective. Some of the
transformational leadership characters have been found in PT ASABRI (Persero). However, the
character that is not implemented by the leaders thoroughly at the PT ASABRI (Persero) Branch
Office resulting a fluctuations in the performance of millennial employees which affect
organizational performance. Based on their unique criteria, this generation needs leaders who are
able to understand and motivate them to realize organizational goals and personal aspirations
The second hypothesis, namely transformational leadership, has a significant positive
effect on the implementation of total quality management (TQM), accepted. This is because based
on Table 7 the value of the path coefficient or original sample is positive 0.740, the t-statistics
value is 6.503 > 1.645 and the p-value is 0.000 < 0.05. The results of this study are in accordance
with the research Cho, (2014), (Bouranta, 2020; Wagimin et al., 2019) which states that the
effectiveness of the leadership style used can affect the implementation of TQM. The application
of transformational leadership at the PT ASABRI (Persero) Branch Office can motivate millennial
employees by realizing the importance of work results, encouraging to prioritize the organization
over personal interests and positioning their needs over the organization at a higher level. On an
ongoing basis, this can support the overall implementation of TQM for employees of its main
branch offices in the millennial generation. Transformational leaders at the PT ASABRI (Persero)
Branch Office who are able to provide recognition and support to employees can optimize the
implementation of TQM within the organization. Transformational leadership characters in the
form of inspirational motivation and idealized influence are the main factors that influence the
millennial generation in implementing TQM optimally. So that the millennial generation's
perception of the importance of implementing TQM make them work according to quality
The third hypothesis is that the implementation of total quality management (TQM) has a
significant positive effect on organizational performance, Accepted. This is because based on
Table 7 the value of the path coefficient or original sample is positive 0.919, the t-statistics value
is 13.341 > 1.645 and the p-value is 0.000 < 0.05. The results of this study are in accordance
with the research (Abbas & Kumari, 2021; Bhaskar, 2020; Demirbag et al., 2006; Dwiantoro, 2017;
Murdianto et al., 2016; Singh et al., 2018; Terziovski & Samson, 1999; Valmohammadi, 2011) which
states that effective TQM implementation can significantly improve both financial and
operational performance. The implementation of TQM at PT ASABRI (Persero) Branch Offices
plays a role in improving organizational performance. The influence is not only in improving
service quality, but also the use of information obtained from customers to increase customer
satisfaction. In addition, the results of this study also support the statement of Bhaskar, H. L.
(2020) that companies that adopt TQM can perform better than their competitors. The millennial
generation's perception of the importance of implementing TQM encourages them to work to
achieve organizational performance according to the KPIs set by management for each branch
office. The positive influence of TQM implementation on organizational performance can also
motivate the company's top management to engage in better organizational goal planning in
managing its resources to achieve improvements in overall quality, employees, and company
The fourth hypothesis, namely the implementation of total quality management (TQM)
mediates the indirect influence of transformational leadership on organizational performance, is
accepted. This is because based on Table 7, the path coefficient or original sample value is
positive 0.680, the t-statistics value is 5.741 > 1.645 and the p-value is 0.000 < 0.05. The results
of this study are in accordance with Dwiantoro's (2017) research which states that the application
of TQM practices supported by the right leadership style will be able to improve organizational
performance. The application of good transformational leadership has great potential in
encouraging employees to make more efforts to achieve organizational performance. It is proven