The Influence Of Service Quality And Marketing Communication On Prospective Students' Decisions
Moderated By The Marketing Mix
Return: Study of Economic And Business Management, Vol 2 (7), July 2023 713
Marketing Mix
When determining the level of marketing productivity within an organization, the
marketing mix is identified as the main performance indicator, and everything related to it is
mandated to provide advice to customers or market segments that have been targeted. In essence,
the marketing mix consists of various strategies to increase consumer confidence while meeting
the sales goals of goods and obtaining products and services that can provide customer and
consumer satisfaction (Gazali, 2017).
According to Tatik Wijayanti, (2017) In the book Marketing Plan for Business,
"Marketing Mix" is one type of marketing variation and also one of the tactics for brand building
that can be used by business actors to achieve the desired marketing goals. According to Kotler
and Armstrong in (Ii, 2019) Elements or elements of the marketing mix consist of price, product,
place, and promotion”.
The Influence of Service Quality on Prospective Student Decisions
The quality of service provided is very influential on the decision of prospective students
to register, because the better the service provided and if the quality of service can be felt by
prospective students, more prospective students will register (Chandra, 2020).
The Influence of Marketing Communication on Prospective Student Decisions
According to (Helmi & Nurhayati, 2019) In her study, she found that marketing
communication variables (X) influence prospective students' decision-making (Y). In other
words, if marketing communication variables are improved as much as possible, decision making
will improve. There is evidence that marketing communication strategies have a unidirectional
impact on student decision-making processes. Decisions will also improve with a better marketing
communication strategy.
The Influence of Marketing Mix on Prospective Student Decisions
According to (Mahyus et al., 2022) stated the results of research showing that the marketing
mix has a positive impact on the satisfaction of prospective students who choose the campus and
the marketing mix through student satisfaction has a positive impact on the decision of students
to choose the campus. The results of this study explain that research variables from the marketing
mix concept consisting of Promotion, Product, People, Cost, and Location affect students'
decisions to study simultaneously (Bunga, 2019).
Marketing Mix Moderation on Service Quality on Prospective Student Decisions
The marketing mix positively influences prospective student satisfaction, while service
quality positively impacts student satisfaction. Additionally, the marketing mix has a positive
effect on student selection decisions, and service quality plays a role in student choice decisions.
Student satisfaction also positively influences student choice decisions. Furthermore, the
marketing mix, through student satisfaction, positively affects student choice decisions, and
service quality, through student satisfaction, has a positive impact on students' decision to choose.
The Marketing Mix is a collection of marketing tools utilized to shape the attributes of services
provided to customers, encompassing elements such as indicators, product, place, price, and
promotion (Nurbani et al., 2019).
Marketing Mix Moderation of Marketing Communication on Prospective Student
At a basic level, communication can inform consumers and make consumers aware of what
the organization has to offer, communication can engage consumer interests, change
relationships, communication can improve the experience, and marketing communications can
act as differentiators, especially in markets with few competitive products (Suharyanto, 2018)
entitled The Impact of Marketing Mix Performance on Prospective Student College Decisions.