E-ISSN: 2963-3699
P-ISSN: 2964-0121
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Lisa Teresa
, Endyastuti Pravitasari
University of 17 August 1945, Jakarta, Indonesia
, edy.pravitasari@uta45jakarta.ac.id
This journal aims to test and analyze the effect of service quality and marketing communication on the
decisions of prospective new students and is moderated by the marketing mix. A total of 250 respondents
as a sample were prospective students who wanted to continue their education to university. Random
data collection by distributing research questionnaires through social media. Smart PLS software is used
in research with the results of service quality having a significant effect on the decisions of prospective
students, marketing communications have a significant effect on the decisions of prospective students ,
and the marketing mix has a significant effect on the decisions of prospective students. In addition, the
marketing mix can significantly moderate the influence of service quality on the decisions of prospective
students. The marketing mix has also been shown to have a significant effect on moderating the influence
of marketing communications on prospective student decisions. Following up on the findings in this
study, the decision of prospective students to choose a university can be optimized through service
quality, marketing communication, and marketing mix.
Keywords: Marketing Mix; Quality of Service; Marketing Communications; Decision of Prospective
Education is an important part of our lives because with the help of education we know
what attitudes and actions to show and what to manage in any situation and place. Education is
not only important for its own sake, but also important for improving the quality of the country's
human resources (HR) and for the further development of the country, in
(kependudukan.ukm.unej.ac.id, 2022). Today, the level of education in society has undoubtedly
increased over time. Higher education in particular is seen as very important to society. The
existence of this college is an opportunity to further develop science. This is reflected in the
increasing number of students from final year schools who want to continue their desired higher
education at public and private universities.
The number of private universities today is increasing and competing with each other
for new students. Private universities are certainly now facing difficult choices and must compete
not only with state universities but also with other private universities that are now competing
to offer their advantages in order to become market leaders. Therefore, PTS needs to pay
attention to the needs and desires of prospective students.
Table 1
State Universities in DKI Jakarta
State University
Name of State University
Jakarta State University
National Development University Veteran Jakarta
Polytechnic of Creative Media
Jakarta State Polytechnic
Kemdikbud.go.id, (2023)
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Moderated By The Marketing Mix
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Table 2
The number of private higher education institutions in DKI Jakarta
State University
The number of private higher
Kemdikbud.go.id, (2023)
The table above contains the number of private universities in DKI Jakarta that compete
to attract new students. Based on (Kemdikbud.go.id, 2023) there are 278 private universities
(PTS) and 4 state universities (PTN), not to mention of course many universities outside DKI
Jakarta are participating in the competition. This will certainly lead to the fact that each
university will try to provide the best and appropriate service and will be intensive in the
implementation of promotions, of course, with the aim of attracting many students.
The University of 17 August 1945 Jakarta is a private university, the name 17 August
1945 Jakarta was used as the name of the University to devote the historical event of the
Proclamation of Independence of the Republic of Indonesia. Universitas 17 August is located in
Podomoro, Jl. Sunter Permai Raya No.1, RT.11/RW.6, Sunter Agung, Kec. Tj. Priok, North JKT,
Special Capital Region of Jakarta 14350. Currently the University of August 17, 1945 Jakarta
has 4 Faculties with 14 S1 Study Programs, Postgraduate Programs and Pharmacist Professions
consisting of the Faculty of Law with S1 Law Study Programs and S2 and S3 Law Postgraduate
Programs. Faculty of Economics and Social Affairs with Study Programs in Public
Administration, Government Political Science, Communication Science, International
Relations, Business Administration, Management, Accounting, and Digital Business. Faculty of
Engineering with Study Programs in Electrical Engineering, Civil Engineering, and Mechanical
Engineering, and Informatics Engineering. Faculty of Pharmacy with S1 Pharmacy and S2 Study
Programs and Pharmacist Professional Programs.
In designing new student admission programs, the University of 17 August 1945 Jakarta
was seconded by the New Student Admissions division (PMB). PMB is the main gateway or the
beginning of the business process of a university where students are sought after and selected
who are then trained to become qualified human resources when students graduate and work.
Therefore, the PMB division must be able to offer and provide the best for universities (Suteki
Technology, 2020).
Based on the phenomenon that the author found in the field, most prospective students are
interested in continuing to college because they are influenced by their family or relatives who
have studied first, then prospective students tend to be more interested in universities that have
superior accreditation, so they do not see the majors offered by universities first. Prospective
students tend to prefer well-known universities or a good image in the community. Most
prospective students prefer to enter universities that are located close to their homes and of
course they also choose universities with affordable costs. Then prospective students tend to
prefer state universities by following sbmptn and snmptn because most of these pathways
prospective students will not pay for tuition. Prospective students on average will choose a public
university first in the hope that they can be admitted to the college. However, there are also a
small number who have enrolled in state universities, and they are not accepted at these state
universities, then they will enroll in the private universities they want (Jayanti & Hariyati, 2020).
Judging from the phenomena that occur, researchers are interested in knowing the
influence of service quality, marketing communication and also moderation of the marketing
mix to determine the influence on the decision of prospective new students who want to continue
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Moderated By The Marketing Mix
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their education to higher education from the new student admission division of the University of
August 17, 1945 Jakarta
Quality of Service
According to Okarina, 2020 in a research journal (Hidajat & Fahlevi, 2020) "Service quality
is a provision of products or services according to the applicable measure where the product or
service is provided and the delivery is the same as what consumers want and expect". In the field
of services, quality is maintained by meeting service standards. From the consumer's point of
view, quality means value i.e. how well a product or service serves its intended purpose at the
level of price the consumer is willing to pay (Hidajat & Diandaru, 2020). According to the author
himself, service quality is something that must be considered in marketing activities in order to
attract potential customers, as can be seen from the ethics of politeness to customers, reliability
in terms of delivery of a product that is marketed, and responsiveness to customers. According to
Kotler and Keller, 2012: 21 The higher the level of service quality in satisfying customers, it will
cause high customer satisfaction as well (Simamora & Susanti, 2017). Service quality can be
determined by five indicators of Subagyo 2013 in (Santoso, 2019) :
(a) Reliability refers to the capacity to consistently provide the agreed-upon services promptly
and dependably.
(b) Responsiveness is the consciousness or willingness to assist customers and deliver prompt
(c) Assurances are knowledge, decency and the ability to engender trust and confidence. This
dimension includes aspects of knowledge and employee behavior towards consumers.
(d) Empathy is the consumer's personal care and concern. It is made visible to consumers
through special services.
(e) Physical evidence describes the service and physical form that consumers receive. So it is
important for companies or organizations to present a positive image of the quality of
services provided.
Marketing Communications
Marketing communication according to Kotler & Keller (2009) in research (Saraswati et
al., 2020) is a means by which companies persuade, To prompt and notify customers, either
directly or indirectly, regarding the products they offer. Marketing communication also serves to
remind consumers and explain the reasons why they should use the product. (Firmansyah, 2020)
The word 'marketing communication' consists of two elements. 'Communication' is a process of
thought and understanding between organizations and individuals. Communication is the process
of sending a message, which is information or ideas, from the sender through the medium to the
receiver to understand the sender's intent. The word 'marketing' is the activity by which companies
or other organizations convey value (exchange) of product, service and idea information between
themselves and customers. According to Limakrisna, 2008 in research (Ali & Widodo, 2022) There
are five indicators of 'marketing communication': (1) accuracy of marketing communication
objectives, (2) accuracy of target market selection, (3) media accuracy, (4) clarity of information,
and (5) effectiveness of marketing communication.
Prospective Student Decisions
In the process of continuing their education in college, they certainly think in advance
about where they will go to college next. Therefore, the conclusion drawn from an understanding
of the decision of prospective students is an action aimed at choosing the best college for himself
as a place of study. The decision indicators of prospective students consist of awareness of needs,
information search, evaluation of alternatives, and various fields of majors offered (Amirsyah &
Cholila, 2017).
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Moderated By The Marketing Mix
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Marketing Mix
When determining the level of marketing productivity within an organization, the
marketing mix is identified as the main performance indicator, and everything related to it is
mandated to provide advice to customers or market segments that have been targeted. In essence,
the marketing mix consists of various strategies to increase consumer confidence while meeting
the sales goals of goods and obtaining products and services that can provide customer and
consumer satisfaction (Gazali, 2017).
According to Tatik Wijayanti, (2017) In the book Marketing Plan for Business,
"Marketing Mix" is one type of marketing variation and also one of the tactics for brand building
that can be used by business actors to achieve the desired marketing goals. According to Kotler
and Armstrong in (Ii, 2019) Elements or elements of the marketing mix consist of price, product,
place, and promotion”.
The Influence of Service Quality on Prospective Student Decisions
The quality of service provided is very influential on the decision of prospective students
to register, because the better the service provided and if the quality of service can be felt by
prospective students, more prospective students will register (Chandra, 2020).
The Influence of Marketing Communication on Prospective Student Decisions
According to (Helmi & Nurhayati, 2019) In her study, she found that marketing
communication variables (X) influence prospective students' decision-making (Y). In other
words, if marketing communication variables are improved as much as possible, decision making
will improve. There is evidence that marketing communication strategies have a unidirectional
impact on student decision-making processes. Decisions will also improve with a better marketing
communication strategy.
The Influence of Marketing Mix on Prospective Student Decisions
According to (Mahyus et al., 2022) stated the results of research showing that the marketing
mix has a positive impact on the satisfaction of prospective students who choose the campus and
the marketing mix through student satisfaction has a positive impact on the decision of students
to choose the campus. The results of this study explain that research variables from the marketing
mix concept consisting of Promotion, Product, People, Cost, and Location affect students'
decisions to study simultaneously (Bunga, 2019).
Marketing Mix Moderation on Service Quality on Prospective Student Decisions
The marketing mix positively influences prospective student satisfaction, while service
quality positively impacts student satisfaction. Additionally, the marketing mix has a positive
effect on student selection decisions, and service quality plays a role in student choice decisions.
Student satisfaction also positively influences student choice decisions. Furthermore, the
marketing mix, through student satisfaction, positively affects student choice decisions, and
service quality, through student satisfaction, has a positive impact on students' decision to choose.
The Marketing Mix is a collection of marketing tools utilized to shape the attributes of services
provided to customers, encompassing elements such as indicators, product, place, price, and
promotion (Nurbani et al., 2019).
Marketing Mix Moderation of Marketing Communication on Prospective Student
At a basic level, communication can inform consumers and make consumers aware of what
the organization has to offer, communication can engage consumer interests, change
relationships, communication can improve the experience, and marketing communications can
act as differentiators, especially in markets with few competitive products (Suharyanto, 2018)
entitled The Impact of Marketing Mix Performance on Prospective Student College Decisions.
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Moderated By The Marketing Mix
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This study used a sample of students who were at the final level of school and prospective
students who wanted to continue their education to higher education who responded to the
research questionnaire. The study involved surveying 250 respondents to gather samples. It
encompassed four variables, with service quality (X1) serving as the independent variable.
Service quality comprised five indicators, specifically reliability, responsiveness, assurance,
empathy, and tangible (physical evidence). The second variable is marketing communication (X2)
as the independent variable. Variable X2 consists of 5 indicators, namely the accuracy of
marketing communication objectives, accuracy in choosing target markets, media accuracy,
clarity of information, and effectiveness of marketing communications. The third variable is the
decision of prospective students (Y) as the dependent variable. Variable Y consists of 4 indicators,
namely awareness of needs, information search, evaluation of alternatives, and various majors
offered. The fourth variable is the marketing mix (Z) as a moderation variable. Variable Z has 4
indicators consisting of price, product , place and promotion. Every statement included in this
research questionnaire adheres to the indicators of each variable under investigation. The
responses provided by the respondents were collected and compiled for analysis purposes. The
research employed the Partial Least Square (PLS) method for data analysis, utilizing Smart PLS
3.0 software. PLS is one of the variant-based statistical methods of Structural Equation Modeling
(SEM). SEM with PLS is variance-based so that it is able to handle two conditions, namely
conditions with undeterminable factors and conditions where solutions are unacceptable. This
study used a PLS 3.0 smart computer program and determined significant variables.
A total of 250 respondents were prospective students who were sitting at the final level of
school. 146 respondents were female (58.4%), and 106 respondents (42.4%) were male.
Judging from school background, as many as 155 respondents (62%) were high school
students, 55 respondents (22%) were vocational students, and as many as 40 respondents (16%)
were MA (madrasah aliyah) students. Test the data in this study using SmartPLS Software
(Partial Least Square) by testing the Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) equation model using
an approach based on variance or component based structural equation modeling.
Table 3
Construct Ralibility and Validity
rho_ A
Moderasi BP*KP
Moderasi BP*KP
The results of reliability tests conducted with Cronbach's Alpa and Composite Reliability
have greater results of 0.7, meaning that reliability tests are declared reliable and meet the criteria.
The results of the validity test conducted by comparing the square root of the average variance
extracted (√AVE) have a result of 0.05, meaning that the validity test has met the criteria and is
declared good. The structural model test or inner model shows the relationship or strength of
estimation between latent variables or constructs measured using 3 criteria, namely R-Square, F-
Square, and Estimate for Path Coefficients. Furthermore, to prove the hypothesis, the test is based
on the value of Path Coefficients, the results of the Estimate for path Coefficients which are used
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to see the significance of the influence between variables have significant results for all hypothesis
tests. The following results of research hypothesis testing are presented:
Table 4
The results of research hypothesis testing
Based on the results of the hypothesis test above, it can be described as follows.
Proving the first hypothesis, Service Quality has a positive effect on the Decision of
Prospective Students. Service quality is the expected level of excellence and control over these
advantages to meet the needs of consumers / prospective students. These results are in line with
the study (Lubis & Hamdan, 2020) which states that the quality of service and promotion has a
positive and significant influence on students' decisions to choose universities.
Proving the second hypothesis test, Marketing Communication has a positive effect on
the decisions of prospective students. These results are in line with the study (Syaifullah, 2021)
states that there is a relationship between marketing communications and interest in studying in
new students. Marketing communication plays a very important role for marketers. Without
communication, consumers and society as a whole will not know the existence of products in the
marketr (Putri, 2020).
The third hypothesis test, Marketing Mix, has a positive effect on the decisions of
prospective students. These results are in line with the study (Ayomi & Mazni, 2022) which states
that the service marketing mix consisting of products (study programs), prices (tuition fees),
promotions, and locations together affect the decisions of prospective students.
Proving the fourth hypothesis test, the marketing mix has been shown to have a significant
effect on moderating the influence of service quality on the decisions of prospective students,
these results are in accordance with research (Mahyus et al., 2022) Which states that the marketing
mix also has a positive and significant effect on students' decisions to choose universities. In
addition, the quality of service has a positive influence and determines students' choices towards
the university.
Proving the fifth hypothesis test, the marketing mix has been shown to have a significant
effect on moderating the influence of marketing communications on the decisions of prospective
students. These results are in line with the study (Suarsyaf, 2022) which states that the campus
combines theory with the marketing communication mix to find out the strategy, process,
coordination and evaluation of student enrollment during the Covid-19 pandemic and with it
found that the marketing communication strategy implemented by the university has been
implemented optimally.
This research provides evidence regarding service quality, marketing communication, and
marketing mix to be strong factors to make prospective student decisions. Then the quality of
service has a positive influence on the decisions of prospective students. Marketing
communication has a positive influence on the decisions of prospective students. Marketing mix
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Moderated By The Marketing Mix
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has a positive influence on the decisions of prospective students. The Marketing Mix has been
shown to have a significant effect on moderating the influence of service quality on prospective
student decisions. In addition, the marketing mix has been shown to have a significant effect on
moderating the influence of marketing communications on prospective student decisions. This
study has limitations that the respondents who are sampled are only prospective students who
come from students from SMA / SMK / MAN who want to continue their education at one
university, which means there is a possibility that case studies elsewhere have different analysis
In terms of service quality, marketing communication and marketing mix from the new
student admission division (PMB) of the University of 17 August 1945 Jakarta can be well
received by prospective new students, but it also cannot be a benchmark for them to continue their
education at the University of 17 August 1945 Jakarta. In the future, marketing strategies need to
be improved with the help of each study program to introduce the study program directly when
conducting socialization.
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