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Joko Pamungkas
, Ad Dieni Maulana Rizka
Yogyakarta State University
, addieni.2022@student.uny.ac.id
October 2022
October 2022
October 2022
Background: Early childhood learning cannot be equated with adults. So
education observers continue to develop and innovate in learning for
children. The macapat song is one of the innovations and developments of
early childhood learning media which has been implemented in ABA
Ngabean 2 Kindergarten.
Aim: The purpose of this study was to determine the educational values in
the learning of the macapat song in TK ABA Ngabean 2. The macapat
songs that were implemented in learning were the Potong and Gambuh
Method: This research method uses descriptive qualitative analysis by
using data from observations, interviews, and conducting group discussion
forums. Value analysis is associated with character education values based
on Permendikbudristek number 7 of 2022 concerning PAUD content
Findings: The results of this study indicate that the macapat song has
educational values that are following children's learning competencies
according to the ministry of education in Indonesia.
Educational value, Macapat Song, Children.
Education in Indonesia has just created a new curriculum which has begun to be
implemented simultaneously in all provinces. This new curriculum is the result of the
development of the old curriculum which emphasizes the values of education in children.
Learning in schools uses an independent curriculum. Where the curriculum has a concept to
develop aspects of child development, namely religious values, moral values, Pancasila
values, emotions, social, science, language, and mathematics. This latest curriculum is more
detailed. However, implementation in learning is more flexible or flexible because activities
are carried out with the principle of freedom where children can learn independently
according to their needs and characteristics (Abidah, Hidaayatullaah, Simamora, Fehabutar, &
Mutakinati, 2020).
Learning with this independent curriculum emphasizes more on education according to Ki
Hajar Dewantara. His idea is that education can be carried out by the conditions that are close
to the child first or the nature of nature (Indrawati, Diana, & Setiawan, 2022) . Therefore,
early childhood education can be given knowledge about art and culture around children.
Through the introduction of culture to children, it is hoped that they can foster educational
values to improve the quality of learning, both at school and home (Sihombing, Anugrahsari,
Parlina, & Kusumastuti, 2021).
The values of education in Indonesia according to Permendikbudristek No. 7 of 2022
concerning PAUD content standards, it is stated that educational values are included in all
aspects of child development. In the aspect of child development, namely religious values,
there are values for daily worship, moral values for good daily behavior, and Pancasila values
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consisting of self-identity, self-awareness, adaptation, rights and obligations, and state
identity. The aspect of emotional development, consists of various emotions, other people's
points of view, emotional control, collaboration, and discipline. The social aspect consists of
customs and the learning process. Aspects of exploration of expression of thoughts and
feelings consist of various solutions while learning. The scientific aspect contains direct
experience, cause and effect, information seeking, and application. In the aspect of language,
namely receptive language, and mathematics, which is about good reasoning in numbers,
object characteristics, time concepts, conversions, decisions, cause and effect, and
prathematic methods.
Early childhood learning with educational values implied in everyday life is the ideal of
education in every country. Therefore, the education carried out must be under the needs of
the child (Dewi, Mayasarokh, & Gustiana, 2020) . One of them is by using teabag macapat in
learning at school.
Macapat song is a cultural heritage from ancestors in Indonesia, namely Java. There are 11
kinds of macapat songs (Winarto, Sarafuddin, & Devika, 2021). The eleven songs are pocung,
maskumambang, gambuh, megatruh, mijil, kinanthi, pangkur, durma, Asramadhana, sinom
and dhandhanggula (Arisyanto, Prasetyo, Untari, & Sundari, 2021) The composition of this
macapat song cannot be made the same as making a poem or rhyme. The composition of the
macapat song can be done by the rules that have been standard since the beginning.
The learning of the macapat song has been carried out by TK ABA Ngabean 2. Learning
with the macapat song can be accepted by children after going through several trials of the
learning method. The macapat songs performed are Pocong and gambuh. In this study, the
researcher wanted to see what educational values emerged with the learning of macapat
trembling in the school.
This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method conducted at TK ABA
Ngabean 2 with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and conducting
general discussion forums. This research was conducted by collecting data from three
sources, namely teachers, school principals, and children's parents. Observations were carried
out for one semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. Analysis of the value of education is
done by looking at Permebndikbudristek No. 7 of 2022.
Implementation of Macapat Song Learning
The application of learning with macapat songs in TK ABA Ngabean 2 is by using
Potong and Gambuh songs. Pocung and ambush songs are performed using Ki Hajar
Dewantara's method of Tri Ngo, namely understanding, feeling, and acting (Wijayanti &
Ernawati, 2021). At the understanding stage, children are given an understanding of all the
lyrics or guitar in the macapat song. Then the next stage is discussion and questions and
answers about what is contained in the macapat song, namely at the grass stage. The last
stage is nglakoni. Children are invited to practice the macapat song by doing simple
movements that have been mutually agreed upon. The following is a table explaining the
macapat song to children.
Table 1. Pocung bedhikan klenthing song
Tembang Pocung
Mr. pocung
There is a guess
Lift and point your finger up
Cangkemu marep menduwur
His mouth is facing up
The two hands are joined by
not joining the palms
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Sabamu ing sending
Go to the water source
Move the two middle hands
to the right and left
Pencokanmu lambung
The perch on the left
Hands as if carrying objects
on the left side of the
Prompting Wisma
When it arrives, the object
can release water (water in
Hands as if carrying objects
on the left side of the
Si pocung muntah kuwaya
The object that is carried is
tilted as if it is pouring
Table 2. Pocung bedhikan elephant song
Tembang Pocung
Bapak pocung
There is a guess
Dudu watu dudu gunung
Not a rock, not a mountain
Sengkang in Sebring
His place of life is on the
other side
Ngon ingone sang bupati
He is the regent's pet
Yen lumampah
When walking, his nose can
Si pocung lembehan grana
In the table above is the delivery of the teacher to the child about the Potong song.
After the Potong song is taught, then the teacher introduces the ambush song. The meaning
contained in this song is pictures or advice. The teacher's motivation for teaching ambush
songs is the teacher's effort to invite children to be able to keep their mouths open for the
sake of their children's future. Then another meaning of ambush is that children are invited to
follow good advice so as not to lose money.
During the implementation of this macapat song-learning activity, the children felt
happy and enthusiastic. As seen when conducting interviews with teachers and parents,
children often sing macapat songs both at school and at home. Parents also justify when the
child sings the song wrong. The teacher also sends media for learning songs for children at
home (Flores-Koulish, Deal, Losinger, McCarthy, & Rosebrugh, 2011). The existence of
support from parents and teachers makes children more enthusiastic to learn macapat songs.
1. Analysis of Educational Values
Based on the results of observations, interviews, and the implementation of general
discussion forums, researchers obtained some educational values that emerged during the
implementation of macapat trembling learning. Then the researchers analyzed and got the
results that the character values that emerged were following the value of education for early
childhood in Permendikbudristek No. 7 of 2022 concerning Content Standards
2. Religious Value
Humans must maintain and protect God's creation (Irawati, Iqbal, Hasanah, & Arifin,
2022). The value of religious education in macapat learning appears in the indicators of the
value of God's belief and love for God's creation. This can be seen in the three macapat songs
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that are taught. In the implementation of this learning, children can distinguish between God's
creation and humans. Therefore, in the Potong song, children can be grateful and love God's
Moral Value of Education
In learning the macapaat pricing and ambush songs, there is an educational value in
knowing one's identity and understanding differences. It can be seen that humans, objects,
and animals are different. With fellow humans, it is also different. So, this ambush song
shows that humans must be aware of differences. With these differences, humans need to
adapt to the environment. In the song macapat Pocung with elephant bedhikan, children can
get to know state figures at the district level, namely the regent. Although what is meant a
regent is a person who has property and wealth.
Social Value
Children can follow customary rules or habits. Both at home and school. In this case,
it can be seen when the teacher learns the child to follow the rules of the game in learning the
macapat song. The macapat ambush song is inseparable from learning religious and social
values (Winarsih & Nugroho, 2022). In the social process society, children also need to be
known and invited to follow customs such as in the picture ambush. People who want to
follow good advice will not lose. Children enjoy learning. Presenting the meaning in the
macapat song makes children want to be better and persistent. When the child wants to sing
the value of the song in front of the class, then the child's independence and self-confidence
appear. Independence is an attitude that does not always depend on the help of others
(Sabella, 2022).
The Value of Education in the Aspect of Exploration-expression
The learning of macapat pricing and ambush songs can grow children's problem-
solving. When the child can guess the Potong song and knows the cause and effect, if he does
not want to listen to the picture or good advice, the child can solve the problem easily. In
addition, of course, children can express feelings and learn by playing, namely guessing
games with Javanese movements and songs.
The Value of Education in the Aspect of Science
(Rusmawati, Khasanah, & Mauliddian, 2021). This can be seen when children find
answers and observe the game on guesses. At a child's age, experience and exploration are
important in development (Wulandari, Murwaningsih, & Marmoah, 2020). Because children
learn as a result of looking for new things and from an experience. Children can look for
sources of information to seek and receive answers. The simple technology that is very
visible in the pincers is the simple technique to take water and the elephant's nose as a tool
instead of a hand.
Educational Value in Language Aspect
The value of education for children in the language aspect can be seen when children
receive information from the teacher and want to convey messages from macapat songs. In
addition, when children discuss. The Potong song can show the relationship between the
message and the symbol. This is by the pre-operational stage of child development, namely,
the child begins to recognize and use symbols and symbols (Istiqomah & Maemonah, 2022) .
Educational Value in Mathematics Aspect
The implementation of the macapat song in the mathematical aspect shows the value
of introducing the concept of numbers in the pricing bedhikan elephant song. In this song, the
teacher discusses the elephant's body parts, the number of legs, eyes, ears, nose, and eyes.
Children can also recognize the concept of the present, past, and future time when explaining
the meaning of the macapat song. Decision-making during discussions about movement
becomes one of the educational values that will be meaningful for children. Children's
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decision-making is the result of thinking from experience and thinking about the
consequences that will be accepted (Dini, 2022).
Strategy for developing educational values through Tembang Macapat
The explanation above shows that there are several strategies to increase the value of
education through macapat songs, namely by implementing education through the three
pillars of education. The three pillars are school, family, and community (Poetry, 2019). The
creation of habitats and environmental conditions that support each other in the
implementation of the macapat song, then the existing educational values will be internalized
and can personify themselves with the intervention process. After internalizing and
implementing the values, an evaluation needs to be held to optimize the educational value to
be conveyed. The following is a picture of the concept of a strategy for implementing
educational values that are carried out not only in the classroom but in the school, home, and
community environment.
Figure 1. The concept of implementing the educational value strategy through the
song macapat
Macapat trembling learning contains educational values that can build the quality of
students toward better education. The values that exist in learning this macapat song are in
line with the value of education in early childhood according to the regulations of the
minister of education in Indonesia. The values contained in the macapat song are also
included in all aspects of child development. In the research process, it was found that the
development strategy in the application of educational values when learning the macapat
song was implemented in the classroom, school, home, and community.
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