Analysis Of Educational Values In Macapat Song Learning In Kindergarten
44 Return: Study of Management, Economic and Bussines, Vol(2), Oct 2022
consisting of self-identity, self-awareness, adaptation, rights and obligations, and state
identity. The aspect of emotional development, consists of various emotions, other people's
points of view, emotional control, collaboration, and discipline. The social aspect consists of
customs and the learning process. Aspects of exploration of expression of thoughts and
feelings consist of various solutions while learning. The scientific aspect contains direct
experience, cause and effect, information seeking, and application. In the aspect of language,
namely receptive language, and mathematics, which is about good reasoning in numbers,
object characteristics, time concepts, conversions, decisions, cause and effect, and
prathematic methods.
Early childhood learning with educational values implied in everyday life is the ideal of
education in every country. Therefore, the education carried out must be under the needs of
the child (Dewi, Mayasarokh, & Gustiana, 2020) . One of them is by using teabag macapat in
learning at school.
Macapat song is a cultural heritage from ancestors in Indonesia, namely Java. There are 11
kinds of macapat songs (Winarto, Sarafuddin, & Devika, 2021). The eleven songs are pocung,
maskumambang, gambuh, megatruh, mijil, kinanthi, pangkur, durma, Asramadhana, sinom
and dhandhanggula (Arisyanto, Prasetyo, Untari, & Sundari, 2021) The composition of this
macapat song cannot be made the same as making a poem or rhyme. The composition of the
macapat song can be done by the rules that have been standard since the beginning.
The learning of the macapat song has been carried out by TK ABA Ngabean 2. Learning
with the macapat song can be accepted by children after going through several trials of the
learning method. The macapat songs performed are Pocong and gambuh. In this study, the
researcher wanted to see what educational values emerged with the learning of macapat
trembling in the school.
This study uses a descriptive qualitative research method conducted at TK ABA
Ngabean 2 with data collection techniques through observation, interviews, and conducting
general discussion forums. This research was conducted by collecting data from three
sources, namely teachers, school principals, and children's parents. Observations were carried
out for one semester of the 2021/2022 academic year. Analysis of the value of education is
done by looking at Permebndikbudristek No. 7 of 2022.
Implementation of Macapat Song Learning
The application of learning with macapat songs in TK ABA Ngabean 2 is by using
Potong and Gambuh songs. Pocung and ambush songs are performed using Ki Hajar
Dewantara's method of Tri Ngo, namely understanding, feeling, and acting (Wijayanti &
Ernawati, 2021). At the understanding stage, children are given an understanding of all the
lyrics or guitar in the macapat song. Then the next stage is discussion and questions and
answers about what is contained in the macapat song, namely at the grass stage. The last
stage is nglakoni. Children are invited to practice the macapat song by doing simple
movements that have been mutually agreed upon. The following is a table explaining the
macapat song to children.
Table 1. Pocung bedhikan klenthing song
Lift and point your finger up
The two hands are joined by
not joining the palms