E-ISSN: 2963-3699
P-ISSN: 2964-0121

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Endyastuti Pravitasari1, Annisa Fauziyah2*
Faculty of Economics, Business and Social Sciences, University of 17 August 1945 Jakarta, Indonesia1,2

[email protected], [email protected]

This study aims to determine the effect of lifestyle, perceived convenience, and promotion on the
decision to use the Indonesian Standard Quick Response Code (QRIS). Indonesia has already
developed a QR Code-based transaction system that can be used for digital payments and is known as
QRIS (Quick Response Code Indonesian Standard). This research is a quantitative study with a total of
349 respondents QRIS users in Indonesia who are over 17 years old. Sampling used a convenience
sampling of nonprobability sampling technique by distributing questionnaires on social media. Data
processing using SPSS software. This result shows that there are positive significan influence between
lifestyle on the decision to use, positive influence between perceived convenience on the decision to
use, and positive influence between promotions on the decision to use. This research is hoped to be
able to support the growth and acceptance of QRIS as an increasing popular digital payment tool in

Keywords: Decision Making; Fintech; QRIS


Financial technology (Fintech) change a transaction that was once a physical form into a
digital form (Rizka Safitri & Miftah Andriansyah, 2020). Fintech continues to develop and creates
an electronic form of money known as e-money which is a product that stores a certain amount
of money in electronic media that can be owned by someone (Hidayati, Siti; Nuryanti, Ida;
Firmansyah, Agus; Fadly, Aulia; Darmawan, 2006). Electronic transactions have also undergone
significant evolution, giving birth to new methods for electronic transactions, one of which is the
QR Code or Quick Response Code system. The QR Code is useful as a store of information about
each website that you want to access via the QR Code method (Nurdyputra & Rudy, 2022). In
Indonesia, the QR Code has received a positive response from consumers because it only takes a
short time to make a transaction. Currently, Indonesia has developed a QR Code based transaction
system that can be used for electronic payments. This system is known as QRIS (Quick Response
Code Indonesian Standard). The use of QRIS is getting more and more popular these days. QRIS
allows users to make transactions practically and quickly via smartphones using QR barcodes.
The government is also intensifying its use QRIS in an effort to reduce the use of paper money
and streamline transactions.

The use of QRIS as a transaction medium is also supported by various merchants. Based
on Bank Indonesia report by (Haryono, 2023), until February 2023 there were 24.9 million
merchants using QRIS. The number of QRIS users are 30.87 million and the number of recorded
transactions reached 12.28 trillion rupiah with a transaction volume of 121.8 million. This figure
has increased compared to the August 2022 period with 20 million traders and a number of
transactions worth 9.66 trillion rupiah and a transaction volume of 91.7 million times.

That way, QRIS becomes a lifestyle. Lifestyle is an important factor that influences
individual behaviour. Lifestyle also reflects consumption patterns, how people use time and
money, which are not permanent, change rapidly according to changes in they life. Lifestyle
changes will change a person's consumption patterns (Dian & Prajanti, 2019). Lifestyle is a series
of activities of a person that is reflected in his daily life in carrying out life activities based on
activities, interests, opinions (Dewi et al., 2020). Basically, lifestyle is an individual's pattern of
managing aspects of their time and finances (Kusnandar & Kurniawan, 2018). Many individuals
spend their time and money buying things they don't need. Others are willing to spend more just

The Influence Of Lifestyle, Perceived Convenience, And Promotion On The Decision To Use Quick
Response Code Indonesian Standard (Qris)

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to shop at locations that give them reputation or prestige. This can happen because of certain
attractions that cause impulse buying. impulse buying is something that encourages potential
customers to act because of the appeal of certain sentiments or passions (Manurung & Yana,
2019). This phenomenon is increasingly linked to the development of fintech, such as QRIS,
which facilitates the experience of shopping with digital payment methods. Additionally, QRIS
often provides various attractive benefits, such as exclusive offers, discounts, or cashbacks that
push consumers to make more purchases to get additional benefits. This is confirmed also by
(Salim & Fermayani, 2021) and (Kusnanto et al., 2020) which states that price discounts
influence consumers to make impulse purchases.

The experiences of using QRIS that are practical, efficient, and without obstacles create
a perceived convenience. Perceived convenience is a structure between time and location that
refers to flexibility which is expected to increase the feeling of comfort for consumers in doing
something Raja & Widoatmodjo, (2020). A trust can be realized if a product or service is
sufficient for the desires and needs of consumers, so that consumers become satisfied with it.
Convenience can arise if consumers are satisfied. This sense of comfort and trust make it difficult
for consumers to let go of a brand and change it to another brand (Maharama & Kholis, 2018).
When the customers feel convenient about services they will try to repurchased. They enjoy the
convenience of shopping through digital platforms and enjoy safe and fast payment features such
as QRIS. The use of financial technology that provides additional benefits, such as discounts and
cashback, also increases consumer satisfaction. This statement is supported by (Astria, 2021)
which states that perceived convenience affects repeat purchases in e-commerce. Other research
conducted by (Wardana et al., 2022) states that the perspective of convenience influences
consumers to use e-wallets.

In the modern lifestyle, perceived convenience has an important role in consumer
decision-making. So, promotion is one of the effective tools to influence the convenience
perception. Promotion is a way to inform, invite, influence, and two way communication of
information between groups that play a role (Jamaludin et al., 2015). Promotion can also be said
as a component of marketing activities for goods or services that aim to provide information,
persuade, and influence consumers (Handoko, 2017). According to (Listyawati, 2016),
promotion is a producer's tactic for sending messages to groups, as well as the process of
communicate about their products. Through promotions related to QRIS, consumers experience
additional benefits such as special discounts, cashback, or exclusive offers that encourage them
to use QRIS as a payment method. Consumers who feel they get more value through QRIS
promotions are likely to choose QRIS as their first choice in transactions, therefore increasing
positive perceptions about the convenience, practicality, and benefits provided by QRIS. This
statement is reinforced by research by (Adinda, 2022) which states that promotions can influence
individuals to use QRIS. Other research conducted by (Abdillah et al., 2021) and (Acelian &
Basri, 2021) states that promotions influence consumers to use digital wallets.

From the statement above, a problem can be identified whether the consumptive lifestyle,
convenience when using financial technology, and promotions that offer more benefits can
influence people to make decisions to use QRIS. It is interesting to explore whether these three
things can be a strengthening factor for consumers to decide to use QRIS.

The purpose of this study is to find whether lifestyle, perceived convenience, and
promotion affect consumer decisions in using QRIS. Fintech that continues to grow makes
Indonesians increasingly depend on QRIS as a payment method. To maximise QRIS utilisation,
it is necessary to understand how individual lifestyles contribute to QRIS usage as well as how
perceived convenience and promotions influence QRIS usage decisions. This research will
provide a deeper understanding of these factors so that stakeholders can optimise QRIS
promotions to suit consumer needs. In addition, this research also makes an important contribution
to consumer understanding of the benefits and advantages of QRIS as a safe, practical and
profitable payment alternative. Thus, this research has importance in supporting the growth and
adoption of QRIS as an increasingly popular digital payment tool in Indonesia. This study uses

The Influence Of Lifestyle, Perceived Convenience, And Promotion On The Decision To Use Quick
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promotion, perceived convenience, and promotion as independent variables that have never been
combined in previous studies related to the decision to use. This study also uses convenience
sampling technique which is a non probability sampling method.

This study used quantitative approach which was conducted for 2 months through social
media (whatsapp, telegram, and twitter). The population in this study are all QRIS users in
Indonesia who are over 17 years old. This study used a convenience sampling technique.
Convenience sampling is a non probability sampling approach that applies where existing units
are selected (Sedgwick, 2013). The use of convenience sampling is due to facilitate sample
collection, because the population is spread throughout Indonesia which is difficult to cover
entirely. The totalled sample of this study 349 respondents based on isaac and michael table. The
data used in this research consists of empirical data collected through measurement. Primary data
was obtained through questionnaires distributed by researchers, while secondary data was
obtained from various references such as books and literature journals that were relevant to the

The data analysis to be carried out as follows:
1. Descriptive Analysis Test

Descriptive analysis test is statistics used to analyze data by describing or describing
the data that has been collected as it is without intending to make general conclusions or
generalizations (Muhson, 2006). This descriptive analysis is used to describe the
characteristics of the research by describing the research object and arranging the frequency
distribution using data from the questionnaire that has been given to the respondents.

2. Classic Assumption Test
The classical assumption test is a requirement that must be met before conducting

multiple linear regression analysis. In this study, 3 kinds of classical assumption tests were:
normality test with acceptable value >0.05, multicollinearity test with acceptable value of
VIF < 10 and Tolerance >0.1, and heteroscedasticity test with acceptable Chi Square value
< Chi square table.

3. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis
Multiple linear regression analysis aims to identify and measure the effect of

independent variables or predictors on the dependent variable. The model of the multiple
regression equation by (Uyanık & Güler, 2013) as follows:

Y = a + B1X1 + B2X2 + B3X3 + ��

Y: Decision to Use,
a: Constanta,
B1 : Regression Coefficient Of Variable
X1, B2 : Regression Coefficient Of Variable
X2, B3: Regression Coefficient Of Variable
X3, X1: Lifestyle,
X2 : Perceived Convenience,
X3 : Promotion.

4. Partial Test (T Test)
This test was conducted with the aim of evaluating the significance level of each

independent variable to the dependent variable (Handoko, 2017). Adequate value of partial
test is <0.050

The Influence Of Lifestyle, Perceived Convenience, And Promotion On The Decision To Use Quick
Response Code Indonesian Standard (Qris)

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5. Simultaneous Test (F Test)
This test was conducted with the aim of evaluating the significance level of each

independent variable to the dependent variable (Handoko, 2017). Adequate value of
simultaneous test is <0.050.

6. Correlation Coefficient and Determination Coefficient
Correlation coefficient analysis is used to compare the measurement results of two

different variables with the aim of identifying the relationship between the two variables.
The coefficient of determination aims to measure how much the ability of the independent
variable is in explaining the dependent variable (Yuni, 2017).

Descriptive Analysis
In this study has 349 respondents with different characters of gender, occupation, region and age.

Figure 1
Responden Characteristics By Gender

Figure 1 shows that the respondents consisted of 72% females and 28% males. This study
was dominated by female respondents, which is related to the lifestyle of women who are more
consumptive than men. According to (Evianah & Nuraini, 2023) women are more likely to behave
consumptively because women are very fond of shopping. Also women's intention to use E-
Payment features is higher compared to men (Islami & Simamora, 2023).

Figure 2
Responden Characteristics By Occupation











The Influence Of Lifestyle, Perceived Convenience, And Promotion On The Decision To Use Quick
Response Code Indonesian Standard (Qris)

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As depicted by figure 2 the respondents consisted of 63% as student college, 21% private
employees, 10% entrepreneurs, 3% as civil servants, and 3% respondents have other jobs. This
is in accordance with the behaviour of students who like the ease and speed of making
transactions(Nurdin et al., 2020) states that ‘ease to use’ has a positive and significant effect on
interest in transactions using fintech.

Figure 3
Responden Characteristics By Regional

According to figure 3, 49% respondents are from Jabodetabek, 26% from Java island

outside Jabodetabek, 7% respondents from Sumatra island, 1% respondents from Kalimantan
island, and 17 % respondents from outside the area mentioned. The area of origin is dominated
by respondents from Jabodetabek which categories as big cities. The citizen are more open to the
adoption of new technologies and follow the latest trends.

Figure 4
Responden Characteristics By Age

Based on figure above. 3% of respondents are under 20 years old, 77% respondents are

20-30 years old, 15% respondets are 31-40 years old, and 5% respondents are 41-50 years. In this
study, respondents aged 20-30 years. Respondents are dominated by 20-30 years old who belong
to the millennial group who use internet more often and understand financial technology. Internet
is one of the vital things for the millennial generation (Hidajat & Aprianty, 2019). Millenials are
well-versed interm of tecnology (Pravitasari, Endy; Lin, 2023).






Java (non











The Influence Of Lifestyle, Perceived Convenience, And Promotion On The Decision To Use Quick
Response Code Indonesian Standard (Qris)

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Classic Assumption Test
1. Normality Test

Table 1 Normality Test

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

N 349

Normal Parametersa,b
Mean 0E-7
Std. Deviation 2,95895483

Most Extreme Differences
Absolute ,039
Positive ,039
Negative -,025

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z ,722
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) ,674
a. Test distribution is Normal.
b. Calculated from data.

Based on the table, value Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) on Unstandardized Residual already

exceeded 0.05, namely 0.674. In other words, this shows that the data distribution of all variables
in this study is normal.

2. Multicollinearity Test

Table 2 Multicollinearity Test

Model Collinearity Statistics

Tolerance VIF

Lifestyle ,545 1,836
Perceived Convenience ,473 2,113
Promotion ,537 1,861

a. Dependent Variable: Decision to Use

In the table, VIF values have values less than 10 (VIF < 10), and values tolerance has a value
greater than or equal to 0.10 (Tolerance ≥ 0.1). Therefore, it can be concluded that there is no
multicollinearity deviation.

3. Heterocedasticty Test

The heteroscedasticity test aims to identify whether there is an unequal variability of the
residuals between one observation and another in the regression model. Following are the results
of heteroscedasticity testing using the white method:

Table 3 Heterocedasticity Test

Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate
1 ,215a ,046 ,021 11,90984
a. Predictors: (Constant), Lifestyle, Perceived Convenience, Promotion, Lifestyle2, Perceived Convenience2,

Promotion2, Lifestyle * Perceived Conenience, Perceived Convenience * Promotion, Promotion * Lifestyle

Based on the data, the results of calculate Chi Square count = 349 x 0.046 = 16.054. The
data obtained on the Chi Square table with df = 9 with a significance of 5% is 16.915. So it can
be concluded that the calculated Chi Square value < Chi square table means that there are no
symptoms of heteroscedasticity.

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Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

Table 4 Multiple Regression Analysis

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized

t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta


(Constant) 6,158 1,810 3,402 ,001
Lifestyle ,156 ,053 ,126 2,953 ,003
Perceived Convenience ,541 ,038 ,646 14,162 ,000
Promotion ,140 ,054 ,112 2,614 ,009

a. Dependent Variable: Decision to Use

The table displays the multiple linear regression equations used in this study. The equation is as

Y = 6.158 + 0.156X1 + 0.541X2 + 0.140X3

From the regression equation, it can be explained as follows:

1. When the Lifestyle variable, Perceived Convenience, and promotions remain stable or have
a value of zero, then the level of consumer satisfaction will remain at 6,158 units.

2. If the Lifestyle variable increases by 1 unit, then there is an increase of 0.156 units in
Decision to Use level. In other words, every 1 unit increase in the Lifestyle variable
contributes to an increase in the Decision to Use by 0.156 units.

3. If the Perceived Convenience variable increases by 1 unit, then there is an increase of 0.541
units in the Decision to Use level. In other words, every 1 unit increase in the Perceived
Convenience variable contributes to an increase in Decision to Use by 0.541 units.

4. If the Promotion variable increases by 1 unit, then there is an increase of 0.140 units in the
Decision to Use rate. In other words, every 1 unit increase in the Promotion variable
contributes to an increase in Decision to Use of 0.140 units.

Partial Test (T Test)

Table 5 Partial Test

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized

t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta


(Constant) 6,158 1,810 3,402 ,001
Lifestyle ,156 ,053 ,126 2,953 ,003
Perceived Convenience ,541 ,038 ,646 14,162 ,000
Promotion ,140 ,054 ,112 2,614 ,009

a. Dependent Variable: Decision to Use

From the results listed in the table, it is stated that:

1. The significance value of the Lifestyle variable is 0.003, which is less than the ɑ value at
0.050. Therefore, it can be concluded that lifestyle has an positive and significant impact
on the level of decision to use. This statement supports Foster et al. (2022) who stated
that lifestyle has a significant positive effect on decisions to use electronic money and
Abdillah et al. (2021) who stated that Lifestyle can influence a person's decision to use
a digital wallet. Increase the cosumers lifestyle consumers can increasing the decision to

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use QRIS. The use of QRIS, opinion about QRIS and the interest of consumers as lifestyle
indicators can improve the decision to use.

2. The significance value of the Perceived Convenience variable is 0.000, which is less than
the ɑ value at 0.050. Therefore, it can be concluded that perceived convenience has a
positive and significant impact on the level of decision to use. This statement supports
research conducted by Raja & Widoatmodjo (2020), states that convenience has a positive
significant influence on the use financial technology digital wallet. The government can
improve the technology related to QRIS to be able to increase the sense of comfort in
using QRIS. The ease of use, easy to access, benefit offered, convenient transactions and
convenience in making decisions as perceived convenience indicators can improve the
decision to use.

3. The significance value of the Promotion variable is 0.009, which is less than the ɑ value
at 0.050. Therefore, it can be concluded that promotion has a positive and significant
impact on the level of decision to use. This statement supports research conducted by
Abdillah et al. (2021) who stated that Promotion has a positive significant on decision to
use digital wallets and research conducted by Alistriwahyuni (2019) who stated that Sales
promotions have a positive significant influence on purchasing decisions using digital
wallets. The government can create creative and interested promotions to get more
consumers to make easier decisions to use QRIS. Frequency, quality, targeted and timely
of promotion as promotion indicators can improve the decision to use.

Simultaneous Test (F Test)

The F test is used to test whether the independent variables of lifestyle, perceived convenience,
and promotions simultaneously influence the dependent variable on the decision to use. Following
are the results of the test:

Table 6 Simultaneous Test

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Regression 5911,804 3 1970,601 223,132 ,000b
Residual 3046,884 345 8,832
Total 8958,688 348

a. Dependent Variable: Decision to Use
b. Predictors: (Constant), Lifestyle, Perceived Convenience, Promotion

The data in the table shows that the significance value is 0.000 which is smaller than the

ɑ value of 0.050, thus it can be concluded that lifestyle, perceived convenience, and promotions
simultaneously influence the decision to use.

Correlation Coefficient and Determination Coefficient
The following is the result of the correlation coefficient and determination coeffiecient

between lifestyle, perceived convenience, and promotion on decision to use:

Table 7 Correlation Coefficient and Determination Coefficient

Model Summaryb
Model R R Square Adjusted R

Std. Error of the

1 ,812a ,660 ,657 2,972
a. Predictors: (Constant), Lifestyle, Perceived Convenience, Promotion
b. Dependent Variable: Decision to Use

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From the table above, it known that the value of the correlation coefficient (R) of lifestyle,
perceived convenience, and promotion of the decision to use is 0.812. This shows that it has a
very strong relationship.

It is known that the R-Square is 0.660 which states that the influence of lifestyle, perceived
convenience, and promotion variables on decision to use variabel is 66%. In this context, it can
be concluded that the influence of lifestyle, perceived convenience and promotion on the decision
to use is 66%. 34% of decisions to use QRIS are influenced by other factors such as financial
literacy, ease of use, trust, and cultural factors (Palupi et al., 2022; (Wirda Seputri; Muhammad
Yafiz, 2022).


Based on the description of the research results above, it can be concluded that lifestyle has
a significant influence on the decision to use QRIS. The magnitude of the influence reached
15.6%. This means that lifestyle has an important role for consumers in increasing the decision
to use QRIS.

Perceived convenience has a significant influence on the decision to use QRIS. The
magnitude of the influence reached 54.1%. This means that perceived convenience has a very
important role for consumers in increasing their decision to use QRIS. The influence value of
54.1% is a large number in providing influence. This can make perceived convenience a factor
that must be increased more than other factors.

Promotion has a significant influence on the decision to use QRIS. The magnitude of the
influence reached 14%. This means that Promotion has an important role for consumers in
increasing the decision to use QRIS.

Lifestyle, perceived convenience, and promotion simultaneously have a significant
influence on consumers' decision to use QRIS with a figure of 66%. While the remaining 34% is
influenced by other variables not listed in the study. Based on these results, it can be concluded
that the objectives of this study were achieved. That is, there is a significant influence between
lifestyle, perceived convenience and promotion on QRIS usage decisions. This research is
expected to be a reference related to factors that can increase QRIS usage in the future.

The weakness of this study is that the respondents are still dominated by students and come
from the Jabodetabek area. For further research, it can expand the distribution of questionnaires,
so that it can reach all of Indonesia. Also, it can take another factors of decision to use likely
perceived ease of use, perceived of security, knowledge of fintech, and consumtif lifestyle. Other
than that, future research can also use different dependent variables such as repeated use of QRIS.
This research is expected to support the growth and adoption of QRIS as an increasingly popular
digital payment tool in Indonesia.

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