The Effect of Digital Marketing And Product Quality on Consumer Satisfaction with Purchasing
Decisions as A Moderation Variable on Cv. Carlitos Maju Pratama
850 Return: Study of Economic And Bussines Management, Vol 2 (8),August 2023
well as being able to control individual experiences in making decisions. One of the influences is
having digital marketing which has a strategy to increase a large influence on customer
satisfaction. Thus, the findings of this study support and complement the findings of previous
studies by (Aji, 2021; Sopiyan, 2022).
Based on the table above, the results of the research hypothesis can be described as follows:
the results of the second hypothesis test stated that P Values = 0.016 <0.05 determines that product
quality has a positive and significant effect on consumer satisfaction. Thus, the second hypothesis
is accepted as product quality has the form of goods or services that can meet and satisfy consumer
needs so that each determination of product quality can produce good customer satisfaction. Thus,
the findings of this study support and complement the findings of previous studies by (Malonda &
Stephen, 2020; Ismayana & Hayati, 2018; Muliati et al., 2023).
Based on the table above, the results of the research hypothesis can be described as follows.
The results of the third hypothesis test stated that P Values = 0.008 <0.05 determined that
purchasing decisions had a positive and significant effect on consumer satisfaction. Thus the third
hypothesis was accepted. consumer satisfaction with manufactured products appears when
consumers have made a purchase decision. The buying process consists of five phases: needs
assessment, information search, evaluation of alternatives, purchase decisions and post-purchase
behavior, in the final phase, post-purchase behavior, consumers evaluate the purchase results
whether they meet their expectations or not, which then becomes the basis for post-purchase
actions, whether they are satisfied or not. if the consumer is satisfied with the performance of the
product he bought, it means that the consumer is more likely to repurchase the product or service.
Thus, the findings of this study support and complement the findings of previous studies
by.(Cesariana et al., 2022; P. Lestari & Saifuddin, 2020).
Based on the table above, the results of the research hypothesis can be described as follows.
The results of the fourth hypothesis test stated that P Values = 0.000 <0.05 indicating that
moderation in purchasing decisions strengthens and is significant for the influence of digital
marketing on consumer satisfaction. Thus the hypothesis is accepted. In digital marketing, good
purchasing decisions tend to be rational, which affects consumer satisfaction. Digital marketing
indirectly plays an important role in influencing consumer satisfaction, because the form of
marketing is quite good and offers consumers an experience that can be included in purchasing
decisions. Thus, the findings of this study support and complement the findings of previous
studies by (Khoziyah & Lubis, 2021; Laura & Khotimah, 2022).
Based on the table above, the results of the research hypothesis can be described as follows.
The results of the fifth hypothesis test stated that P Values = 0.006 <0.05 indicating that
moderation in purchasing decisions strengthens and significantly influences product quality on
consumer satisfaction. Thus the fifth hypothesis is accepted. Purchasing decisions can moderate
the influence of product quality in creating consumer satisfaction, namely purchasing decisions
are closely related to product quality, if goods and services are purchased and match what is
expected by consumers, then there will be a decision or satisfaction and vice versa. If the quality
of the product produced is getting better, it will affect consumer satisfaction or potential customers
who will use the product, and ultimately trigger them to make a purchase. Therefore, it is
important for companies to pay attention to product quality in order to improve purchasing
decisions and consumer satisfaction. Thus, the findings of this study support and complement the
findings of previous studies by (Nugroho et al., 2016); (Iriani & Aida, 2019).
Based on the results of the discussion, the following conclusions can be drawn (1) Digital
marketing has a positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction (2) Product quality has a
positive and significant effect on customer satisfaction (3) Purchasing decisions have a positive
and significant effect on consumer satisfaction (4) Moderation of purchase decisions strengthens
and is significant on the influence of digital marketing on customer satisfaction (5) Moderation