E-ISSN: 2963-3699
P-ISSN: 2964-0121
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Ivana Nafliyon
, Aldi Akbar
Faculty of Communication and Business, Telkom University, Indonesia
ivana.nafliyon[email protected]
, aldiakb@telkomuniversity.ac.id
The charm of Indonesian tourism is known to have unique characteristics and the development of
tourism in villages is considered more strategic and provides many benefits, especially in the economic
aspect. But there are still many tourist attractions that have not maximized it so that the number of
tourists is low, for example in Tarumajaya Village. This research aims to be a new business strategy
for the management of the Tarumajaya Village Tourism Business Unit based on the Smart Business
Map which is reviewed from the results of the Playing Field, Marker Landscape, and Operational
Profitability analysis. The research method used is descriptive qualitative with an inductive approach
to data analysis. Primary data was obtained through interviews with the Director and Manager of the
tourism business unit BUMDesa Wa Hyang Tarumajaya. The results of the study indicate that the
tourism business unit BUMDesa Wa Hyang Tarumajaya experiences difficulties in developing modern
tourism. The strategy includes developing a playing field to expand tourists and achieve more positive
business development, Market Landscape to increase visitor volume and build bonds with tourists, and
Operational Profitability to increase revenue, manage expenses with efficiency, use core resources
optimally, and develop skilled and competent teams.
Keywords: Smart Business Map; Business Strategy; BUMDesa Tourism
The tourism sector is a sector with great potential to generate foreign exchange. Wahab (2003) in
Suwarjo (2020) said Tourism is one of the new industrial styles, which can provide rapid economic
growth in employment opportunities, direct public acceptance and activate other production sectors in
tourist-receiving countries. However, it cannot be denied that the tourism sector has experienced a decline
in income because, in the last 2 years, it has received the impact of Covid-19 so the number of foreign
tourists visiting Indonesia has decreased.
Based on data collected by the (Badan Pusat Statistik, 2021), there has been a drastic decrease in the
number of foreign tourists visiting Indonesia since February 2020. Overall, the total number of foreign
tourist arrivals from January to May 2020 reached 2.9 million visits, a decrease of 53.36% compared to
the previous year which reached 6.3 million visits. In June 2020, the number of foreign tourist visits
reached 160.3 thousand visits. This figure decreased by 88.8% compared to June 2019 which reached
434.1 thousand visits. Meanwhile, when compared to May 2020, there was a decrease of 2% from 163.3
thousand visits.
Figures 1 Indonesian Tourism Competitiveness Index (2011 2019)
Source: (Databoks, 2019)
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Indonesia's tourism competitiveness index according to the World Economy Forum (WEF) also
shows encouraging progress, where Indonesia's ranking rose from 50th in 2015 to 42nd in 2017. In 2017,
the growth of the tourism sector accelerated by 22%, ranking second after Vietnam. (29%). In the same
year, the average growth in the tourism sector in the world was 6.4%, and 7% in ASEAN. The
strengthening of the “Wonderful Indonesia” branding has also continued to be encouraged where during
the period 2016 to March 2019 it managed to get 150 awards. The charm of Indonesian tourism is famous
because it has unique characteristics. Indonesia has thousands of tourist destinations, including those that
are well-known and those that are still not fully utilized optimally.
In tourism development, the village is one of the most important and strategic positions to be
developed. Of course, the development of village tourism will provide real benefits for improving
people's lives from an economic and income perspective. Communities can manage lodging places, and
services (transportation or information), create stalls and others to increase income and reduce
unemployment rates in the village. According to (Masitah, 2019) the emergence of tourist villages in the
tourism sector can provide a new alternative for tourists to carry out tourism activities not only to enjoy
the beauty of nature but to be able to study and introduce the life and activities of rural communities
Based on the phenomenon above, tourism in Tarumajaya Village is one of the tourist attractions
that has not been fully utilized optimally so the number of tourists who come is still relatively low. The
lack of marketing through digital media either in the form of creative videos or creating campaigns to
attract tourists to know the natural charm and educational tours that Tourism Villages have
Figure 2 The proportion of marketers who choose video to market their products
Source: (databoks, 2023)
According to a report from the research institute Wyzowl, where there is an increasing trend in
the use of video as a product or service marketing strategy. The video used can be in the form of
animation, live-action, or other recordings. At the beginning of 2023, 91% of respondents chose video as
a product marketing method, an increase from the previous year which reached 86%. The trend of using
video marketing has increased significantly in 2018 with the figure reaching 81%. However, there was a
decrease in usage in 2019-2020, from 87% to 85%.
The research team concluded that video will continue to be a widely used marketing tool trusted
by around 9 out of 10 companies or lines of business. However, it cannot be denied that the human
resources owned by Tarumajaya Village do not follow trends on social media so they cannot explore
existing trends more and follow the fast path of current trends which are still not sufficient.
The Tarumajaya BUMDesa Tourism Business Unit is still promoting through the website and
Instagram only and has not been consistent in making promotions either in the form of video content or
being active on various social media such as Tiktok, Instagram, or Facebook ads that display beautiful
natural panoramas. By not taking advantage of the platform that already exists and is widely used by the
community, it will not increase tourists who will know about tourist destinations in Tarumajaya Village.
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Unit Wa Hyang Tarumajaya
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In the end, only local people or tourists who know tourist destinations from other people's
recommendations will come.
Tourists coming to tourist villages have decreased especially when there is a pandemic, all
tourism has had such a big impact not only on tourist attractions but also on the MSME owner community
around tourism and human resources managing Tarumajaya Village Tourism.
In an interview with Mr. Entep as the Director of BUMDesa Tarumajaya, he said that tourism in
Tarumajaya had not fully recovered and still needed more attention, especially on the number of tourists
which had to be increased so that financial circulation could run well. this is focused on the welfare of
managers and in improving services, cleanliness and infrastructure that will be provided at tourist
attractions. BUMDesa managers are well aware that there are still many things that need to be improved
in terms of infrastructure. As explained by (Inskeep, 1991) in Tri Risandewi (2017), one of the basic
infrastructure that is considered important to support the sustainability of tourism development activities
is the provision of adequate transportation infrastructure. The transportation infrastructure in question is
not only in the form of roads but various other infrastructure facilities that are still related to
transportation, for example parking lots, modes of transportation and various other infrastructure
facilities. However, the unstable tourists who visit make tourism hampered. Therefore the researcher is
interested in conducting an effective business strategy study and conducting further analysis regarding the
factors that are obstacles to the digital transformation of the Tarumajaya Village Tourism Business Unit,
including financing constraints, lack of training and education related to digital knowledge capabilities for
human resources in Tarumajaya Village Tourism Business Unit. to further improve tourism performance.
When viewed from the problems faced by the Tarumajaya Village Tourism Business Unit, this
business model can be an important step in designing a new business strategy for the unit. Researchers
believe that this approach is the most suitable method for mapping and describing the condition of the
company so that it can develop and progress. In this study, researchers will use the Smart Business Map
to propose business development for the Tarumajaya Village Tourism Business Unit.
The approach that will be used in this study will focus on the SBM components, especially on
the Playing Field, Market Landscape, and Operational Profitability components mentioned earlier.
Through this research, it is hoped that more adaptive business concepts and strategies can be developed
using the SBM Board for the Tarumajaya Village Tourism Business Unit. The following is a Smart
Business Map table based on the SBM Board.
Based on the description above, the researcher is interested in conducting research with the title
"Analysis of Business Development Strategies Using Smart Business Map in BUMDesa Wa Hyang
Tarumajaya Tourism Business Unit". Identification of the problem in this research is: What is the Smart
Business Map (SBM) based business strategy for the Tarumajaya Village Tourism Business Unit in terms
of Playing Field, Market Landscape and Operational Profitability?
The research method used in this research is a descriptive qualitative method where the researcher
tries to use an inductive approach in data analysis. According to (Hadi & Supardi, 2020), an inductive
approach is carried out by comparing sources that are relevant to the research focus. This inductive
analysis technique is a data analysis approach that begins with certain factors and then general
conclusions are drawn. The data used in this study are primary data obtained from oral interviews with
respondents and secondary data obtained through literature study, observation, and documentation.
This study focuses on describing aspects related to the observed phenomena. The results of
descriptive research can be the basis for making business decisions or as a step toward solving business
problems. Descriptive research is used to describe or analyze a research result without a tendency to
conclude from the research results (Sugiyono, 2017). With this method, the implementation is usually less
structured. Information found on the site is processed and interpreted to produce research results. This
method can also be called an interpretation method (Sugiyono, 2017).
Table 1 Research Results Playing Field
Playing Field
1. What is the problem?
a. What is the problem of the potential customer that you want to solve? Many people want …(1)
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and/but …(2)
Homestays for large-scale visitors such as training
groups from out of town or those who wish to take
part in educational tourism tours (1) but there are
still few homestays available (2).
Facilities and rides at each tourist destination are
more complete (1) but constrained by funds (2).
2. Who has the problem?
a. Who are your potential customers? Based on geographic, demographic, psychographic, and
- Geographic: National and international tourists.
- Demographic: All ages, all genders, from
various social classes from middle to upper
middle class to upper middle class.
- Psychographic: people who have a free lifestyle
who like to explore nature.
- Behavior: Nature lovers, educational tourists
such as elementary-college students who want
to learn about coffee or local institutions who
want to take part in village-coordinating
- Geographic: It is hoped that many national
tourists will also be seen by international tourists.
- Demographic: All ages, all genders, from various
social classes from middle to upper middle class
to upper middle class.
- Psychographic: Lifestyle who want to explore
beautiful natural attractions.
- Behavior: Nature lovers, campers, educational
tourists who want to learn the coffee making
3. What is the solution?
a. List of solutions that are currently on the market.
There are facilities in 4 active tourist destinations
such as public toilets for tourists, BUMDesa Wa
Hyang Tarumajaya also attended counseling on
how to standardize tourist homestays so that they
can foster the community to be able to utilize
residents' homes as proper homestays with national
facilities and quality for tourists who come.
The existence of an inter-arrival team as a two-
wheeled transportation option for tourists to use
while traveling in Tarumajaya Village and
BUMDesa WaHyang Tarumajaya also provides
tour packages for tourists to more easily manage a
more efficient time when traveling in Tarumajaya
Village. Tourist destinations that are already
running have also been supported by good access
and infrastructure as well as affordable tourist
entrance tickets.
4. How big is the market?
a. How big is your business potential?
Of course, it is big in terms of the tourism sector
which is growing and attracting tourists.
Tarumajaya Village is also supported by good
access and infrastructure as well as beautiful
natural potential showing off mountain views in
Tarumajaya Village with the concept of
conservation-based nature tourism, which will have
great potential to attract the attention of nature-
loving tourists. There is also a coffee plantation
conservation area to be able to educate tourists.
Education from elementary to university. Some of
the tourism sectors already have supporting
vehicles or recreational equipment that can be
enjoyed by tourists.
The potential is huge, especially now that there is a
website, social media so potential tourists can see
in advance what tourist spots they want to visit and
the natural potential of Tarumajaya Village itself.
5. What factor will impact the business?
a. Macroeconomics
The Wa Hyang Tarumajaya BUMDes Tourism Business Unit is making efforts by participating in
counseling training on how to standardize tourist homestays so that the community can foster the
community to be able to utilize residents' homes as homestays in order to increase the community's
economic growth as well as achieve a sustainable balance of community income. BUMDesa Wa
Hyang Tarumajaya has also added public toilet facilities to provide comfort for tourists.
b. Government policy
With the PPKM policy during Covid-19, of course, tourist destinations must be closed while the
PPKM lasts, as a result, activities in every tourist destination in Tarumajaya Village must be closed
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Unit Wa Hyang Tarumajaya
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and stopped to receive visiting tourists.
c. Non-governmental organization
Non-governmental organizations such as inter-anter formed by BUMSDesa Wa Hyang Tarumajaya
itself to provide the community with the opportunity to have activities and increase income to become
one of the transportation options for visiting tourists to be able to take them from one place to another
by motorbike.
d. Competitor
The Wa Hyang Tarumajaya BUMDesa Tourism Business Unit continues to make efforts to avoid the
threat of high competition from tourist attractions that are increasingly modern and well-known by
local tourists by starting to update the website and studying social media so that tourists who want to
find new and authentic nature tourism can see it.
e. Changes in consumer behavior
Consumers, in this case tourists, of course, always follow the times that are going on, now potential
tourists will see and look for how tourist destinations from social media look comfortable, safe and
affordable. So that with social media, potential tourists can easily find out how access and facilities
have these tourist destinations so that BUMDesa Wa Hyang Tarumajaya develops social media and
websites for branding to tourists so they are interested in visiting.
f. Technology changes
Technological changes that cannot stop and continue to move fast The Wa Hyang Tarumajaya
BUMDesa Tourism Business Unit tries to keep up with technological developments but is still unable
to keep up with technological developments quickly.
Table 2 Research Results Market Landscape
Market Landscape
1. Why do people choose you?
a. Who are your competitors?
Nature tourism is also education-based tourism in
the Bandung area.
Tourist destinations such as Ciwidey which has a
camping ground in Lembang are also modern
b. What is unique about your product compared to your competitors?
Service, Quality, Exclusive, Location
Service, Quality, Exclusive, Location
c. What do you promise to your tourists?
Natural beauty with beautiful mountain views with
clean weather, comfortable facilities and exciting
activities such as outbound, educational tours,
camping grounds that can be enjoyed by tourists at
affordable prices.
Tourist satisfaction with the beautiful nature of
Tarumajaya Village as well as various tourist
destinations ranging from camping grounds,
educational tours, outbound, views of tea gardens
and hot springs and waterfalls that are still being
d. What is the tagline of your business?
Wonderful Tarumajaya
Wonderful Tarumajaya
2. How do you sell your product?
a. hat is the price of your product?
Comparative study package for Tarumajaya Village
710.000 IDR per pax, a visit package for the
management of the Tarumajaya tourism village
550.000 IDR per pax, but for tourists who want to
come without a package or do camping, the ticket
price is around 15,000 IDR 25,000 IDR
Around 15.000 IDR 25.000 IDR for tourists who
want to visit.
b. How to plan your campaign?
Using paid promotion on social media but
analyzing the most effective.
Utilize social media marketing by turning on the
website, making videos and uploading the latest
photos on BUMDesa Wa Hyang Tarumajaya's
social media.
3. How do you keep your customer?
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a. Have you selected your customer database?
Already available.
Already exists but it is still manual in the form of
how many visitors come to the tourist destination
of Tarumajaya Village.
b. What are your customer management programs?
The plan is to provide even more homestays in
order to provide comfort for tourists who want to
stay overnight.
No answer.
Table 3 Research Result Operational Profitability
Operational Profitability
1. How do you increase your revenue?
a. What strategies can be implemented to increase revenue?
There is no definite strategy yet, but outreach and
counseling for the community so they can use the
house as a proper homestay for tourists.
b. Is there cooperation or collaboration with other parties that can increase revenue?
There is cooperation with Perhutani, management
of tourist destinations with the TNI.
c. Are there any marketing strategies that have been proven effective in increasing revenue?
Give 10% cashback to HR in the organization or
outside the organization that brings tourists to visit.
2. How do you manage your cost?
a. What strategy do you use to manage the Company's cash flow??
Still not there because tourism has just started
running again from the PPKM Covid-19.
3. What is your core resource?
a. What are the core resources owned by the Company?
Beautiful natural resources that only exist in
Tarumajaya Village and human resources who are
always enthusiastic and willing to learn new things
and continue to increase innovation and creativity.
4. How do you develop your team?
a. What approaches or programs can be used to develop the Company's HR skills?
Human resources are required to always be able to
provide innovations and creativity that can develop
tourism in Tarumajaya Village, therefore HR who
can bring tourists will be given a reward in the
form of a 10% cashback. Also often the Company's
HR carries out joint activities such as celebrating
the new year at a tourist destination.
Based on the interviews that have been conducted, it can be seen that these results have
deficiencies so that improvements and evaluations are needed to achieve clearer and more
focused business goals for the BUMDesa Tourism Business Unit Wa Hyang Tarumajaya.
Playing Field
1. What is the problem?
The problem in the community as potential tourists according to the BUMDesa Wa
Hyang Tarumajaya Tourism Business Unit is homestays for tourists who take tour
packages for more than 1 day but the accommodation available in tourist areas is still
minimal due to the lack of interest and understanding of the community to utilize their
private homes become lodging for tourists who come to Tarumajaya Village.
The researcher recommends to the Wa Hyang Tarumajaya BUMDesa Tourism
Business Unit make lodging with tents for tourists who will take part in tourist tours with
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Unit Wa Hyang Tarumajaya
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the theme of glamorous camping (GLAMPING) to get around the lack of existing lodging
and also to give an original impression to tourists and GLAMPING itself will show what is
the potential for lodging that can be utilized by the community to make homestays in their
private homes. However, BUMDesa Wa Hyang Tarumajaya's permanent researcher
continues to provide village tourism literacy and training, as well as collaborate with
tourism institutions aimed at local communities so that they can take an important role in
the development of lodging that they can equalize the economy by providing decent
accommodation by national lodging standards.
2. Who has the problem?
The Wa Hyang Tarumajaya BUMDesa Tourism Business Unit has a fairly broad
target market to target because it wants to target tourists from national to international, of
all ages, all genders, and from various social circles without exception. The researcher
would like to suggest that the Wa Hyang Tarumajaya BUMDesa Tourism Business Unit
can re-identify the target of potential tourists both in terms of who will become potential
tourists, what the desired needs, emotions, and target audience references are. This
identification can be done by making a short questionnaire to visitors via the Google form
so that the BUMDesa Tourism Business Unit knows more clearly and in detail what is
being done or even what tourists who have come to Tarumajaya Village want. This can
also increase the portfolio of tourist testimonials on the Tarumajaya Village website or
To be able to hook the target market on the desired Demographic, Psychographic, and
Behavior segmentation, the researchers suggest the Wa Hyang Tarumajaya BUMDesa
Tourism Business Unit carry out digital social marketing. And also to attract the attention
of the target market desired by the Wa Hyang Tarumajaya BUMDesa Tourism Business
Unit, Kertasari District, Bandung Regency, in this increasingly advanced digital era,
creativity and consistency must be increased in promoting existing tourist destinations by
utilizing all existing social media, both from Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook, website
regularly, consistently, creatively, informative.
3. What is the solution?
To be able to develop or maintain existing facilities, researchers recommend
monitoring and maintaining existing public facilities to keep them clean and comfortable,
especially during high season. The author also recommends that BUMDesa in the future
can have bicycle loans for tourists who want to enjoy village views, also adding more easy-
to-understand directions for tourists to explore the village.
4. How big is the market?
The author recommends adding one of the benefits that will be obtained in the
package tour, namely getting souvenirs typical of Tarumajaya Village from garden
products and also collaboration with MSMEs that sell typical products such as crafts or
others, to be able to make parcels that will be given to tourists after participating in the tour
Tarumajaya village tourism.
The author recommends increasing and updating the tour package price list by
offering more diverse benefits because according to the Director of BUMDesa Wa Hyang
Tarumajaya, namely Entep Sutiaman, the majority of tourists visiting Tarumajaya Village
are in large groups on visits for educational tours or counseling comparative studies on
BUMDesa management so that they can increase income instead of only for the Wa Hyang
Tarumajaya BUMDesa Tourism Business Unit, Kertasari District, Bandung Regency, but it
also brings benefits to people who have MSMEs. And of course, the author also still
recommends continuing to be consistent in creating content and activating social media so
that you can increase interaction with followers on each social media account that is run.
5. What factors will impact your business?
a. Macroeconomics
The Tarumajaya BUMDesa Tourism Business Unit, Kertasari District, Bandung
Regency can run another option by making lodging with the theme of glamorous
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camping (GLAMPING) which offers beautiful views and can make partners with
Online Travel Agencies (OTA) to make it easily accessible to potential tourists in
booking lodging.
b. Government Policy
The Tarumajaya BUMDesa Tourism Business Unit, Kertasari District, Bandung
Regency can immediately carry out restoration in every facility that has been owned,
improve and manage human resources so that they can follow social media trends
which are now running fast to increase the promotion of tourist destinations in
Tarumajaya Village so that they can return to the attention of potential tourists. The
researcher also recommends for the Tarumajaya BUMDesa Tourism Business Unit,
Kertasari District, Bandung Regency immediately make adjustments, in business
operations or update all strategies that will be carried out by making a planning
timeline for what achievements will be produced.
c. Non-Governmental Organizations
The researcher recommends that delivery services can be increased not only to
take tourists but also to deliver goods or food from other MSMEs in the community
according to tourist orders. This will increase the demand for inter-anter use and also
increase the income of MSMEs in the Tarumajaya Village community.
d. Competitor
BUMDesa Tarumajaya, Kertasari District, Bandung Regency can carry out a
competitor analysis so that the BUMDesa Tarumajaya Tourism Business Unit,
Kertasari District, Bandung Regency can adjust, study and evaluate and find out the
strengths it has or weaknesses that can still be improved. Conducting research and
analyzing competitors, will increase the productivity and efficiency of the Tourism
Business Unit staff in carrying out their work, will also increase staff loyalty to the
Company and of course, will improve social communication with other colleagues.
e. Changes in consumer behavior
The researcher recommends the Tarumajaya BUMDesa Tourism Business Unit,
Kertasari District, Bandung Regency to conduct research on visiting tourists or tourists
who book tour tickets online. This research can be carried out by giving questionnaires
about tourist satisfaction or things that can be repaired until they are improved when
doing tours in Tarumajaya Village. By conducting research related to tourism, of
course, it will improve social communication with other colleagues and innovation for
the management of the BUM Desa Tarumajaya Tourism Business Unit, Kertasari
District, Bandung Regency.
f. Technological change
The researcher recommends that each staff be able to carry out self-development
by participating in online training on social media technology in terms of online
platforms, social interaction, content creation, marketing and promotion, viral trends,
the influence of public opinion, and others. This training can be had in many online-
based workshops or talk shows.
Market Landscape
1. Why do people choose you?
The author analyzes factors that can be developed and recommended for the
BUMDesa Wa Hyang Tarumajaya Tourism Business Unit which can be evaluated and
improved to convince potential tourists to choose and come to enjoy tourism in Tarumajaya
Village, namely by developing infrastructure by improving facilities and infrastructure that
support natural tourism. as well as educational tours. Build comfortable and clean camping
ground facilities, structured educational tours, and adequate parking areas. Adding Varied
Activities such as hiking, or adding ecotourism activities. The author also recommends the
Wa Hyang Tarumajaya BUMDesa Tourism Business Unit provide special promotions such
as during high season with certain conditions for limited tickets and of course highlighting
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the unique mountain views, tea gardens and tourists being able to enjoy clean and cold
weather through promotional campaigns. To be able to attract the attention of tourists to
visit, the authors also recommend doing online marketing by leveraging the power of social
media and websites to promote attractiveness and share interesting content such as photos
of stunning views and positive testimonials from tourists who have come before. The Wa
Hyang Tarumajaya BUMDesa Tourism Business Unit can also hold special events such as
cultural festivals, natural photography exhibitions, or environmental events to attract the
attention of tourists by collaborating with the government, certain institutions, or
communities after the event you want to hold.
2. How do you sell your product?
Researchers recommend the Wa Hyang Tarumajaya BUMDesa Tourism Business
Unit create tour packages with new names and interesting themes and concepts to be able
to attract tourists and of course for branding and marketing tourist destinations, such as
"Exploring Nature & Coffee Delights in Tarumajaya" with a series of events or benefits
that are clear and by the name of the tour package. Tour packages are also recommended to
be more varied and clear in each rundown. Showing a pool of local art performances or
local legends and adding events to learn dances or crafts typical of Tarumajaya Village.
Apart from that, it is also expected to create a campaign, of course with an eye-catching
name, both in the name, concept, or design of the poster or video that will be distributed.
3. How do you keep your customer?
The author recommends that the BUMDesa Wa Hyang Tarumajaya Tourism Business
Unit be able to manage a tourist database which can be obtained from the registration form
when purchasing tickets. Databases are important to know about tourist preferences and to
be able to group them into different segments for more effective marketing targeting and to
be able to carry out more targeted marketing to be able to design more focused and
effective marketing campaigns to reduce the wastage of resources on irrelevant marketing.
Also to increase the retention of past tourists by sending special offers, loyalty programs, or
content that can keep tourists connected with Tarumajaya village.
Operational Profitability
1. How do you increase your revenue?
The author recommends the BUMDesa Tourism Business Unit to be able to design a more
structured and clear marketing strategy using I in determining target markets, using social
media, websites, and marketing campaigns with tasks and achievements to be carried out to
increase work effectiveness in the long term. The author also recommends the Wa Hyang
tarumajaya BUMDesa Tourism Business Unit to collaborate with the nature lover
community, and local climbing groups so that they can create events that attract the
attention of tourists, these can be trekking activities, nature classes, or unique cultural
events. Also to increase the income of the Tourism Business Unit BUMDesa Wa Hyang
Tarumajaya can innovate by creating new products such as souvenirs or local handicraft
products that can be sold to tourists.
2. How do you manage your cost?
The author recommends that the BUMdesa Wa Hyang Tarumajaya Tourism Business
Unit be able to start planning a monthly or annual budget that involves income and
expenses related to managed tourist destinations. And of course make sure the budget
covers various aspects such as operations, marketing, development, and maintenance. You
can then monitor your income either monthly or quarterly from ticket sales, tour package
bookings, or product sales and rentals. Identify trends and patterns to assist in planning and
The author also recommends allocating the marketing budget wisely to reach the right
target market. Use social media, advertising campaigns, and creative promotions to attract
tourists' attention. It is also important for the BUMDesa Wa Hyang Tarumajaya Tourism
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Business Unit to monitor monthly cash flow using an accurate recording system. This will
help in decision-making and prevent overspending.
3. What is your core resources?
The author recommends the Wa Hyang tarumajaya BUMDesa Tourism Business Unit
to be able to go hand in hand to become a resource that can collaborate to strengthen the
core of resources, namely by providing regular training that includes increasing knowledge
about destinations, customer service skills, communication, and foreign language training
materials to interact with tourists international as well as invite HR to plan and carry out
special events or festivals that highlight the natural and cultural beauty of Tarumajaya
Village. This will also allow staff to collaborate and participate in promoting the
The author also recommends the Wa Hyang Tarumajaya BUMDesa Tourism Business
Unit be able to provide counseling on research skills to understand market trends, and
tourist preferences, and monitor competition. This will certainly help HR plan a better
strategy. By leveraging qualified and passionate human resources, and involving them in
the development and promotion of its already amazing natural resources, Tarumajaya
Village will create an extraordinary tourism experience for visitors.
4. How do you develop your team?
The author recommends the Wa Hyang Tarumajaya BUMDesa Tourism Business Unit
participate in the local tourism community or related organizations. This will provide
access to networking, learning opportunities, and collaboration which can enrich the staff
experience. And also the author recommends management to always support HR efforts in
learning and development. Provide resources and time for participation in training,
seminars, and other self-development activities. By continuing to encourage human
resources to learn and provide support to be able to develop themselves, of course, the team
will get lots of new ideas and of course, have a positive impact on the operational progress
of the BUMDesa Wa Hyang Taramujaya Tourism Business Unit itself.
Based on the results of research, analysis, observation, and evaluation, it can be
concluded that to develop a Smart Business Map (SBM) business strategy for the Tourism
Business Unit BUMDesa Wa Hyang Tarumajaya, things need to be done. First, on the Playing
Field aspect, the Tourism Business Unit can develop creative lodging, collaborate with tourism
agencies, improve website SEO and social media marketing, make an analysis of tourist
satisfaction, carry out maintenance of facilities, and diversify activities.
Second, on the Market Landscape aspect, namely, the Wa Hyang Tarumajaya BUMDesa
Tourism Business Unit can pay attention to infrastructure and facilities, carry out special
promotions and campaigns, create virtual classes, and increase local knowledge for HR and pay
attention to and manage tourist data management. Finally, on the aspect of operational
profitability, what can be done is to design a planned marketing strategy, continue to innovate
and collaborate, design appropriate financial management, provide training and human resource
development, participate in communities with a tourism scope, and continue to increase
exposure and income.
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