Analysis of Settlement Patterns Dispute Land Rights of Indigenous Peoples
78 Return: Study of Management, Economics and Business , Vol 1(No 2), Oct 2022
to time. For example , when no there is again planted crops , rights ulayat Becomes strong
return until soil the return mastered completely by the community the custom concerned.
Right on plot soil could is lost if no done again until Becomes forest or bush shrubs
growing on it. After that , member Public other could process soil that. Clear meaning of
function social it. right on soil is subject of Customary Law. Right this is what the law sees
custom as " element " togetherness " in " practice. Member Public given opportunity for open
, control , and demand soil no only for owned but also for cultivated for needs they alone. If
the land that should be done abandoned , this contrary with function social. In accordance
with law custom , right on soil no only give authority but also oblige owner for process soil
that. According to draft law custom , this is it how. right individual on ground at first created.
With As a result , in reality development is very diverse , so that by general no could
said is Public law custom still yes , already no there is again , or no once there is same very in
an area of rights ancestral. With the more strong mastery inhabitant to parts soil together that
, then strength right ulayat Public law the custom concerned with alone weakened. Right
ulayat no abolished by the LoGA or the National Land Law , which may result in continuity
life or its preservation. On the other hand , evolution Public show trend for abolish Right
Ulayat by reasonable. Specifically with increase rights individual in Public law the custom
Since the UUPA was enacted on September 24, 1960, all right on soil western law has
changed Becomes right on soil in accordance with UUPA. here reason main why Public law
custom village Wangel prohibited dominate land (previously known as HGU) in North
Wamar. Right Erfpacht changed to fit with BAL requirements after out.
On September 24, 1960, the rights on land that has been converted ends. The land
Becomes state land , and arrangements next conducted in accordance with UUPA and
regulations its implementation. By special , Regulation President No.32/1979 concerning
trees policy about gift right on soil new for conversion western rights.
1945 Constitution and laws next confess existence Public law customs and rights
ancestral. Unfortunately , right ulayat Public law custom often belittled by interests party or
group certain support government. Interest national , as poured in policy government , is
justification together. Mining , forestry , utilization islands small , and policy government
center or government areas that are in the interests of all investors reflect erosion right
ancestral. For the sake of national , eroded rights custom often result in damage environment ,
loss culture , and worst of all , the loss of identity national. Conflict often appear as
consequence from loss Public custom.
Conflict Among Public law customs and society law custom often is results from effort
government for complete complaints , in particular about obscurity territory boundary or
community area custom. In fact , the mechanism law has formed for complete conflict
involving Public law custom.
Regulation of the State Minister of Agrarian Affairs / Head of the National Land
Agency Number 5 of 1999 concerning Guidelines Solution Problem Customary Rights for
Indigenous Peoples contains mechanism solution problem right ancestral. Public law adat
whose management , control , and utilization based on provision law custom local and
recognized by members Public law the custom concerned as soil ancestral Becomes base
issued regulation this. as well as existence and mastery the land , presenting amount