The Effect of Digital Capability and Digital Literacy on Business Performance with Employee Innovation
as a Mediating Variable at PT Pegadaian
Return: Study of Management, Economic and Bussines, Vol 2 (9), September 2023 885
literacy, and employee innovation is a contributing factor to the lack of strategies in credit control.
Credit factors as researched by (Dewi, 2019) this study shows the factors that influence lending
strategies and their impact on NPLs in BPRs in Central Java Province. The results showed that
the lending strategy has a significant effect on NPL. The better the strategy used, the lower the
NPL ratio.
According to (Fariyani et al., 2023) performance is the achievement of organizational goals
that can be formed in the form of quantitative or qualitative output, creativity, flexibility,
reliability or other things that can be desired by the organization. Performance can be short term
or long term, also at the individual, group or organizational level. Meanwhile, according to (Loka
et al., 2017), business is an activity that always deals with risk and profit. One measure of business
success generally refers to the level of profitability. Profitability shows the company's ability to
generate profits during a certain period (Priatna, 2017). In today's business competition,
companies in addition to paying attention to the level of profitability, must also look at the internal
perspective by examining their human resources. The winner of competition in the global market
is a company that is able to respond quickly according to its capabilities and comes from employee
innovation. Reinforced by research (Sudrajat, 2013), An effective organization is able to
transform corporate entrepreneurial activities into its corporate strategy, which is fundamental in
developing creative and innovative approaches designed to develop new ideas and ways of doing
If reviewed further, employee innovation from PT Pegadaian is also still very lacking. This
is evident from the number of participants who participated in the PIA (Pegadaian Innovation
Award) competency in 2023, only 2,316 innovators. Where PIA is an innovation competency
event that provides opportunities for all employees to be able to contribute to the company through
the distribution of creative and implementable innovation ideas, both new and improving or
improving the quality of the company. Meanwhile, the total number of Pegadaian employees now
reaches 31,098 people, consisting of 12,668 permanent workers, 1,643 contract workers, and
16,787 outsourced workers. So that only 7.44% of employees have the willingness to innovate.
Until now, the challenges of the digital economy and digital transformation must still be ready to
be faced. According to Aaker, (2015), most companies are struggling to make digital
transformation, and they realize that digital is a powerful tool to build brands and strengthen
relationships because it has a unique ability to engage human resources. So, companies need to
be ready, and that's why we want to show how capabilities will help companies to overcome all
these challenges of the digital economy.
According to Junior et. al., (2016), validation between models and cases analyzed to date
shows digital capability can help companies develop digital business models to improve e-
commerce and e-business as business performance. However, this is inversely proportional to the
research written by (Haryanti, 2021) the results show that in Indonesia digital capability has no
effect on MSME business performance, this result is in line with the OECD publication (2014).
There are many factors that cause digital capability not to have a significant effect on MSME
business performance, including the incompatibility of business processes, limited managerial
knowledge in terms of internet use, limited number of computers and internet connections, lack
of trust and security in internet utilization and the amount of regular computer development and
Behavior of using digital technology systems can be measured by the frequency of someone
using the system, if you already have an interest in technology systems because the convenience
and benefits obtained, it will continue use the system in everyday life or in work, so that it will
improve performance (Pertiwi & Purwanto, 2022). Meanwhile, according to (Arifuddin et. al.,
2022), digital literacy will help business owners to diversify their operations to conduct online
and offline business activities. The results show that this research can be positively accepted the
existence of digital literacy in the context of business performance as an innovation to improve
company performance. Application of information technology that aims to win business
competition in the company also needs to be considered business competence in the availability
of professional information technology human resources who has an understanding of business