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Ni Putu Krisna Purnama Sari
, Hesty Prima Rini
Faculty of Economic and Business, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional “Veteran” Jawa Timur,
Surabaya, Indonesia
krisnapurnam[email protected]
, hestyprimarini.mn[email protected]
This study aims to determine the effect of self-efficacy and competence on Work Readiness through
On the Job Training on housekeeping students of Mediteranean Bali Bangli Campus. This research is a
quantitative descriptive research. The population and sample used were 60 housekeeping students of
Mediteranean Bali Bangli Campus using the Total Sampling technique. This study used a Partial Least
Square (PLS) as analysis tool. The results showed that self-efficacy and competence had a positive and
significant effect on the work readiness of housekeeping students of Mediteranean Bali Bangli
Campus. Then, self-efficacy and competence through on the job training also have a positive and
significant effect on work readiness of housekeeping students of Mediteranean Bali Bangli Campus.
Keywords: Self Efficacy; Competence; On the Job Training; Work Readiness
Unemployment is a social problem caused by the difficulty of the labor force in obtaining
the desired job. One of the causes of unemployment is the lack of work readiness of human
resources which results in not being accepted or unable to survive in the world of work. In
addition, the lack of work readiness also has an impact on job competition. Such is the case with
job competition in the hospitality industry in Bali Province. The hospitality industry is an
employment field for hospitality workers including the housekeeping department. Currently,
there are many universities in Bali that produce students who graduate from the housekeeping
department, one of which is Mediteranean Bali Bangli Campus. So it is mandatory for
housekeeping students of Mediteranean Bali Bangli Campus to be able to win the job
competition by outperforming competitors from students who graduated from other universities.
Housekeeping students must have work readiness after completing their study period. In
preparing students' work readiness, the college is responsible for teaching knowledge and skills
that students will later use as provisions to enter the world of work. Job readiness according to
Bandura in (Wiharja MS et al., 2020) is an individual's feeling of confidence in his or her own
abilities that he or she is competent to perform and complete a task or job. In improving the
knowledge and skills of housekeeping students, Mediteranean has a program that can help,
namely On the Job Training. According to Swasto, (2011: 67) in the (Susanti & Mulyoto, 2020)
on the job training is training carried out in the workplace where an individual learns the job
directly or actually in the workplace. The table below shows the average score of students
during lectures in class and on the job training.:
Table 1 Academic Value of On the Job Training
Academic Year
Academic Grade Point
Average Point
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The table shows lower academic grades compared to on the Job Training grades. It can be
seen that the average value of housekeeping students has only increased after participating in the
on the job Training program. Then, the researcher conducted a pre-survey to find out the level of
work readiness of housekeeping students of Mediteranean Bali Bangli Campus.
Table 2 Presurvey Results
I feel confident in my ability to enter the
The Diploma Education (D1) study
period makes me ready to work after
I have good competence in improving
work readiness.
The on-the-job training program has
increased my work readiness level.
I am mentally and physically ready to
work immediately after graduating from
Source: Pre-survey Questionnaire
Based on the pre-survey data conducted on housekeeping students of Mediteranean Bali
Bangli Campus, many students are doubtful of their own ability to do the job. According to
(Gunawan et al., 2020) someone who believes in their ability to do a job is a person who has a
self efficacy attitude. The data shows that many students are still not confident in their abilities,
this shows that the level of self-efficacy in housekeeping students at the Mediteranean Bali
Bangli Campus is still not optimal. This self-confidence in one's abilities is called self efficacy
which affects one's behavior which determines whether or not one is ready to enter the world of
work. (Beaumont et al., 2016; Nurussyifa & Listiadi, 2021).
In addition to self-efficacy, in improving the work readiness of housekeeping students of
Mediteranean Bali Bangli Campus, a good level of competence is needed. It is important for
housekeeping students to master the various knowledge, skills, and attitudes needed and
appropriate to be accepted to work by high-standard villas and hotels. According to (Rosmaini &
Tanjung, 2019) competence is knowledge, skills, and values that are reflected in habits of thought
and action that make a person competent who can complete a job well. Meanwhile, based on
pre-survey data conducted on housekeeping students of Mediteranean Bali Bangli Campus,
many students do not have sufficient competence so it is difficult to have a sense of readiness to
Mediteranean Bali Bangli Campus housekeeping students have an On the Job Training
program that must be followed by all students before they can be declared graduated. The
benefits obtained by housekeeping students during the On the Job Training period can be used
as additional provisions in increasing self-confidence related to important variables to improve
student work readiness, namely self efficacy or self-efficacy. The work experience that has been
passed helps increase students' confidence in their abilities and develop emotional conditions
with social interactions between students and other individuals in the work environment. The
competence of housekeeping students can also be improved through this program because
students will deal directly with various activities related to housekeeping that are not obtained
from classroom learning activities. Students can practice the knowledge and skills gained during
teaching and learning activities in the classroom directly in villas and hotels as On the Job
Training locations.
Based on this description, this study aims to determine the effect of self efficacy and
competence on work readiness through On the Job Training for housekeeping students of
Mediteranean Bali Bangli Campus.
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This research is a quantitative descriptive study that uses independent variables, namely
Self efficacy (X1), Competence (X2), intervening variables, namely On the Job Training (Z) and
the dependent variable Work Readiness (Y). To measure each variable in this study, a Likert
scale was used. The population in this study were students majoring in housekeeping at the
Mediteranean Bali Bangli Campus in the 2022/2023 batch of 60 students. The sampling method
used in this study is the total sampling method or saturated sample with a total sample size of 60
people. The data used in this study are primary data and secondary data. Primary data used in
the study is data obtained by researchers through questionnaires distributed via Google Form to
housekeeping students of the Bangli Campus Mediteranean. Secondary data in this study are
data obtained through student academics, journals and articles related to the research topic. As a
data analysis tool, researchers used Partial Least Square (PLS). The hypothesis in this study is
that it is suspected that self efficacy and competence have a positive and significant effect on
work readiness through on the job training for housekeeping students of Mediteranean Bali
Bangli Campus.
This research uses the SmartPLS analysis tool. The analysis results from
SmartPLS produce a conceptual model as shown below:
Figure 1 PLS Conceptual Model
From the PLS output image above, it can be seen that the magnitude of the factor loading
value of each indicator located between the arrow between the variable and the indicator with
the lowest cut off value of 0.5 can be said to have fulfilled its validity, if the factor loading value
is below the cut off then it must be eliminated to get good validity, it can also be seen the
magnitude of the path coefficients above the arrow line between the exogenous variables and
the endogenous variables. In addition, it can also be seen that the amount of R-Square is right
inside the endogenous variable circle.
Table 3 R-Square
R Square
Job Readiness (Y)
Competence (X2)
Self Efficacy (X1)
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Data source: Processed
Table 3 shows that the R2 value of On The Job Training = 0.417979, it can be interpreted
that the model is able to explain the phenomenon of On The Job Training which is influenced
by the Self Efficacy and Competency variables by 41.79%, while the remaining 58.21% is
explained by other variables outside this study. Then the value of R2 Work Readiness =
0.597319, it can be interpreted that the model is able to explain the phenomenon of Work
Readiness which is influenced by the independent variables SelfEfficacy, Competence and On
the Job Training with a variance of 59.73% while the remaining 40.27% is explained by other
variables outside this study.
Hypothesis Testing
Furthermore, for hypothesis testing, the coefficient results and T-statistic values of
the inner model can be seen in table 4 and table 5 below.:
Table 4 Path Coefficients
Sample Mean
T Statistics
P Values
Self Efficacy
(X1) -> Job
(X2) -> Job
Source: Data processed
Hypothesis 1
Self efficacy has a positive effect on work readiness can be accepted, with path
coefficients of 0.134534, and a T-statistic value of 2.617982> 1.96 (from the table value Zα =
0.05) or P-values of 0.010 < 005, then the results are significant (positive). So self efficacy
contributes to shaping work readiness.
Hypothesis 2
Competence has a positive effect on work readiness can be accepted, with path
coefficients of 0.469818, and a T-statistic value of 9.990912> 1.96 (from the table value Zα =
0.05) or P-values of 0.000 <0.05, then the results are significant (positive). So competence
contributes to shaping work readiness.
As for the hypothesis about the role of mediation (intervening) can be seen in the
following Specific Indirect Effect table:
Table 5 Specific Indirect Effect
Sample Mean
Standard Deviation
T Statistics
Self Efficacy (X1)
-> OJT (Z) -> ob
Readiness (Y)
Competence (X2)
-> OJT (Z) -> ob
Readiness (Y)
Source: Data Processed
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Hypothesis 3
Self efficacy through on the job training has a positive effect on work readiness can be
accepted, with path coefficients of 0.169324, and a T-statistic value of 2.752331> 1.96 (from
the table value Zα = 0.05) or P-values of 0.007 <0.05, then the results are significant (positive).
It can be interpreted that, On The Job Training is proven to be a mediation (intervening)
between Self Efficacy on Job Readiness.
Hypothesis 4
Competence through on the job training has a positive effect on work readiness can be
accepted, with path coefficients of 0.199332, and a T-statistic value of 2.861232> 1.96 (from
the table value Zα = 0.05) or P-values of 0.005 <0.05, then the results are significant (positive).
It can be interpreted that, On The Job Training is proven to be a mediation (intervening)
between Competence on Job Readiness.
Self Efficacy on Job Readiness
Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be seen that the level of
Self Efficacy has a positive and significant effect on the Work Readiness of housekeeping
students of the Mediteranean Bali Bangli Campus. This means that Self Efficacy which includes
confidence in completing tasks, motivating oneself, perseverance, persisting in difficulties and
problem solving abilities are able to make a positive contribution to the level of student work
readiness. With good Self Efficacy, students will reach a state of readiness to work after
graduation (Bandura, 2012).
The diploma 1 education system that prioritizes practice over theory makes housekeeping
students able and accustomed to facing various levels of work difficulties (Rosser, 2018). In a
short period of 1 year, housekeeping students have carried out various practical activities and
training in class 32 times according to the number of test subjects. Practical activities carried out
in class are carried out within a period of 1 semester or approximately 6 months. Coupled with
additional practice during the On the Job Training period directly at hotels and villas which was
carried out for 6 months so that Mediteranean Bali Bangli Campus housekeeping students are
increasingly accustomed to the various difficulties encountered when doing work so that
students are increasingly confident in their abilities. Being accustomed to facing difficulties in
work is one sign that students have a high level of Self Efficacy. This statement is in line with
(Syandianingrum & Wahjudi, 2021), who in his research stated that students who have a high level
of self-confidence tend to be better at dealing with various difficulties. This shows the
importance of Self Efficacy as a driving factor for work readiness in facing the world of work.
The results of this study are in accordance with research by (Zulaehah et al., 2018) and
(Chotimah & Suryani, 2020) which states that self-efficacy has a positive and significant effect on
work readiness.
Competence to Job Readiness
Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be seen that Competence
has a positive and significant effect on the Work Readiness of Mediteranean Bali Campus
Bangli housekeeping students. Competencies consisting of knowledge, understanding, skills,
values, attitudes and interests are able to have a positive impact on student work readiness.
Work in the housekeeping department requires the workforce to master good standards of
behavior and be adjusted to the regulations of each place of work. The housekeeping department
also has basic cleaning principles to be consistent and efficient, cleaning without leaving dirt in
guest rooms and public areas and communicating with polite language in both Indonesian and
English. So that to get good results, it is necessary to graduate housekeeping students with good
values or principles to be implemented in work behavior. In other words, competent
housekeeping students are reflected in the behavior shown at work both to superiors, fellow
colleagues and visitors to hotels or villas. To produce housekeeping students who are valuable
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or principled, these values must be instilled by fostering an attitude of discipline and
professionalism at work.
The practical experience taken by housekeeping students is an opportunity used to learn
to form a disciplined attitude and professional attitude such as looking neat and polite while
working, how to communicate correctly with coworkers and hotel visitors, comply with
regulations set by the hotel and so on (Kalargyrou et al., 2019). This statement is supported by
(Pangastuti & Khafid, 2019) which in his research states that this value is formed gradually
through experiences and tasks taken by students during the study period. The results of this
study are in accordance with the opinion of Saputra (2022) which states that competence has a
positive and significant effect on students' work readiness in facing the world of work. And
reinforced by (Nurussyifa & Listiadi, 2021) with the results of his research where competence has
a direct and indirect effect on work readiness.
Self efficacy on Job Readiness through On the Job Training
Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be seen that On the Job
Training is able to mediate between Self Efficacy on Work Readiness. The On the Job Training
program that has been carried out for 6 months plays an important role in forming habits, basic
skills, confidence and confidence of housekeeping students in their own ability to do work.
During the 6 months of practice, students are taught various things with certain difficulties
ranging from preparing guest rooms, keeping the work area clean and cleaning public areas
such as the lobby, public pool, and other areas. Basic skills are something that cannot be
obtained by students optimally if only equipped with theoretical knowledge. This is in
accordance with the statement (Pujianto & Arief, 2017) that students who have carried out
practice have a positive perception in the application of theoretical lessons. Self-efficacy can be
optimized if basic skills are trained and honed continuously so that housekeeping students
benefit because the On the Job Training program can be a suitable training ground to achieve
good work readiness. This is supported by the statement Arifin et al., (2021) that self efficacy
will develop slowly as long as there is an increase in related abilities and experiences.
In relation to work readiness, the basic skills obtained through the practical experience of
On the Job Training which is a direct practical activity in workplaces such as villas and hotels
can foster the confidence of Mediteranean Bali Bangli Campus housekeeping students to be
able to master various basic skills that can later support work. This statement is in line with
Nifah (Nifah, 2017) who in his research said that if students already have sufficient basic skills
to work, it is expected that students' self-confidence will increase and indirectly increase their
readiness to enter the world of work. Hasil tersebut sesuai dengan penelitian yang dilakukan
(Paharyani & Kusmuriyanto, 2019) yang menunjukkan On the Job Training berperan positif dalam
memediasi Self Efficacy terhadap kesiapan kerja.
Competence to Job Readiness through On the Job Training
Based on the results of the research that has been done, it can be seen that On the Job
Training is able to mediate between the independent variable Competence on Work Readiness.
The value that becomes the standard principle of behavior possessed by housekeeping students
contributes to the basic skills of students. Qualified basic skills cannot be mastered by
housekeeping students instantly but are mastered gradually through practical experience in
accordance with the test subjects taught by the teaching staff in the mock up room (practical
room equivalent to a star hotel) provided by the campus and most importantly the practical
experience of On the Job Training whose training includes communicating effectively and
efficiently (Rojhi, 2022), operating laundry facilities in general, how to wash linen and guest
clothes, speaking English fluently to foreign guests and responding to instructions given in
English. This program is carried out directly in villas and hotels where housekeeping students
are in a real work environment and can interact with guests. In classroom learning, students are
taught to work in a diverse environment however, direct interaction with a variety of diverse
coworkers and guests certainly cannot be obtained in classroom learning (Gamage et al., 2021).
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The more experience that is done, the more skills are mastered so that the housekeeping
students of Mediteranean Bali Bangli Campus can get used to working and ultimately meet the
necessary standards and are ready to work in the housekeeping department. This statement is in
accordance with the opinion of (Rosara & Nugroho, 2018) which states that the experience gained
by students when carrying out practical activities for a certain period of time has an effect on
fostering high work readiness. The results of this study are in accordance with the opinion of
(Suni & Herianto, 2020) which states that increasing competence through the On the Job Training
program has a positive effect on work readiness.
From the discussion, it can be concluded that self efficacy and competence contribute
significantly and positively to the work readiness of housekeeping students of Mediteranean
Bali Bangli Campus. Then, self efficacy and competence through on the job training on the
work readiness of Mediteranean Bali Bangli Campus housekeeping students also received
significant and positive results. This means that on the job training is able to become a
mediating variable.
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