Analysis of The Influence of Digital Capabilities and Digital Literacy on Business Performance on PT
Pegadaian’s Micro Employees Innovation as Mediating Variables
Return: Study of Management, Economic and Business, Vol 2 (9), September 2023 975
The more experience that is done, the more skills are mastered so that the housekeeping
students of Mediteranean Bali Bangli Campus can get used to working and ultimately meet the
necessary standards and are ready to work in the housekeeping department. This statement is in
accordance with the opinion of (Rosara & Nugroho, 2018) which states that the experience gained
by students when carrying out practical activities for a certain period of time has an effect on
fostering high work readiness. The results of this study are in accordance with the opinion of
(Suni & Herianto, 2020) which states that increasing competence through the On the Job Training
program has a positive effect on work readiness.
From the discussion, it can be concluded that self efficacy and competence contribute
significantly and positively to the work readiness of housekeeping students of Mediteranean
Bali Bangli Campus. Then, self efficacy and competence through on the job training on the
work readiness of Mediteranean Bali Bangli Campus housekeeping students also received
significant and positive results. This means that on the job training is able to become a
mediating variable.
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