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Wiwit Damayanti
STIMA IMMI Jakarta, Indonesia
Human resources are one of the important assets for a company or organization. Maintaining high-value
human resources is not something that is easy. Many workers in the millennial generation leave or leave
the company without any clear reason, this is what many resource management are afraid of. human
power. Because losing a worker is a normal thing that happens and burdens the company, such as lost
productivity and damaged morale are one of the reasons behind the high price of losing a worker,
therefore an optimal strategy is needed so that employees are comfortable and loyal to the organization
or company. The aim of this research is to find out what efforts to optimize human resources are like.
This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods and library research which is useful for
expanding the discussion. The results of this research are that optimization efforts carried out by
implementing talent management strategies by providing training, mentoring and education for
employees can have a significant impact on performance for companies or government organizations.
Keywords : Optimization; Human Resources; Best practices in organizational performance
Unstable business competition in an organization or company can be overcome by
improving the performance of its employees so that the company can survive and encourage
company progress. Therefore, the real challenge faced by a management is trying to improve the
performance of an employee because progress as the survival of an organization or company
depends on the quality of the performance of human resources contained in the organization. The
results obtained by an organization or company within a certain period of time are what is called
performance to achieve these results need to be done such as standard work results, have
determined the characteristics of the goals that have been made and accepted together. The central
aspect of an organization or company is the Human Resources (HR) itself. The formation of an
organization or company based on a vision for human needs, the mission of an organization is also
implemented by humans. Whether an organization or company is successful or not, the efficiency
of employee work is still something important, which is useful as a continuous renewal for the
organization, increasing the weight of work results by the company, giving rights and obligations
carried out by an organization as a form of empowering its employees (Anjarsari & Haryanto, 2021).
Performance is the fruit of work that has a link to the important direction of an organization,
customer satisfaction and has an impact on the economy. According to Rivai in his journal
Dermawan (2022) performance is defined as a use of motivation and strength (Dermawan et al.,
The knowledge load of a company's Human Resources (HR) can be assessed by the quality
of competencies, organizational obligations, and the work done by employees (Anjarsari &
Haryanto, 2021). To create creative and innovative human resource management requires
multidisciplinary cooperation. When the covid-19 pandemic hit human resource management was
fundamental in managing the crisis that occurred in the organization (Arismunandar & Faisal, 2023).
According to Armstrong in his journal Dermawan (2022) Talent management is defined as a
method of observing, stretching, taking, maintaining, and publicizing people who have talent.
Meanwhile, according to Capelli in Dermawan (2022) talent management is the company's efforts
through methods that are carried out as a fulfillment of human resource needs in the company,
which aims to fulfill talent reserves and match workers who fit the job and on time based on the
direction of the company's direction and the main organizational or business activities of a
company (Dermawan et al., 2022).
Human Resource Optimization: Best Practices in Talent Management and Organizational Performance
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Quality human resources need to be maintained properly and not something that is easy.
Jumping fleas are the name of millennial workers who are mostly the global workforce, this is
because workers can just leave a company without being based on any reason if they feel less able
to remain an active employee. Human resource management in all companies is worried about
this situation. Losing a worker is a normal thing that happens and burdens the company, such as
lost productivity and damaged morale is one of the reasons behind the high price of losing a worker
(Zulkarnain, 2021).
Through this background, this research aims to find out what efforts to optimize human
resources are like, as well as the methods they use which are useful for knowing their effectiveness
in the performance of an organization or company. An organization is a formal group of
individuals with a common goal or direction and the organization becomes the source of life. An
organization is a worker or employee who is distinctive, active and has the competence to think,
react, and has a value that must be appreciated with the education and training provided (Ni’mah,
This research uses descriptive qualitative research methods that aim to provide a
description of the situation and conditions or circumstances in a designed and precise manner
(Bangun & Hariyono, 2019). As well as library research studies or library research useful for
expanding the discussion. This method is applied as a collection of research prospects that are
not originally sourced to support obtaining information and data. Information is obtained by
reviewing through research reports, scientific books, theses and dissertations or other sources in
the form of print or electronic. The implementation of this literature study seeks to obtain a
framework of information about matters related to the research discussion. In this method, related
and existing sources are also used as an increase in the topic discussed. Then the fruit of this
research is affixed with an overview to deepen the material and form a summary to enrich
yourself with existing knowledge (Nikodemus Thomas, 2015).
Human Resource Management
Human resources are the central factor of a company. The formation of an organization or
company is based on various visions that are useful for humans, whatever the form of the
direction of the goal, in the mission activities carried out by the human company that manages.
Therefore, in all company activities humans are an important factor in it. In addition, human
resource management also functions as regulating and managing human resources that are
balanced with the vision of a company in order to achieve the direction of the organization
properly (Hasmin & Nurung, 2021).
1. Planning
Planning is the first method when implementing a thought or idea for the future as well as
the initial action of the arrangement of activities undertaken. Therefore, various kinds of tools are
needed that can help take into account the development, atmosphere, and conditions that will
occur during the implementation of the plan. A variety of approaches are needed to determine
alternatives for future activities such as careful observation as a foundation when assembling a
design. Through calculations and assumptions of the future, it will be easier to determine what
will be done, by whom, when, and how. To get good results in human resource design, there are
several levels that can be followed, namely: (Hasmin & Nurung, 2021)
Analyzed organizational goals
Keeping a record of the existing human resources
Human resource reserves and expected demand
Human resource imbalance taken into account
Human resource design measures formulated
Monitoring, control and feedback.
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2. Organizing
Organizing is the arrangement of activities that are collected and describe the uses and
activities carried out in each work unit, and collect them in a systematic order. Therefore,
organization is a place to try to create an administrative structure framework, and organization is
the management function of creating a structural framework.
In organizing, what must be considered is to describe the work done to avoid accumulation
of work, conflicts between individuals, and minimize excessive special effects, such as lack of
morale, ego that causes conflict. Therefore, the division of uses and activities is clearly needed.
3. Employee Grievance
Employee grievance is the use and activity of supplying and referring to the resources
possessed in an effort to meet the needs of the organization through filling the places needed so
that the company can run. In the employee grievance process, it is necessary to look at the match
of the qualifications required in the place, the people who are positioned. Each individual worker
gets the same opportunity or chance in raising the value or matching qualifications with
empowerment programs with education or vocational training.
4. Implementation
Implementation is carried out in the same atmosphere and conditions of change and
uncertainty. Attention is really needed in its implementation so that the use of time, costs,
facilities, and personnel is carried out appropriately. Organized communication to help each other
needs to be considered in order to create a company direction or goal. Prompt recovery is required
when there is a problem in the monitorin.
5. Supervision
Supervision is one of the activities of a money company capable of ensuring compatibility
of design and implementation in order to achieve company goals. The uses that play an important
role in human resource management include planning, organizing, implementing, and
monitoring. Staffing is one of the best uses of resources because it is part of the principles of
human resource management. Interpretation of the atmosphere, conditions, and differences in
positions has an unequal level of difficulty, humans certainly have experience, education, and
differences in skills to complete certain jobs, therefore reliable management is needed to achieve
the goals of a company.
The most important asset of an organization or company is its human resources. His
contribution is very important, his form cannot be exchanged for other resources. No matter how
the times will change following technology or whatever, human resources still play an important
role in an organization or company. All the advances that occur will not function if there is no
support from human resources themselves (Nikodemus Thomas, 2015). This is in line with the
opinion of Utama (2022) in his research, which states that HR is a vital asset of the company
because the progress or failure of a company is caused by the HR in the company itself.. The
operation of a company is because humans have an important role because they can make
thoughts in the form of ideas which are then applied as a form of activity that is valuable for a
company (Novitasari, 2019).
Optimal human resources methods are a pair of methods and activities undertaken to solve
company or organizational problems or issues related to people. It is related to the weather, habits,
existing in the area around the workplace and stakeholders. Correct and effective methods need
to be driven by bright structures and work habits. The application of methods that are driven
through approaches that manage ways of working that can create professional work habits in an
effort to achieve a goal or direction of the company or organization (Martoredjo, 2015).
Empowering employees is a way of describing the ability of an organization or company to
optimize human resources that are balanced with their competence and capacity by making
education that later all workers in the institution have valuable competencies and make
breakthroughs (Nusantoro, 2020).
Along with the times, changes in models or paradigms have been experienced by Human
Resource (HR) management. Until now, it has gone through three stages of change, from the first
personnel department, Human Resource Strategy, to talent management (Rejeki, 2016). Another
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term for the method of managing human resources is personal management According to Flippo
in his book Mulyati, et al (2022) states that human resources are managed first from the stages of
preparing, organizing, directing, and regulating or controlling the recruitment of workers,
increasing, restitution, consolidation, utilization and dismissal of the workforce which functions
as a way to achieve a good corporate or organizational goal (Muliyati et al., 2022). The
improvement of human resources is useful for efficient work operations, effective work
operations, strengthening relationships, encouraging quick decision making, raising morale,
supporting revealed management, establishing effective communication and helping a familiar
environment (Sarwani et al., 2022).
Talent Management Implementation
1. Implementation at PT Pas Indonesia Timur
PT Pas Indonesia Timur is a local company that operates in the field of construction as
well as reserves or suppliers. The construction projects carried out by this company are such as
one of them is a construction project in preparation for the opening of a new mining company.
PT Pas Indonesia Timur implements talent management practices specific to certain sections that
are carried out directly and under the responsibility of the Human Resources (HR) department
and the company. PT Pas Indonesia Timur defines talent management as a human resource asset
that has the value of being managed or contributing to the performance of a company or
organization (Dermawan et al., 2022). According to Iwan and Ashar in Malika Irfani's journal
(2022) that today the biggest hurdle for management is leading the talent war in the current
conditions of companies competing with each other in order to get their best talent (Malika &
Irfani, 2022).
The emergence of talent management stems from the belief that talent is the difference
between good or bad competitiveness of a company or organization (Rachmadinata & Ayuningtias,
2017). This activity functions as selecting people who are appropriately assessed and have the
strengths to participate in efforts to improve the performance of a company. The following are
the levels carried out by PT East Indonesia in implementing the talent management program,
namely as follows (Dermawan et al., 2022) :
a. Conduct Employee Talent Mapping
Useful as observing employees who have strengths or potential and abilities compared
to previously agreed qualifications.
b. Talented Employees Developed
Talented employees are developed and strengthened so that employees are in line with
the ambitions of a company and have the ability to occupy systematic positions that are
c. Talented Employees Placed
Employee placement is carried out in proportion to the strengths and abilities
possessed by employees so that they are expected to be able to provide maximum
participation in efforts to improve the performance of a company.
d. Keeping Talented Employees
The company provides financial or financial and non-financial rewards based on
performance as a form of effort to maintain employee loyalty (Dermawan et al., 2022).
2. Knowledge Management
PT Pas Indonesia Timur implements knowledge management practices that are carried out
by the Knowledge Management (KM) Team under the responsibility of Human Resources and
the company. Knowledge management is defined by the company as a framework or arrangement
of designed stages in knowledge assets that are managed, namely, collecting, storing, and using
knowledge or knowledge to improve the performance of a company on an ongoing basis. The
following steps are taken by PT Pas Indonesia Timur in the practice of knowledge management
as follows:
a. Fungsi Collect
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With the collect function, tacit knowledge is collected by the KM Team working with
explicit knowledge from employees and companies. This knowledge is collected by
organizing several activities such as Community of Practice, Knowledge Sharing, Capturing
and Innovation Work.
b. Connect function
The collection is then disseminated through the Knowledge Management Team so
that employees are able to reach out compared to the needs and authorities they have. by
procuring several activities such as Comunity of Practice, Knowledge Sharing, Capturing
and Innovation Work.
c. Docmunted Funtion
The activities documented by the Knowledge Management Team are held by
collecting and disseminating knowledge by procuring several activities such as Community
of Practice, Knowledge Sharing, Capturing and Innovation Work, and stored in the
Knowledge Management place. (Dermawan et al., 2022). An innovation is considered
necessary as a procedure that has an important effect and has high competitiveness so that
businesses can survive in today's global industry (Puryantini et al., 2017).
Based on the results of research conducted by Dermawan, et al (2022) found that
simultaneously the implementation of Talent Management and Knowledge Management has a
substantial effect on employee performance. Through the results of this study, it is able to link
the theory of Venkateswaran in his journal Dermawan, et al (2022) which states that it is
appropriate to implement talent management and knowledge management together with four
other essential methods that form the basic needs, as well as being a margin for a company,
namely the talent management method functions as organizing the design structure, as a support
for company methods, and methods used as employee development and maintaining employee
existence. Knowledge management functions as a company's method of developing an employee.
(Dermawan et al., 2022). Based on the results of research conducted by Dermawan, et al (2022)
found that simultaneously the implementation of Talent Management and Knowledge
Management has a substantial effect on employee performance. Through the results of this study,
it is able to link the theory of Venkateswaran in his journal Dermawan, et al (2022) which states
that it is appropriate to implement talent management and knowledge management together with
four other essential methods that form the basic needs, as well as being a margin for a company,
namely the talent management method functions as organizing the design structure, as a support
for company methods, and methods used as employee development and maintaining employee
existence. Knowledge management functions as a company's method of developing an employee.
(Anisah & AS, 2020).
3. Implementation of Human Resources on the Performance of the State Civil Apparatus
In the Law of the Republic of Indonesia No. 5 of 2014 concerning the state civil apparatus,
abbreviated as ASN, is a job for civil servants and workers in the government (Afriyana, 2022).
The word optimal in the Big Indonesian Dictionary has the best meaning, while optimization
itself is a mechanism for making something better (Pradana et al., 2023). Optimizing the
performance of the state civil apparatus requires strategic aspects through talent management and
developed competencies. In this dynamic period, the quality and skills of ASN need to be
improved. The performance of the state civil apparatus in improving the quality of public
services. The optimal performance of a state civil apparatus can provide good quality, responsive,
and effective services to the community. Optimal or not organizational performance can be
influenced by the lack of contribution and compassion and desire to achieve a company or
leadership goal (Rattu et al., 2022). According to the results of research conducted by Ahuja and
Tandon in Mustamin's journal (2023) well-managed talent is proven to be positively related to
improving individual performance. The following are the talent management methods and
competencies developed by the state civil apparatus (Mustamin, 2023):
a. Observing or identifying Talent. The first stage in implementing talent management and
developing the capabilities of the state civil apparatus is the identification or observation
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process. This process can be done by considering the ability, performance and the use of
a truly objective measure. The fruit of this observation will be the initial basis for the
proper design of the capability development program activities that will be carried out.
b. Competencies to be developed. This is the next stage after the talent observation is done,
by designing and working on a capability development program activity for the state civil
apparatus. The program activities can take the form of training, mentoring or career
development. Lepak and Snell argue in their journal Mustamin (2023) that capacity
building must be continuous and integrated with the needs of the state civil apparatus.
Providing opportunities for ASN is needed as a significant increase in technical and
administrative abilities in conjunction with the work or duties and responsibilities of a
state civil apparatus. In its development, it can also include seminars, discussions, or
external guidance to reach a wider range of ASN knowledge (Mustamin, 2023).
c. Career Management. Career management is a strategic part of talent management. An
employee of the state civil apparatus who has the ability will be given the opportunity to
improve the career of work in the organization. This can be done by promotion, rotation
of positions, or special jobs in order to reach a broad and skilled ASN experience.
According to Cascio in his journal Mustamin (2023) said that proper career handling can
increase ASN's pleasure at work. ASN employees also see that career opportunities will
be more inclined to be enthusiastic and motivated to participate optimally.
Talent management and capacity building of the state civil apparatus play an important
role in optimal ASN performance and improving public services. Through the approach of
observation, improvement, and utilization of talents and individual abilities, it is possible to
achieve good results in government organizations. Capacity building also helps and makes the
state civil apparatus more professional at work and strengthens the good name of public services.
(Mustamin, 2023). Sumber daya manusia melekat hubungannya dengan sebuah organisasi secara
keseluruhan dan perancangan SDM yang bagus (Julianry et al., 2017).
The abilities of human resources that must be possessed are; First. Substantial knowledge
is the ability of knowledge that has psychological and analytical mental elements. Second.
Knowledge in accordance with the situation means that the knowledge of the competence of
company or organization employees is drawn to digest the conditions around the workplace
environment in the realm of nature, social, habits and weather in the workplace. Because habits
or culture are a vital part that has an impact on performance apart from organizational aspects,
the human resource capabilities that must be possessed are; First. This is the ability of knowledge
that has psychological and analytical mental elements. Second. Knowledge in accordance with
the situation means that the knowledge of the competence of company or organization employees
is drawn to digest the conditions around the workplace environment in the natural, social, customs
and weather in the workplace. Because habits or culture are a vital part that has an impact on
performance apart from the organizational aspects of the workplace (Kurniawan, 2013). Third.
Skilled mentality, in which a person shows his knowledge ability to process numbers, perform
mathematical fraud, and the mental readiness of employees in responding to a phenomenon or
event that occurs in the area around the workplace. Fourth. Skilled social, which is a person's
ability to get along with communication with others correctly, smart in forming a happy
atmosphere environment, happy in increasing cooperation with coworkers who have different
backgrounds, talents and competencies. Fifth. Competence in verbal expression, which is
someone who has the ability when communicating various knowledge of thoughts. This
competence is recognized by one's skill in verbally expressing difficult concepts in a light and
easy way, in order and in the correct word order. Sixth. Manual skills, where a person is able to
use parts of his body to create services or products that have high selling value. The existence of
this ability is recognized by one's skill in using various kinds of production tools, removing and
reassembling equipment and maintaining production equipment (Sihite, 2018).
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Through the above research, it can be concluded that human resources are one of the most
valuable assets because the reputation or good name, progress or bad of a company or
organization is seen from how the human resources in the company or organization. There are
several steps that can be taken to optimize human resources, namely through; Planning,
organizing, employee complaints, implementation, supervision. As the impact of its
implementation is felt by PT East Indonesia. Based on the results of research conducted by
Dermawan, et al (2022) it is found that simultaneously the implementation of Talent Management
and Knowledge Management has a substantial effect on employee performance. Through the
results of this study, it is able to link the theory of Venkateswaran in his journal Dermawan, et al
(2022) which states that the implementation of talent management and knowledge management
coincides with four other essential ways that form the basic needs, as well as being a margin for
a company, namely the talent management method functions as organizing the design structure,
as a support for company methods, and methods used as employee development and maintaining
employee existence.
The collection is then disseminated through the Knowledge Management Team so that
employees are able to reach out compared to the needs and authorities they have. by procuring
several activities such as Comunity of Practice, Knowledge Sharing, Capturing and Innovation
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