E-ISSN: 2963-3699
P-ISSN: 2964-0121
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Edie Riesnandar Wahyu
STIMA IMMI Jakarta, Indonesia
eriswabear984[email protected]
A crisis is a rumor, event and information that has an impact on the good name, image and
trustworthiness of a company. In fact, the crisis that occurred did not only impact large companies, but
small businesses were one of the groups most affected by the Covid-19 pandemic crisis. Therefore, all
parties, both individuals and companies, must be prepared to face a crisis. Crisis management is defined
as a set of factors created as a tool to eradicate a crisis and reduce the potential damage resulting from
the crisis. This research aims to find out how a business is able to survive, what strategies are prepared
to overcome uncertainty in business. This research uses a qualitative descriptive method using a case
study method which seeks to understand the whole and in depth of a case, data collection methods using
literature studies sourced from journals or other online media. The results of this research are that
UMKM business actors survive by using several strategies such as utilizing digital technology,
improving product and service quality, pricing and customer relationship marketing. Large business
players use strategy by forming a management team, identifying, analyzing, developing planning,
communication and evaluation methods.
Keywords: Risk analysis; Crisis Management; Business
Risk is something that will not be separated from one's life. Risk is defined as an incident
or case that is troublesome or misappropriation of the fruits obtained from the ideal (Arifudin et
al., 1967). This indicates that the risk of one thing that is true will be faced by all people or
business groups or not everyone will meet with uncertainty that can have a positive or negative
effect on a goal that has been set (Hariwibowo, 2022). Every activity must have risks as well as
business activities, therefore risks are indicated by hazards that have a direct or future impact
(Huda Latifa, 2018). Risk is a large deviation between the predicted level of return and the actual
return. The greater the misappropriation, the higher the risk level (Mardhiyah, 2017). Risk can
also be interpreted as a form of uncertainty about the future (Ilyas, 2019).
The crisis according to Purwaningwulan in his journal Safitri and Muhsin (2018) is a rumor,
event and information that has an impact on the good name, image and trustworthiness of the
company. Crises only affect large companies that are the assumption of most companies, even
though crises can attack anyone, it does not rule out the possibility that crises will also have an
impact on individuals, organizations or companies. Therefore, all parties, both individuals and
companies, must be prepared to face the crisis (Safitri & Muhsin, 2018). Crisis management is
defined as a set of factors that are made as a tool to eradicate crises and reduce the potential
damage resulting from the crisis. In this case, there are four factors involved, namely prevention,
response, preparation, and revision (Pada, 2023). For an organization, the term crisis is still a scary
one. Therefore, crises have a wide enough domain to reach the community, the effect of which
results in being able to disrupt and burden the future of an organization or company, especially
the good name that has long been painstakingly formed can be damaged instantly when a crisis
strikes (L. D. Putri, 2014).
The philosophical thinking that developed in the modern management era is based on the
basis of previous management theories. The approach of an organizational system into a unity is
inseparable from modern management theory. Increased understanding is one of the keys for an
organization or company in the new management period. Companies that run business as usual
are ensured that their needs will not be known in a fast time if without updates. Therefore,
adjustment is mandatory if an organization or company wants to survive. The contingency
approach is one of the approaches presented by Pindur, the contingency approach is all factors
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that are considered in different situations before deciding something to solve organizational or
company problems. This understanding requires an emphasis on a comprehensive evaluation of
the environment of the company being analyzed, in its analysis must be equated to different
situations and conditions. Through modification of organizational form, prepared strategy, and
leadership behavior, able to avoid uncertain situations in line with the risks (Rahadi & Wardiman,
Changes in the technological environment are very fast in a business adrift in it also about
the mindset of its management. A company, if it wants to survive and be sustainable, must apply
open methods or methods that are related to the environment and able to adapt to the surrounding
environment. Because the environment itself is able to form opportunities for business prospects
or businesses apart from the opportunities formed, the environment is also able to change to form
threats to the development of a business or business. All countries, including Indonesia with its
environmental conditions affected by the Covid-19 virus outbreak have a considerable impact on
all business industries, both the social industry, health, and the economic sector that are
substantially affected. The occurrence of this outbreak is very different from other outbreaks,
uncertainty is experienced by the entire industry when the Covid-19 outbreak begins to be
comprehensive. Micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) are no exception, which
experience serious impacts when compared to large companies. The minimal capital owned by
MSMEs is included in the most vulnerable group, so that when the Covid-19 virus outbreak is
comprehensive, it results in a decrease in sales and business continuity (Rahadi & Wardiman, 2022).
The number of micro, small and medium enterprises in Indonesia is very large, around 98%
large in the micro business group, and small enterprises amounting to around 783 thousand or
1.28%, and medium enterprises are only 60 thousand or around 0.09%. Micro business is an active
business owned by an individual or an individual-owned business entity that has several criteria,
namely with a maximum total amount of assets is around fifty million rupiah and a maximum
turnover of three hundred million rupiah. In its business continuity, micro businesses are still
uncertain due to limited internal resources. One of the crises faced by MSMEs is the covid 19
pandemic, after the pandemic hit small businesses owned by business actors stated that conditions
worsened much differently when compared to before the covid 19 pandemic.
The food and beverage business is one of the business sectors that has high demand during
the pandemic so that PBD in the industry was able to grow by around 3.49%, but the impact of
the Covid-19 pandemic remains inevitable which raises a problem that becomes a challenge for
the operationalization of the business model. Moreover, in handling the consequences caused by
Covid-19 on the food and beverage business, it has not been widely experienced (Pada, 2023).
Through the explanation above, this study aims to find out, how a business that is run is
able to survive in the face of uncertainty in doing business, how crisis management they face and
what strategies are used to minimize a risk faced in the uncertainty of doing business.
This research uses qualitative descriptive research methods that aim to provide an overview
of situations and conditions or conditions in a designed and appropriate manner (Bangun &
Hariyono, 2019). By using the case study method that seeks to understand the whole and depth of
a case (Subadi, 2006). Research in the form of regional plans, management science and education.
Case study research also allows researchers to protect the nature or characteristics as well as the
meaning or meaning of unique real events (M. S. Putri, 2021). The data collection method is carried
out through literature studies and documentation sourced from documents, books, journals,
articles / other online media (Sidiq, Umar & Choiri, 2019).
Crisis Management
Crisis is defined by experts as a positive and negative mindset. Basically, a crisis is an
unexpected situation, meaning that the company or organization did not expect that a crisis would
arise that could threaten its existence. The crisis must be resolved as soon as possible so that the
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company can run well again. According to Holsti in his journal Putri (2021) the crisis is seen as
a carrier of shock and threat to the important value of the company and there is not much time
for the company or organization to make a decision to deal with it. The crisis is also seen as a
"turning point of historical life", namely a turning point in life whose effect has a significant
impact, either in a negative or positive direction, it all depends on how individual business people
or corporate groups respond to the crisis they face (M. S. Putri, 2021).
Crisis management is an important design method of crises or negative turning points, a
method of risk and uncertainty that is transformed from negative periods and strives for a
company or organization in its activities to be able to handle itself. The effectiveness of crisis
management is not only to reduce or stop a crisis, but before the crisis occurs, it can give the
company a more positive reputation. There are several ways to manage a crisis including:
1. Identify the crisis by deploying a company team that intends to search for and collect all
the necessary data and on the same day the team must draw conclusions from the data it
processes about the crisis at hand..
2. Crisis analysis, This analysis work is behind the desk by using the ability to read the crisis
problems that will be faced..
3. Isolate the crisis, If the crisis is already considered a disease to protect the spread of the
crisis widely, isolation efforts must be made before action is taken later..
4. The choice of strategy, the generic strategy is determined first before starting the
communication steps as crisis control, there are three types of generic strategies, namely:
First, the defensive strategy of steps that can be taken, which includes things such as buying
time, not taking any action, only protecting themselves by being tough. Second, the
adaptive strategy steps that can be taken include things such as changing policies, modified
operations, agreements, straightening the image. Third, the dynamic strategy of using this
strategy has a large or comprehensive nature capable of changing the company's behavior,
which can be through acquisition mergers, new investments, selling shares, making new
products, cooperating with power, throwing new issues as a distraction..
5. Control program, this program is a measure of use that is done to lead to a generic strategy
that was created long before the crisis arose as a shield. This control program is different
from the generic strategy, this program is usually compiled when the crisis arises. The
application of this control program to the company includes branches, industries of the
same business union, communities, company divisions (M. S. Putri, 2021).
The field of risk management has become an important discipline to maintain the resilience and
success of an organization or company, with the rapidly changing world, entanglements and uncertainties
that are generated. (Lubis et al., 2023). Crisis management needs to be done is to (1) the effects of
the crisis are faced by preparing a good defense, (2) in order to be able to respond appropriately
to the crisis that befalls, (3) to design a gradual step as a recovery process after the crisis takes
place. (Suryani & Sagiyanto, 2018). Apart from that, the implementation of crisis management is
also necessary to minimize the losses caused and strengthen the fortress in the face of the crisis.
(Suwandi et al., 2023).
Small Business People
In the business world, both in large companies and micro, small and medium enterprises
(MSMEs), marketing is one of the spears for the success of a business. For example, in late 2019,
the whole world experienced a crisis caused by COVID-19, a disease that can be transmitted from
human to human. The existence of the pandemic has caused a problem for all countries, including
Indonesia. Emergency and aggressive measures are taken by all countries in the world as an effort
to prevent and overcome the spread of the COVID-19 virus, these actions are ordered by the
World Health Organization. The covid-19 virus is increasing day by day in Indonesia, therefore
the implementation of Large-Scale Social Restrictions or called (PSBB) is carried out by the
Indonesian government in an effort to prevent the covid-19 virus (Yanuar et al., 2022). This resulted
in a significant decline in the Indonesian economy, considering that micro, small and medium
enterprises are one of the largest economic bases in Indonesia (Akmal & Arifa, 2023). Therefore,
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an anticipation is needed by micro, small and medium enterprises as a preventive effort to
minimize the risks caused by risk management (As Sajjad et al., 2020).
Micro, small and medium enterprises are one of the business groups most affected by the
Covid-19 pandemic which has resulted in declining sales during this Covid-19 pandemic, so
business people need a good and efficient marketing strategy so that their business can survive.
In the results of their journal, Rahadi & Wardiman (2022), there are several marketing strategies
that can be used by micro, small and medium enterprises, namely as follows:
MSME marketing strategy during the Covid-19 pandemic, in this Covid-19 pandemic
situation, it is important for business actors to make business products that are able to provide
satisfaction equivalent to the quality of the products provided at the price paid by buyers. In an
effort to fulfill the wishes and needs of customers in a pandemic situation, MSME players need
to take strategic steps quickly and precisely, these steps are taken so that the business being run
is able to survive to face the Covid-19 pandemic crisis this time. Adaptation is needed by someone
during a pandemic through the means that are owned and controlled as much as possible, they
are competing to get the maximum profit possible (Purwono, 2020).
Here are some strategies that can be used in crisis management efforts for micro, small and
medium enterprises, namely:
1. Digital Technology Utilization Strategy
Digital technology needs to be used by MSME players to fight the impact or influence
of the pandemic, for example, the use of smartphones in collaboration with the internet to
increase competitiveness, productivity and performance. As a business sustainability,
MSME actors must have an appropriate plan, defined for the identification and management
of risks that result in disrupting and disrupting services, initiating the impact of risks, and
proving service improvements. Therefore, MSMEs can use technology to achieve these
goals or expectations. Digital utilization in MSME issues can take the following forms
(Rahadi & Wardiman, 2022):
a. E-Commerce is one of the marketing update system tools to be able to reach and expand
the market. One example is the Shopee, Lazada, Bukalapak applications and many more
applications are forms of e-commerce that can be used by micro, small and medium
enterprises. Through the use of e-commerce media, it is expected to be able to increase
sales and profits generated by MSMEs, apart from that, MSME players can also
establish relationships with other networks to make a new, more creative design.
b. Digital Marketing, or digital marketing is a motion tool by utilizing social networks by
using digital media as a market search tool. In an effort to use social media, MSME
business actors are able to create visual content of their products either in the form of
videos or images combined with copywriting that is able to attract customers and is
continuously published on their social media pages. The use of copywriting is also one
of the important components to persuade customers through education on the quality of
the products we sell by composing creative words, so that it can influence customers
when they want to make decisions to buy their products. Customer complaints can also
be quickly answered with the use of digital marketing. There are other benefits
possessed in the use of digital media, namely free promotional costs, a little wealth,
reducing product display budgets, not requiring excess tools, easy interaction with
customers can be by using email, chatting, with freedom of time and place.
Through the use of technological media, the management team remains obliged to
perform its influence function and form communication that brings change. Fast decision
making is useful so that workers get certainty and do not lose control (Rahadi & Wardiman,
2. Product Quality Improvement Strategy
The quality of MSME products must be improved, this aims to increase customer
trust. Online media has now become a new tool for marketing business products. In
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conditions like this, customers make buying and selling transactions by not making direct
contact with the seller and the products they buy, therefore customer trust in products that
have good quality in accordance with the needs and desires of expectations in comments that
must be maintained and maintained (Rahadi & Wardiman, 2022).
Basically, the theory that needs to be considered by MSME business actors is to
observe product aspects and improved product quality that customers need and look forward
to. According to Garvin (1998) in his journal Rahadi &; Wardiman (2022), aspects of product
quality are composed of:;
a. Product performance to the extent to which a quality product can be measured, adds
to the usefulness of the product through the characteristics present in the product.
b. The ability of product quality in the force of business change faced within a certain
period of time.
c. Product conformity through standardization.
d. Product durability is seen from a technical point of view and its saving value, if the
goods are damaged, it is not difficult to repair.
e. Product aesthetics by observing the causes that affect customer impressions on
product quality, for example such as brand good names and others. In order for
product strength to be maintained, MSME actors must pay attention to and carry out
quality control on strength and packaging so that their products are maintained and
able to improve the quality of their products with the implementation of online media.
3. Service Quality Improvement Strategy
Maintaining quality and adding services is also important for micro, small and
medium enterprises, adding services can be done by implementing messaging services
between these services can be done by the business actors themselves or others. Indications
of good service are on time, maintained quality of products carried, and good speech, which
can later form trust and satisfaction that increases and loyalty for customers. Through the
provision of services that have no direct physical contact by utilizing technology to ensure
consumers regarding the safety of the services provided, it will improve customer trust in
business actors (Rahadi & Wardiman, 2022).
By maintaining product quality, especially during a pandemic, customers will feel safe
and comfortable to buy products sold by MSME business actors so that with the
implementation of this strategy, MSMEs do not lose and are able to suppress customers even
in the conditions of a pandemic-pandemic environment.
4. Pricing Strategy
The success of product marketing can be determined by pricing. Business actors must
make prices that are proportional to customer purchasing power in order to survive and meet
or attract customers with customers' purchasing ability declining due to the difficult period
of the COVID-19 pandemic (Rahadi & Wardiman, 2022).
5. Customer Relationship Marketing Strategy (CRM)
The quality of products and services that are improved is not enough during the Covid-
19 pandemic, requiring a strategy or way to maintain long-term relationships with customers
based on long-term trust and strength. Customer relationship marketing is a way of
marketing that has the aim of forming long-term relationships by forming consumer loyalty
by maintaining mutually beneficial relationships. In this case, many studies have proven that
the good relationship created between those who have interests and customers has an impact
on the better the marketing performance.
The above strategies are the results of business model evaluations that increase the
competitiveness of complex decision formation by taking a proactive and integrated
approach made by company officials during the COVID-19 pandemic which was used by
management to adapt during the last COVID-19 crisis (Rahadi & Wardiman, 2022).
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Big Business People (PT. Kereta Api Indonesia)
Transportation services are one of the major companies affected by the COVID-19
pandemic. PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) in Operational Area (DAOP) 1 Jakarta as one of
the land transportation modes affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. At the beginning of the
Covid-19 pandemic, there was a decrease in trains, but tickets had been booked by the public, so
with the decline in train transportation modes, the company canceled many tickets. Resulting in
complaints for train passengers, not only ticket cancellations, many obstacles also occurred due
to this crisis such as customers who complained because trips were disrupted due to damaged
signals due to lightning strikes, problems with access applications, damaged service facilities to
passenger goods left behind. It is during situations like this that Public Relations Workers of PT.
KAI Persero DAOP 1 must move quickly and responsively to manage the crisis that is happening
(M. S. Putri, 2021).
1. Crisis Management at PT. Kereta Api Indonesia Persero DAOP 1 Jakarta .
The results of research in her journal Putri (2021) that crisis management at PT. Kereta
Api Indonesia Operation Area 1 Jakarta, namely fixing customer complaints in the era of the
Covid-19 pandemic carried out by PT KAI persero Public Relations workers, can be handled
quickly and proactively based on Standard Operating Procedures or (SOP), the crisis is
overcome through coordination together with other parts that are carried out strongly.
Submission by giving explanation, understanding and becoming a public impression is
assigned to the public relations of PT. KAI in its delivery of the situation that is being
experienced so that the company's good name is maintained (M. S. Putri, 2021).
Public relations practice is a level of activity that is structured as useful as public
control so that the problems faced by the company can be well accepted (Toruan et al., 2023).
Public relations or public relations is very important when an organization or company is
affected by a crisis, public relations must carry out activities such as design, management
until the final stage of completion (L. D. Putri, 2015). The existence of public relations
facilitates the activities of companies or organizations with outside stakeholders, therefore
public relations become one of the vital things in a company (Indrayani, 2017). The
widening of a crisis to stakeholders will affect the performance and good name of the
company if it is not quickly anticipated properly (Parlindungan & Rengkuan, 2022).
Therefore, crises require proper design to maintain the survival of a business (Pratiwi &
Haninda, 2022).
Communication strategy carried out by PT. KAI is a good strategy because strategic
communication is an important thing, according to Coombs (2007) in his journal Hasanah
(2022) stated that communication strategies have goals related to defense of good name,
namely to guide crises, divert company assumptions about crises, and minimize the negative
impact of a crisis (Hasanah, 2022). Public relations is also useful as management that forms
and protects good interactions and has benefits between customers or the community with
organizations or companies, so that when a problem arises such as a crisis that comes
unexpectedly, public relations become a facilitator of it (Sekarbuana et al., 2017).
The analysis is carried out by collecting customer complaint data from all parts as an
effort to identify consumers directly affected by the crisis directly from PT. KAI Persero
through its customer service by sending short messages via SMS to prospective train
passengers and conducting direct communication if needed. PT. KAI Persero broadcasts
releases to inform affected customers indirectly. Media announcements from announcers
are carried out for prospective train users who are already inside the station, and virtual press
conferences, published releas and making advertorials are carried out for prospective train
users who are outside the station or for the public at large (M. S. Putri, 2021).
Then, PT. KAI through the Public Relations division applies action strategies swiftly
and proactively as an effort to overcome the crisis. Other divisions prepare action method
plans which are then outlined at meetings which are then agreed and approved after which
they apply their plans. Social distancing and distancing are one of the methods or strategies
implemented by PT KAI during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis. Therefore, PT KAI's Public
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Relations did not hold the conference directly, but it was carried out virtually by making its
own statement, either in the form of a broadcast release or with a statement in the form of a
video. High leadership of PT. KAI has directly become part of the crisis management team
that occurs through their respective proportions (M. S. Putri, 2021). Participating in the high
leadership of PT. KAI is one of the right things because what company leaders need in times
of crisis like that time is not only to formulate a plan but a mindset is also very important in
order to overcome a crisis that occurs and help them to be able to look forward (Friesatma,
After almost the entire series of strategies are carried out, the next step taken by PT.
KAI is carrying out a multilevel evaluation based on the results of the data obtained. Through
zoom meetings, evaluations and coordination meetings were conducted. Through other
divisions and customer service, customer complaint data is found with media monitoring
(M. S. Putri, 2021).
Through the implementation of crisis management carried out by the company is able
to overcome situations and conditions that are damaged or impossible and classified as a
crisis while still observing the most important side of brand awareness because the company
can be known by customers through the name of a brand, which will later have a good or
positive effect in increasing sales of a company (Yuliana, 2022).
Based on the results of the research above, it can be concluded that the field of risk
management has formed an important discipline to maintain the resilience and success of an
organization or company, with rapid world changes, attachments and uncertainties that are
caused. The emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic at the end of 2019 has had an impact on
micro, small and medium enterprises and even large companies. Here are the strategic efforts
made by small business people. First, the use of technology media by creating stores through e-
commerce such as lazada or bukalapak and digital marketing as promotional media. Second,
Product quality improvement strategies to increase customer trust. Third, the pricing strategy in
times of crisis, of course, people need goods at economical prices. Fourth, the strategy of
improving service quality by providing delivery services is expected to make customers happier
because transaction activities are no longer carried out by leaving the house and meeting with
many people. Fifth, Customer relationship marketing.
Large companies such as PT. KAI Persero is also affected by the COVID-19 pandemic
crisis, PT. KAI Persero then made a fast and proactive strategy and in accordance with Standard
Operating Procedures and strategies applied in dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic crisis,
namely by creating a crisis management team, identifying crises, analyzing, compiling planning
methods, communication strategies and the last is by conducting evaluations. The public relations
department also plays an important role in efforts to resolve the crisis that occurs by providing
explanations, understanding and becoming a public impression of the situation being experienced
so that the company's good name is maintained.
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