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, Nadiana
, Elvina Safitri
Faculty Of Social Science And Political Science, Raja Ali Haji Tanjungpinang Maritime University
, nadiananad[email protected]
, elvinasyafitri23@gmail.com
October 2022
October 2022
October 2022
Background: The phenomenon of trafficking in persons has often occurred
in Indonesia, especially in Tanjungpinang City. Trafficking in persons is a
form of criminal practice that violates human dignity and dignity, and is a
violation of human rights. This criminal act of trafficking in persons is very
disturbing to the community, so that there is a need for serious action from
the government to tackle this criminal act of trafficking in persons.
Trafficking in persons is not only a problem in one country, but has plunged
into cross-country or international .
aim: To analyze the juridical crime of trafficking in persons (Law Number
21 of 2007 concerning Eradication of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons).
Methods: The method used is a qualitative method using normative
juridical research.
Findings: the government issued Law no. 21 of 2007 concerning
Eradication of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons. The regulation is
expected to provide legal protection directly or indirectly to the public. Law
No. 21 of 2007 concerning Eradication of the Crime of Trafficking in
Persons states that everyone who is a victim of trafficking in persons has the
right to receive restitution. However, with the issuance of this law, it is felt
that it has not fulfilled the sense of justice for the people who are victims of
this human trafficking .
Trafficking in Persons; Factors that cause TIP; Trafficking Crime
Law is a law that stands with justice. The law is true and its existence is recognized if
nothing else is underestimated and arbitrary with all its rights. However, from year to year,
especially in Indonesia, especially in Tanjungpinang, it is inseparable from criminal acts
ranging from small to big things. In particular, what will be discussed is the crime of
trafficking in persons. Where the crime of trafficking in persons is still happening in the
Tanjungpinang area in 2021.
This crime of trafficking in persons has occurred in various regions in Indonesia, but
many people do not understand this human trafficking well. Some areas become
concentrations of human trafficking and exploitation. So it is necessary to have a special
approach to inform the public the importance of understanding this human trafficking (Cholil,
2011) .
The crime of trafficking in persons or abbreviated as TIP is the act of recruiting,
transporting, boarding, sending or receiving a person by means of threats of violence, use of
force, kidnapping, confinement, forgery, fraud, abuse of power, or a position of vulnerability,
debt bondage, or paying or benefits, thereby obtaining the consent of the person having
control over that person (No. 21 CE) . Which is where the purpose of human trafficking is to
Juridical Analysis of the Crime of Trafficting in People (Law Number 21 Of 2007 Concerning Eradication of
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take advantage of others, for the benefit of the perpetrator. Either by means of an invitation,
to all the tricks so that the victim participates in the activities as referred to in Article 1
paragraph (1) of Law no. 21 of 2007 concerning the Crime of Trafficking in Persons.
The problem of the criminal act of trafficking in persons must be taken seriously by the
government. Because people are in a state of threatened rights. One of them is the right to
freedom. As an enforcer, the state apparatus also protects it with a legal umbrella that
specifically regulates the elimination of the crime of trafficking (trafficking in persons).
The Indonesian government has ratified Law Number 21 of 2007 concerning the
Eradication of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons with the consideration that everyone as a
creature of God Almighty has human rights in accordance with the dignity of his dignity and
is legally protected by the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia. as stated in Article
28A that: "Everyone has the right to live and has the right to defend his life and life" (Kambu,
2021) .
Law enforcement regarding the crime of human trafficking in Indonesia is still not
optimal where we can see this from the news in the media both in print and electronic media
so that many cases of human trafficking are identified as victims of human trafficking but to
ensnare perpetrators of human trafficking is very difficult because of the modus operandi it
turns out the perpetrators are more than one person and a company, and if the perpetrators are
found, it will be increasingly difficult to proceed to court to obtain criminal sanctions because
the evidence must be guided by legal criminal procedures, namely the Criminal Procedure
Code which has the principle that judges are not allowed to commit crimes against a person
unless there is at least two valid evidence, he or she has the belief that a criminal act has
actually occurred and that the defendant is guilty of doing so, as regulated in Article 183 of
the Criminal Procedure Code (Daud & Sopoyono, 2019) .
The method used is a normative juridical research method in which researchers look at
problems from literature studies and studies from various sources as research material, such
as legislation as the main material (primary legal material) and secondary legal materials
from various legal books, scientific works, scientific articles that discuss the criminal act of
trafficking in persons (human trafficking).
Trafficking in persons is defined as the receipt, transportation, delivery, harboring
and or receipt of persons with the intent to treat or use violence or other forms of pressure,
from kidnapping, fraud, from fraud, abuse of power or an easy position or from giving or
acceptance or payment or benefits in order to reach an agreement from a person who has
control over another person, with the intent of extortion (Sitorus, 2016).
From the above definition, it shows that trafficking includes various activities of
sending women and children in various forms aimed at exploitation, especially labor
exploitation and sexual exploitation. Human trafficking has the following elements :
Juridical Analysis of the Crime of Trafficting in People (Law Number 21 Of 2007 Concerning Eradication of
the Crime Of Trafficking in Persons)
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1. The existence of actions , including: Recruitment, transportation, harboring, shipping,
transfer, or acceptance of a person
2. There are ways, including: threats of violence, use, verbal and physical violence,
kidnapping, confinement, forgery, fraud, abuse of power, position of vulnerability,
debt bondage, or providing payments or benefits.
3. Existence of Purposes, including: Prostitution, forced labor or services, slavery,
oppression, extortion, unlawful use (physical, sexual reproductive organs),
transferring or transplanting organs and or body tissues, or exploiting one's power or
ability by another party to obtain benefits, both material and immaterial.
The definition of human trafficking is so broad that activists who are concerned
in the field of eliminating trafficking agree that this understanding is considered sufficient
if it has fulfilled one of the elements of the actions taken by traffickers, the method used
and the purpose of the action being carried out. Traffickers are generally criminal
organizations that are secret, difficult to track or catch (Yulianto, 2021) . Based on the
literature, human trafficking at the global level can be divided into several forms, namely:
1. By Delivery Destination
Based on the purpose of delivery, trafficking in persons can be distinguished
into trafficking in persons within the country (Internal-trafficking) and trafficking in
persons between countries/cross borders (international trafficking). Internal trade
usually takes place from village to city or from small town to big city within a
country. While trade between countries is the trafficking of people from one country
to another. This model deals with immigration issues. People enter from and to a
country usually through unofficial channels. Domestic trafficking is usually caused by
lack of income or the economy and no opportunity to work. Internal trafficking is a
serious problem in Indonesia, especially in Tanjungpinang City. Many women are
exploited in the form of domestic slavery (servitude dosmetic), commercial sex
exploitation, forced labor in agriculture, mining, and the fishing industry.
(Syamsuddin, 2020).
2. Based on the Victim
Based on the victims, trafficking in persons can be divided into several parts,
as follows:
a. Trafficking of Women
Women are the most vulnerable group to become victims of trafficking in
persons, especially for sexual exploitation, domestic slavery, and forced marriage.
The vulnerability of women to be trafficked due to several factors, namely the need
(demand) of women to be used as commercial sex workers. In addition, women are
also able to sacrifice their education in order to take on the responsibility of caring
for, supporting their parents or siblings. Under these circumstances, it is easy for
women to be seduced and taken abroad to work to help their family's economy. In
Article 1 paragraph 1 of the Regulation of the Minister of Women's Empowerment
and Child Protection of the Republic of Indonesia Number 13 of 2020 concerning
Protection of Women and Protection of Children from Gender-Based Violence in
Juridical Analysis of the Crime of Trafficting in People (Law Number 21 Of 2007 Concerning Eradication of
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Disasters, it is stated that women need protection. The protection of women in this
law is all efforts aimed at protecting and providing a sense of security to women
and the fulfillment of their rights through consistent, structured, and systematic
attention aimed at achieving gender equality (Dian, 2018) .
b. Child Trafficking
Article 1 paragraph 1 of Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection
states that "a child is someone who is not yet 18 (eighteen) years old, including
children who are still in the womb (Article 1 Paragraph 1 of Law Number 23 of
2002 concerning Child Protection). Child Protection, nd) . (Article 1 Paragraph 1
Law Number 23 Year 2002 concerning Child Protection, nd) Children are the
most vulnerable group to be trafficked. Factors that cause children to be easily
trafficked are the values that apply in the community where children are required
to serve their families, the existence of children who run away from home for
reasons, the feeling of loneliness living at home, and the negative influence of
their friends. The same thing happened in Tanjungpinang City.
In June 2021 there was 1 case of a child as a victim of this criminal act of
trafficking in persons. The age group of children who are mostly trafficked are
teenagers aged 15 to 17 years. This age group is entangled in many ways and with
almost the same goals as adults (Syamsuddin & Fuady, 2020) .
3. Male Trafficking
If women and girls are mostly trapped in sexual exploitation, then men
usually enter into economic exploitation. Which is in the form of forced labor or
work without pay. This incident is often found in Indonesian workers who work for
palm oil companies or construction workers in Malaysia.
4. Trafficking in Persons by Form of Exploitation
Based on the form of exploitation, trafficking in persons is divided into
sexual and non-sexual exploitation. Sexual exploitation is distinguished into forced
prostitution, forced marriage and marriage through intermediaries. Meanwhile, non-
sexual exploitation is divided into forced labor and organ trafficking.
If seen from the many kinds of trafficking in persons above, victims of this
crime really need to be protected. Protection of victims here is seen because there
are several considerations , namely:
5. Society is considered as a form of institutionalized trust system (system of
institutionalized trust). This belief is integrated through the norms expressed in
institutional structures such as the police, prosecutors, courts, and so on (Hafrida,
Nelli Herlina, nd) The occurrence of a crime against the victim will mean the
destruction of the belief system so that the regulation of criminal law and other laws
that regarding the victim will serve as a means of restoring the belief system.
6. There are arguments for social contract and social solidarity because the state can be
said to monopolize all social reactions to crime and prohibit private actions.
Therefore, if there are victims of crime, the State must pay attention to the needs of
victims by improving services and regulating rights.
7. Protection of victims is usually associated with one of the objectives of punishment,
Juridical Analysis of the Crime of Trafficting in People (Law Number 21 Of 2007 Concerning Eradication of
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namely conflict resolution. By resolving conflicts caused by criminal acts, it will
restore balance and bring a sense of peace in society. (Muladi, 1997) .
Trafficking is the illegal trade in humans for the commercial purpose of sexual
exploitation or forced labour. The term trafficking comes from English and means “illegal
trade” or illegal trade. This is a modern form of slavery. There is also an understanding that
states that Trafficking comes from the word Traffic which means trade. The root word for
people who trade / sell is "Trafficker" which means trader. The term "trafficking" was first
recognized from the UN instrument. At first "traffic" was used to refer to the "white slave
trade" experienced by women around 1900.
The United Nations (UN) defines human trafficking as: The recruitment, transfer,
transfer, harboring or receipt of persons, by means of the threat or use of force, or other forms
of coercion, of abduction, of fraud, of fraud, of the abuse of power or of position of
vulnerability, giving or receiving payments or benefits to obtain the consent of a person
having authority over another person for the purpose of exploitation. (2000 United Nations
Protocol to Prevent, Combat and Punish Traffickers against Humans, in particular women
and children; Supplement to the United Nations Convention on Transboundary Crime). The
United Nations Convention, Article 3 point a of the protocol to prevent, suppress and punish
trafficking in persons, especially women and children, explains: “The recruitment,
transportation, transfer, harboring, or receipt of persons by means of the treat af use of force
of other forms of coecian, of fraud, of deception, of the abuse of power or of position of
vulnerability or giving or receiving of payment ort benefits to achieve the consent of a person
having control over another person, for the purposes of exploitation shall include, at a
minimum, the exploitation of the prostitution of others or other froms of sexual exploitation,
forced labor or services, slavery of practices similiare to slavery, servitude or the removal of
organs. (Cahya Wulandari; Sonny Saptoajie Wicaksono, 2014).
1. Poverty Factor
Poverty is one of the main factors that encourage people to do anything to get out of
their limitations. The following is an overview of the three aspects of poverty; To supply
side (supply side) is influenced by the poverty factor experienced by individuals (limited
facilities and access to the necessities of life). The demand side (demand side) refers to
commercial industries or activities that rely on poverty as a commodity (individuals traded
illegally) with the aim of maintaining profit or profit. Various views of institutions or
organizations in the majority state that the main factor and root cause of human trafficking
is that it is influenced by the supply side as a result of poverty. The poverty factor has
pushed millions of Indonesians to migrate, domestically and internationally, which is seen
as a way to get a good life for themselves and their families. Based on research results, a
study in 41 countries shows that the desire to improve economic conditions and lack of job
opportunities are one of the main reasons women seek work abroad. (Everd Score Rider
Daniel, Nandang Mulyana, nd)
In conditions of economic hardship, they try to improve the economy by looking for
work. Making people dare to take risks to work outside the city to abroad which in this
situation is very easy to be exploited by people to irresponsible associations. Then in
conditions of poverty, people and irresponsible associations, through persuasion to
Juridical Analysis of the Crime of Trafficting in People (Law Number 21 Of 2007 Concerning Eradication of
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transport and send victims outside the region or abroad so that they can be traded. Thus,
poverty is included as a major factor in the occurrence of criminal acts of trafficking in
persons (Tanjung, 2020) .
2. Environmental factor
The environmental factor (the influence of others) here is the proximity of the
victim to the perpetrator which makes the victim easy to believe in the persuasion of the
perpetrator. Then his association with his fellow friends who had also used the services of
female Commercial Sex Workers (PSK) which made him fall into the crime of trafficking
in persons. This is what makes him want to sell women to these people because they are
willing to pay a lot of money so that it is easier for him to get a lot of money than having
to work. In carrying out the criminal act of trafficking in persons, he has made many
acquaintances with several customers, therefore this crime of trafficking in persons occurs
because of an offer from these customers.
3. Economic Factor
The economic factor is caused by the ease with which the perpetrator gets a lot of
money from every transaction he makes to people who will use the services of the women
he trades. Instead of having to work, it is not necessarily the money he gets from the job
that can meet his daily needs.
4. Educational Factor
The educational factor is the victim's lack of knowledge about the dangers of this
crime which makes it easy for him to fall into the crime of trafficking in persons. This
makes it easy for the perpetrators to persuade the victim and eventually traffic the victim
and exploit her sexually (Zia Zakiri, 2017).
Analysis of Law No. 21 of 2007 concerning the Eradication of the Crime of
Trafficking in Persons.
Indonesia is a state of law, as contained in the 1945 Constitution of the
Republic of Indonesia. Of course, without prejudice to all rights related to human rights,
Law no. 21 of 2007 concerning the Eradication of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons.
The problem of criminal acts of persons is not a problem that can only occur at the
national level, but is based on cases that occur at the international level. So this really
threatens the enactment of violations of human rights for the victims.
The problem of trafficking in persons is not only detrimental to victims because their
rights have been abused to the point of eliminating their rights, but the state also
suffers losses. Call it some adult women who are sent abroad to be exploited or sold
to fulfill the desires of masher men, then the state suffers a loss of human resources,
lack of tax revenue where we know that our main state income is taxes. . Then this
woman left the children who have the potential to become homeless for no relatives,
then the homeless in Indonesia with the government's efforts are not decreasing, but
increasing. Then the government's efforts in forming the RI Law no. 21 of 2007
concerning the Eradication of the Crime of Trafficking in Persons is correct, and
Juridical Analysis of the Crime of Trafficting in People (Law Number 21 Of 2007 Concerning Eradication of
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honest law enforcement efforts are needed based on humanity, because fair decisions
are decisions that are born from human conscience that humanizes humans, as well as
efforts made by people who act caring for the environment.
Forms of exploitation include forced labor or services, slavery and practices similar to
slavery. Forced labor or forced service is a working condition that arises through a
method, plan or pattern intended to make a person believe that if he does not perform
certain actions, he or his dependents will suffer both physically and psychologically.
other people's property. A practice similar to slavery is the act of placing a person in
the power of another person so that that person is unable to refuse a job that the other
person has unlawfully ordered him to do, even though that person does not want it.
The issue of the crime of trafficking in persons (Human Trafficking) needs to be
criminalized as a classification of serious crimes. That so far, for the perpetrators of
this crime, selling or exploiting humans is a normal thing. This thought is the cause of
the increase in criminal acts against human rights. Moreover, from the point of view
of the possibility that criminal law sometimes violates the very basic human
"rechgoederren", namely independence and soul, then it is the right place if the
community, especially the community of law graduates, participates in our future
criminal law development efforts.
It will be separated from the substance of the law, human resources for law
enforcement officers, supporting facilities and infrastructure, interest groups in the
community, and the legal culture of the community. Therefore, in trying and
delivering verdicts, judges are not only guided by the written law (the mouthpiece of
the law), but must pay attention to the values that exist in people's lives.
On that basis, law enforcement must be guided by methods of conflict resolution
based on the rule of law, both written law (UU) or unwritten law (values in the form
of customary law). The task of law enforcement officers should not only be to
maintain order (social order) which functions as a mouth/mouth of the law, but must
be based on the strength of the human ratio and values in society, which is an
acknowledgment of human rights. In terms of human rights law, decisions against
perpetrators must fulfill the community's sense of justice, and the values that live in
society. However, the community's sense of justice cannot be fully fulfilled, because
the crime of trafficking in people is very disturbing and disrupts the order in society,
in reality it is also supported by certain communities because it is still considered
profitable from an economic perspective (for the perpetrators), but in general TIP
must be eradicated. Therefore, if the judge's decision is felt to be unfair and does not
fulfill the community's sense of justice, it will lead to public distrust of the law, and in
the end it will cause chaos and uncertainty, not even covering the possibility of a
street trial. In addition, the process of enforcing and implementing criminal law that
has been carried out as above, the role of criminal law does not only act as a means of
regulating public order (social order) in order to create social policies (social defense),
funds both preventively and repressively. judges will be in accordance with the
objectives of criminal law policy, namely public welfare (Andreo, 2013) .
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From the results of research on data sources and analysis in the previous chapter , the
authors can conclude as follows:
a. Factors that occur in human trafficking.
b. Poverty Factor, that in conditions of economic difficulty, they try to improve the
economy by looking for work.
c. The environmental factor (the influence of others) here is the proximity of the victim
to the perpetrator which makes the victim easy to believe in the persuasion of the
perpetrator. Then his association with his fellow friends who had also used the
services of female Commercial Sex Workers (PSK) which made him fall into the
crime of trafficking in persons.
d. Economic factors are caused by the ease with which the perpetrator gets a lot of
money from every transaction he makes to people who will use the services of the
women he trades.
e. The education factor is the victim's lack of knowledge about the dangers of this crime
which makes it easy for him to fall into the crime of trafficking in persons.
Establishment of Law no. 21 of 2007 concerning the Eradication of the Crime of
Trafficking in Persons is one of the government's efforts in dealing with criminal acts that
occur. Efforts to eradicate criminal acts of trafficking in persons are not solely the
government's obligation, but our collective obligation. Therefore, law enforcers should really
punish the perpetrators of the crime of trafficking in persons in order to provide a deterrent
effect for other perpetrators.
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