E-ISSN: 2963-3699
P-ISSN: 2964-0121
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Sarwan Uya
, Yetty Faridatul Ulfah
, Sukari
IAI Manbaul Ulum, Surakarta, Indonesia
, yettyfaridatululfah@iimsurakarta.ac.id
The purpose of this study is to find out: 1). The role of management at Sholihin Mosque, Tangkil,
Manang, Grogol, Sukoharjo is a process to prosper the mosque and the role of management at Sholihin
Tangkil Mosque is also to optimize all mosque activities and activities. 2). Optimization of the function
of the mosque as a center of worship at Sholihin, Tangkil, Grogol, Sukoharjo Mosques, namely by
maximizing all aspects of activities, infrastructure and facilities to provide comfort in worship (five daily
prayers) in the mosque and centralizing da'wah and social activities at the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque. 3).
Obstacles to mosque management in optimizing the function of the mosque as a center of worship at
Sholihin, Tangkil, Grogol, Sukoharjo Mosques are busy mosque administrators with their
responsibilities outside the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque. This research method uses qualitative research
methods. Qualitative research is a type of research that produces findings that cannot be achieved using
statistical procedures or other means of quantification. The techniques used by researchers in collecting
data on qualitative research methods are carried out in natural settings, both through observation,
interviews and documentation. While the place of research is at Sholihin Tangkil Mosque, Manang,
Grogol, Sukoharjo. The results of this study show that: 1). The role of management at Sholihin Tangkil
Mosque, Manang, Grogol, Sukoharjo has implemented its role starting from planning, organizing,
mobilizing and supervising. 2). Optimization of the function of the mosque as a center of worship at
Sholihin, Tangkil, Grogol, Sukoharjo Mosques by maximizing all activities, activities and programs of
the mosque. 3). The constraints of mosque management in optimizing the function of the mosque as a
center of worship at Sholihin, Tangkil, Grogol, Sukoharjo Mosques are certainly inseparable from
obstacles or things that can be obstacles in the optimization process, namely the busyness of takmir
administrators, the financial crisis of mosques and disruptions in worship.
Keywords: Management; Mosque; Optimization; Functions
Management comes from the English word management with the origin of the word to
manage which generally means to manage (Mora Cortez & Johnston, 2020). While in terms of
management is the process of organizing, organizing, managing human resources, and controlling
in order to achieve the goals of an activity effectively and efficiently. The mosque management
is a process or effort to achieve the prosperity of the mosque, which is carried out by the leader
or administrator of the mosque with his staff and worshippers through various positive activities
(Tahir, 2022; Yousaf & Xiucheng, 2018). Mosque management is also an effort to utilize
management factors in creating more targeted mosque activities and a management system
approach is needed, namely plannig, organizing, actuating, and controlling (Kadarman & Udaya,
1992; Ubudiyah et al., 2022).
The birth of the concept of management in the midst of community turmoil as a
consequence of the imbalance of technical development with human capabilities. Although in
fact, the development of management science is far behind compared to human civilization on
this earth, which began since the existence of the Prophet Adam and his wife. Then around the
20th century more or less, the rise of theorists and practitioners began to appear to develop
management science (Garel, 2013; Siswanto, 2005, p. 1).
Management is very important in any institution, including mosques as Islamic institutions.
Because in the principles of Islamic teachings, everything should not be done carelessly but must
The Role of Mosque Management in Optimizing The Function of The Mosque As A Center of Worship,
(Case Study on The Management of Sholihin, Tangkil, Manang, Grogol, Sukoharjokan Mosques)
Return: Study of Management, Economic and Business, Vol 2 (10), October 2023
be done neatly, well, orderly, and orderly to achieve the desired goal. So every action should have
a purpose and sincerity to do it to the maximum extent so that it can be controlled as a conclusion
of management activities. Because every Islamic institution, including mosques has certain work
activities in order to achieve the goals, and to achieve the goals of these activities it is necessary
to manage (Rifa’i et al., 2005; Sanusi et al., 2015).
Optimization comes from the root word optimal which means best, highest, most profitable,
make best, make highest, process optimization, way. So optimization is an action, process or
methodology to make something more optimal, perfect, functional, or more effective. Another
definition of optimization is an action or activity to improve and optimize (Sidik, 2001, p. 8).
Based on the understanding of the concept above, researchers can conclude that
optimization is a process, implementing programs that have been well planned, so that these goals
are carried out in accordance with the target so that they can improve performance optimally. In
a society that is always racing on the progress of the times, the dynamics of mosques today adapt
a lot to the progress of science and technology (Ghasemi et al., 2019). That is, the mosque not
only acts as a place of prayer, but also as a forum for various activities of Muslims. Because, the
mosque is an integrity and Islamic identity that reflects its Islamic values. Thus, the role of the
mosque is not only linked to the pattern of activities that are hereafter, but juxtaposes between
ukhrowi activities and worldly activities. At the time of the Prophet SAW, mosques generally had
two aspects of activity, first as a center of worship, second as a center of community formation
(Al-Mubarakfuri, 2016).
In the golden age of Islam, mosques underwent adjustments and refinements (Kuran, 2005).
The pattern of adjustment to the demands of the times that occurred was no less functional than
the optimization of the value and meaning of mosques in the time of the Holy Prophetsa. In its
development, the mosque began to pay attention to operational work towards the diversity of
activities and perfection of activities. Basically, the optimization of mosques concerns aspects of
Hissiyah (buildings), aspects of Maknawiyyah (goals) and aspects of Ijtimaiyah (activities) (Al
Mahalli, 2020).
Therefore it is clear that mosques should be built on the basis of piety and faith in Allah
Almighty. with a role as a center for the formation of pilgrims and Muslims in all areas of life.
Allah (swt), says in Qs. Al Jin verse 18 which means: "And verily these mosques belong to Allah,
so do not worship anyone in them but Allah". (Qur’an Kemenag, 2019, p. 573).
In the above verse Allah declares that the mosques belong to him. Therefore, there should
be no worship in it other than only to Allah and not to fellowship Allah with anything (Qur’an
Kemenag, 2019, p. 574).
So the existence of a mosque is not only used as a place of worship, if the role and function
of the mosque is used properly, then the mosque can bring blessings to everyone, themselves and
the surrounding community (Azmi & Ibrahim, 2020; Ratnawita, 2023). In this study, it is expected to
provide an appropriate concept in optimizing the role and function of mosques as centers of
worship for Muslims. Therefore the author is interested in conducting research with the title: The
Role of Mosque Management in Optimizing the Function of Mosques as Worship Centers, (Case
Study on the Management of Sholihin, Tangkil, Manang, Grogol, Sukoharjo Mosques).
This research method uses qualitative research methods. The qualitative approach is as a
process of research and understanding based on methodologies that investigate social phenomena
and human problems. In this approach, the researcher creates a complex picture, examines words,
detailed reports, of the respondent's views and conducts studies on natural structures (Creswell,
1998, p. 15; Sujarweni, 2015). This study the author looks at the problem to be discussed, then
the researcher takes a qualitative research method, namely the researcher looks for data or
descriptive information (picture), behavior in the object observed, and other data relevant to the
object of research related.
The Role of Mosque Management in Optimizing The Function of The Mosque As A Center of Worship,
(Case Study on The Management of Sholihin, Tangkil, Manang, Grogol, Sukoharjokan Mosques)
1002 Return: Study of Management, Economic And Business, Vol 2 (10), October 2023
The place that became the subject of this study was Sholihin Mosque which is a house of
worship and one of the mosques among the mosques in Manang village, precisely this mosque is
located in Gg. Tangkil Lama, Dusun II, Manang, Grogol District, Sukoharjo Regency, Central
Java. With zip code 57552. With research time starting from January 2023 to August 2023.
The techniques used are the techniques used by researchers in collecting data on qualitative
research methods carried out in Natural Settings (natural conditions), the techniques used are,
observation of the research environment, namely the mosque that is the subject of research,
Interview, the interviewees in this study are the Chairman of the Takmir Mosque, the head of the
mosque fields and one permanent congregation of Sholihin Mosque. And documentation
techniques in the form of this are carried out to find out what has been done, is being done and
will be done in the Sholihin Mosque.
Some of the stages of data processing used in this study are: Data examination,
classification, verification, and conclusions. Data analysis technique is the process of
systematically searching and compiling data obtained from interviews, field notes, and other
materials, so that it can be understood easily, and the findings can be informed to others (Raco,
2010, p. 7). Data analysis used by qualitative descriptive researchers by describing and describing
clearly "The Role of Mosque Management in Optimizing the Function of Mosques as Worship
Centers (Case Studies on the Management of Sholihin, Tangkil, Manang, Grogol, Sukoharjo
Mosques)" in accordance with the facts in the field.
Analysis of Results
1. The Role of Mosque Management in Prospering Sholihin, Tangkil, Manang,
Grogol, Sukoharjo Mosques
The existence of the management of this mosque shows that Sholihin Tangkil Mosque
has goals and hopes for devotion to Allah swt. As conveyed by Mr. Edi Susilo, he said that
with the role of the management of this mosque, it shows that this mosque does have a
purpose and hope to create a mosque life and environment that can bring the pleasure of
Allah swt. In addition, the creation of mosque prosperity is inseparable from the role of the
well-organized takmir administrators and public awareness of the purpose and role of the
establishment of the mosque itself (Said, 2016).
The implementation of mosque management in prospering the Sholihin Tangkil
Mosque so that mosque management can be managed properly and mosque activities and
activities can be realized effectively and efficiently. The role of mosque management at
Sholihin Tangkil Mosque also implements and establishes planning, organizing, mobilizing
and supervising. Then the role of mosque management is also part of optimizing all mosque
activities, activities and programs. There are two roles of mosque management in the process
of prospering Sholihin Tangkil Mosque, including:
a. Sholihin Tangkil Mosque Activities.
With the mosque management paran makes Sholihin Tangkil Mosque clear other
activities and activities that can support the prosperity of the mosque and the direction or
purpose of the mosque in accordance with what has been planned before. And this activity
is also an inseparable part of the process of role and optimization of the function of the
mosque in the process of prospering the mosque. Then activities are also one of the standards
of prosperity in mosques. So this activity is proof that the role of mosque management in
prospering is felt and becomes the main function in the process of prospering Sholihin
Tangkil Mosque.
b. Management of Sholihin Tangkilgkil Mosque.
The existence of management in the mosque in order to carry out activities, be
responsible for the implementation of activities and be responsible for the maintenance of
the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque. The Sholihin Tangkil Mosque itself has several parts in the
ranks of the ketakmiran: First, the Advisor. Second, Chairman of Takmir. Third, Secretary.
The Role of Mosque Management in Optimizing The Function of The Mosque As A Center of Worship,
(Case Study on The Management of Sholihin, Tangkil, Manang, Grogol, Sukoharjokan Mosques)
Return: Study of Management, Economic and Business, Vol 2 (10), October 2023
Fourth, Treasurer. Fifth, the Da'wah Division. Sixth, Youth Division. Seventh, Development
Division. Eighth, Sarpra. Ninth, Public Relations. All administrators are responsible for all
activities in the process of prospering the Tangkil Sholihin Mosque. because the
responsibility of the management is very influential on the prosperity of the mosque.
c. Mosque Maintenance
This maintenance involves the care and custody of all infrastructure and facilities of the
Sholihin Tangkil Mosque. In the care and maintenance of all infrastructure and facilities of
this mosque, it is the collective responsibility of both the management and the congregation.
Among the care and maintenance of the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque: Maintaining and
maintaining cleanliness; Maintaining and maintaining mosque infrastructure and facilities;
Maintaining and maintaining all mosque inventory.
This maintenance aims to maintain all facilities and infrastructure and this is the main
task of the Sarpra Division in maintaining and repairing all damaged facilities and
infrastructure and reporting anything that is damaged or anything that must be purchased to
the Treasurer. Although it is the main task of the Sarpra Division but this is also a shared
2. Optimizing Mosque Management in Prospering the Sholihin Mosque, Tangkil,
Manang, Grogol, Sukoharjo
The Sholihin Tangkil Mosque in implementing mosque management to prosper the
mosque is by using several aspects or fields: First, the aspect or field of Idarah. Second, the
aspect or field of the Emirate. Third, the aspect or field of Riayah. Optimizing mosque
management can generate prosperity in the mosque and provide changes for the better and
can maximize all activities (Khoir, 2022).
a. Optimization of Mosque Management from the Aspect of the Idarah Field in Prospering
the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque, Manang, Grogol, Sukoharjo
1) Planning
The planning carried out by the Tangkil Sholihin Mosque management is by
determining effective and efficient steps for the future and planning various
alternative activities that are in accordance with existing situations and conditions
for the prosperity of the Tangkil Sholihin Mosque. Usually to prepare and realize a
plan, the Tangkil Sholihin Mosque management holds a meeting or deliberation. The
timing of the meeting or deliberation is uncertain and the day is not set aside.
Usually, if you are going to plan an activity or gather an activity, you wait for an
announcement from the head of the takmir. As for the invitation system for meetings
or deliberations, usually the secretary invites through the WA (WhatsApp) group or
through an official letter by the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque.
The planning carried out by the Tangkil Sholihin Mosque management
includes: First, the Sholihin Mosque Management implements work programs or
activities through deliberation. Second, takmir is responsible for managing the
mosque organization and realizing success in the organization. Third, prosper the
mosque by forming or organizing various da'wah activities in fostering the
In addition, the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque has planning and divides its activity
planning into three parts, namely:
a) Short-term, this includes daily and weekly activity programs such as the
implementation of five daily prayers, Friday prayers, weekly studies and
breaking the fast together in the month of Ramadan.
b) Medium-term, this includes monthly activities such as regular monthly studies
c) Long-term, including activities that are held once a year.
2) Organizing
In the formation of the management of the Tangkil Sholihin Mosque, the
election of the chairman of the takmir itself is carried out by deliberation and then
The Role of Mosque Management in Optimizing The Function of The Mosque As A Center of Worship,
(Case Study on The Management of Sholihin, Tangkil, Manang, Grogol, Sukoharjokan Mosques)
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who is suitable to become the chairman of the takmir and then for the previous
chairman if it is felt that he is no longer able to carry out the chairman of the takmir,
then he asks to be replaced. In carrying out activities or running a mosque program,
it cannot run without the role of the mosque management as a representation of
mosque management, so the prosperity of the mosque will not be achieved if the
management does not play a good role in carrying out its duties. In recruiting the
management of the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque, the following criteria are used: First,
a Muslim who lives in Tangkil Hamlet. Second, active in mosque activities, both
five daily prayers and other activities. Third, ahlu sunnah waljamaah, honest, good
character and active in congregation.
3) Movement
The Sholihin Tangkil Mosque in implementing, mobilizing the entire mosque
management by providing motivation and encouragement to the ranks of the
management to remain enthusiastic in carrying out their duties and the chairman
encourages his management to continue to work together in carrying out their duties,
usually the Chairman or Bidgar da'wah holds meals together and coffee together
with the aim of providing a sense of kinship and fostering a sense of cohesiveness
between administrators in driving all mosque activities and activities.
4) Controling
As for the form of supervision at the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque, the chairman of the
takmir usually holds a work evaluation meeting with all levels of the Tangkil
Sholihin Mosque management. Supervision is also carried out in the form of
observation, examination and correction of all administrators and their programs.
The mosque management will supervise every activity regarding the planned
program from start to finish.
b. Optimization of Mosque Management in the Aspects of the Imarah Field in Prospering
the Sholihin Mosque Sholihin Mosque Tangkil, Manang, Grogol, Sukoharjo.
The aspect of the Imarah field is the aspect of prospering the mosque through
worship, education, social and other activities. The Sholihin Tangkil Mosque itself
prospered by doing good management and making activities that attracted many
worshipers so that the mosque was not empty of worshipers (Masamah, 2020).
The Sholihin Tangkil Mosque in prospering the mosque also emphasizes carrying
out obligations in the form of five daily prayers as prayer is the obligation of every
Muslim by creating an activity program to attract worshipers to the mosque such as study
activities then ending by distributing basic foodstuffs and eating together. With this
program, it is hoped that it will attract the hearts of the congregation to be tied to the
mosque such as activities in worship, the Qur'an Education Park (TPQ) for children,
c. Optimizing Mosque Management in the Riayah Aspect in Prospering the Sholihin
Mosque Sholihin Mosque Tangkil, Manang, Grogol, Sukoharjo
The optimization of mosque management (Yüksel et al., 2021) in the aspect of the
Riayah field at the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque is in the form of maintaining the mosque
building, which includes the shape of the building or architecture, maintenance of
damage and maintenance of cleanliness. Based on the observations made at the Sholihin
Tangkil Mosque, the programs that have been carried out from this Riayah development
are as follows:
1) Mosque Renovation: In the process of renovating the Tangkil Sholihin Mosque, the
construction was completed in 2010, then making the Tangkil Sholihin Mosque
which was originally only one floor into two floors as it is today. As for during this
renovation, it is inseparable from the role and participation of the Tangkil Lama
Community, they are very enthusiastic to immediately complete the renovation
construction, through amal sholeh activities (gotong royong residents) during the
The Role of Mosque Management in Optimizing The Function of The Mosque As A Center of Worship,
(Case Study on The Management of Sholihin, Tangkil, Manang, Grogol, Sukoharjokan Mosques)
Return: Study of Management, Economic and Business, Vol 2 (10), October 2023
renovation of the Tangkil Sholihin Mosque, making residents or worshipers
accustomed and embedded habits of helping each other and hastening if it is a matter
of the mosque.
2) Maintenance and Cleanliness of Sholihin Tangkil Mosque: The maintenance and
cleanliness of this mosque is regularly both interior (inside the mosque) and exterior
(outside the mosque) of the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque. In the arrangement of the
sound system, it is checked every time it will be used in mosque activities or every
Friday, so that in the worship of khutbah and Friday prayers in particular there are
no obstacles. Then carpet maintenance using a vacuum clenner is carried out once a
week and given perfume for the carpet. Meanwhile, to maintain the cleanliness of
the Tangkil Sholihin Mosque environment, cleaning is carried out three times a week
and cleaned every morning.
3) Security and Comfort of the Tangkil Sholihin Mosque: Then in order to provide
comfort, guarding and anticipation of mosque facilities, CCTV is provided as a form
of supervision of unwanted events or circumstances that occur inside and outside the
mosque, both related to infrastructure, facilities and congregational goods.
3. Obstacles and Supporting Factors for Mosque Management in Optimizing the
Function of the Mosque as a Center for Worship at the Sholihin Mosque, Tangkil,
Grogol, Sukoharjo
Inhabiting Factorrs
a. The management of the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque is sometimes busy with their work or
responsibilities outside but still maintains communication and helps each other between
administrators. Especially some ustadz who are administrators at the Sholihin Tangkil
Mosque not only take care of the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque but also have responsibilities
b. The decline or reduction of financial operations (income), meaning that the income from
this Friday infaq is not as usual, because there are several mosques in Tangkil hamlet
and in neighboring hamlets that initially prayed and prayed at the Tangkil Sholihin
Mosque and now what was originally a musholah has changed to a mosque and already
has its own.
c. The conditioning of children at the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque has not been well
Supporting Factors
Supporting factors in optimizing the function of the mosque as a center of worship, this
is inseparable from the trust of the congregation and the responsibility of the management,
establishing cooperation and communication and good coordination between the
congregation and the management and every activity of the management and the
congregation always support each other. to carry out the activities of the Sholihin Tangkil
Mosque, there are supporting factors, especially in finance to facilitate every activity,
comfort in worship and funds for routine studies, all of which are supported by infaq funds
every Friday, infaq deposited in residents' homes (kumplung) for those who want to,
especially those who are congregants of the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque and the infaq box
provided in front of the mosque.
The administrators carry out good coordination, smooth communication, smooth
communication between fellow administrators and worshipers of the mosque. Then the
administrators also become examples and guides for worshipers and children and in
optimizing or maximizing the function of the mosque as a center or place of worship, good
cooperation is needed between administrators and administrators and worshipers at the
Sholihin Tangkil Mosque.
The Role of Mosque Management in Optimizing The Function of The Mosque As A Center of Worship,
(Case Study on The Management of Sholihin, Tangkil, Manang, Grogol, Sukoharjokan Mosques)
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From the results of research conducted by researchers that the role of management at the
Sholihin Tangkil Mosque in implementing mosque management aims to prosper the mosque,
namely by emphasizing several aspects or fields: First, the aspect or field of Idarah. Second, the
aspect or field of Imarah. Third, the aspect or field of Riayah (Biygautane et al., 2019). Optimizing
mosque management can produce prosperity (Alotaibi et al., 2022) in the mosque and provide
changes for the better and can maximize all mosque activities that make the mosque the center of
activities, especially in terms of worship, da'wah and social:
1. Optimization of Mosque Management from the Aspects of the Idarah Field
a. Planning
The planning carried out by the Tangkil Sholihin Mosque management includes: First,
the Sholihin Mosque Management implements work programs or activities through
deliberation. Second, takmir is responsible for managing the mosque organization and
realizing success in the organization. Third, prosper the mosque by forming or organizing
various da'wah activities in fostering people.
b. Organizing
In the formation of the management of the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque, the election of
the takmir chairman itself was carried out by deliberation and then appointed who was
suitable to become the chairman of the takmir and then for the previous chairman if it was
felt that he was no longer able to carry out the chairman of the takmir, then he asked to
be replaced. This means that so far the Takmir leadership at the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque
has been replaced if he dies, gets old and is no longer able to carry out his responsibilities
as chairman of the takmir and asks to be replaced.
c. Movement
The mobilization of the Tangkil Sholihin Mosque can be seen from the activities and
optimization of the Tangkil Sholihin Mosque programs. The application is through
da'wah, social, economic and other activities. With the movement function, it shows that
an organization will not run and organizational goals will not be achieved if it is not driven
by programs and activities. So the management of the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque is very
concerned about this issue and this is the seriousness of the board in carrying out its
d. Controling
While this supervisory function is to find out the extent of the planning carried out
and what obstacles are encountered in implementing the mosque's program or activities.
As for the form of supervision at the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque, the chairman of the takmir
usually holds a work evaluation meeting with all levels of the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque
2. Optimizing Mosque Management in the Aspects of the Imarah Field
The application in this aspect or field of imarah is by optimizing worship activities (five
daily prayers), education, social and other mosque activities. Among others:
a. Worship
Fardhu Prayers (5 Time Prayers); Sholihin Tangkil Mosque is also a mosque similar
to mosques in general which have the main function as a place of worship (Rumah Allah).
A place to perform the five daily prayers.
Friday Prayers; For the preacher of Friday prayers there are several ustadz who take turns
every week. And the khatib schedule has been determined every Friday. While the ustadz
himself is from the Tangkil Sholihin Mosque management itself and invites ustadz from
other places that have been scheduled.
b. Recitation
The researchers classified the activities into several activities, as conveyed by Mr.
Edi Susilo (Chairman of Takmir). The Sholihin Tangkil Mosque itself has several
The Role of Mosque Management in Optimizing The Function of The Mosque As A Center of Worship,
(Case Study on The Management of Sholihin, Tangkil, Manang, Grogol, Sukoharjokan Mosques)
Return: Study of Management, Economic and Business, Vol 2 (10), October 2023
activities, both activities only internal to the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque, Tangkil sedusun
mosque activities and Manang sedesa activities, both da'wah and social activities.
c. Qur’an Education Park (TPQ)
The Shalihin Tangkil Mosque has a children's level education, namely TPQ, which
is located in the mosque environment, teaches children to read the Qur'an and teaches the
basics of Islam. The TPQ schedule is held on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 16.00 pm
until completion. While the learning place uses the top floor (2nd floor) of the Sholihin
Tangkil Mosque and has the name TPQ Sholihin.
3. Optimizing Mosque Management in the Riayah Aspect
Based on observations made at the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque, the programs that have been
carried out from this Riayah coaching are as follows:
a. Renovation of the Tangkil Sholihin Mosque
In renovating the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque, the construction was completed in 2010,
then making the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque which was originally only one floor into two
floors as it is today.
b. Maintenance and cleanliness of the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque
The maintenance and cleanliness of the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque is regularly both
interior (inside the mosque) and exterior (outside the mosque) of the Sholihin Tangkil
Mosque. Meanwhile, to maintain the cleanliness of the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque
environment, cleaning is carried out three times a week and cleaned every morning and
maintenance and cleaning of infrastructure and facilities is carried out once a month.
c. Security and Comfort of Sholihin Tangkil Mosque
It aims to anticipate and maintain all mosque facilities. CCTV is provided as a form of
supervision of unwanted events or circumstances that occur inside and outside the
mosque, both related to infrastructure, facilities and congregational goods.
The role of management at Sholihin Tangkil Mosque is the process to prosper the mosque.
So management if associated with the mosque is a way or effort to achieve the prosperity of the
mosque, which is carried out by the leader or administrator of the mosque with his staff and
worshippers through various positive activities. The role of management at Sholihin Tangkil
Mosque is also to optimize all mosque activities and activities. Sholihin Tangkil Mosque uses
several aspects or fields: First, the aspect or field of Idarah. Second, the aspect or field of the
Emirate. Third, the aspect or field of Riayah. Optimization of the function of Sholihin Tangkil
Mosque as a center of worship is by maximizing all aspects of activities, infrastructure and
facilities to provide comfort in worship (five daily prayers) in the mosque and centralizing da'wah
and social activities at Sholihin Tangkil Mosque. Obstacles in mosque management in optimizing
the function of the mosque as a center of worship at Sholihin Tangkil Mosque. The obstacles that
often occur are the busyness of mosque administrators with their responsibilities outside the
Sholihin Mosque. And the obstacle that is still an unfinished problem is to condition children in
activities at the Sholihin Tangkil Mosque.
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