The Role of Mosque Management in Optimizing The Function of The Mosque As A Center of Worship,
(Case Study on The Management of Sholihin, Tangkil, Manang, Grogol, Sukoharjokan Mosques)
Return: Study of Management, Economic and Business, Vol 2 (10), October 2023
be done neatly, well, orderly, and orderly to achieve the desired goal. So every action should have
a purpose and sincerity to do it to the maximum extent so that it can be controlled as a conclusion
of management activities. Because every Islamic institution, including mosques has certain work
activities in order to achieve the goals, and to achieve the goals of these activities it is necessary
to manage (Rifa’i et al., 2005; Sanusi et al., 2015).
Optimization comes from the root word optimal which means best, highest, most profitable,
make best, make highest, process optimization, way. So optimization is an action, process or
methodology to make something more optimal, perfect, functional, or more effective. Another
definition of optimization is an action or activity to improve and optimize (Sidik, 2001, p. 8).
Based on the understanding of the concept above, researchers can conclude that
optimization is a process, implementing programs that have been well planned, so that these goals
are carried out in accordance with the target so that they can improve performance optimally. In
a society that is always racing on the progress of the times, the dynamics of mosques today adapt
a lot to the progress of science and technology (Ghasemi et al., 2019). That is, the mosque not
only acts as a place of prayer, but also as a forum for various activities of Muslims. Because, the
mosque is an integrity and Islamic identity that reflects its Islamic values. Thus, the role of the
mosque is not only linked to the pattern of activities that are hereafter, but juxtaposes between
ukhrowi activities and worldly activities. At the time of the Prophet SAW, mosques generally had
two aspects of activity, first as a center of worship, second as a center of community formation
(Al-Mubarakfuri, 2016).
In the golden age of Islam, mosques underwent adjustments and refinements (Kuran, 2005).
The pattern of adjustment to the demands of the times that occurred was no less functional than
the optimization of the value and meaning of mosques in the time of the Holy Prophetsa. In its
development, the mosque began to pay attention to operational work towards the diversity of
activities and perfection of activities. Basically, the optimization of mosques concerns aspects of
Hissiyah (buildings), aspects of Maknawiyyah (goals) and aspects of Ijtimaiyah (activities) (Al
Mahalli, 2020).
Therefore it is clear that mosques should be built on the basis of piety and faith in Allah
Almighty. with a role as a center for the formation of pilgrims and Muslims in all areas of life.
Allah (swt), says in Qs. Al Jin verse 18 which means: "And verily these mosques belong to Allah,
so do not worship anyone in them but Allah". (Qur’an Kemenag, 2019, p. 573).
In the above verse Allah declares that the mosques belong to him. Therefore, there should
be no worship in it other than only to Allah and not to fellowship Allah with anything (Qur’an
Kemenag, 2019, p. 574).
So the existence of a mosque is not only used as a place of worship, if the role and function
of the mosque is used properly, then the mosque can bring blessings to everyone, themselves and
the surrounding community (Azmi & Ibrahim, 2020; Ratnawita, 2023). In this study, it is expected to
provide an appropriate concept in optimizing the role and function of mosques as centers of
worship for Muslims. Therefore the author is interested in conducting research with the title: The
Role of Mosque Management in Optimizing the Function of Mosques as Worship Centers, (Case
Study on the Management of Sholihin, Tangkil, Manang, Grogol, Sukoharjo Mosques).
This research method uses qualitative research methods. The qualitative approach is as a
process of research and understanding based on methodologies that investigate social phenomena
and human problems. In this approach, the researcher creates a complex picture, examines words,
detailed reports, of the respondent's views and conducts studies on natural structures (Creswell,
1998, p. 15; Sujarweni, 2015). This study the author looks at the problem to be discussed, then
the researcher takes a qualitative research method, namely the researcher looks for data or
descriptive information (picture), behavior in the object observed, and other data relevant to the
object of research related.