Creative Management and Innovation: Building Competitive Advantage in The Contemporary Era
1016 Return: Study of Economic And Business Management, Vol 2 (10), October 2023
sustaining the success of a company or business that is run. Innovation ends with the
introduction of a new product (Carlina & Ekowati, 2022).
Based on the results of the research above, it can be concluded that creative management
and innovation are able to build competitive advantages in the current era as is the case in the
micro, small and medium enterprise industry or MSMEs, Mrs. Sumiatin's rempeyek business
located in Tanjungpinang, which has applied creative management and innovation through
business assistance provided by improving the quality of packaging and creating a logo for her
business products and also utilizing digital innovation as a medium for online marketing using
Facebook. The business run by Mrs. Sumiatin after going through assistance and applying
creative management and innovation has an impact on the results obtained quite substantially
different from before. Also in the restaurant business, Lim's Cafe Kisaran, which has
implemented innovation management in its food and beverage menu so that it gets positive
feedback or reciprocity from its customers, Lim's Cafe Kisaran also utilizes digital innovation
by creating business accounts on social media such as Facebook and Instagram, although in the
process the business actors are less active in using social media, but the positive impact of
social media is still felt because visitors who come to the cafe deliberately upload their leisure
activities in that place so that indirectly Lim's Cafe Kisaran has excelled in competing in the
contemporary era like today. The positive impact of creative management and innovation is also
felt by Bang Kendik Cafe Rantauparat business actors.
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