E-ISSN: 2963-3699
P-ISSN: 2964-0121
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Retno Febriaryanti
, Amir Fikri
, Maya Maria
Indonesia Open University Master of Management Graduate School, Indonesia
Trisakti University, Jakarta, Indonesia
, amir.fik[email protected].id
, maya@ecampus.ut.ac.id
In the era of globalization, people are increasingly demanding to always want to get fast, cheap,
comfortable, and precise services. As a service that runs library affairs, this phenomenon is a challenge
for libraries to always make transformations in a better direction to maintain regional literacy levels.
Therefore, this research was conducted to assess the factors of user acceptance of the application of the
i-Bontang digital library system to users of Perpustakaan Daerah Kota Bontang. Based on the
Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) framework, researchers analyzed the locus of perceived ease of
use and perceived usefulness of various latent variables including behavior intention to use, actual
system to use, relevance, subjective norms, screen design, mobility, trust in content, library assistance,
computer literacy, trust in content, and level of infrastructure. Not only that, measurements were also
carried out using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) through the overall model fit test, validity test,
and reliability test with a t-value > 1.96. The results of this study indicate that perceived ease of use is
influenced by several variables such as screen design, mobility, librarian assistance, and computer
literacy, while perceived usefulness is influenced by variables perceived ease of use, relevance,
subjective norms, trust in content, and level of infrastructure. From this research it is proven that the
actual system to use variable shows the strongest influence on the behavioral intention to use variable.
In the end, the TAM model has helped assess the components in digital library acceptance with the
hope that management in implementing systems such as i-Bontang can develop further.
Keywords: Library Users; Digital Library; TAM; SEM; Bontang
The rapid development of technology and communication, causing the interaction of
individuals or groups of people to grow faster and wider (Zhang et al., 2016). That is, the form
of interaction is no longer limited by space and time. This requires the community to be able to
adapt to the development of technology and information in all aspects of people's lives. One
form of use of technology and information is known as Information and Communication
Technology (ICT) or more familiarly known as Information and Communication Technology
(ICT) (Uska, 2017). ICT consists of various aspects involving technology, engineering and
processing techniques used in the control and processing of information and its use, the
relationship of computers with humans and matters related to social, economic and cultural
activities (Nurdiyansyah, 2017; Schröter et al., 2017).
In this era of globalization, almost all activities are based on technology and
computerization, so people demand to always want to get fast, cheap, convenient and
appropriate services (Makridakis, 2017). As an office that runs library affairs, demands like this
are a challenge for the Bontang City Regional Library to always improve itself and transform in
a more and sustainable direction, so that service users are always comfortable and return to visit
the library to enjoy hommy (comfortable), up to date library services (contemporary), and
according to the expectations of users who come from various ages. One of the efforts made is
to provide online library facilities that can be accessed anywhere, anytime, and by anyone
easily, cheaply, quickly, and precisely known as "i-Bontang" (Krismayani, 2018).
i-Bontang has 578 members and has been visited by around 3,645 i-Bontang users. It
turns out that this number, when compared to the number of members and the number of user
visits who come directly to the Regional Library, is still far behind. Meanwhile, when viewed
from the achievements in the RENSTRA of the Library and Archives Office as stated in the
Exploration of User Acceptance Level of I-Bontang Mobile Application Technology with Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) Approach at Bontang City Regional Library
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Performance Report of the Library and Archives Office in 2020 and 2021, the achievement of
user visits consisting of the number of on-site users and on-line users did not meet the target. In
2020, the achievement of the number of user visits to the target can only reach 99.39% while in
2021 it is only 12.69%. This shows that within a period of 2 (two) years, the achievement of the
number of user visits to the Regional Library has not been achieved. This finding is contrary to
the condition of Bontang City which is experiencing the Covid-19 pandemic with a lockdown
policy, where users who should tend to access online services, including library services but in
reality it is not done, so it is necessary to investigate by researchers on this phenomenon
(Anzaeni & Latifah, 2017; Easton & Wells, 2020).
According to the manager of the i-Bontang database Perpusda (regional library) Bontang
city, Muslih, Wednesday, February 23, 2022, 10:23, most users of i-Bontang services are people
aged 15-34 years. The community with an age range of 15-34 years is students, students and
productive workers, who in their daily lives are very active in interacting with the use of
devices, both to complete school and college assignments, as well as for other activities.
According to BPS Bontang data (2021) The population in that age range is approximately
60,369 people. This figure indicates that there is considerable potential as a consumer of i-
Bontang now and in the future. But on the other hand, the number of i-Bontang members to date
is only 440 people, meaning that when compared to the population of Bontang City in that age
range is still very low at around 0.73%.
Meanwhile, when compared to Library visitors who come directly offline, it shows a
considerable number and when compared to i-Bontang visitors is still very far away. Clearly can
be seen in table 1 below.
Table 1 Comparison Between i-Bontang (online) and offline users in the last 3 (three) years
Number of Members
Number of Visitors
i Bontang
Furthermore, data was obtained from the Balikpapan Regional Library to be able to
describe the condition of other online libraries in the East Kalimantan Province region where the
number of members and the number of online visitors through i-Balikpapan has increased
rapidly during the pandemic since 2020. The number of members registered online at i-
Balikpapan is 26.9%, while when compared to users registered as members at i-Bontang is only
3.1%. Thus, in terms of the number of members, i-Bontang is still far behind when compared to
i-Balikpapan. It can be clearly illustrated in table 2 below.
Table 2 Comparison Between i-Balikpapan Users (online)
with offline users in the last 3 (three) years
Number of Members
Number of Visitors
And broadly speaking, if a comparison of the number of online and offline users between i-
Bontang and i-Balikpapan visitors can be seen in table 3 below.
Table 3 Comparison Between Online Users and Offline Users
at Bontang Regional Library with Balikpapan Regional Library
Bontang Library
Balikpapan Library
Exploration of User Acceptance Level of I-Bontang Mobile Application Technology with Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) Approach at Bontang City Regional Library
Return: Study of Management Economic And Bussines, Vol 2 (10), October 2023
Number of Members
3.1 %
26.9 %
Number of Visits
19.6 %
This is one of the focuses of researchers to conduct research related to what factors can
increase the interest of the people of Bontang City in the existence of i-Bontang. Broadly
speaking, some of the gaps that researchers found include: 1) The number of potential
population of i-Bontang users is generation Z approximately 60,369 people. However, the
number of i-Bontang members in that age range is only 440 people, or only around 0.73%. 2)
When compared to similar applications in other regions in the same province, the coverage of i-
Bontang is still low. 3) In order to be able to compare with previous research, namely the
application of i Jogja application In the Jogjakarta Regional Library which only consists of 4
(four) external variables, the novelty in this study is the inclusion of new variables, namely:
content content, infrastructure availability, librarian assistance and the ability to use computers.
4) In order to be able to compare with research from other countries, namely the application of
TEEAL application in Kenya and Peru.
Types of Research
This research is a quantitative research, namely research based on the philosophy of
positivism which is used to examine certain populations or samples with random sampling
techniques. Data collection is carried out using research instruments with quantitative /
statistical data analysis with the aim of testing hypotheses that have been determined.
The method used is a survey method that aims to collect information about symptoms that
are happening and seek information about institutions, social, economic, or political from a
group or region. This research included direct research with respondents in the field with the
locus being the Bontang City Regional Library.
From the description above, the type of research that will be carried out by researchers in
this study is quantitative research. This research will later involve i-Bontang users at the
Bontang City Regional Library, where this research focuses on individual analysis units, namely
by analyzing individuals who are active users of the i-Bontang application service.
Population and Sample
Population used: all users who have become members of i-Bontang at the Bontang
City Regional Library. Which uses non-probability sampling techniques. The
calculation results using the Slovin formula show that the number of samples to be
studied amounted to 210 people. Non-probability sampling methods do not provide
equal opportunities or opportunities to every component or member of the population to
be taken as a sample (Sugiyono, 2018).
Research Instruments
While Arikunto (2012) states that research instruments are tools chosen and used by
researchers in their activities to collect data so that these activities become systematic and easy.
Some of the research instruments used in this study are: Questionnaire / Questionnaire,
Observations conducted at the Bontang City Regional Library and to several i-Bontang
users, aimed at getting an overview of the object to be studied, and an interview directly
to one of the librarians managing the i-Bontang application database at the Bontang City
Library and Archives Office which is responsible for the i-Bontang application service.
Data collection procedure
the process of gaining access to data; distribute questionnaires to users with the i-
Bontang application service in the form of Google Drive via Whatsapp messages to i-Bontang
users. Locus: Bontang City Regional Library, Jl. HM. Ardan 1 Bontang. When: December 2022
to January 2023. Data Collection Frequency: Performed 1 time, and data analysis immediately
carried out.
Exploration of User Acceptance Level of I-Bontang Mobile Application Technology with Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) Approach at Bontang City Regional Library
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Data analysis
Activities in data analysis are grouping data based on variables from all respondents,
tabulating data based on variables from all respondents and presenting data for each variable
studied, then doing calculations to test the hypotheses that have been proposed (Simamora,
2008). In conducting data analysis is divided into several stages, namely: Data processing, Data
Presentation Methods, Statistical data analysis using the SEM approach with LISREL software
version 8.3.
Hypothesis Test
Hypotheses can be formulated based on the number of relationships between independent
variables and dependent variables in a structural model.
Results of Hypothesis Testing with SEM Model
1. Test Measurement Model.
The first stage of SEM analysis is measurement model testing which will be carried
out through overall model fit test, validity test and reliability test. To test the validity of the
measurement model will be used SFL values. Meanwhile, to test the reliability of the
measurement model, Construct Reliability (CR) and Variance Extracted (VE) values will
be used. The CR and VE values reflect the reliability of the measurement model in question
(Alomary & Woollard, 2015).
Table 4 Test Results of Measurement Model.
Exploration of User Acceptance Level of I-Bontang Mobile Application Technology with Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) Approach at Bontang City Regional Library
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Ability to Use
Perception of
Intention to
System Use
The results in Table 4 show a good SFL value of ≥ 0.50, meaning that all indicators
are valid in reflecting latent variables. Next is the value of CR = Construct Reliability, a
good CR value 0.7, the results show all qualified and the value of VE = Variance
Extracted, a good VE value ≥ 0.50.
2. Test Goodness of Fit Model
Model overall fit analysis, also known as the overall fit model, is associated with
statistical GOF analysis obtained through data processing using LISREL 8.3 tools. The
following are the results of GOF Model measurements using GOF size guidelines.
Table 5 Goodness of Fit
Calculated Result
Standard Values for Good
Exploration of User Acceptance Level of I-Bontang Mobile Application Technology with Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) Approach at Bontang City Regional Library
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< 0.08
Good match
> 0.90
Good match
> 0.90
Good match
> 0.90
Good match
> 0.90
Good match
Std. RMR
< 0.08
Good match
> 0.90
Good match
> 0.90
Good match
a. Goodness of Fit Indeks (GFI)
The GFI value obtained is 0.98, this result shows that the overall fit of the model is
good (good fit), in accordance with GFI provisions where the amount of intermediate
value is said to be a model with good fit, which is > 0.90.
b. Adjusted Goodness of Fit Indeks (AGFI)
The AGFI value obtained is 0.97, indicating that the overall fit of the model is good
(good fit), because the value obtained is within the limit of AGFI conditions, which is >
c. Root Mean Square Error Approximation (RMSEA)
The RMSEA result obtained is 0.057 indicating a good overall fit of the model because
it has met the RMSEA requirements of < 0.08.
d. Normed Fit Index (NFI)
The NFI value obtained is 0.97, this result indicates that the overall fit of the model is
good (good fit) because the NFI result has met the requirements of a good model match,
which is > 0.90.
e. Incremental Fit Index (IFI)
IFI = 0.99, indicating a value that has met the IFI requirements, so it can be said that the
overall fit of the model is good (good fit) which is > 0.90.
f. Comparative Fit Index (CFI)
CFI = 0.99, means the value obtained, and of course has met the CFI requirements, so it
is concluded that the overall fit of the model is good (good fit) which is > 0.90.
Exploration of User Acceptance Level of I-Bontang Mobile Application Technology with Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) Approach at Bontang City Regional Library
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Figure 1 Standardized Loading Factor (SLF)
3. Structural Model Analysis (Hypothesis Testing)
The next stage is testing the processing results hypothesis with the SEM Model. In
this section, structural model analysis includes the value of the coefficient or parameter and
the t-value of the coefficient or parameter. The results of the analysis are represented by the
figure below.
Exploration of User Acceptance Level of I-Bontang Mobile Application Technology with Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) Approach at Bontang City Regional Library
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Figure 2 T hitung
The results of the relationship test to the structural model, which explains the relationship
between latent variables in research:
Hypothesis 1: Relevance positively affects Perceived Usefulness in using the i-Bontang
In the structural model analysis between variables and latent variables PU, it can be seen
that the first hypothesis between Relevance (Relevance) and PU is accepted because the t-value
obtained is 7.36 and the estimated coefficient is 0.19. The value is said to be significant because
the t-value > 1.96 and the estimated value obtained is qualified and quite high, indicating a
positive relationship between the latent variable Relevance (Relevance) and the latent variable
PU (Rafique et al., 2020; Siyasih, 2021).
Exploration of User Acceptance Level of I-Bontang Mobile Application Technology with Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) Approach at Bontang City Regional Library
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Hypothesis 2: Subjective Norms positively affect Perceived Usefulness in using the i-
Bontang application
In the structural model analysis between the latent variable Subjective Norms and the
latent variable PU, it can be seen that the second hypothesis between Subjective Norms and PU
is accepted because the t-value obtained is 7.13 and the estimated coefficient is 0.21. The value
is said to be significant because the t-value > 1.96 and the estimated value obtained is qualified
and quite high, indicating a positive relationship between the latent variable Subjective Norms
and the latent variable PU.
Hypothesis 3: Trust in Content has a positive effect on Perceived Usefulness in using the i-
Bontang application
In the structural model analysis between the latent variable Trust in Content and the
latent variable PU, it can be seen that the third hypothesis between Trust in Content and PU is
accepted because the t-value obtained is 8.03 and the estimated coefficient is 0.23. This value is
said to be significant because the t-value > 1.96 and the estimated value obtained are qualified
and quite high, indicating a positive relationship between the latent variable Trust in Content
and the latent variable PU.
Hypothesis 4: Screen Design positively affects the Perceived Ease of Use in using the i-
Bontang application
In the structural model analysis between the latent variable Screen Design and the latent
variable PEoU, it can be seen that the fifth hypothesis between Screen Design and PEoU is
accepted because the t-value obtained is 15.62 and the estimated coefficient is 0.34. This value
is said to be significant because the t-value > 1.96 and the estimated value obtained is qualified
and quite high, indicating a positive relationship between the latent variable Screen Design
(Screen Design) and the latent variable PEoU.
Hypothesis 5: Mobility has a positive effect on the perceived ease of use in using the i-
Bontang application
In the structural model analysis between the Mobility variable and the latent variable
PEoU, it can be seen that the sixth hypothesis between Mobility and PEoU is accepted because
the t-value obtained is 8.51 and the estimated coefficient is 0.37. This value is said to be
significant because the t-value > 1.96 and the estimated value obtained is qualified and quite
high, indicating a positive relationship between the latent variable Mobility (Mobility) and the
latent variable PEoU.
Hypothesis 6: Librarian Assistance has a positive effect on Perceived Ease of Use in using
the i-Bontang application
In the structural model analysis between the latent variable Librarian Assistance and the
latent variable PEoU, it can be seen that the seventh hypothesis between Librarian Assistance
and PEoU is accepted because the t-value obtained is 4.88 and the estimated coefficient is 0.16.
This value is said to be significant because the t-value > 1.96 and the estimated value obtained
is qualified and quite high, indicating a positive relationship between the latent variable
Librarian Assistance (Librarian Assistance) and the latent variable PEoU.
Hypothesis 7: A Person's Ability to Use a Computer (Computer Literacy) has a positive
effect on the Perceived Ease of Use in using the i-Bontang application
In the structural model analysis between the latent variable Computer Literacy and the
latent variable PEoU, it can be seen that the eighth hypothesis between Computer Literacy and
PEoU is accepted because the t-value obtained is 5.41 and the estimated coefficient is 0.18. This
value is said to be significant because the t-value > 1.96 and the estimated value obtained is
qualified and quite high, indicating a positive relationship between the latent variable of a
person's ability to use a computer (Computer Literacy) and the latent variable PEoU.
Hypothesis 8: Level of Infrastructure positively affects Perceived Usefulness in using the i-
Bontang application
In the structural model analysis between the Infrastructure Level variable and the PU
latent variable, it can be seen that the fourth hypothesis between the Infrastructure Level and the
PU is accepted because the t-value obtained is 2.54 and the estimation coefficient is 0.11. This
Exploration of User Acceptance Level of I-Bontang Mobile Application Technology with Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) Approach at Bontang City Regional Library
1070 Return: Study of Management, Economic And Bussines, Vol 2 (10), October 2023
value is said to be significant because the t-value > 1.96 and the estimated value obtained is
qualified and quite high, indicating a positive relationship between the latent variable of the
Infrastructure Level and the latent variable PU.
Hypothesis 9: Perceived Ease of Use positively affects Perceived Usefulness in using the i-
Bontang application
In the structural model analysis between the latent variable PEoU and the latent variable
PU, it can be seen that the ninth hypothesis between PEoU and PU is accepted because the t-
value obtained is 6.45 and the estimated coefficient is 0.54. This value is said to be significant
because the t-value > 1.96 and the estimated value obtained is qualified and quite high,
indicating a positive relationship between the latent variable PEoU and the latent variable PU.
Hypothesis 10: Perceived Usefulness affects Behavior Intention to Use in using the i-
Bontang application
In the structural model analysis between the latent variable PU and the latent variable
Behavior Intention to Use, it can be seen that the tenth hypothesis between PU and BItU is
accepted because the t-value obtained is 5.44 and the estimated coefficient is 1.38. This value is
said to be significant because the t-value > 1.96 and the estimated value obtained is qualified
and quite high, indicating a positive relationship between the latent variable PU and the latent
variable Behavior Intention to Use (Interest in Use).
Hypothesis 11: Perceived Ease of Use has a significant positive effect on Behavior
Intention to Use in using the i-Bontang application
In the structural model analysis between the latent variable PEoU and the latent variable
Interest in Use, it can be seen that the eleventh hypothesis between PEoU and Interest in Use is
accepted because the t-value obtained is -1.62 and the estimated coefficient is -0.43. This value
is said to be significant because the t-value < 1.96 and the estimated value obtained are not
qualified, indicating no positive relationship between PEoU and the latent variable Interest in
Hipotesis 12: Behaviour Intention to Use (Minat Penggunaan) berpengaruh positif
signifikan Actual System to Use dalam menggunakan aplikasi i-Bontang
In the structural model analysis between the latent variable BItU and the latent variable
Actual System to Use, it can be seen that the twelfth hypothesis between BItU and Actual
System to Use is accepted because the t-value obtained is 41.33 and the estimated coefficient is
0.97. This value is said to be significant because the t-value > 1.96 and the estimated value
obtained are qualified and quite high, indicating a positive relationship between the BItU latent
variable and the Actual System to Use latent variable.
Discussion of Research Results
1. The Effect of Relevance on Perceived Usefulness in using the i-Bontang application.
The results of hypothesis 1 (one) show that there are significant conditions on the
influence of the relevance of information needs to Perceived Usability in using the i-
Bontang application. Based on the test results obtained with t-value (7.36) > t-table (1.96),
the benefits felt by users in utilizing the i-Bontang application system are influenced by
relevance to the needs of their tasks and work. This shows that Relevance has a significant
effect on PU. i-Bontang users will find it easy and sufficient to find and get adequate
information, varied, looking for collections that are useful and relevant to their needs. So it
can be concluded that the existence of the i-Bontang application is very beneficial for users
in supporting the information needs they need.
The results of this study were also reinforced from previous research by Faturahman
(2020) which states that the Relevance factor in i-Jogja has a significant effect on
Perceived Usability. From these results, it can be concluded that the Perceived Usefulness
in using the i-Bontang application is based on relevance to the tasks and work
2. The influence of Subjective Norms has a significant effect on Perceived Usefulness in
using the i-Bontang application
Exploration of User Acceptance Level of I-Bontang Mobile Application Technology with Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) Approach at Bontang City Regional Library
Return: Study of Management Economic And Bussines, Vol 2 (10), October 2023
From the calculation results, the value of t-value (7.13) > t-table (1.96) was obtained.
This indicates a significant influence of subjective norms on perceived benefits. This has
the understanding that the usefulness or utilization of the i-Bontang application on
Subjective Norms variables such as the influence of mass media, the influence of friends,
the influence of family, and the influence of librarians and employees can have a
significant influence on perceived PU variables.Thus this result is in accordance with the
hypothesis at the beginning of this study, then hypothesis 2 is accepted, so it is proven that
Subjective Norms (Subjective Norms) affect PU. It can be concluded that subjective norms,
such as the influence of mass media, the influence of the social environment, the influence
of friends, and the influence of family influence users in utilizing the i-Bontang
application(Merfazi et al., 2019).
The results of this study contradict research conducted by Faturahman (2017) which
found that the influence of subjective norms has no effect on perceived benefits. This can
be possible because i-Jogja users are more independent and not affected by their social
environment compared to i-Bontang users who are interdependent, inter-interactive with
the surrounding social environment. This study also corroborates research conducted by
Vankatesh and Davis (2000) which found that Subjective Norms variables have a
significant influence on usability if they are in mandatory conditions (there are orders or
musts). According to Vankatesh and Davis (2000), it can be understood that i-Bontang
users are influenced by the influence and appeals of their environment, such as orders from
schools, parents, friend invitations and others (Venkatesh & Davis, 2000)
3. The Effect of Trust in Content on Perceived Usefulness in using the i-Bontang application.
From the calculation results, obtained with the value of t-value (8.03) > t-table
(1.96), which means that the magnitude of the influence of Trust in Content on perceived
benefits shows a significant condition. This has the understanding that user trust in i-
Bontang content can have a significant influence on PU variables. Thus this result is in
accordance with the hypothesis at the beginning of this study, then hypothesis 3 is
accepted, thus it is proven that Trust in Content (Trust in Content) affects PU. This
indicates that trust in i-Bontang content influences users in utilizing the i-Bontang
The results of this study are in line with studies conducted by Jade Miller and Otto
Khera (Miller & Khera, 2017) that trust in content affects the benefits felt by digital library
users in both countries: Peru and Kenya. Thus, the content in the i-Bontang application is
enough to help and provide benefits to i-Bontang users.
1. The influence of Screen Design has a significant effect on the Perceived Ease of Use in
using the i-Bontang application. Based on the test results in this study, t-value (15.62) > t-
table (1.96) were obtained, which means that the magnitude of the influence of Screen
Design on perceived convenience shows significant conditions. The results of this study are
in line with Faturahman's (2017) research which found that Screen Design factors affect the
ease of use of i-Jogja. In other words, Screen Design is one of the factors that affect the
ease of use of the i-Bontang application, including menu choices, the right icons, and the
appearance of the net. So these findings are plausible and support the initial hypothesis
(Asabere et al., 2021; Mallat et al., 2009).
2. The influence of Mobility has a significant effect on Perceived easy of Use in using the i-
Bontang application. From the calculation results, the value of t-value (8.51) > t-table
(1.96) was obtained, which means that the hypothesis test in this study has shown that
mobility variables have proven to have a significant effect on the perception of ease of
using the i-Bontang application. Users see that the flexibility of accessing library material
collections through the i-Bontang application is not tied to place and time, so it becomes
one of the considerations for users in using the i-Bontang application. This shows that
mobility is becoming an important factor in research and theory of mobile technology
implementation. Hypothesis 4 exerts a significant influence on the opinion that people will
use mobile phone technology, specifically the i-Bontang application, because they believe
Exploration of User Acceptance Level of I-Bontang Mobile Application Technology with Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) Approach at Bontang City Regional Library
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that this technology will give them the ability to access information anywhere and anytime,
anytime. In line with Faturahman's (2017) research, Mobility has a significant influence on
Perceived Easy of Use for i-Jogja users.
3. The Effect of Librarian Assistance on Perceived Ease of Use in using the i-Bontang
application. From the calculation results, the value of t-value (4.88) > t-table (1.96) was
obtained, which means that the hypothesis test in this study has shown that the Librarian
Assistance variable has proven to have a significant effect on the Perceived Ease of Use in
using the i-Bontang application. Users see that the help of librarians is very helpful for
users if at any time there are difficulties faced in accessing i-Bontang. And this is one of
the considerations for users in using the i-Bontang application. This hypothesis is in line
with the research of Jade Miller and Otto Khera (2017) that the influence of Librarian
Assistance is a factor that influences the Perceived Ease of Use of digital library users in
Peru and Kenya. Thus, the existence of a librarian in the midst of users who need help in
literacy has a very strategic role (Hartono, 2017).
4. The Effect of One's Ability to Use a Computer (Computer Literacy) on the Perceived Ease
of Use in using the i-Bontang application. Based on the calculation results, t-value (5.41) >
t-table (1.96) were obtained, which means that the test in this study obtained that the
magnitude of the influence of a person's ability to use a computer (Computer Literacy) on
the perceived ease of use felt by i-Bontang users indicates significant conditions. This
research is also in line with the research of Jade Miller and Otto Kherra (2017) which states
that a person's ability to use a computer (Computer Literacy) affects the perceived ease of
use in using digital libraries in Peru and Kenya. This can be interpreted that from the
perspective of ease, the ability to interact with computers is one of the factors that influence
users when using the i-Bontang application. With the ability to operate a steady computer,
users will be very easy and do not find it difficult when using the i-Bontang application. So
this is one of the strong reasons for users to use the i-Bontang application. Based on the
explanation above, it can be concluded that the Computer Literacy factor has a significant
influence on the ease of using the i-Bontang application. So these results support the initial
hypothesis and are acceptable.
5. The Effect of Level of Infrastructure on Perceived Usefulness in using the i-Bontang
application. Based on the test results in this study obtained with t-value (2.45) > t-table
(1.96), which means that the magnitude of the influence of the Level of Infrastructure on
the perceived PU shows significant conditions. This research is also in line with the
research of Jade Miller and Otto Khera (2017) which states that the variable Level of
Infrastructure has a significant effect on Perceived Ease of Use. This can be interpreted
that from the perspective of usability, the level of infrastructure fulfillment, which includes
electricity facilities, devices, internet network strength is a factor that affects users when
using the i-Bontang application. With the support of adequate electricity facilities, reliable
devices and a good and smooth internet network, users of the i-Bontang application will
increasingly feel the ease of using the i-Bontang application. Based on the explanation
above, it can be concluded that the Level of Infrastructure factor has a significant influence
on the Perceived Ease of Use in using the i-Bontang application. So these results support
the initial hypothesis and are acceptable.
6. The Effect of Perceived Ease of Use on Perceived Usefulness in using the i-Bontang
application. The magnitude of PEoU's influence on PU felt in using the i-Bontang
application shows a significant condition. This is based on the test results obtained with t-
value (6.54) > t-table (1.96). Convenience is an important factor in the use of technology.
Ease indicates the degree to which users believe that the use of an information system
technology is easy and does not require much effort. Information systems will tend to be
used by users if they are easy to use. In this case, the conveniences shown by the i-Bontang
application system, its clarity and ease of use, and the connection of interaction between
fellow users show that the i-Bontang mobile application technology is beneficial for library
users (Hidayat et al., 2020).
Exploration of User Acceptance Level of I-Bontang Mobile Application Technology with Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) Approach at Bontang City Regional Library
Return: Study of Management Economic And Bussines, Vol 2 (10), October 2023
The results of this study show that library users benefit from the ease of i-Bontang
mobile application technology. A previous study by Faturahman (2017) also found that
there is a significant relationship between PEoU and PU when using i-Jogja. The study
supports these findings. This means that if the i-Bontang application is easy to use, users
will feel the benefits more. That is, the level of effort and effort made by users to maximize
the utilization of the i-Bontang application will affect their perception of its usefulness and
usefulness. Similarly, the results in research by Jade Miller and Otto Khera (2017), where
Perceived Ease of Use contributes significantly to the variable Perceived Intent to Use on
the use of digital library applications in Peru and Kenya.
7. The Effect of Perceived Usefulness on Behavior Intention to Use in using the i-Bontang
application. The magnitude of the influence of PU on BIU felt in using the i-Bontang
application shows a significant condition. This is based on the test results obtained with t-
value (5.44) > t-table (1.96).
The results show that the more benefits offered by the i-Bontang application, the
more satisfied users who use it, which in turn increases user interest in using it. Usability
also shows user confidence in the contribution of the i-Bontang application to its
performance, so that if the i-Bontang mobile application technology is able to provide
benefits and improve its performance, user interest will increase. Previous research by
Faturahman (2017) also supports the results of this study.
8. The Effect of Perceived Ease of Use on Behavior Intention to Use in using the i-Bontang
Based on the test results obtained on H11, a t-value (-1.62) < t-table (1.96) was
obtained, meaning that Hypothesis 11 was rejected. This is different from previous research
conducted by Faturahman (2017) which showed the influence of Perceived Ease of Use on
BItU in using the i-Jogja application. In research on i-Jogja shows the results that an easy-
to-use system will increase the intention to use it (Behavior Intention to Use). Ease of use
which includes clarity, ease of application, and flexibility greatly influences i-Jogja users in
meeting literacy needs. This is different from i-Bontang users, where the convenience
factor does not directly affect the interest of i-Bontang users. This shows that i-Bontang
users are more independent and flexible, regardless of whether the new application is
difficult or easy to find the information needed. This is likely due to the relatively high
level of ability or literacy level of computer use of the Bontang community, so that new
applications offered by outsiders will be easily accepted and adapted in their daily lives.
This is in line with the results of data collection conducted by BPS that the people of
Bontang City are recorded as the people who have accessed the internet the most for the
last 3 months in 2022 (Koran Kaltim, 2022).
However, when viewed in the SEM model, it turns out that from the results of the
calculation, it can be proven that the influence of PEoU has a significant positive effect on
Behavior Intention to Use (Interest in Use) in using the i-Bontang application through
Perceived Usefulness. It can be seen in the picture following its indirect influence.
Figure 1 Indirect Influence Between Variables Using SEM
(PEOU: Perceived Ease Of Use; PU: Perceived Usefulness; BIOU: Behaviour Intention
to Use; 0.54 * 1.38 = 0.75)
Exploration of User Acceptance Level of I-Bontang Mobile Application Technology with Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) Approach at Bontang City Regional Library
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Figure 2 Sobel Test Results
From the results of the Sobel Test, it shows that the indirect influence of PEOU on
BItU through PU is significant and positive. The large coefficient of 0.75 with a calculated
t value of 5.9968 is greater than the t-table of 1.96. This means that PU is able to mediate
the influence of PEOU on BItU.
9. The Effect of Behavior Intention to Use on Actual System Usage in using the i-Bontang
The magnitude of BItU's influence on Actual System Use or abbreviated as ASU
which is felt shows significant results. It can be seen from the results of the hypothesis
test with the acquisition of t-value (41.33) > t-table (1.96). This research shows that the
more benefits offered by the i-Bontang application, the more satisfied users who use it,
which in turn increases user interest in using it. ASU also shows user confidence in the
contribution of the i-Bontang application to its performance, so that user interest will
increase if the i-Bontang mobile application technology can generate benefits and
improve its performance. These results also support previous research by Faturahman
(2017). Research facts prove that if someone feels an information system is useful for
someone, then people will have a positive attitude towards the use of the information
system. This means that with the intention to use a technology, in this case, the i-Bontang
application will affect the use of the technology directly. This is based on its users who
assume that the application is useful for themselves.
From the discussion above, then from the 12 hypotheses proposed, there are 11
hypotheses that are accepted and 1 hypothesis that is rejected. Where the rejected
hypothesis is the influence of PEoU on BItU in using the i-Bontang application. When
viewed from the SFL value, the highest value is obtained in the Behavior Intention to Use
variable. which is 0.97. Thus, the variable that most strongly influences the use of the i-
Bontang application is the Behavior Intention to Use variable).
If the results of the analysis of the three studies are juxtaposed between variables, it
can be illustrated in Table 3 below:
Table 6 Hasil Analisis Hubungan Antar Variabel Pada Beberapa Penelitian
i-Jogja (Faturahman,
TEEAL (Khera
dan Miller,
Relevance terhadap PU
Subjective Norm terhadap PU
No Effect
Exploration of User Acceptance Level of I-Bontang Mobile Application Technology with Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) Approach at Bontang City Regional Library
Return: Study of Management Economic And Bussines, Vol 2 (10), October 2023
Trust in Content terhadap PEoU
Screen Design terhadap PEoU
Mobility terhadap PU
Librarian Assistance terhadap PeoU
Computer Literacy terhadap PeoU
Level of Infrastructure terhadap PU
PEoU terhadap PU
PU terhadap BItU
PEoU terhadap BItU
No Effect
BItU terhadap ASU
Very Influential
- PEoU = Perceived Ease of Use = Perception of Convenience
- PU = Perceived of Usage = Perceived Usability
- BItU = Behaviour Intention to Use = Usage Interests
Managerial Implications
From the above hypotheses, there are 11 hypotheses that can be accepted and only 1
hypothesis that is rejected, namely the PEoU variable against BItU. Therefore, from the results
of this study, several managerial implications are recommended as follows: (Larasati et al.,
(1) Implications for program planning and development of i-Bontang services in the future
according to the hypothetical results obtained in this study, among others:
a. Creating content that is more diverse, more relevant and in demand by i-Bontang
users in all segments.
b. Often carry out activities that invite i-Bontang users to interact with each other in the
i-Bontang application, for example holding seminars, online literacy workshops.
c. Always upgrade the appearance of the i-Bontang menu so that it is always attractive
and not monotonous for service users.
d. Every year increase the number of collections of i-Bontang services
e. Working with the Education Office to encourage school-age children to interact with
computers from an early age.
f. Collaborating with relevant agencies and institutions in charge of women's
empowerment to improve computer skills and interact with i-Bontang in order to
make good use of it, in order to improve the quality of their knowledge in order to
improve the quality of their human resources
(2) Implications for the i-Bontang socialization model by targeting the dominant population
using the application according to the results of the respondent data obtained. And as a
first step is to target school children as generation Z who are the most users of i-Bontang.
(3) Implications for improving the quality of human resources of librarians as the spearhead
of i-Bontang services in the future.
(4) Implications for the availability of a reliable and secure network for the i-Bontang user
community, by further improving the pattern of cooperation with related agencies that
handle telecommunications networks in order to ensure the availability of a wide and
reliable network for the i-Bontang user community.
(5) Implications for the policy through the Mayor's Circular to require school-age children to
use i-Bontang services in literacy programs in schools.
Exploration of User Acceptance Level of I-Bontang Mobile Application Technology with Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) Approach at Bontang City Regional Library
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The variables that influence Perceived Usefulness are Relevance, Subjective Norms,
Trust in Content, and Perceived Ease of Use. Variables that affect Perceived Easy of Use are
Screen Design, Mobility, Librarian Assistance, Computer Literacy and Level of Infrastructure.
The variable that affects Behavior Intention to Use (Interest in use) is Perceived Usefulness
(Perceived Usefulness = PU). The variable Perceived Ease of Use does not have a direct effect
on Behavior Intention to Use = BItU. But, affects BItU through PU variables, in other words PU
is able to mediate the influence of PEoU on BItU. The variable that most strongly influences the
Actual System to Use is Behavior Intention to Use).
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