E-ISSN: 2963-3699
P-ISSN: 2964-0121
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Poppy Indri Hastuti
, Sri Indah
, Retno Ayu Dewi Novitawati
, Elly Lestari
Faculty of Economic, Tribhuwana Tunggadewi University, Malang, Indonesia
poppy.indrihastu[email protected]c.id
, indahsri729@gmail.com
, retta111171@gmail.com
A very effective way to spread knowledge is web development. With the advent of online supply
channels that make it easy for potential clients to browse product details, request, or pay installments,
web innovation has greatly impacted companies (web-based companies). This indicates that online
deal exchangers have anticipated customers. Fair and legal levels of HR payouts, data, and concerns
about the economy or organizations, companies, and public compensation are evaluated almost from
one side of the planet to the other. The investigation in question is an emotional evaluation; the data
used is mandatory and optional; collection, assessment, and documentation used in the data collection
process; In addition, informal performance techniques are used in data request procedures. The use of
online sales by the character of MSMEs Tempe Putra Ridhlo Chips as opposed to the character of
MSMEs UD Mayla Jaya is proven to speed up transactions and facilitate the sale of goods to
characters. To facilitate ordering goods or products for customers or clients, it can also be used in
Ayam Geprek Ngamuk SMEs and Betis MSME Meatballs.
Keywords : Impelentation; IT strategy; E-commerce; Increased; Income; Company
A very effective data channel for disseminating information is the web. With the
emergence of online sales channels that make it very easy for potential customers to see item
info, requests, or make payments, web innovation has a significant impact in the business world
(online business). Fair and equitable human resource investigations of business compensation,
knowledge, and awareness, speculation, and public payments essentially from one hemisphere
to the other. The degree of public welfare must be able to increase as high as possible as a
result of national growth. Indah et. al. (2021) Small business seeks to increase both its own
income and the country's income through its economic activities. The expansion of business
activities carried out by financial actors indicates changes in the volume of labor and goods
exchanged; As a result, business competition requires a business system that is ready to face
challenges and obstacles to generate more value from the growth of business activities (Rizal et
al., 2021).
According to data from We are Social and Hootsuite starting around 2020, web usage
has reached 175.4 million and dynamic virtual entertainment clients reached 160 million (We
are Social and Hootsuite s, 2020). As a result, the advancement of web data innovation causes
the use of web innovation to experience significant business growth. With increasing
innovation and increasingly fierce competition will have an impact on the development and
how MSMEs advertise their products to compete in product marketing (Pratiwi, 2019). The
nature of entrepreneurship and capital must also be maintained at its best level because it is an
important component in boosting the success of MSMEs.
The serious business sector is meant to benefit enormously from the use of innovation.
Organizations that can implement innovation across their organizations will be able to compete
in this market (Teece, 2010). The use of electronic commerce to promote various products or
services both in physical and digital structures is one form of innovation execution in order to
increase company competition and product sales (Gökmen, 2012). In addition to other
corporate stakeholders, investors, consumers, and governments will all have an influence on
how this technology is used (Park et al., 2014).
Implementation of It Strategy on E-Commerce in Business Competition as an Increase in Company
Business Revenue (in MSMES)
Return: Study of Management, Economic And Business, Vol 2 (10), October 2023
The advantage of doing business online is that SMEs can continue to grow in number
and can get open doors for companies and send open doors (Ibrahim et al., 2016). Through e-
commerce sites, manufacturers can quickly change price lists or provide information to
potential clients (Amit & Zott, 2017). In addition to being beneficial in developing a
comprehensive customer database, online business allows for better evaluation of sales
volumes. The maker may have information regarding the client's design that is being promoted.
In addition, consider important information that will help systemic promotion. In addition,
dealing with useful buying exercises is facilitated by web-based businesses (Tai et al., 2010).
Customers can save time by buying offline goods online. The benefits of e-commerce
include the ability of consumers to transact quickly and easily, expansion of market networks,
reduction of operational costs, and shortening of distance with customers (regardless of time or
distance constraints) (Ratchford et al., 2022). While the disadvantage of doing business on the
internet is the growth of independence because exchanges use electronic media without
meeting directly between merchants and customers, sometimes causing dissatisfaction because
the goods displayed on the screen are not exactly the same as the first product, ignorant
because they can't collaborate directly (Putnam et al., 2016). Online transactions require that
customers will be asked to provide various personal information to merchants (Li et al., 2011).
Naturally, this need can interfere with categorization and raise concerns about the security of a
given data (Braun et al., 2018). The utilization of e-commerce is also difficult due to non-
technical reasons, such as the fact that many consumers still do not trust merchants and find it
difficult to break the habit of transacting online without first meeting with them. Indrahastuti
Methods and benefits of online business in advancing aid and increasing organizational
revenue the creators who were the subjects of this evaluation argued that the problem was
severe. So one of the key factors influencing an organization's product success is the use of
data innovation processes in internet business. Online transactions between buyers and sellers
can be accelerated and integrated with data and correspondence innovations. E-commerce,
often known as online commerce, is a subset of e-business that uses network technology,
electronic mail (email) database technology, and other structures, such as payment methods
and product delivery systems (Treiblmaier & Sillaber, 2021).
The use of e-commerce is increasingly needed by a company or organization to compete
on a world scale. A number of studies place a strong emphasis on the efficiency of e-
commerce. In addition, research notes that internet trading has more beneficial benefits than
negative ones. Today, many businesses, both small and large, rely on online commerce to grow
their operations.
E-commerce is essential to the business world because of the expansion of competition
(Alexander Tjubandi & Saroso, 2023), the complexity of challenges, and the need to keep abreast
of the world's advancements, which require innovative thinking (Liu et al., 2015). The use of
web-based businesses is expected to accelerate the development of the business or corporate
world, including small, medium, and luxury. If the company uses the Internet business
correctly and according to the nature and scope of its operations, this positive influence will
definitely be felt (Modgil et al., 2022).
It is projected that e-commerce will play a huge role in the face of today's highly
competitive commercial climate (Juliet Orji et al., 2022). Companies that can translate the
world of innovation into the business world are companies that are successful, reliable, and will
usually grow. The use of web-based companies is a way of making mechanical changes to
display their goods (labor and products) to all locations and parts, both physically and digitally,
locally and globally. This not only adversely affects the development of online business
organizations, but also does not always work. The rapidly growing web is said to have
contributed to rather cheap start-up costs, the ability to disperse large capital, and the use of a
variety of specialized media (Ross & Blumenstein, 2015). Running extensive marketing with the
goal of attracting a lot of visitors is not always profitable.
Implementation of It Strategy on E-Commerce in Business Competition as an Increase in Company
Business Revenue (in MSMES)
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E-business today is quite significant due to the increasing reputation for saving time and
money for various businesses. Verifiable analysis of the e-business process overview has
created a good and rational approach to e-business but fails to convey realistically. Drawing on
senior administration is one aspect of effective Web procedure design. Innovative demands
contradict the successful implementation of the e-business push, which requires a higher level
of contact between the president and the CIO. Many designers consider it important to integrate
e-business into global corporate strategy.
Growth initiative displays do not guarantee results. In the end, the purpose of
promotional activities is to increase consumer interest in the product being promoted, which
will also have a good impact on retailers (Dwivedi et al., 2021). Depending on the function and
purpose of the product or service, media and channels will be needed to advertise it. This is
important for traditional businesses, but online businesses also need to know which mediums
and channels will always benefit their operations. Anyone can do business anytime and from
anywhere with internet marketing, negating the need to travel far. As internet and online
advertising platforms continue to evolve, web-based viewing will also continue to grow.
especially through sites, at WEB.
Since the development of websites, more and more business organizations have started
doing business online by utilizing www (internet) technology. Websites can be created for
small and large companies to offer goods and services using addresses with "dot com" (.com)
domains. The address space, which is usually referred to as the location of a web-based
company, is developed taking into account the requirements and needs of the organization as a
channel for trading activities. These locations compete with each other for the attention of
buyers and sellers. Regarding websites for conducting international trade, such as
Amazon.com, Ebay.com, lazada.com, gmarket.com, reveneve.com, Tokobagus.com,
Belanja.com, Open Lapak.com, and Beriaga.com are some of the various local ecommerce
websites available today (Hasan et al., 2012).
Related to the suitability of the location, they continue to update and create features that
make it easier for merchants to advertise their goods and services, such as simple entry through
portable Android phones and Blackberry. The ease of joining makes more and more vendors
advertise their goods. Both services and goods Focus on the progress dealers need when
conducting product and service advertising campaigns before choosing a suitable platform.
There is no doubt that advertising on online business sites will have a significant impact on
retailers. A good marketing channel will be able and ready to provide benefits and
consequences that help achieve the goals of the advertising activity itself. It can also make it
easier for buyers and sellers to establish contact and maintain regular communication (Mora
Cortez & Johnston, 2020).
By moving stores and displaying supporting products with the latest promotional
updates that appear (Ma et al., 2016), as well as by creating contact information and price
controls for labor supply alerts and goods in stock, as well as by providing free advertising for
customers and regional inclusion throughout Indonesia, among many other methods, online
businesses actually allow vendors to showcase their goods quickly, effective, and without
spending money.
SMEs are the focus of this investigation. The selection of MSMEs is justified by the fact
that they are one of the economic pillars of society and play a key role in it. MSMEs have the
potential to create many jobs and reduce unemployment. MSMEs make a significant
contribution in increasing Indonesia's gross income (Suhendri, 2019; Suhendri & Risnaningsih,
The type of research used in this research is a descriptive method with a qualitative
approach. Descriptive method to describe the importance of the development of the application
of the E-Commerce system in increasing the income of MSME development. In this study, the
Implementation of It Strategy on E-Commerce in Business Competition as an Increase in Company
Business Revenue (in MSMES)
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research sites are Putra Ridlho tempeh chips UMKM, UD Mayla Jaya Tempe chips, Ngamuk
Geprek Chicken UMKM, Pedet Meatball UMKM.
The types of data used in this study are secondary data and primary data. For primary data
is; obtained by submitting an open questionnaire containing questions to respondents, namely
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) entrepreneurs in Putra Ridlho tempeh chips
MSMEs, UD Mayla Jaya Tempeh chips, Ngamuk Geprek Chicken MSMEs, Pedet Meatball
MSMEs. Malang city, East Java. By using an open questionnaire so that the response can
provide answers according to the circumstances and conditions. Secondary data sources for this
research were obtained from Geprek Kak Rose Suhat UMKM Malang. Jl Soekarno Hatta
No.15, Mojolango, Lowokwaru District, Malang City, East Java.
The data collection techniques used by researchers are: Interviews, observation and
documentation, in the form of the importance of using E-Commerce in increasing revenue in the
development of Putra Ridlho tempeh chips MSMEs, UD Mayla Jaya Tempeh chips, Ngamuk
Geprek Chicken MSMEs, Pedet Meatball MSMEs. Malang city, East Java.
In this type of qualitative research, data processing does not have to be done after the
data is collected or data processing is complete (Moser & Korstjens, 2018). In this case,
temporary data collected, existing data can be processed and data analysis carried out
simultaneously. At the time of data analysis, it can return to the field to find additional data
deemed necessary and process it again. Suyanto and Sutinah (2016), said data processing in
qualitative research is carried out by classifying or categorizing data based on several themes
according to the focus of the research. The results of data analysis in this study were presented
using informal presentation methods. Informal presentation of data analysis results is the
presentation of data analysis results using ordinary words (sudaryanto: 2017). In this
presentation, the rules are conveyed in ordinary words, words that when read immediately can
be immediately understood.
Data Presentation
1. Reasons for the Implementation of E-Commece in the Figure of MSMEs Tempe
Chips Putra Ridhlo
Based on the results of an interview with Mr. Khosin as the owner of the Tempe
Putra Ridhlo Chips MSME, the reason for implementing e-commerce at the Tempe Putra
Ridhlo Chips MSME store: "Because online sales can be fast in the sense that outsiders can
know. In addition, it can make it easier for consumers or customers to know what products
are in the character and for enthusiasts can directly order through Wa, Shopee and Goofood
without directly visiting the character “(Interview April 11, 2023).
Based on the results of an interview at UD Mayla Jaya MSMEs, Mr. Ferdi as the
Head of UD Mayla Jaya MSMEs: "Its application is to increase buying and selling power
and introduce products to be sold” (Interview May 9, 2023)
Based on the results of an interview at the Ayam Geprek Ngamuk MSME with Mr.
Yayat as the leader of the Ayam Geprek Ngamuk MSME: "The reason I use e-commerce is
because the same trend makes it easier for the workers or figures to get more customers who
continue to shorten the time as well as the same development can be further and wider (interview
May 5, 2023).
Based on the results of an interview at the Bakso Pedet MSME with Mba Nadia as
the leader of the Bakso Pedet MSME: "the application must be online because I am good at
online digital marketing also I believe that the difference between offline and online is because it is
wider in the sense that we can reach all regions of Indonesia if on offline we only sell around the
character but if online can sell anywhere and so far the sales can be sent to Banten until send to
Jakarta, Tangerang, Bali even to Hong Kong with Singapore because online is the great thing about
using E-Commerce.
From the results of the interview above, it can be concluded that the reason for
implementing e-commerce in the Tempe Putra Ridhlo Chips MSME store, UD Mayla Jaya
Implementation of It Strategy on E-Commerce in Business Competition as an Increase in Company
Business Revenue (in MSMES)
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MSMEs, Ayam Geprek Ngamuk MSMEs, Meatball Calf MSMEs is the reason for
implementing E-Commerce to make it easier for customers / consumers to order goods or
available products.
2. Difficulty Level of Doing E-Commerce / Customer Sales
Based on the results of an interview with Mr. Kosin, as the owner of the Tempe
Putra Ridhlo Kripik MSME, the level of difficulty in selling E-Commerce customers:
"Actually, the level of difficulty in selling E-Commerce does not exist, but the problem in
making transactions in terms of when the goods have been sent is greater because most
customers of the goods arrive but the transaction is late" ( interview April 11, 2023 ).
Based on the results of an interview at UD Mayla Jaya MSMEs with Mr. Ferdi as the
leader of Mayla Jaya MSMEs: "The level of difficulty lies in the beginning of
manufacturing/production so it must be paused to think about what ways to do to attract
customer attention regarding the products we sell" (interview May 9, 2023).
Based on the results of an interview at the Ngamuk geprek chicken MSME with Mr.
Yayat as the leader of the Ngamuk geprek chicken MSME: "for the difficulty, the
commission determination is then the same as the price of cendrungflugh out is too high
where in contrast to other turnover, the price is low given a high price" (interview May 5,
Based on the results of an interview at the calf meatball MSME with Mba Nadia as
the leader of the calf meatball MSME: "for the dnifficulty of using E-Commerce if it is
online, it is difficult only at the beginning where we think about how to introduce our
products to online where we make the brand raise the brand so that the pedat meatballs are
known at the beginning it is very difficult with the costs incurred whether it is endors costs,
Facebook ads, instagram, to go viral which is done because it is not immediately viral, but
if now direct posts can be ordered.
From the results of the interview above, it can be concluded that the level of
difficulty in selling e-commerce at the Tempe Putra Ridhlo Chips MSME store, UD Mayla
Jaya MSME, Ayam Geprek Ngamuk MSME, Bakso Calf MSME from customers in delays
in making transactions, when the goods have reached the customer / buyer.
3. Comparison of Revenue Before and After Using E-Commerce
Based on the results of an interview with Mr. Koshen as the owner of the Tempe Putra
Ridhlo Kripik MSME, a comparison of income before and after using E-Commerce:
"Obviously there is a difference in the meaning that before doing online sales in my store, I
only rely on local sales, which is meant around the area here in Malang City. But with
online sales it can be known all over the world, including one of them because online sales
of this product can be known to Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia ". (interview April 11,
Based on the results of an interview at UD Mayla Jaya MSMEs with Mr. Ferdi as the
leader of Mayla Jaya MSMEs: "The increase in income is quite good because sales through
E-Commerce make it easier to introduce products in our character and through E-
Commerce we can also sell products quickly.
Based on the results of an interview at the Ayam Geprek Ngamuk MSME with Mr. Yayat
as the leader of the Ayam Geprek Ngamuk MSME: "for the current income in 2023 50%
online 50% online, for previous years E-Commerce is very helpful because besides the
commission is low the same level of interest in consumer purchasing power is high now it
has begun to fall" (interview May 5, 2023)
Based on the results of an interview at the Bakso Pedet MSME with Mba Nadia as the
leader of the Bakso Pede MSMEt
For online sales revenue with Ofline, it is clearly different if ofline sells on oflite, we only
know people buy 5,000, 10,000 if online is more expensive than the price of 5,000 can be
sold 25,000 in 1 dose (interview May 6, 2023).
Implementation of It Strategy on E-Commerce in Business Competition as an Increase in Company
Business Revenue (in MSMES)
Return: Study of Management, Economic And Business, Vol 2 (10), October 2023
From the results of the interview above, it can be concluded that the comparison of income
before and after using e-commerce at the Tempe Putra Ridhlo Chips MSME store, UD
Mayla Jaya MSME, Ayam Geprek Ngamuk MSME, Bakso Pedet MSME that this online
sale can help and know the sale of any products in the figure of Tempe Putra Ridhlo Chips
MSMEs and can be known by other countries.
4. Strategies used by companies in competing when using e-commerce:
Based on the results of an interview with Mr. Kosin, as the owner of MSMEs Kripik
Tempe Putra Ridhlo said that, the strategy used by the company in competing when using
E-commerce: "If the strategy in selling products in our character is that our customers /
buyers continue to be tested first, if they are not tested, the risk is very large, then the
buying and selling process regarding financial playback is slower". (interview April 11,
Based on the results of an interview at UD Mayla Jaya MSMEs with Mr. Ferdi as the
leader of Mayla Jaya MSMEs: "The strategy we use in using E-Commerce is that we often
give discounts to customers with the aim of attracting more customers to buy the products
we market
Based on the results of an interview at the Ngamuk geprek chicken MSME with Mr.
Yayat as the leader of the Ngamuk geprek chicken MSME: "for the strategy we use does
not exist but we can benefit from the results of customer assessments of our figures"
(interview May 5, 2023)
Based on the results of an interview at the Bakso Pedet MSME with Mba Nadia as
the leader of the Bakso Pedet MSME: "The strategy uses word analysis then after that the
compotitor is better modified using ATM (Amati. Imitate and Modify). (Interview May 6,
From the results of the interview above, it can be concluded that the strategy used by
the company in competing when using e-commerce in the figure of MSMEs Kripik Tempe
Putra Ridhlo, UMKM UD Mayla Jaya, UMKM Ayam Geprek Ngamuk, UMKM Bakso
Calf is that the owner allows buyers / customers to try first the products sold that each
customer wants to buy so that it cannot disappoint.
5. Using e-commerce or online sales, companies get benefits according to the costs
Based on the results of an interview with Mr. Kosin, as the owner of the Tempe
Chips MSME, Putra Ridhlo said that, using E-Commerce or online sales, the company
benefits according to the costs incurred: "Yes, there are advantages in the sense that it must
also be estimated that the term cost is designed in advance so that it can be known in
spending on ingredients for making products so that prices can be given that in accordance
with expenses and get profits that match the price of the product". (interview April 11,
Based on the results of an interview at UD Mayla Jaya MSMEs with Mr. Ferdi as the
leader of Mayla Jaya MSMEs: "for E-commerce or online sales at this time it is in
accordance with what we expected"
Based on the results of an interview at the Ayam Geprek Ngamuk MSME with Mr.
Yayat as the leader of the Ayam Geprek Ngamuk MSME:
"For the profit is a little but by using E-Commerce this can make it easier to sell
products in our character" (interview, May 5, 2023)
Based on the results of an interview at the Bakso Pedet UMKM with Mba Nadia as
the leader of the Bakso Pedet MSME: "precisely by using online the costs we spend are not
as much as selling offline. If oneline has no costs incurred because we only use cellphones
and quotas, we post our products with pictures then different from ofline we have to rent
shophouses, pay people, the same operational costs. (interview, May 6, 2023)
From the results of the interview above, it can be concluded that in using E-
Commerce or online sales in the figures of MSMEs Kripik Tempe Putra Ridhlo, MSMEs
Implementation of It Strategy on E-Commerce in Business Competition as an Increase in Company
Business Revenue (in MSMES)
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UD Mayla Jaya, MSMEs Ayam Geprek Ngamuk, MSMEs Meatball Calves companies get
profits according to the costs incurred for profits in selling products in advance, the price is
designed so as not to cause losses in the sale of these products.
Reasons for Implementing E-Commerce at the Tempe Putra Ridhlo Chip MSME Store
Based on the results of research Reasons for the Implementation of E-Commerce in
MSME Figures Tempe Putra Ridhlo Chips When compared with the Application of E-
Commerce in UD Mayla Jaya MSMEs, online sales can facilitate the sale of products in the
figure, and accelerate sales, as well as the Application of E-Commerce at UMKM Ayam
Geprek Ngamuk, UMKM Bakso Calf to make it easier for customers / consumers to order
goods or products available.
The Difficulty Level of Doing E-Commerce Sales
Based on the results of the study, the level of difficulty in selling E-Commerce MSMEs
Tempe Putra Ridhlo Chips is a delay in transactions when compared to UD Mayla Jaya
MSMEs, the level of difficulty in producing goods products that will be sold through E-
Commerce, Ayam Geprek Ngamuk MSMEs, calf meatball MSMEs from customers and how to
introduce products online and determining the price of the product to be sold to be equivalent to
sales in other figures.
Comparison of Revenue Before and After Using E-Commerce
Based on the results of research conducted at MSMEs Kripik Tempe Putra
Ridhloregarding income before and after the implementation of online sales, the products sold
in this figure can be known by many people and even the whole world, when compared to UD
Mayla Jaya MSMEs, the previous income was small with the existence of E-Commerce This
has changed with the increase in income, as well as Ayam Geprek Ngamuk MSMEs and Bakso
Calf MSMEs that with this online sale can help and know the sale of any products and can be
known by other countries and the income in online sales increases or is equivalent to the
appropriate expenditure and income.
Strategies used by companies in competing when using e-commerce
Based on the results of research conducted at MSMEs tempe chips putra ridhlo The
strategy used by companies in competing when using e-commerce is that in making sales,
customers can directly try products for those who go directly to the place and those who place
online orders can be given discounts on products sold when compared to UD Mayla Jaya
MSMEs is to provide discounts with the aim of attracting customer attention, Unlike the Ayam
Geprek Ngamuk MSMEs and Bakso Calf MSMEs, the owner allows buyers / customers to try
in advance the products sold that each customer wants to buy so that they cannot disappoint.
Using e-commerce or online sales, companies get benefits according to the costs incurred
Based on the results of research conducted at Tempe Putra Ridhlo Chip MSMEs, if you
look at the benefits in accordance with the costs incurred, where the prices presented are in
accordance with expenses and get profits in accordance with product prices, when compared to
UD Mayla Jaya MSMEs for their income in accordance with expenses in selling products, while
Ngamuk geprek chicken MSMEs for their profits are small but can facilitate the sale of
products, in contrast to calf meatball MSMEs The company earns profits in accordance with the
costs incurred, for profit in the sale of products in advance the price is designed so as not to
cause losses in the sale of these products.
The implementation of IT strategies on E-Commerce in business competition as an
increase in business income of MSME companies Tempe Putra Ridhlo chips the application of
E-Commerce in the figure of Tempe Putra Ridhlo chips MSMEs with E-Commerce to facilitate
customers / consumers in ordering goods or available products, pat overcome the level of
Implementation of It Strategy on E-Commerce in Business Competition as an Increase in Company
Business Revenue (in MSMES)
Return: Study of Management, Economic And Business, Vol 2 (10), October 2023
difficulty in selling E-Commerce from the customer in the delay of making a transaction, when
the goods have reached the customer / buyer. With the existence of E-Commerce, the
comparison of income before and after can help and know the sales of any products in the figure
of MSMEs Tempe Putra Ridhlo chips and can be known by other countries.
The strategy used by the company in competing when using E-Commerce is that the
owner allows buyers / customers to try in advance the products sold that each customer wants to
buy so that they cannot disappoint.in using E-Commerce or online sales the company benefits
according to the costs incurred for profit in selling products first the price is designed so as not
to incur losses in the sale of such products.
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