E-ISSN: 2963-3699
P-ISSN: 2964-0121
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Daniel Adolf Ohyver
, Hamsu Hanafi
, Ali Muhtasom
Politeknik Pariwisata Makassar, Indonesia
, hamsuhanafi1@gmail.com
, muhtasom@gmail.com
One type of accommodation that is widely found in tourist villages is homestay. Homestay is an
accommodation that offers the experience of living together with locals in their homes. Homestay is a
popular form of accommodation in tourist villages because it provides a different experience from
other accommodations, as well as providing opportunities for tourists to interact with locals. Although
homestays are in great demand by tourists, there are still some challenges in marketing them in tourist
villages. One of the challenges faced by homestay marketers in tourist villages is the lack of
knowledge on how to market effective homestays. In addition, homestays in tourist villages are also
faced with competition with other accommodations such as hotels, villas, and other inns. The results
showed that the homestay marketing strategy has not been effective enough in Tourism Villages in
South Sulawesi, because homestay owners / managers and pokdarwis as homestay marketing
coordinators in tourism villages have not had the right concept in their marketing. The role of
information technology has not increased the effectiveness of homestay digital marketing in tourism
villages in South Sulawesi due to limited digital literacy and resources.
Keywords : Homestay; Tourism Village; Digital Marketing
In the current era of globalization, tourism is one of the most developed and promising
economic sectors. This is because tourism is one of the sectors that makes a positive
contribution to economic growth, both at the national and local levels, especially at the lowest
administrative level of state administration, namely villages, in this case tourist villages. Village
tourism is one form of tourism that is growing rapidly in Indonesia (Habibi, 2022). Tourism
villages offer attractive natural beauty, unique local culture, and a calm atmosphere away from
the hustle and bustle of the city (Pakpahan, 2023).
One type of accommodation that is commonly found in tourist villages is homestay.
Homestay is an accommodation that offers the experience of living together with local residents
in their homes. Homestay is a popular form of accommodation in tourist villages because it
provides an experience that is different from other accommodations, as well as providing
opportunities for tourists to interact with local residents.
Although homestays are in high demand by tourists, there are still some challenges in
marketing them in tourist villages. One of the challenges faced by homestay marketers in tourist
villages is the lack of knowledge on how to market homestays effectively. In addition,
homestays in tourist villages are also faced with competition from other accommodations such
as hotels, villas, and other inns.
In the face of these challenges, an in-depth study of homestay marketing in tourist
villages is needed. This research is expected to provide a better understanding of the factors that
influence homestay marketing in tourist villages, as well as provide recommendations that can
be used by homestay marketers in marketing their homestays (Mohaidin et al., 2017).
In terms of homestay marketing, local communities can utilize technology to promote
their homestays (Suarto, 2017). According to Elita Agustina in her book "Tourism Marketing"
(2020), local communities can utilize social media to promote their homestays and build
relationships with tourists (Robaina et al., 2020).
In addition, local communities can also work with travel agents or online booking sites to
market their homestays. According to R. Wahyudi Siswanto in his book "Tourism Marketing"
(2017)working with travel agents or online booking sites can increase the exposure of homestays
to tourists.
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However, homestay management can also be a challenge for local communities.
According to Titisariyana in his book "Community-Based Tourism Development"(2010), poor
homestay management can affect the image of the homestay and affect tourist visits to the area.
Therefore, local communities must pay attention to important aspects of homestay
management. These aspects include safety, cleanliness, and service quality. According to Dwi
Prasetiyo in his book "Sustainable Tourism" (2021), good homestay management must pay
attention to these aspects to provide a positive experience for tourists. In addition, homestay
management can also provide economic benefits to the local community. According to Hanny
Fitria in his book "Community-Based Tourism Development" (2020), homestays can be an
alternative source of income for local communities, and can strengthen the local economy.
However, homestay management must also pay attention to aspects of sustainability.
According to Nofryadi in his book "Tourism Marketing" (2023), environmentally friendly
homestay management can help minimize negative impacts on the environment.
In homestay development, the government can also play an important role. According to
Titisariyana in his book "Community-Based Tourism Development" (2010), the government can
provide support in terms of training and homestay development and can facilitate cooperation
between local communities and related parties in homestay development (Tjiptono, 2013). In
addition, the government can also provide incentives for local communities to develop
homestays. For example, the government can provide incentives in the form of capital
assistance or tax exemptions for homestay development. In this case, cooperation between the
government, local communities, and the tourism sector is essential in the development of
sustainable homestays. According to Dwi Prasetiyo in his book "Sustainable Tourism" (2018),
such cooperation can create a mutually beneficial relationship for all parties.
In addition, promotion is also important in homestay development. According to Hanny
Fitria in her book "Community-Based Tourism Development" (2018), homestay promotion can
be done in various ways, such as through social media, online booking sites, or through tourism
promotion programs organized by the government.
However, homestay promotion must also pay attention to sustainability. According to
Nofryadi in his book "Tourism Marketing" (2020), sustainable homestay promotion must pay
attention to aspects such as the use of environmentally friendly promotional media, as well as
respecting local culture in homestay promotion (Rusyidi & Fedryansah, 2019). In this case, the
government can also provide support in homestay promotion. According to Titisariyana in his
book "Community-Based Tourism Development" (2015), the government can hold homestay
promotion programs and can facilitate cooperation between local communities and related
parties in homestay promotion.
In homestay development, evaluation is also important. According to Dwi Prasetiyo in his
book "Sustainable Tourism" (2022), homestay evaluation can be done to find out the strengths
and weaknesses of the homestay, as well as to determine improvement steps. In addition,
evaluations can also be carried out to determine the impact of homestays on local communities
and the environment. According to Hanny Fitria in her book "Community-Based Tourism
Development"(2020) , the evaluation can be used to develop better and more sustainable
homestays (Kelana, 2021).
Research conducted by Nur Nadiah Mohd Ismail and Azlina Abdullah in (2019), which
aims to examine the perceptions of foreign tourists towards homestays in Malaysia. The results
showed that foreign tourists have a positive perception of homestays in Malaysia, mainly
because homestays provide a different experience and are closer to local culture.
Research conducted by Rizki Amelia and Hanifah Hanifah in 2018, which aims to
examine the factors that influence tourists in choosing a homestay as a place to stay. The results
showed that factors such as price, location, facilities, and experiences offered by homestays
influenced tourists' decisions in choosing homestays.
Research conducted by Amalia Rahma in (2018), which aims to examine the effect of
homestay on the local economy in Indonesia (Osman et al., 2023). The results showed that
Homestay Digital Marketing in Tourism Villages in South Sulawesi (Case Study in 3 Featured Tourism
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homestays can have a positive impact on the local economy, especially through increased
income for host families and increased tourist spending in the local area.
There are several factors that influence the success of homestays, such as location, service
quality, facilities, and price. Some studies show that a strategic location can be a competitive
advantage for homestays, while factors such as service quality and facilities can increase
travelers' lodging satisfaction and encourage them to recommend homestays to others.
However, price is also an important factor in tourists' decision to choose a homestay.
Some studies show that homestays that offer more affordable prices can be an attractive option
for budget travelers. However, prices that are too low may also be considered a sign of
lowquality services or facilities.
Homestays in tourist villages are a form of accommodation that attracts tourists who want
to experience living in the midst of the local community. Homestays can also be an alternative
for tourists who are looking for a different experience from ordinary hotels or resorts.
Homestays in tourist villages can provide a different experience in traveling, namely by
introducing tourists to the lives of local people and the culture that exists in the village.
Homestay marketing in tourist villages can also help improve the economy of local
communities and preserve the culture of the village.
The Importance of Homestay Marketing in Tourism Villages Homestay marketing in
tourism villages is important because homestays in tourism villages can be an attraction for
tourists who are looking for a different experience. Homestays in tourist villages can also help
improve the economy of the local community and preserve the culture in the village. Homestay
marketing in tourist villages can be done in various ways, such as promotion through social
media, promotion at tourism events, and so on.
The Role of Marketing in Improving the Economy of Local Communities Homestay
marketing in tourist villages can help improve the economy of local communities because with
homestays, tourists will be more interested in visiting the village. That way, local communities
can offer local products that they produce, such as specialty foods, handicrafts, and so on. In
addition, with homestays, local communities can also offer services that can improve their
economy, such as local guide services, local transportation services, and so on.
Barania Tourism Village is one of the tourist destinations located in Sinjai Regency, South
Sulawesi. The village has enchanting natural beauty, with vast rice fields, green mountains and
cool air. Barania Tourism Village is also famous for its agricultural products such as rice, cloves
and cocoa. Barania Tourism Village offers a variety of tourist activities that can be done by
visitors. One of them is trekking in the mountains surrounding the village. Visitors can enjoy the
beautiful natural scenery and breathe in the cool fresh air. In addition, visitors can also learn
about agriculture in Barania Tourism Village. They can see first-hand how to grow crops and
harvest agricultural products such as rice, cloves and cocoa. Barania Tourism Village also offers
a unique experience in terms of culture. Visitors can visit traditional houses in the village and
learn about the customs and habits of the local people. In addition, visitors can also watch
traditional art performances such as traditional dances and music performed by the people of
Barania Tourist Village.
Kambo Tourism Village is located in Palopo City, South Sulawesi. The village is famous
for its charming natural beauty, with green rice fields, beautiful mountains and cool air. The
village is also famous for its agricultural products such as rice, cloves and cocoa. Kambo
Tourism Village offers a variety of tourist activities that can be done by visitors. One of them is
trekking in the mountains surrounding the village. Visitors can enjoy the beautiful natural
scenery and breathe in the cool fresh air. In addition, visitors can also learn about agriculture in
Kambo Tourism Village. They can see first-hand how to grow crops and harvest agricultural
products such as rice, cloves and cocoa. Kambo Tourism Village also offers a unique experience
in terms of culture. Visitors can visit traditional houses in the village and learn about the
customs and habits of the local people. In addition, visitors can also watch traditional art
performances such as traditional dances and music performed by the people of Kambo Tourism
Village.. In addition to natural and cultural tourism, Kambo Tourism Village also offers religious
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tourism. The village is famous for the Kambo Great Mosque, which is the oldest mosque in
South Sulawesi. Visitors can visit this mosque and see the beauty of the architecture and
ornaments in it. Kambo Tourism Village is also famous for handicrafts such as ikat weaving,
traditional musical instrument making, and woodworking. Visitors can visit the handicraft
center in this village and buy souvenirs typical of South Sulawesi such as woven fabrics and
wooden crafts.
Matano Tourism Village is located in East Luwu Regency, South Sulawesi. The village is
famous for the beauty of Lake Matano, which is the deepest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia.
Lake Matano has stunning natural beauty with clear water and a beautiful environment. Matano
Iniaku Tourism Village offers a variety of tourist activities that can be done by visitors. One of
them is a culinary tour, by enjoying typical South Sulawesi food such as grilled carp and konro
soup. In addition, visitors can also do water sports such as snorkeling, diving and fishing in
Lake Matano. Matano Iniaku Tourism Village also offers a unique cultural tourism experience.
Visitors can learn about the culture and customs of the local community, as well as watch
traditional art performances staged by the people of Matano Iniaku Tourist Village. In addition,
visitors can also visit the village's handicraft center and purchase South Sulawesi souvenirs such
as woven fabrics and silverware.
Based on the background description above, the researcher is interested in conducting
research with the title “Digital Homestay Marketing in Tourism Villages in South Sulawesi”.
The research approach used is a quantitative research approach. Qualitative research used
for homestay marketing research in 3 (three) leading tourism villages in South Sulawesi, namely
Barania Tourism Village in Sinjai Regency, Kambo Tourism Village in Palopo City and Matano
Iniaku Tourism Village in East Luwu Regency, includes: Case study, FGD, Participant
Observation, in-depth interview, and content analysis (Arman, 2017).
The research time was carried out from March to August 2023 and the research locations
were in 3 (three) Tourism Villages in South Sulawesi. Data sources used primary data that
researchers get from, homestay owners, homestay guests, tourism village officials, marketing or
tourism experts, and secondary data obtained in the form of documents such as brochures,
newsletters, websites, homestay social media, and articles about homestays can provide
information about how homestays are marketed in tourist villages, available facilities, prices,
and guest feedback who have used homestay facilities. The data collection instruments used in
this research are observations, interviews and documentation. Then the data analysis techniques
used are, Thematic analysis is used to analyze interview data, discussion groups, and
observations; Content analysis is used to analyze documents such as brochures, newsletters,
websites, homestay social media, and articles about homestays; Narrative analysis is used to
analyze interview data, discussion groups, and observations with a focus on the stories told by
respondents; Descriptive analysis is used to describe the data that has been collected in the
Effective Homestay Marketing Strategy
Based on interviews with homestay owners, pokdarwis as homestay marketing
coordinators and marketing experts, several effective homestay marketing strategies were found,
which in this study are divided into 3 (three) discussions, namely: (1) building partnerships with
local travel agents in the Sinjai Regency or South Sulawesi region; (2) utilizing social media
and websites for promotion; and (3) offering unique local experiences to overnight guests.
1. Establishing cooperation with local travel agents.
Effective cooperation between homestay managers in tourist villages and local travel
agents is considered important to increase tourism in tourist villages, expand the customer
base of local travel agents, and provide benefits to local communities. This study used a
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qualitative approach with in-depth interviews as the main method of data collection. The
results of this study identify the factors that influence cooperation, the benefits generated,
and the challenges faced in building such cooperation. This study also provides
recommendations to improve cooperation between homestay managers and local travel
agents in the context of tourism villages.
Tourism villages have become a popular destination for travelers seeking a more
authentic and immersive experience. On the other hand, local travel agents play an
important role in connecting tourists with various services, including accommodation in
tourist villages. However, cooperation between homestay managers in tourist villages and
local travel agents is often faced with various challenges and barriers. Therefore, this study
aims to understand more about how to build effective cooperation between these two
Using a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews as the main method of data
collection in this study, a number of homestay managers and local travel agents in several
tourist villages were identified and interviewed. Data from the interviews were analyzed
using content analysis to identify the main themes that emerged. The results of this
discussion are as follows:
a. Factors Affecting Cooperation
1) Trust: Trust is a key factor in building a successful partnership between homestay
managers and local travel agents (Mahdzar, 2019). Homestay managers need to be
confident that travel agents will bring suitable tourists and travel agents need to be
confident that homestay managers will provide good services to tourists.
2) Mutual Benefits: The existence of mutual benefits is the motivation for both parties to
work together. Homestay managers gain access to a wider market through travel agents,
while travel agents gain access to unique and diverse accommodation in tourist villages.
3) Common Interests: The common interest in developing tourism in a tourist village is
also an important factor. Both parties have an interest in maintaining the beauty and
sustainability of the tourist village.
b. Benefits of Cooperation
1) Increase in the number of tourists: Cooperation with local travel agents can help
homestay managers to increase the number of tourists staying. Travel agents have a
wider market reach.
2) Increase in Income: With an increase in the number of tourists, the income of homestay
managers also increases. This has a positive impact on the local economy.
3) Joint Promotion: Cooperation allows for joint promotion, which can save on
promotional costs and increase the visibility of the tourism village.
c. Challenges in Building Cooperation
1) Differences in Expectations: Homestay managers and travel agents often have different
expectations in this partnership. Homestay managers may expect a lower commission
rate, while travel agents want to optimize profits.
2) Coordination Difficulties: Coordination between homestay managers and travel agents
can be challenging, especially if there are multiple parties involved.
3) Dependency: Homestay managers may become too dependent on travel agents for their
visitors. This can be risky if the travel agent decides to stop cooperating.
d. Recommendations
1) Long-term Commitment: Successful cooperation requires long-term commitment from
both parties. This means not only focusing on short-term gains, but also on sustainable
tourism development.
2) Skills Development: Homestay managers and travel agents need to be provided with the
necessary training and skills development to run their businesses effectively.
3) Use of Technology: Utilization of technology such as online booking platforms can help
in easing the reservation and payment process for tourists.
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Thus, cooperation between homestay managers in tourist villages and local travel
agents has great potential to benefit both parties and promote local tourism (Hadi et al.,
2022). However, to achieve successful cooperation, there needs to be trust, mutual benefits,
and strong understanding between the two parties. In addition, challenges such as different
expectations and coordination difficulties need to be properly addressed through good
communication and long-term commitment. By taking the recommended steps, homestay
managers and local travel agents can work together more effectively, boost tourism in
tourist villages, and provide sustainable economic benefits to local communities.
The importance of building solid cooperation between homestay managers and
local travel agents not only creates better business opportunities for both parties, but also
contributes to the overall development of tourist villages. With strong cooperation, tourist
villages can be an example of how sustainable tourism can benefit local communities while
preserving the environment and culture (Asmoro & Cahyadi, 2022).
However, it is important to remember that each tourism village has different
characteristics and needs. Therefore, an approach that works in one tourist village may not
necessarily apply to another. Therefore, it is important for homestay managers and local
travel agents to tailor their cooperation strategies to the specific context and needs of their
tourist villages.
For future research, it is recommended to expand the scope of this study by taking a
larger sample of different tourist villages. This will help in better understanding the diverse
factors that influence cooperation between homestay managers and local travel agents in
different contexts. In addition, further research could also focus on the development of
sustainable business models for tourism villages, which could guide homestay managers
and local travel agents in building partnerships that benefit all parties involved.
In conclusion, cooperation between homestay managers in tourist villages and local
travel agents has great potential to boost local tourism and provide sustainable economic
benefits for the community. However, achieving this requires trust, mutual benefits, and a
strong understanding between the two parties, as well as a long-term commitment to
sustainable tourism development. By addressing the challenges and following the
suggested recommendations, this cooperation can become an important pillar in advancing
rural tourism globally.
1. Utilize social media and websites for promotion.
The use of social media and websites as promotional tools for homestays in tourist
villages has become increasingly important in connecting homestay owners with potential
guests. This research explores in detail how social media and websites can be effective
instruments for promoting homestays in tourist villages (Lieb, 2011). In this context, this
study uses a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews, content analysis, and case study
methods. The results show that the use of social media and websites provides significant
benefits in the promotion of homestays in tourist villages, including increased visibility,
potential guest engagement, and sustainable business growth. However, there are
challenges that need to be overcome, such as relevant content, time management, and
impact evaluation. This research also provides practical recommendations for homestay
owners and local governments in maximizing the potential of social media and websites in
homestay promotion in tourist villages.
Tourism villages are destinations that are increasingly in demand by tourists seeking
a more authentic and immersive vacation experience. In an effort to promote homestays in
tourist villages, social media and websites have become increasingly important tools
(Santoso, 2019). Social media such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, as well as
websites dedicated to homestays, provide effective platforms to market these
accommodations to a wider audience. This research aims to explore in detail how the use of
social media and websites can be an effective tool to promote homestays in tourist villages
(Kaur, 2017).
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As noted in the previous chapter, this research adopts a qualitative approach that
includes in-depth interviews, content analysis, and case studies. Several homestay owners
in tourist villages who actively use social media and websites in their promotion were
identified and interviewed. In addition, the content uploaded on social media and websites
was also analyzed to understand the promotional strategies used. Case studies of several
tourist villages were selected to provide a deeper understanding of the experience of using
social media and websites in different contexts.
From this research approach, the research focus on the utilization of social media
and websites for homestay promotion in South Sulawesi tourism villages shows the
following results:
a.The Importance of Social Media and Websites in the Promotion of Homestays in
Tourism Villages
1) Increased Visibility: Social media and websites allow homestay owners to significantly
increase their visibility. They can reach potential guests all over the world, which was
previously difficult to do through conventional promotion methods.
2) Potential Guest Engagement: Social media allows direct interaction between homestay
owners and potential guests. Comments, private messages, and reviews can help in
answering questions, providing additional information, and building closer relationships
with potential guests.
3) Sustainable Business Growth: By utilizing social media and websites, homestay owners
can build their own brand. This can help in maintaining sustainable business growth, as
satisfied guests are likely to return and recommend the homestay to others.
b. Effective Promotion Strategy
1) Quality Content: Quality and engaging content is essential in luring potential guests.
High-quality images, informative descriptions, and positive reviews are elements that
should be included in promotional content.
2) Posting Consistency: Consistency in posting content on social media is very important.
This helps in retaining the interest of potential guests and increases visibility in social
media algorithms.
3) Special Promotions: Special offers, such as discounts or vacation packages, can be used
to attract the attention of potential guests. The use of measurable promotional
campaigns can help increase bookings.
c.Challenges in Utilizing Social Media and Websites
1) Relevant Content: Providing relevant and engaging content requires significant time and
effort. Homestay owners need to invest in regular content updates.
2) Time Management: Managing social media and websites requires good time
management. Too much time spent on digital platforms can interfere with direct
homestay management.
3) Impact Evaluation: Measuring the impact of social media and website promotions can
be challenging. Homestay owners need to understand metrics such as conversion rates
and guest retention to evaluate the success of their strategy..
d. Recommendations
1) Training and Education: Local governments and tourism associations can provide
training and education to homestay owners on how to effectively utilize social media
and websites.
2) Collaboration: Homestay owners can collaborate with other homestay owners in the
tourism village to manage websites or social media campaigns together. This can reduce
the workload and increase the visibility of the tourism village as a whole.
3) Use of Technology: Homestay owners can utilize technology tools such as online
reservation management to manage bookings more efficiently.
4) Regular Evaluation: Homestay owners need to regularly evaluate the impact of their
social media and website promotions and make adjustments if needed.
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As such, social media and websites have become very effective tools in promoting
homestays in tourist villages. They can increase visibility, potential guest engagement, and
sustainable business growth. However, the use of social media and websites also faces
challenges, such as relevant content and time management (Laura Hardilawati, 2020). By
following the suggested recommendations and addressing these challenges, homestay
owners and local governments can maximize the potential of social media and websites in
the promotion of homestays in tourist villages. Thus, tourist villages can grow and develop
sustainably,providing benefits to homestay owners, tourists, and local communities.
1. unique local experience to guests.
Unique local experiences are one of the main factors that attract tourists to tourist
villages. This research explores in depth how tourist villages can successfully offer unique
local experiences to homestay guests. A qualitative approach was used in this research
through in-depth interviews, case studies, and content analysis. The results identified
important elements in creating a unique local experience, including local community
participation, cultural preservation, and effective promotion. In addition, challenges such as
over-commercialization and harmonization with the environment were also discussed. This
research provides recommendations for homestay owners, local governments, and other
stakeholders in promoting and protecting unique local experiences in tourist villages
(Budiani et al., 2018).
As noted earlier, tourist villages are an increasingly popular destination for travelers
seeking a more immersive and authentic experience. One of the main attractions of a tourist
village is its ability to offer unique local experiences to homestay guests (Jacobson et al.,
2020). These experiences include interactions with local people, culture, as well as unique
natural environments. This research aims to go in-depth on how tourist villages can create
and promote these unique local experiences.Hasil dalam fokus ini ditemukan beberaha ha
yang menjadi catatan penting sebagai pengayaan dan menggali potensi local berupa
pengalawan local yang unik yang meliputi:
a. Local Community Participation
1) Importance of Active Participation: Success in offering unique local experiences
depends on the active participation of local communities. This includes their
involvement in serving local food, growing crops, sharing cultural stories, and serving
as tour guides.
2) Respect Traditions and Values: It is important to respect the traditions and values of the
local community in creating an authentic experience. This allows homestay guests to
feel involved in the local culture.
b. Culture Preservation
1) Importance of Preservation: Cultural preservation is a key element in offering unique
local experiences. Tourism villages need to protect local traditions, dances, music and
crafts to keep them alive.
2) Balance with Modernization: The challenge in maintaining cultural preservation is to
maintain a balance with modernization (Melis & Chambers, 2021). Renewal and
economic development must be done without compromising the indigenous culture.
c. Effective Promotion
1) Compelling Stories: Promotion of unique local experiences requires a strong and
compelling story. This can include a compelling narrative about the history and culture
of the village.
2) Collaboration with Travel Agents: Cooperation with local travel agents can help in
promoting local experiences to a wider market.
d. Challenges in Offering Unique Local Experiences
1) Excessive Commercialization: Too much focus on the commercial aspect can detract
from the authenticity of the local experience. It is important to maintain a balance
between business and culture.
Homestay Digital Marketing in Tourism Villages in South Sulawesi (Case Study in 3 Featured Tourism
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2) Harmonization with the Environment: The development of tourist villages should go
hand in hand with the protection of the natural environment. Tourism enhancement
should go hand in hand with nature preservation.
e. Recommendations
1) Awareness Raising: Local governments and other stakeholders need to raise awareness
about the importance of unique local experiences in attracting tourists.
2) Education and Training: Local communities need to be provided with education and
training to help them understand how to engage in the provision of authentic local
3) Establishment of Codes of Conduct: In some cases, the establishment of a code of
conduct or guidelines for homestay managers and other stakeholders can help maintain
the quality and authenticity of local experiences.
4) Continuous Promotion: The promotion of unique local experiences needs to be an
ongoing endeavor, constantly updated and adapted to market trends and demands.
From the foregoing, it follows that offering unique local experiences to homestay guests
in tourist villages is one important aspect of sustainable tourism development. In understanding
how to create these experiences, this research has identified important elements such as local
community participation, cultural preservation, and effective promotion (Asy’ari & Putra, 2023).
Challenges such as over-commercialization and harmonization with the environment must also
be addressed. By following the suggested recommendations, homestay owners, local
governments, and other stakeholders can work together to promote and protect unique local
experiences in tourist villages. Thus, tourist villages can continue to thrive as attractive and
sustainable destinations for tourists while providing positive benefits to local communities.
The Role of Information Technology in Homestay Digital Marketing
The increase in information technology has had a significant impact on various sectors,
including the tourism industry. One aspect that has been impacted is homestay marketing in
tourist villages. Information technology allows homestay owners to utilize online platforms to
increase visibility and attract tourists. This research will discuss the role of information
technology in the digital marketing of homestays in tourist villages, focusing on online booking,
online reviews and testimonials, and the use of online marketing platforms (Sugandi et al., 2020).
The results of a survey of tourists show that information technology plays an important
role in improving the effectiveness of homestay marketing. Some of the findings include: (1)
easy and fast online booking; (2) online reviews and testimonials that influence tourists'
decisions; and (3) the use of online marketing platforms such as Airbnb and Booking.com.
Easy and fast online booking.
Today, information technology has brought significant changes in the tourism industry,
especially in the context of accommodation booking (Tjiptono, 2015). Easy and fast online
booking is an integral part of the homestay marketing strategy in tourist villages. This
research will discuss in depth about easy and fast online booking, focusing on tourist
villages. The influence of information technology in simplifying the booking process and
how this affects the local tourism industry will be studied.
One of the main aspects of the role of information technology in homestay marketing is the
ease and speed of online booking. With online booking platforms, tourists can easily search
and book homestays in their desired tourist village. A fast and efficient booking process
provides a positive experience for tourists, which in turn increases their satisfaction with
homestay services.
Homestay is an accommodation that is increasingly in demand by travelers seeking a more
authentic experience and connection with the local culture. Tourism villages offer such
experiences and strive to enhance their appeal to tourists. One effective way to promote
homestays in tourist villages is through easy and fast online booking. This provides
benefits for both tourists and homestay owners.
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Here are the advantages of easy and fast online ordering:
a. Ease of Accessibility
Online booking provides easy accessibility for tourists (Wai Lai, 2019). They can easily
search and book homestays in tourist villages without having to make direct contact
with the owners. Booking platforms provide detailed information about homestays
including photos, facilities, prices, and reviews, allowing travelers to make better
b. Booking Process Efficiency
A fast and efficient booking process is one of the key advantages. Travelers can
complete the booking process in a few clicks, minimizing the time spent on arranging
accommodation and allowing them to focus more on planning their tour activities.
c. Time and Place Flexibility
Online booking allows travelers to book homestays anytime and anywhere. With mobile
apps, tourists can make bookings even while traveling. This flexibility provides added
convenience to travelers.
d. Other Travelers' Reviews and Recommendations
Online booking platforms often include reviews and testimonials from previous
travelers. This helps potential guests to get a better idea of the quality and experience
they will get. These reviews also help homestay owners to improve their services.
In the Implementation of Online Homestay Booking in the Tourism Village, it can
be shown as follows:
a. Building and Managing an Official Website, i.e. homestay owners can build and
manage an official website for their homestay. This website can include comprehensive
information about the homestay, a photo gallery, booking policies, and contacts for
b. Joining Online Booking Platforms, i.e. homestay owners can also list their properties on
popular online booking platforms such as Airbnb, Booking.com, Traveloka, or Agoda.
This step expands the reach and accessibility of homestays for travelers from all over
the world.
There are two benefits for Homestay Owners in this online booking, namely:
a. Increased Market Reach
Through online booking, homestays in tourist villages can reach the global market.
Travelers from different countries can view and book homestays, increasing the chances
of getting international guests.
b. Efficient Booking Management
Homestay owners can utilize a booking management system to track reservations,
manage availability, and better manage guest information. This helps in optimizing the
use of facilities and free space.
Similarly, there are challenges in terms of easy and fast online ordering, namely:
a. Transaction Security
It is important to ensure the security of online transactions and protect travelers'
sensitive information during the booking process. Secure payment systems and data
encryption are required to overcome this challenge.
b. Culture and Technology Limitations
Some tourist villages may face challenges in adopting technology and connecting with
online booking platforms. Training and education on the benefits of this technology is
essential to help overcome these barriers.
Thus, easy and fast online booking is a key element in marketing homestays in
tourist villages. It brings great benefits to tourists in terms of accessibility, efficiency, and
flexibility. For homestay owners, online booking makes it possible to increase visibility,
reach global markets, and better manage bookings (Indonesia, 2017). However, challenges
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such as transaction security and technology adaptation also need to be addressed to ensure
the successful implementation of online booking in the tourism industry in tourist villages.
1. Online reviews and testimonials that influence travelers' decisions.
In this digital era, online reviews and testimonials play a crucial role in shaping
consumer perceptions and decisions. This is also true in the tourism industry, especially in
the context of homestay marketing in tourist villages. Reviews and testimonials left by
previous tourists can influence potential tourists in choosing a homestay in a tourist village.
This research discusses in depth how online reviews and testimonials influence tourists'
decisions in choosing to stay at homestays in tourist villages.
Information technology also allows travelers to provide reviews and testimonials
about their experiences while staying at homestays. These reviews and testimonials become
important factors that influence potential travelers' decisions. Positive reviews can improve
a homestay's reputation and bring in more guests, while negative reviews can provide
useful feedback for homestay owners to improve service quality.
The role of Online Reviews and Testimonials, among others, found in this study are
two things, namely:
a. Trust and Information Authority; Online reviews and testimonials build trust among
travelers. When they see positive reviews from other travelers, it gives an indication
that the homestay does provide a positive experience.
b. Influencing Perceptions and Expectations; Reviews and testimonials shape travelers'
perceptions about the quality and facilities of the homestay. This can influence their
expectations before their stay .
c. Impact on Booking Decisions; Positive reviews and testimonials can be a deciding
factor in booking decisions. Conversely, negative reviews may persuade travelers to
look for other options.
To optimize Online Reviews and Testimonials from visitors or tourists, the
things that need to be done are:
1) Motivate Travelers to Leave ReviewsHomestay owners can encourage travelers who
have stayed to leave reviews. Incentives such as discounts or additional experiences can
be a motivation.
2) Responding Wisely to ReviewsHomestay owners should be responsive to reviews and
their responses should be professional. This reflects concern for the traveler's
3) Use Reviews for ImprovementNegative reviews and testimonials can be used as input to
improve the quality of homestay services and facilities.
In addition to the optimization of customer reviews on testimonials as outlined
above, it is also expected that online reviews and testimonials will have a positive
impact on homestay marketing in the Tourism Village, among others:
1) Increase Tourist Attraction
Positive reviews and testimonials can increase the attractiveness of a homestay, inviting
tourists to choose it as a place to stay.
Support Marketing Strategy
2) Positive reviews can be used in homestay marketing strategies, such as their use in
advertisements or promotions.
On the other hand, there are also challenges in managing online reviews and
testimonials, namely:
1) Fake or Inaccurate Reviews
The main challenge is the risk of fake or inaccurate reviews that can unfairly affect the
image of the homestay.
2) False Satisfaction and Positive Bias
Some travelers may give positive reviews because they feel compelled or want to get
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Thus, online reviews and testimonials have a huge impact in influencing tourists' decision to
choose a homestay in a tourist village (Hidayah, 2021). Their role in shaping perceptions,
optimizing marketing, and enhancing the appeal of homestays cannot be ignored. However,
challenges such as trust and fake review management need to be addressed wisely to ensure
online reviews and testimonials provide an accurate picture and build trust among tourists.
The Role of Information Technology in Homestay Digital Marketing
The use of online marketing platforms such as Airbnb and Booking.com is an effective
strategy in marketing homestays in tourist villages (Fasa et al., 2022). Through these platforms,
homestays can be accessed by millions of tourists from different parts of the world. Homestay
owners can post detailed information about their properties, including photos, facilities, and
prices. This allows travelers to compare homestays and choose one that suits their needs and
The following discusses the effectiveness of marketing strategies using online platforms,
specifically Airbnb and Booking.com, to market homestays in tourist villages. In this context,
homestay refers to a temporary residence provided by local residents in a tourist destination or
This discussion aims to analyze the extent to which the use of online marketing platforms
such as Airbnb and Booking.com can be an effective strategy in promoting homestays in tourist
villages. This includes the effectiveness in reaching the target market, increasing bookings, and
providing sufficient information to tourists.
Airbnb and Booking.com are recognized as two major online marketing platforms that
have opened access for homestay owners to market their properties to millions of global
tourists. This recognition is based on the wide reach and popularity of these platforms among
travelers. The advantages and benefits of these platforms include:
a) Akses Global: Melalui Airbnb dan Booking.com, homestay di desa wisata dapat
dijangkau oleh jutaan wisatawan dari berbagai negara. Ini mencakup wisatawan yang
mencari pengalaman menginap yang berbeda dan lebih autentik ketika berkunjung ke
destinasi wisata.
b) Informasi Terperinci tentang Properti: Pemilik homestay dapat memasang informasi
terperinci tentang properti mereka, seperti foto-foto, fasilitas yang tersedia, aturan
penginapan, dan harga. Informasi ini sangat penting bagi wisatawan dalam memutuskan
homestay mana yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan preferensi mereka.
c) Kemudahan Perbandingan dan Pilihan: Dengan adanya informasi yang terperinci,
wisatawan dapat dengan mudah membandingkan berbagai homestay yang tersedia di
desa wisata melalui platform-platform tersebut. Hal ini memungkinkan wisatawan
untuk membuat keputusan yang lebih baik dan memilih homestay yang sesuai dengan
anggaran dan keinginan mereka.
d) Manfaat bagi Pemilik Homestay: Pemilik homestay mendapatkan manfaat signifikan
melalui eksposur luas yang diberikan oleh Airbnb dan Booking.com. Platform-platform
ini membantu meningkatkan jumlah pemesanan dan membawa wisatawan baru yang
mungkin tidak akan ditemukan melalui metode pemasaran konvensional.
This discussion is also expected to provide in-depth insights into how the use of online
marketing platforms such as Airbnb and Booking.com can be an effective strategy in marketing
homestays in tourist villages. By maximizing the potential of these platforms, homestays in
tourist villages can increase their visibility, increase bookings, and promote local tourism.
It also provides information on how to effectively use online marketing platforms such as
Airbnb and Booking.com to promote homestays in tourist villages. This research reveals that
using these platforms is an important necessity to access the global market of travelers. By
utilizing the features provided by Airbnb and Booking.com, homestay owners can increase the
visibility and attractiveness of their properties, which in turn will increase the number of
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a) Global Access for Homestays:Platforms like Airbnb and Booking.com provide global
access for homestays in tourist villages. Travelers from different parts of the world can
easily find homestays in a particular tourist destination through these platforms.This
expands the potential market reach for homestay owners, allowing them to attract
tourists from different countries.
b) Detailed Information: Homestay owners can post detailed information about their
properties, including photos, amenities, and prices, through these platforms. This
complete and accurate information helps travelers in making better decisions. They can
consider various factors such as location, facilities offered, and price before choosing a
homestay that suits their preferences and needs.
c) Ability to Compare Homestays: One of the great advantages of using platforms like
Airbnb and Booking.com is the ability for travelers to compare homestays easily. By
having access to detailed information of various homestays, travelers can compare
prices, facilities, and user reviews before making a final decision. This allows them to
choose the homestay that best suits their preferences.
d) Facilities for Homestay Owners:Homestay owners benefit from the wide exposure
provided by these platforms.They can attract more travelers and get more frequent
bookings.Moreover, these platforms also provide tools and metrics to track their
marketing performance, enabling improvement and customization of marketing
e) Increased Marketing Potential: By leveraging these platforms, homestays in tourist
villages can optimize their marketing strategies. They can attract travelers by
highlighting the uniqueness and appeal of their properties through engaging
descriptions, high-quality photos, and positive reviews from previous
This research provides strong insights into the importance of using online marketing
platforms such as Airbnb and Booking.com in marketing homestays in tourist villages.
This strategy opens up opportunities for homestay owners to maximize the potential of
the global market, increase the number of bookings, and support the growth of local tourism
(Masjhoer, 2019). Here are some things that make it easy for homestay owners or managers in
tourist villages to use the platform as a means in marketing homestays with digital Marketing
a) Flexibility in Pricing and Availability:
Platforms like Airbnb and Booking.com give homestay owners the flexibility to
determine the price and availability of their rooms. This allows them to adjust prices
according to tourist seasons or special events that may affect demand. In addition,
homestay owners can update availability in real-time, ensuring that the information
displayed to travelers is always accurate.
b) Trust and Reputation: These online marketing platforms build trust among travelers by
providing property reviews and ratings. These reviews come from previous guests and
help potential guests in making a decision. A homestay with positive reviews and high
ratings is more likely to attract travelers compared to one with bad reviews.
c) Business Innovation and Development: Through these platforms, homestay owners can
access various marketing resources and guides. They can learn from successful
marketing strategies, keep up with the latest trends, and implement innovations in their
business. This helps in sustainable business development and increased competitiveness
in the market.
From the description above, it can be argued that the use of online marketing platforms
such as Airbnb and Booking.com is an effective strategy in marketing homestays in tourist
By maximizing the features provided by these platforms, homestay owners can expand their
market reach, increase bookings, and improve their business success in the competitive tourism
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Benefits and Challenges of Digital Homestay Marketing with Information Technology
Benefits of Digital Marketing for Homestays in Tourism Villages:
a. Global Access and Wider Market Reach: Digital marketing allows homestays in tourist
villages to reach a global audience through various online platforms (2018). Thus,
homestays can attract tourists from different countries and increase the number of
b. Cost Efficiency and Expense Optimization: Digital marketing is often more economical
than traditional marketing methods. Homestay owners can leverage online platforms to
promote their properties at a lower cost, maximizing their marketing budget.
c. Performance Measurement and Strategy Adjustment: Information technology allows
homestay owners to monitor the performance of marketing campaigns in real-time. The
data obtained from this analysis can be used to adjust marketing strategies, focus efforts
on more effective areas, and improve results.
d. Direct Interaction with Potential Guests: Digital marketing enables direct interaction
between homestay owners and potential guests through online platforms. This builds a
more personalized relationship and increases guest confidence before making a
e. Personalization of User Experience: Digital marketing allows homestays to personalize
the user experience. By understanding user preferences and behavior through data
analysis, homestay owners can tailor their offerings to meet the needs of potential
guests, increasing the chances of booking conversions.
f. Optimizing Cost to Return Ratio (ROI): With adigital analytics tools in place, homestay
owners can measure the return on investment (ROI) of marketing campaigns. This
allows them to intelligently allocate budgets to get the best results, maximizing
spending efficiency.
1.Digital Marketing Challenges for Homestays in Tourism Villages:
a. Limited Technology Infrastructure: Some tourist villages may face limited access to
technology and limited infrastructure. Poor or even non-existent internet availability
may hinder the effectiveness of digital marketing in these villages.
b. Lack of Digital Marketing Knowledge and Skills: A significant challenge is the lack of
digital marketing knowledge and skills among homestay owners. Proper training and
guidance is required to equip them with the necessary knowledge to manage digital
marketing effectively.
c. Need for Deep Market Understanding: The homestay industry in tourist villages often
has a very diverse market. Understanding the needs and preferences of travelers, as well
as the competition in the market, is important in designing an effective digital marketing
d. Data Privacy and Security: Digital marketing requires significant data collection and
usage. Hence, data privacy and security challenges arise. Homestay owners must ensure
that guest data is processed securely and in compliance with applicable privacy
e. Algorithm Changes and Platform Dynamics: Digital marketing platforms like Google or
Facebook often change their algorithms and policies. This can affect the visibility of
marketing content and requires quick adjustments from homestay owners to remain
effective in their marketing strategies.
f. Reliance on Online Reviews and Reputation: While online reviews can be helpful in
building a homestay's reputation, over-reliance on reviews can be challenging. Negative
reviews or unhealthy competition can affect a homestay's reputation, requiring careful
reputation management.
From the description above, it shows that how important digital marketing using
information technology is for homestays in tourist villages (Ira & Muhamad, 2020). In the face of
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existing challenges, homestay owners need to invest time and effort to understand technology,
improve digital marketing skills, and build appropriate marketing strategies to optimize the
benefits of these innovations in advancing the local tourism industry (2020).
Another point that also needs to be underlined from the research results regarding the
utilization of digital marketing platforms for homestays in tourist villages is the complexity and
dynamics involved in digital marketing of homestays in tourist villages (Konsumen & Aktual,
2023). Managing these challenges while maximizing the benefits of digital marketing is key to
the success of homestay owners in leveraging information technology to support their business
growth and development in the village tourism sector (Hermawan, 2021).
Based on the research results, effective homestay marketing strategies and the role of
information technology in homestay digital marketing have not had a positive impact on the
development of Tourism Villages in South Sulawesi. This can be stated as follows: The results
showed that the homestay marketing strategy was not effective enough in the Tourism Village
in South Sulawesi, because the homestay owner/manager and pokdarwis as the homestay
marketing coordinator in the tourism village did not have the right concept in marketing; The
role of information technology has not increased the effectiveness of homestay digital
marketing in tourism villages in South Sulawesi due to limited digital literacy and resources.
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