E-ISSN: 2963-3699
P-ISSN: 2964-0121
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Ferdy Leuhery
Universitas Pattimura, Maluku, Indonesia
The existence of the world today is full of openness, the world seems to be unified or known as
globalization. As a consequence of the era of globalization, is the high level of competition and the
challenges it poses. Like it or not, this is a reality that every citizen must face. The fundamental
question of this reality is whether humans are able and ready to be conditioned as resources of social
transformation or anticipated resources as actors of development. One of the efforts to anticipate it is to
create various superior human resources who have the ability to do something for their nation. The
method used in this study is descriptive analytic, which describes phenomena that exist or are
happening then analyzed with theory and produce a solution (solution). The results of this study show
that the urgency of human resource development is a key factor in winning global competition, which
has consequences for increasingly fierce competition amid uncertainty, this strategic step deserves full
support from all stakeholders. Strengthening human resources towards superior humans has a close
correlation with increasing work productivity, in winning competition amid rapid changes in the world
of business, political economy and culture in the midst of world turmoil that is increasingly
competitive and developing.
Keywords : Development; Human Resources; Superior; Globalization Era
Globalization is a necessity and tendency that is almost undeniable by the nations of the
world. Globalization, changes in the digital era with the current trend is the industrial revolution
5.0 requires the development of HR (Human Resources) so that it can run in harmony (Mourtzis
et al., 2022). Efforts to prepare superior human resources (HR) and able to compete in the
global era with high performance in all sectors of work are hard work from stakeholders (Jewell
et al., 2022). The achievement of these expectations is certainly accompanied by the preparation
and formation of human resources in order to have adequate competencies and skills (Piwowar-
Sulej, 2021).
As a consequence of the era of globalization, is the high level of competition and the
challenges it poses. Whether we like it or not, this is a reality that every citizen must face (Satar,
2002). The era of globalization opens our eyes to look to a future full of challenges and
competition (Nurhidayat et al., 2020).
But with the current era of globalization that penetrates every sector, if it cannot be faced
properly, or human resources are not ready, it is certain that a country and its citizens will be
eroded and backward (Naradda Gamage et al., 2020). Therefore, it is necessary to develop
superior human resources in anticipating the entry of the current era of globalization (Janurdi,
There are 3 challenges to human resource development, first data literacy, namely: We
must be careful in the hoax chain filter before sharing, second, technological literacy is careful
in using technology, and third, human literacy needs to learn communication technology, have
the ability to be able to communicate and understand others.
The development of human resources can be seen both in terms of hard skills and soft
skills. In the hospitality industry or soft skills in the form of interpersonal skills are considered
as one of the important prerequisites that lead to successful performance (Yudhaputri, 2020). HR
is aimed at forming better management that must be able to anticipate and adjust to changes that
occur (Setiyati & Hikmawati, 2019). In this era, HR is more towards knowledge workers, which
means that HR today is required to have new knowledge that is in accordance with ongoing
changes (Yuli Angliawati & Fatimah Maulyan, 2020).
Development Of Superior Human Resources (HR) In Facing The Era of Globalization
Return: Study of Management, Economic And Business, Vol 2 (10), October 2023
Sony Sumarsono (2003), human resources are services or work efforts that can be
provided in the production process. In other respects, HR describes the quality of effort made by
a person in a certain time to produce goods and services (Fazrin et al., 2022). Human resources
are needed to manage natural resources in order to produce products that have good quality. Of
course, human resources must have quality abilities and skills (U. Sudarma, 2022).
Based on this, the purpose of this research is to analyze and provide solutions to problems
that occur in the context of developing superior human resources in facing the current era of
The method used in this study is descriptive analytic, which describes phenomena that
exist or are happening then analyzed with theory and produce a solution (solution). This study
also uses a literature review included in literature research, by collecting data from articles,
journals, websites and other sources related to this research. Researchers deepen empirical and
theoretical data in relevant articles in various journals. The focus of research is directed at
developing superior human resources.
A literature review can be broadly described as a systematic way of collecting and
synthesizing a wide variety. Effective and well-conducted literature review is a research method
that provides a solid foundation for developing science and facilitates theory development (U.
Sudarma, 2022).
Excellent Human Resources (HR)
One of the important elements in the company lies in its quality human resources. The
quality of human resources is the key to success for the company as well as the first step /
important step for the company to determine how human resources can improve performance
and improve for the company. The quality of good human resources is also able to create a
balance for the company. If there are no qualified and adequate human resources, the company
will automatically fail to achieve its goals.
Superior Human Resources (HR), namely skilled humans, mastering science and
technology is the top priority for human resource development (Arfin, 2022). Human Resources
are needed to improve the effectiveness of human resources in an organization. The goal is to
provide an effective work unit organization (Istiantara, 2019). Superior Human Resources (HR)
with high quality is a demand for every organization to be able to achieve the goals set. Many
aspects can be influential in achieving superior human resources, namely individual aspects,
group aspects and organizational system aspects (K. Sudarma, 2012). Human resource
development so that people are able to develop their competencies to be able to compete in an
The development of existing human resources requires increasing competence so that the
use of Appropriate Technology can be well understood and knowledge of competition in the
industry (Nurhidayat et al., 2020). Through the ownership of superior human resources, it is the
most important asset of the company, because human resources are the only place where
knowledge assets are attached (Kasmawati, 2018).
Strengthening the quality of human resources in this case to create superior humans has a
very close correlation with increasing productivity levels (Diana et al., 2022). Human resources
are an important ingredient for the company's success in the long run (Arfin, 2022). Building
human resources (HR) that have good quality and high competitiveness is a job that must be
done by the company in an organized and planned manner by considering the character, dignity,
interests, talents, and different backgrounds of these human resources (U. Sudarma, 2022).
In today's digital information technology challenges, there are ethical and moral changes
in the advancement of information technology that have a negative impact. With all the
challenges I mentioned earlier, "Then you need good human resources, quality service
Development of Superior Human Resources (HR) In Facing The Era of Globalization
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Based on the above, business growth in the era of the industrial revolution 5.0 or often
referred to as the era of digitalization requires alignment with the development of superior
human resources (HR).
Development of Superior Human Resources to Face the Challenges of Globalization
Human resource development based on the talents possessed by a person, so that the
concept of talent management is believed to be better than other resource concepts in HR
development (Yuli Angliawati & Fatimah Maulyan, 2020). The development of human resources
can be seen both in terms of hard skills and soft skills (Yudhaputri, 2020). Qualified, superior,
and trained human resources are important aspects for companies in maintaining
competitiveness and competitive advantage over competitors. Quality and superior humans will
create value for a good organization, and are able to utilize technology appropriately. Talented
humans must be abundant in terms of mind-set, heart-set, and skill-set. Humans who are
intelligent, work sincerely, and agile in doing their duties in an organization or business (Meddy
Nurpratama & Agus Yudianto, 2021).
Improving interpersonal skills as teaching materials at the education level is one of the
things that can improve a person's performance in companies and organizations. This is in line
with the understanding of the link and match between industry and education in an effort to
provide superior and ready-to-use human resources in the industrial world (Yudhaputri, 2020). If
humans are used as the central point, then the development carried out is nothing but
development oriented towards human resource development (Satar, 2022). Thus the problems of
underdevelopment, poverty, health and languishing physical conditions place top priority in the
national development of developing countries.
According to Porter (1998) said that HR Management can help a company gain a
competitive advantage by lowering costs, increasing product sources and service differences, or
by both. Achieving competitive advantage through HR requires activities that are managed with
a strategic perspective (Kasmawati, 2018).
Meanwhile, according to Ulrich et al. (2017) put forward 9 strategic competencies that
must be mastered by human resource professionals in organizations. Human resource
professionals must have the ability to effectively create personal effectiveness, meet the
expectations of internal and external stakeholders and achieve business strategy values by
managing talent, leadership, and culture that enables the organization to excel in the
competition. Of the 9 (nine) competencies, 3 (three) of them are the main drivers (core drivers),
1. Strategic positioner, the ability to position a business ahead of the competition. HR
professionals have the ability to integrate HR management strategies within organizations
aligned with business strategies
2. Credible activist, the ability to build relationships on the basis of trust (relationship of
trust) by having a proactive point of view. These competencies form the basis for
engaging in business dialogue with stakeholders.
3. Paradox navigator, the ability to manage various pressures in the business both short and
long term, from above (leaders) and workers (Ulrich et al., 2017).
Furthermore, the last 3 (three) competencies are delivery enablers, which focus on the
ability to manage the basic/tactical elements of human resource management activities
1. Technology and media integrator is the ability to use technology and social media to
create high-performing organizations.
2. Analytics designer and interpreter is analytical ability in organizational decision making.
3. Compliance manager is the ability to manage various processes by complying with
applicable regulations.
These competencies are needed in running a digital business. Although businesses have
alternatives to use important values and strategies for long-term business sustainability. The
expertise of HR specialists to fulfill accountability aspects is rooted in mastery of theory and
special skills that are relatively difficult to replace with technology.
Development Of Superior Human Resources (HR) In Facing The Era of Globalization
Return: Study of Management, Economic And Business, Vol 2 (10), October 2023
In addition to carrying out technical functions in human resource management, HR
specialists also carry out strategic functions in executing business strategies and interacting with
business stakeholders. As a business that in carrying out its activities interacts with various
work partners both internal (between functions) and external (organization).
Based on the results of the research and discussion above, this can be concluded as
beikut: There are two kinds of superior humans, namely 1) individualistic superiority which is
considered a reflection of human greed because its superiority is used for itself and personal
satisfaction so that it is assumed that it is not appropriate to apply in the era of globalization,
and 2) participatory advantage that develops the principles of fair competition to find ways,
Best Process and Results.
The urgency of human resource development is a key factor in winning global
competition, which has consequences for increasingly fierce competition amid uncertainty, this
strategic step deserves full support from all stakeholders. Strengthening human resources
towards superior humans has a close correlation with increasing work productivity, in winning
competition amid rapid changes in the world of business, political economy and culture.
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