Development Of Superior Human Resources (HR) In Facing The Era of Globalization
Return: Study of Management, Economic And Business, Vol 2 (10), October 2023
In addition to carrying out technical functions in human resource management, HR
specialists also carry out strategic functions in executing business strategies and interacting with
business stakeholders. As a business that in carrying out its activities interacts with various
work partners both internal (between functions) and external (organization).
Based on the results of the research and discussion above, this can be concluded as
beikut: There are two kinds of superior humans, namely 1) individualistic superiority which is
considered a reflection of human greed because its superiority is used for itself and personal
satisfaction so that it is assumed that it is not appropriate to apply in the era of globalization,
and 2) participatory advantage that develops the principles of fair competition to find ways,
Best Process and Results.
The urgency of human resource development is a key factor in winning global
competition, which has consequences for increasingly fierce competition amid uncertainty, this
strategic step deserves full support from all stakeholders. Strengthening human resources
towards superior humans has a close correlation with increasing work productivity, in winning
competition amid rapid changes in the world of business, political economy and culture.
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