E-ISSN: 2963-3699
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Selvia Evayanti Saragih
, Qorina Salsabila
, Gabriela Purba
King Ali Hajj Maritime University
, qorinasalsabila09@gmail.com
October 1
October 08
, 2022
October 10
, 2022
Background: Beggars are one of them, and is one of the negative
impacts of development, especially urban development. Begging in
cities like Tanjung Pinang is a phenomenon that is recognized as a
serious problem, especially considering the population.
Aim: The Tanjungpinang City Social Service aims to deal with
beggars with regulations, provide shelter, and educate the public
about the prohibition of distributing cash to beggars. The
Tanjungpinang City Social Service is not yet fully ready to handle
Method: Using qualitative research is based on natural conditions in the
field and does not involve extensive data manipulation, so as to produce
data with true meaning. Types of Research Descriptive research usually
uses analysis.
Findings: The result of this research is that the problem of beggars is a
serious concern of the government, and various efforts have been made to
overcome it.
Social Services, Overcoming Bumpers, Beggar
Because population growth can hinder the implementation of development, especially
if it is not controlled effectively, the population problem is one of the main causes of social
problems (Amalia, Maria, Roy, Darma, & Pusriadi, 2019). The existence of a situation that is
always uneven is one of the impacts of population growth, especially in connection with the
increasingly limited sources of people's livelihoods. As a result of the transition from the
globalization era to the free market era, where every individual must fight for his life, there
has been an increase in the population due to the high birth rate compared to the low death
rate. In addition, there are very few job opportunities (Antony, 2010). This development has
both positive and negative impacts that are very difficult to avoid. Therefore, efforts are
needed to increase the positive effect and reduce one of the negative effects (Colombijn,
Beggars are one of them, and is one of the negative impacts of development,
especially urban development. Begging in cities is a phenomenon that is starting to be
recognized as a serious problem, especially given the increasing population (Ferdinand
Maniawasi, 2019). Beggars are a social phenomenon that cannot be avoided, especially in the
Tanjungpinang City area. Physically, beggars also interact with the surrounding community,
but in reality they are isolated because they are unable to access existing facilities. good
The Role of Social Services in Managing Households and Beggers in Tanjungpinang City
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health, poverty, lack of job opportunities, lack of knowledge and skills, urbanization, and
disability issues influence their decision to become beggars (Hardiyantina & Sukardi, 2016).
The increasing number of beggars negatively affects the beauty of the city and causes
a number of deviations, inconveniences and social chaos. laziness and lack of ability to solve
problems are the root causes of poverty. In Tanjungpinang City, the problem of beggars is not
something that goes unnoticed. The general perception is that homeless people and beggars
are everywhere. In particular, beggars often appear in front of gas stations and in big markets.
Because it is a serious problem and one of the results of economic expansion, this
phenomenon requires special social policies and management (Kumar & Siddique, 2008).
Using qualitative research is based on natural conditions in the field and does not
involve extensive data manipulation, so as to produce data with true meaning. Types of
Research Descriptive research usually uses analysis. Research that is natural and based on
field conditions, without extensive data manipulation or data that has real meaning, is called
qualitative research. Place of Research This research was conducted at the Department of
Social Affairs of Tanjungpinang City.
Role Theory According to role theory, a role is a collection of behaviors associated
with a particular position. Different roles produce different behaviors. However, the person
who plays the role has nothing to do with the factors that determine whether a behavior is
appropriate in one place and inappropriate in another (Long, 2017). One of the social services
for beggars and other people with social welfare problems is the Tanjungpinang City Social
Welfare Office. Beggars need help in the form of handling as they often find themselves in
financial trouble. The Office of Social Affairs is responsible for formulating technical
policies in the social and manpower fields, managing government affairs and public services
in the social and labor fields, as well as overcoming and carrying out tasks in the social and
labor fields in order to fulfill their responsibilities (Nasution & Thamrin, 2016). The social
work profession requires assisting individuals, groups, and communities in improving or
enhancing their social functioning and fostering social conditions that enable them to achieve
their goals. A social worker must be able to maintain every function of the elements that
become actors as roles that exist in society and create better community conditions, as above,
in order to create good and orderly community conditions. a. formulation of technical policies
in the field of social manpower and transmigration; b. Implementation of government affairs
and public services in the social, labor, and transmigration fields (Nasution & Thamrin,
2016). This is a function of social services. Direction and implementation of social, labor, and
transmigration tasks. People who meet people by asking for things like food, shelter, or
money are known as beggars. They put the money they earn from begging in a variety of
clothes or utensils, including shabby clothes, hats, plastic cups, candy wrappers, and small
boxes (Nomor, 11AD).
For various reasons, including poverty and powerlessness due to limited employment
opportunities, they work as beggars. Here are some of the most common ways: a. Beggars
used to convey poverty by appearing unkempt, dirty, and dressed in rags. b. Put on a sad face:
The Role of Social Services in Managing Households and Beggers in Tanjungpinang City
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Every street in the city is often crowded with beggars, from small children to the elderly.
They sit on the side of the road, waving, and ready to act with sad faces to get people to give.
The beggar community, which consists of a group of beggars coordinated by a coordinator
(Patty & Nugroho, 2020). The coordinator places beggars in certain places, such as in the city
center, and the beggars are obliged to pay the beggar coordinator who is also known as the
beggar boss.d. One of the beggar's tactics is to transport small children. To gain the affection
of others, children who are brought are usually rented or borrowed.
People's lives are filled with social problems, especially in urban areas where
problems such as street children, homeless people, abandoned people, and beggars are
common (Putra, 2014). In Tanjung Pinang City, one of them is a beggar. These beggars are
one of the causes of poverty. Many beggars complain about their financial difficulties
because these financial difficulties are a problem for beggars. They beg a lot for what they
need, which is becoming increasingly a problem as the prices of many basic goods go up.
Disability is one of the reasons they are forced to become beggars, in addition to economic
problems. They believe that limbless people have a harder time finding work than perfect
people, especially imperfect ones (Ramadhan, 2022).
They are forced to beg to survive because they have no other choice but to become
unemployed and have no income for daily life. This is one way to meet the increasingly
difficult needs of life (Riskawati & Syani, 2013). One of the factors that cause people to
become beggars is their age and health they believe they are old or unhealthy and no one
wants to hire them. because they are old and sick. Meanwhile, self-medication is very
challenging, and it is even more challenging to adapt treatment to meet the demands of life.
One of the ways beggars make a living and ensure their survival is to ask for money from
other people. Since beggars have always been a special concern for society or the
government, talking about the problem of beggars is nothing new (Soraya, 2017).
There are many places to beg in Tanjung Pinang itself, so it becomes the target of
beggars. Because Tanjung Pinang City has many traditional markets, big shops, highways,
gas stations, and other locations (Wahyudi, 2021). People from outside the area who want to
try their luck and seek their fortune in big cities like Tanjung Pinang are beggars around the
city. These beggars are not native to the area. The beggars carry out begging activities with
the aim of getting cash to meet their daily needs and ensure their survival. When there is a
night market, the beggars continue their begging activities into the afternoon or early
There are still beggars in Tanjungpinang City who choose to become beggars despite
their excellent health and physical limitations or disabilities that they face (Wijayanti, 2017).
Beggars rely on this activity as their main source of income, making it a part of their daily
life. Radia often meets beggars who are not native to Tanjung Pinang but from various cities,
including Gambut, Banjarmasin, Astambul, and even the island of Java. They try their luck in
the city to live better than in the hometown, but they don't get a better job and end up beggars
who make money asking people for different reasons (Wahyudi, 2021).
The Tanjungpinang City Social Service continues to try to handle beggars better so that
those who have been returned to their original areas do not return to Tanjungpinang City and
do not become a place for beggars to go to become rich.
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The role of the Social Service in dealing with beggars is to empower them by
providing a place to live where they can learn new skills and leave their daily life as beggars.
The problem of beggars is a serious concern for the Tanjungpinang City government, and
various efforts have been made. To overcome it. The Tanjungpinang City Social Service aims
to deal with beggars by enforcing regulations, providing shelter, and educating the public
about the prohibition of distributing cash to beggars. The Tanjungpinang City Social Service
is not yet fully prepared to deal with beggars.
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