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Chairul Muharis
, Arni Utamaningsih
Politeknik Negeri Malang, Indonesia
, arni6965@polinema.ac.id
The need for land use in Jakarta can be a factor causing the reduced function of infiltration and water
flow, resulting in changes and problems in the drainage system. It is suspected that downstream areas
such as Jakarta are unable to accommodate excess water, because there may be problems with the
channels or drainage system. For this reason, it is necessary to plan a drainage system (drainage
network) so that it can function optimally in accordance with Minimum Service Standards (SPM) to
accommodate water flow discharge. which is normal, especially during the rainy season and there are
high tides so that you don't experience inundation or flooding. This research aims to plan the
construction of drainage that is optimal according to standards in Jakarta in order to raise public
awareness of the importance of keeping the environment clean, not throwing garbage in the drainage
canals and always keeping the drainage canals clean so that they can drain wastewater from
settlements, rainwater and puddles smoothly.
Keywords : Drainage; Rainwater; Community
Water is an important resource and plays a major role in life. Water is needed to fulfill
most of life's needs. Water needs to be absorbed and flowed so that it does not collect at one
point. Water flow can be assisted by drainage. Drainage is a water disposal system designed to
remove or reduce excess water from a place, so that the water in that place can function
optimally. (Harahap et al., 2020). Drainage system is a system to drain water from a place to a
lower place, where the drainage system helps water that cannot enter or cannot be absorbed
directly into the soil (Xu et al., 2021). Environmental problems can be minimized at three basic
levels: through primary prevention of acid-generating processes; secondary control, which
includes implementing measures to prevent migration of acid drainage; and tertiary control, or
waste collection and processing (Akcil & Koldas, 2006; Favas et al., 2016). Acid mine drainage
(AMD) causes environmental pollution that affects many countries having historic or current
mining industries (Johnson & Hallberg, 2005; Simate & Ndlovu, 2014). Handling environmental
pollution problems can be done by conducting evaluations downstream of the mine to stabilize
contaminated soil (Kefeni et al., 2017).
Urban areas that have high population growth, there are many changes in land use that
switch functions to facilities and infrastructure such as housing, buildings, infrastructure,
buildings, and others. So it is possible to add new problems, especially environmental problems.
Environmental problems in urban areas are no longer a surprise, especially in the Jakarta area.
Jakarta is a metropolitan area, where many activities are centered in the area and population
growth is high. Based on the Central Bureau of Statistics of DKI Jakarta Province (2020), DKI
Jakarta's population growth rate in 2019 was 1.19%. To meet the needs of Jakarta's growing
population, of course, land use by changing land functions from green open space to settlements
has great potential. Yang and Gakenheimer (2007) examined land use uncertainty and
accessibility and mobility related to current urban development themes. Anna et al. (2016)
stated the need for a long-term perspective in city planning to meet various important
parameters of a quality city.
The need for land use in Jakarta can be a factor in reducing the function of water
infiltration and flow, resulting in changes and problems in the drainage system. It is suspected
that downstream areas such as Jakarta are not able to accommodate excess water, because there
may be problems in the channel or drainage system. To identify problems in drainage, an
assessment of the level of service of urban drainage is required. The level of service of urban
drainage is the level of ability of urban drainage channels and buildings to accommodate and
Planning for Drainage Development in Jakarta's Urban Settlements with The Concept of A Healthy City
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drain surface water so that it does not cause puddles. (Andayani & Yuwono, 2012). Muthusamy et
al. (2018) stated that among urban water pollutants, the most common is sediment which also
acts as a transportation medium for many contaminants. Therefore, there is increasing interest in
being able to better predict sediments.
In general, a drainage system can be defined as a series of water structures that function
to reduce and/or dispose of excess water from an area or land, so that the land can be used
optimally. However, practically we can say that drainage handles excess water before it enters
large channels or rivers (Suripin, 2004). Drainage network system in an area should be designed
to accommodate normal flow rates, especially during the rainy season. This means that the
capacity of the drainage channel has been calculated to accommodate the water discharge that
occurs so that the area concerned does not experience inundation or flooding. If the capacity of
the drainage system decreases due to various reasons, the discharge will be normal even though
this cannot be accommodated by the existing system. The cause system capacity decreases,
including a lot of sediment, damage occurs physical network system, the existence of other
buildings above the network system. At certain times during the rainy season, the flow rate
often increases or increases If the flow rate is caused by various reasons, then the existing
system capacity will not occur can accommodate flow discharge, resulting in flooding in an
area. The causes of increased discharge include very high rainfall, changes in land use in urban
Jakarta. Climate change results in changes in rainfall. Pervin et. al (2020) stated that the
frequency of short-duration and high-intensity rainfall is expected to increase in the future due
to climate change. Given the limited capacity of drainage systems in cities in South Asia.
An overview of drainage system problems in the city of Jakarta, so planning for the
drainage system can be re-evaluated, namely how to plan optimal drainage development
according to standards so that flooding and standing water do not occur. This research aims to
re-evaluate drainage development in DKI Jakarta so that it can function to control flooding,
especially when rainfall is high.
This research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. Qualitative
descriptives are used by presenting information obtained from previous literature studies. A
qualitative approach is used to obtain a more in-depth explanation. Data collection was carried
out by means of literature studies and distributing questionnaires. The literature study reviews
several journals and books that discuss drainage and flooding. Questionnaires were distributed
by asking questions to several respondents at the research location. The questionnaire data
collection method in this research is Cluster Sampling (Area Sampling), where the questionnaire
is distributed to several people in the Jabodetabek area, then the research sample is taken by
taking data from respondents who live in Jakarta.
The location of this research is in the Jakarta area. The research location was chosen
because it is an area that has problems with the drainage system. Geographically, Jakarta is
located between 1060 58'18" East Longitude and 50 19'12" South Longitude to 6023'54" South
Longitude. It borders Depok Regency and City to the south, Bekasi City and Bekasi Regency to
the east, and Tangerang City and Tangerang Regency to the west. Based on this geographical
area, it can be seen that the topography of the Jakarta area is low. During high rainfall, drainage
channels do not function and result in flooding. Jakarta is an area that is likely to have low
topography, because of its height and high sea level very short.
Agustin et. al (2021) explains about drainage in Jakarta. Drainage is a direct water
removal system nature or with human assistance from a particular area to that area ground or in
the ground. Jakarta is a lowland area and including in downstream areas when compared with
surrounding areas such as Bogor are also included upstream area. Thus, to maintain optimal and
smooth flow of water through the drainage system in Jakarta, there needs to be optimization and
good and adequate management drainage system. Agustin et. al (2021) further explained that
Jakarta is the area that is most likely the lowest, because the height and sea level are very short.
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The following map depicts DKI Jakarta and its surroundings:
Figure 1 Map of DKI Jakarta Province
Data source: DKI Jakarta Province in Figures 2022
Examining the results of the literature review theory to be poured into the planning
process, theories are obtained that can support the planning of a good drainage network system
in accordance with the standards in order to be able to function optimally to drain water that
occurs due to the discharge of residential channels and puddles while answering the problems
of drainage networks that exist in settlements in the Jakarta area. The theories used in the
process of planning the drainage network system in settlements in Jakarta, namely:
a. Type of Drainage
For a planning process the type of drainage is artificial drainage. This drainage is
made with the intent and purpose of drainage planning. so that it requires a special
building, namely stone/concrete masonry, besides being suitable for settlements, the
planning budget is cheaper and more efficient. For example, Lyngsie et. al (2014) stated
that eutrophication of phosphorus (P) in lakes and rivers, which originates from drained
agricultural land, is a serious problem in areas with intensive agriculture. Installing a P-
absorbing filter in the drain can be an efficient solution.
b. Building Location
For the location of the building drainage channels built in the form of Surface
Drainage (Surface Drainage) is a drainage channel that is above ground level that functions
Planning for Drainage Development in Jakarta's Urban Settlements with The Concept of A Healthy City
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to drain surface runoff water. Mahmoodian et. al (2018) stated that urban drainage
modeling usually requires the development of very detailed simulators due to the nature of
the various underlying surface and drainage processes, making it computationally too
c. Function
For its function, the type of drainage used is Multipurpose drainage, where this
channel functions to drain several types of waste water both mixed and alternating, very
suitable with its function of draining household waste water and rainwater simultaneously.
For example, Gupta (2002) stated that the usefulness of subsurface drainage as an
intervention to reclaim land inundated with salt water and ensure the sustainability of
irrigated agriculture in India has been established through experiments and pilot research
conducted over more than a century.
For its construction, 2 types of channel construction are used, namely:
a. Open Channel
For open channels, the top is open and in contact with outside air. This channel is more
suitable for rain drainage that is located below which has sufficient area, or non-rain drainage
that does not endanger health/disturb the environment. Open channels are best used in
settlements that are not densely populated. Velasco et. al (2003) stated that hydraulic engineers
and scientists working on river restoration realize the need for a deeper understanding of natural
flows as complex and dynamic systems, involving not only abiotic elements (flow, sediment)
but also biotic or biological components. From this point of view, the role of river vegetation in
river dynamics and flow conditions becomes important.
b. Closed channels.
Closed channels are used in densely populated settlements. population. Closed channels
are good for use in densely populated settlements (Yulianto et al., 2020). Because the shape of
the drainage channel is closed to anticipate that it will not be clogged with garbage, then at
several points near the settlement, trash cans are provided so that people do not litter and to
filter the residents' Wastewater Disposal Channels (SPAL) so that they do not flow directly into
the sea at several points of the drainage channel, infiltration wells are provided.
Drainage Network Pattern
Efforts have been made to study drainage morphometry and its influence on landform
processes, soil physical characteristics and soil erosion in the Vena basaltic river basin in the
Central region (Reddy et al., 2004). The results of the analysis show that the influence of
drainage morphometry is very significant on understanding landform processes, soil physical
properties and erosion characteristics. The river basin is downstream of the surrounding
drainage area. This condition is not much different from the drainage conditions in Jakarta
(Costa et al., 2016; Remondi et al., 2016).
Actual projections provided by climate models show that the probability of heavy rainfall
will increase in the future due to increasing greenhouse gas concentrations (Van Uytven &
Willems, 2018). Given that the design of urban drainage systems is based on statistical analysis
of past events, an increase in the intensity and frequency of extreme rainfall will likely result in
more frequent flooding (Nguyen & Nguyen, 2020). Therefore, design criteria must be revised to
take into account possible changes caused by climate change. A procedure was proposed to
revise the design criteria for urban drainage infrastructure (Mailhot & Duchesne, 2010).
Because the research location is in Jakarta, which is a dense area of residential buildings,
there are 3 suitable drainage network patterns used, namely:
1. Elbow pattern because it is adapted to the area in Jakarta, which is an area that has a
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topography slightly higher than the river so that the river is used as the final drain.
2. Parallel pattern, Because the main channel is located parallel to the branch channel.
With quite a lot of branch channels (secondary) and short, in the event of settlement
development in Kelurahan Lapulu, the channels can adjust.
3. Jaring-net pattern, because the sewers follow the direction of the highway, and is
suitable for use in Kelurahan Lapulu because there are also areas with flat topography.
Sadr, Fu and Butler (2018) explain that reliability, resilience and sustainability are the
main goals of any urban drainage system. However, few studies have focused on measuring,
operationalizing, and comparing these concepts amidst profound uncertainty. In this study, these
key concepts are defined and quantified for a number of grey, green and hybrid strategies,
aimed at improving the capacity problems of existing integrated urban wastewater systems.
These interventions are investigated through a regret-based approach, which evaluates the
robustness (i.e., ability to perform well under conditions of deep uncertainty) of each strategy in
terms of three qualities through the integration of multiple objectives (i.e., sewer flooding, river
water quality, combined sewer overflows, river flooding, greenhouse gas emissions, costs and
revenues) in four different future scenarios. The results show that strategies that are considered
strong in terms of sustainability are usually also strong in terms of resilience and reliability
across future scenarios. However, strategies that are considered robust in terms of their
robustness and, in particular, their reliability do not guarantee their durability. Conventional
gray infrastructure strategies were found to be less robust in terms of sustainability due to
imbalanced economic, environmental and social performance (Wang et al., 2022). However,
these limitations can be overcome by implementing a hybrid solution that combines
environmentally friendly retrofit and gray rehabilitation solutions (Bakhshipour et al., 2019).
Types of channels
The types of channels used are trapezium and rectangular.rectangular. These channels use
smooth cement plastered masonry construction to reduce displacement and smooth the flow of
water. Both forms of channel construction are in accordance with the standard and in addition
to being suitable for residential use, the planning budget is more settlement, the planning
budget is also cheaper and more efficient (Bredenoord & van Lindert, 2010).
The impact of drainage problems, especially in the city of Jakarta, is that the risk of
flooding will continue to increase and get worse and can disrupt the activities of affected
communities. Poor drainage conditions will not be able to cope with overflowing water when it
rains, which will cause stagnant water. How to solve drainage problems can be done by
optimizing drainage functions, mapping drainage areas, making reservoirs and filters, restoring
and reorganizing problematic drainage systems, doing good drainage planning.
Flood frequency analysis in urban watersheds is complicated by non stationary of annual
peak records associated with land use change and evolving urban stormwater infrastructure
(Villarini et al., 2009). Referring to the opinions of Mailhot and Duchesne (2010), it is further
submitted that this procedure integrates information about (1) climate projections for extreme
rainfall in the region under consideration; (2) expected level of performance (or acceptable
level of risk); and (3) estimated age of infrastructure/system. The resulting design criteria
ensure that the service level remains above the selected “acceptable” level for the life of the
specified infrastructure. It is argued that the definition of new design criteria should be part of a
global adaptation strategy that combines various measures to maintain acceptable service levels
in a long-term perspective. However, defining this level of service is a challenge in a context
where uncertainty regarding predicted changes in rainfall is high and remains important.
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