E-ISSN: 2963-3699
P-ISSN: 2964-0121
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, Harry Soesanto
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Diponegoro, Semarang, Indonesia
Water, as a vital element needed by all living entities, including humans, is an irreplaceable staple in
today's global ecosystem. Its presence has a crucial role in maintaining human survival. As a result, the
responsibility for overall water management falls on the government as the main regulator in this
regard. The basis for this research is due to the research gap and to strengthen theories about digital
marketing on customer satisfaction and digital marketing and customer satisfaction on company image.
The research method used is "explanatory research" which highlights the influence between research
factors through hypothesis testing. Researchers distributed 180 questionnaires to 180 respondents from
the draw. One hundred and thirty questionnaires were then examined for completeness until it showed
that only 151 questionnaires had data suitable for use for research. The results showed that by
increasing PDAM customer loyalty, an appropriate marketing method is needed using digital
marketing methods. Customer loyalty is built on two variables, namely customer satisfaction and
company image. The increasing number of customer complaints shows a decrease in the level of
customer satisfaction of PDAM Semarang Regency. Efforts to reduce customer complaints are carried
out through communication with customers.
Keywords: Digital Marketing; Customer Satisfaction; Company Image; Customer Loyalty; Local
Water Supply Utility
Water, as a vital element needed by all living entities, including humans, is an
irreplaceable staple in today's global ecosystem. Its presence has a crucial role in maintaining
human survival. As a result, the responsibility for overall water management falls on the
government as the main regulator in this regard. In line with Article 33 paragraph (3) of the
1945 Constitution, which states that "Earth and water and the natural resources contained
therein are controlled by the state and used for the greatest prosperity of the people"
(Gunawan, Pakendek, & Heryanti, 2023). According to Article 10 of Law No. 22 of 1999
concerning "Regional Government, regions have the authority to manage natural resources in
their areas and are responsible for maintaining their sustainability in accordance with laws and
regulations". In order to divide the government's duties in the public works sector to the
regions, the Regional Government is responsible for the provision of drinking water services.
The implementation is then handed over to the Regional Water Supply Company (PDAM)
through regional regulations (Miranti, 2022).
In this situation, it is hoped that PDAM Semarang Regency, as one of the BUMDs, can
be of great benefit. It should be noted that "only companies that have a globally competitive
advantage are able to meet customer needs well and produce quality products at an efficient
cost" according to Mulyadi, (2001) in (Junita, 2017). This shows that high PDAM
performance is needed so that customer loyalty can continue to increase. In the past decade,
many customers in the Ambarawa area easily cut ties with PDAMs because they had an
alternative source of water, namely wells. Facing such geographical conditions, it is a
challenge for PDAM Semarang Regency to maintain customer loyalty through meeting
customer needs for smooth, quality and sufficient flow, as well as good communication
through socialization and education on the use of healthier drinking water using PDAM.
Siat (1997) states that customer loyalty is a key for companies to success in business
competition, loyal customers are satisfied customers. Based on the statement above, it appears
that PDAM customer satisfaction is one of the indicators of the company's success in the field
The Influence of Digital Marketing and Customer Satisfaction on Company Image and Its Impact on
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of clean water supply services. But over time, consumer complaints managed by the Customer
Service Section actually increased in the number and variety of problems. The number of
customer complaints is increasing, which indicates a problem and needs to get a solution by a
service provider, in this case PDAM Semarang Regency. In other words, customer
dissatisfaction in the services received has an impact on the increasing number of customer
complaints against PDAM.
Company image is also one of the factors that affect the level of customer loyalty. It is
easy for a company to build customer loyalty, if the company has a good image. Research
(Hu, 2009) states that "The image of the company has a positive effect on behavioral
intentions or loyalty". Research (Lai, 2009) and (III, 2004) states that "Company image has a
significant effect on customer loyalty". The image of the company is another element that
affects client loyalty. If a company has a positive reputation, gaining customer loyalty is
relatively easy. According to research (Hu, 2009), corporate image has a beneficial impact on
customer loyalty or behavioral intent. According to research (Lai, 2009) and (III, 2004),
company image has a great influence on how loyal customers are (Kim, Yin, & Lee, 2020).
According to Kotler (2012), image is a collection of assumptions, opinions, and
impressions that a person has about a particular thing. Sofiati (2017) explains an image has
four components: reputation, recognition, affinity, and brand loyalty. Referring to the previous
explanation, the increasing number of customer complaints shows a decrease in the level of
customer satisfaction of PDAM Semarang Regency (Palimbo, Sukamto, & Susanti, 2017).
Efforts to minimize customer complaints are carried out by opening communication to
customers. Communication to customers can be interactive such as by providing information,
criticism and suggestions to PDAM Semarang Regency, one of which is through digital
marketing (Budi et al., 2016). Digital marketing is an initiative to make goods or services
more widely known by the public by using online channels including social media, websites,
YouTube, and e-commerce (Yadav & Rahman, 2017). A system known as "digital marketing"
has been integrated into the marketing world in the digital era (for example in 2020). People
can easily and quickly access all kinds of information in the digital age (Fitriana, 2019).
The basis for this conducting is due to the research gap and to strengthen theories about
digital marketing on customer satisfaction and digital marketing and customer satisfaction on
company image. According to research findings (Fadhli & Pratiwi, 2021) digital marketing do
not have a clear influence on variables relate to costumer happiness (Chen et al., 2022; McLean
& Wilson, 2019). According to (Afrilia, 2018), Socialmedia is the most accessible method of
digital marketing campaigns to use to increase the number of consumers. Digital marketing is
one aspect that according to research Putri et al., (2018) can increase brand equity of tourism
In addition, there are four factors that are very important when doing online promotion,
and any ICT-based marketing must pay attention to Content, Trust, Price, and Product
(Rewah, 2018). These four factors interact with each other and cannot be supported by ICT-
based promotion on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram itself. Therefore, young business people
must balance these four factors (Olugbola, 2017).
Thus, it is expected that the problems faced by customers will immediately get
solutions, which are then followed up with improvements that lead to customer satisfaction.
However, the effectiveness of using digital marketing through social media to boost customer
satisfaction, in fact, needs to be studied more deeply. This became the basis for the birth of the
following problem formulation: "How to increase customer loyalty of Semarang Regency
Drinking Water Regional Company"
Types of research
The research method used is "explanatory research" which highlights the influence
between research factors through hypothesis testing. Although the description includes a
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description, the emphasis is on the influence between variables. Research questionnaire as an
instrument used to collect responses from respondents given to research participants,
especially PDAM Semarang Regency customers. The questionnaire measures customer
loyalty, digital marketing, and PDAM satisfaction and image (Afifah & Asnan, 2015).
Population and sample
Semarang Regency PDAM customers totaling 51,467 in total (December 2020) are the
population for this study. In practice, sampling is first carried out by giving serial numbers to
the entire population of PDAM customer dial numbers, then drawing lots on the serial
numbers until 100 respondents are reached. The draw is carried out using Lottery 5.0 software.
Researchers distributed 180 questionnaires to 180 respondents from the lottery. One hundred
and thirty questionnaires were then examined for completeness to show that only 151
questionnaires had data suitable for use for research (Calearo, Marinelli, & Ziras, 2021).
Data collection
A methodical approach can be used to collect statistical data. Data collection aims to
capture the events or traits of some or all of the population constituents. Questionnaires with
closed and open questions/statements were used in this study to collect data, where
respondents were given a list of questions and asked to provide answers or answers that were
already known. Closed questionnaire items were graded on a scale of 1 to 7 to collect interval
data (Pérez-Sanagustín, Muñoz-Merino, Alario-Hoyos, Soldani, & Kloos, 2015).
Analysis Methods
Data analysis in this study will use structural equation modeling (SEM). SEM was
chosen as a data analysis technique because the model in this study is structural and not a
direct influence but there is also an indirect influence involving intervening variables. The
SEM approach method in this study is to use AMOS (Jain & Raj, 2016).
Validity in Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) is done by analyzing statistical forms
and overall variable models. The statistical model will look at the probability value (p < 0.05)
for the validity of each indicator and the validity of the discriminant is done by examining the
fit model for each variable, the model fit indicator if more than 4 indicators are fit (Hair et al.,
The calculation of the reliability of each variable is carried out using the following
formula (Hair et al., 2014):
ρ = (∑λ)
/ [ (∑λ)
+ ∑(Ǿ) ]
ρ = composite reliability
λ = loading indicator
Ǿ = standar error
When the reliability value obtained exceeds 0.6 (ρ >0.6) then the variable is declared reliable.
At the beginning of the analysis of the SEM model, it is necessary to test the
measurement model to avoid complex models that cannot be described. Measurement model
testing is performed on each latent variable using confirmatory factor analysis (Bentler & Chou,
Exogenous Variable Construct
The construct of exogenous variables is formed on one latent variable, namely digital
marketing with a total of 4 indicators. In accordance with the feasibility results of the
The Influence of Digital Marketing and Customer Satisfaction on Company Image and Its Impact on
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exogenous construct model that has been tested, Probability (P) produces a value above the
significance of ≥0.05, which is 0.115, so it is declared fit. CMIN/DF is in the good category
with a resulting output of 1.947 where the classification is met with a value of ≤2.0. GFI has a
good value where at a signification value of ≥0.90 the processed data produces an output of
0.986 (Singla, Ahuja, & Sethi, 2018). The AGFI criteria show the results of the fit evaluation
with a value of 0.928; where it is below with a value classification of ≥0.90. NFI and IFI have
values of 0.988 and 0.984 respectively; with a value that meets both ≥0.90. Likewise, CFI and
TLI, each showed good evaluation results with sequential values of 0.984 and 0.981 which
were in accordance with their respective classifications of ≥0.95. Finally, RMSEA produces
good output with a value of 0.068 with an expected classification of ≤0.08. So it can be
concluded that the results of the Goodness-of-fit test analysis of exogenous construct
confirmatory factors have good average results (Haruna, 2014).
Endogenous Variable Constructs
Endogenous variable constructs are formed on three latent variables, namely customer
satisfaction, company image and customer loyalty with a total of 13 indicators (Askariazad &
Babakhani, 2015). Based on the results of the feasibility of the endogenous construct model
that has been tested, probability (P) produces a marginal value where at a signification value
of ≥0.05 the processed data produces an output of 0.015. CMIN/DF produces a good value
with a resulting output of 1.502; The value has been classified as ≤2.0. GFI has a good value
where at a signification value of ≥0.90 the processed data produces an output of 0.932. The
AGFI criteria showed good evaluation results with a value of 0.869; where it does not match
the respective classification of ≥0.90. TLI and CFI each showed good evaluation results with
sequential values of 0.976 and 0.986 where it was stated to have been in accordance with the
respective classification of ≥0.95. Likewise, NFI and IFI are declared good with values of
0.959 and 0.986 respectively because they are classified ≥0.90. Lastly on RMSEA produced a
good output of 0.058 with an expected classification of ≤0.08; then it can be concluded that
the results of the Goodness-of-fit test of exogenous construct confirmatory factor analysis
have good average results.
SEM Model Full Analysis
SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) was used to process the data in this study. SEM
analysis measures the presence or absence of influence and the degree of relationship of
factors that are subsequently identified indicators.
Hypothesis testing is based on the value of critical ratio and significant level of regression
weight, seen from the value of c.r. 1.96 and significant α = 0.05. The statement indicates
that the conditions of the hypothesis are accepted.
1. Test Hypothesis 1 (The Relationship of Digital Marketing with Customer Satisfaction)
Based on the test results, obtained C.R. Digital marketing to customer satisfaction
amounted to 12,477. This value has qualified > 1.96 with sig. 0.000 < 0.05; so it is
concluded that hypothesis 1 which states Digital marketing has an effect on customer
satisfaction is accepted.
2. Test Hypothesis 2 (The Relationship of Digital Marketing with Company Image)
Based on the test results, obtained C.R. Digital marketing to the company's image
amounted to 5,027. This value has qualified > 1.96 with sig. 0.000 < 0.05; so it is
concluded that hypothesis 2 which states Digital marketing affects the company's image is
3. Test Hypothesis 3 (Relationship of Customer Satisfaction with Company Image)
Based on the test results, C.R. customer satisfaction with the company's image was
obtained at 2,051. This value has qualified > 1.96 with sig. 0.040 < 0.05; so it is concluded
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that hypothesis 3 which states customer satisfaction affects the company's image is
4. Test Hypothesis 4 (Relationship of Customer Satisfaction with Customer Loyalty)
Based on the test results, C.R. customer satisfaction with customer loyalty was 3,071. This
value has qualified > 1.96 with sig. 0.002 < 0.05; so it is concluded that hypothesis 4 which
states customer satisfaction has an effect on customer loyalty is accepted.
5. Test Hypothesis 5 (The Relationship of Company Image with Customer Loyalty)
Based on the test results, C.R. obtained company image to customer loyalty of 2,042. This
value has qualified > 1.96 with sig. 0.041 < 0.05; so it is concluded that hypothesis 5 which
states the company's image has an effect on customer loyalty is accepted.
Indirect Effects Analysis
The strength of influence between variables is indirectly demonstrated through indirect
analysis (Najaf et al., 2018). Intervening variables arise due to indirect influences. In this
study, corporate image connects digital marketing, customer satisfaction, perceived behavioral
control, and consumer company image with customer loyalty.
Indirect Value
marketing on
Source: Processed primary data, 2023
Based on the test results, there is an intersection between digital marketing and customer
loyalty. There is an indirect relationship between digital marketing and customer loyalty
through company image and customer satisfaction of 0.913. Based on the test results, there is
an intersection between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty. There is an indirect
relationship from customer satisfaction to customer loyalty through company image 0.108.
From these results it is known that there is an indirect relationship between the independent
variable (digital marketing) and the dependent variable (customer loyalty). These results prove
that customer satisfaction and company image mediate the influence of digital marketing on
customer loyalty to continue subscribing to PDAM Tirta Moedal Semarang.
The Effect of Digital Marketing on Customer Satisfaction
Based on the test results in this study, it was concluded that digital marketing has a
positive and significant influence on customer satisfaction (Lucyantoro & Rachmansyah, 2017).
Digital marketing has a significant impact on the level of customer satisfaction because it can
offer various additional benefits to consumers, such as information and online transactions
(Ling et al., 2016) provided by PDAM, in addition to the same fundamental advantages as
other types of marketing. In this situation, it is very appropriate to advertise goods through
digital marketing because of the development of the era where the internet has integrated with
people's lives so that customers can also get product information offered by PDAM in the
form of social networks (Purwana et al., 2017).
The Influence of Digital Marketing and Customer Satisfaction on Company Image and Its Impact on
Customer Loyalty of PDAM Semarang Regency
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The Effect of Digital Marketing on Company Image
Based on the test results in this study, it was concluded that digital marketing has a
positive and significant influence on the Company's image (Laksana & Dharmayanti, 2018).
According to Chambers (2008), buying intangible goods and services has a higher level of
risk, making consumers increasingly dependent on personal recommendations and online
word of mouth. Digital marketing can help companies to increase brand awareness. Digital
marketing platforms such as social media and search engines can help companies to reach a
large audience and increase brand awareness (Astuti et al., 2020).
The Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Company Image
Based on the test results of this study, customer satisfaction variables have a positive
and significant influence on the company's image. Research conducted by Hui (2009) and Lai
(2009) in (Kadarisman & Ariyani, 2021) highlights the importance of service quality in
influencing customer satisfaction levels and company image. The quality of services provided
by a company or organization can be a critical factor in shaping a customer's perception and
assessment of the company as a whole. Good service quality contributes to the improvement
of the company's image, while high customer satisfaction enhances the Company's reputation
(Prabowo, 2018).
The Effect of Customer Satisfaction on Customer Loyalty
The results of this research test state, customer satisfaction variables have a positive and
significant influence on customer loyalty variables. The main condition that must be met is
satisfaction (Supriyanto et al., 2021). Consumer satisfaction has a significant influence on
consumer loyalty. Satisfied customers are more likely to buy back a company, recommend the
company to others, and forgive mistakes. Conversely, dissatisfied customers tend to turn to
competitors, spread negative word of mouth, and forgive mistakes less. Satisfied customers
feel valued and respected. When customers are satisfied with a company's product or service,
they feel valued and respected. This makes them more likely to continue doing business with
the company. Satisfied customers have a positive emotional connection with the Company
(Pradiani, 2018).
The Effect of Company Image on Customer Loyalty
The results of this research test state, the company image variable has a positive and
significant influence on customer loyalty variables (Wai Lai, 2019). Business image positively
influences consumer loyalty or behavioral intentions. The company's image has a significant
influence on customer loyalty (Yu et al., 2021). Customers are more likely to be loyal to
companies that have a positive image of them. A positive company image can be created
through several factors, customers tend to be more loyal to companies that provide high-
quality products and services (Iman, 2010). Customers are more likely to be loyal to
companies that provide excellent customer service. Customers are more likely to be loyal to
companies with strong brand reputations (Ridho, 2013).
The conclusions that can be drawn according to the results of the research and
discussion are as follows: H1: Digital marketing has a significant effect on customer
satisfaction. From the results of data processing, the values of CR (Critical Ratio) and P
(Probability) for the relationship between variables from digital marketing to customer
satisfaction show qualified results. Thus it can be concluded that hypothesis 1 of the study is
accepted. H2: Digital marketing has a significant effect on the company's image. From the
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results of data processing, the values of CR (Critical Ratio) and P (Probability) for the
relationship between variables from digital marketing to the company's image show qualified
results. Therefore it can be concluded that hypothesis 2 of the study is accepted. H3:
Customer satisfaction has a significant effect on the company's image.From the results of
data processing, the values of CR (Critical Ratio) and P (Probability) for the relationship
between variables from customer satisfaction to company image show qualified results. Thus
it can be concluded that hypothesis 3 research from this is accepted. H4: Customer
satisfaction has a significant effect on customer loyalty.From the results of data
processing, the values of CR (Critical Ratio) and P (Probability) for the relationship between
variables from customer satisfaction to customer loyalty show qualified results. Thus it can be
concluded that hypothesis 4 of this study is accepted. H5: Company image has a significant
effect on customer loyalty.From the results of data processing, the values of CR (Critical
Ratio) and P (Probability) for the relationship between variables from company image to
customer loyalty show qualified results. Thus it can be concluded that hypothesis 5 of this
study is accepted.
Based on these conclusions, in increasing PDAM customer loyalty, an appropriate
marketing method is needed using digital marketing methods. Customer loyalty is built on
two variables, namely customer satisfaction and company image. The increasing number of
customer complaints shows a decrease in the level of customer satisfaction of PDAM
Semarang Regency.
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