E-ISSN: 2963-3699
Homepage: https://return.publicasikumblisher.com
99 this works is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
, Muhammad Nasri Katman
, Nurul Inayah
Alauddin State Islamic University Makassar, Indonesia
, Muh.nasri@uin-alauddin.ac.id
November 2022
November 2022
November 2022
backgrounds: The rapid and sophisticated development of information and
communication technology has brought major changes in aspects of life.
People can now do things more easily thanks to technological advances,
including trade.
Aim: This study aims to determine the effect of religiosity and product
quality on purchasing decisions for seasonal clothing in e-commerce in the
city of Makassar.
Methods: This research uses quantitative research methods. The sampling
technique used was purposive non-probability sampling using Hair's theory,
so that the number of samples in this study was 160 samples. Sources of
data in this study are primary data and secondary data with data collection
methods through questionnaires, observation, and documentation.
Findings: the results of the study show that partially the religiosity and
product quality variables have a significant influence on the purchasing
decision of Muslim clothing in e-commerce. Simultaneously the religiosity
and product quality variables have a significant influence on the purchasing
decision of Muslim fashion in e -commerce in Makassar city. Based on the
results of the test for the coefficient of determination, it was found that
religiosity and product quality can influence the decision to purchase
Muslim clothing in e-commerce by 0.519 or 51.9%. Meanwhile, the
remaining 0.481 or 48.1 % is influenced by other variables not proposed in
this study. .
Religiosity; Product quality; Buying decision
The rapid and sophisticated development of information and communication technology
has brought about major changes in aspects of life (Showlani, 2021) . The Internet is currently
one of the factors driving technological progress. Based on the results of a survey conducted
by the Internet Service Providers Association (APJII), the number of Internet users in
Indonesia in the second quarter of 2019 was 196.7 million. Compared to 2018, the number
increased by 23.5 million , around 8.9 percent (Bayu, 2020). This shows that the internet is a
community need with internet users experiencing significant growth in Indonesia every year
(Kusuma, 2021).
People can now do things more easily thanks to technological advances, including
trade. Now trade has changed in terms of buying and selling processes and marketing
products. The trading process that utilizes information technology is understood by the term
electronic commerce or e-commerce (Mulachela, 2022) . According to Purba in (Maulana & Nasir,
2021) gives the opinion that e - commerce is a set of information technology both in the form
of applications and business processes, which connects companies, consumers and certain
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communities through electronic devices to trade goods, services and information that is
carried out electronically .
According to Seprtriana Tangkari, Director General of Informatics Applications at the
Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemkominfo), said that Indonesia is in the 10
countries with the largest e-commerce growth, with an increase of 78 percent. Therefore,
Indonesia is ranked first and Mexico is ranked second, with a growth rate of 59 percent
(Zuraya, 2019) . This condition shows that the electronic commerce industry has strong values,
so companies must take advantage of it. Many companies are currently using e- commerce to
help their business grow. E-commerce is expected to play an important role in facing the
business world. The use of e-commerce has an impact on the development of the business
world, both small and large. As a result, the use of e-commerce as a form of implementing
technological developments to market its products to all places, both nationally and
internationally (Alwendi, 2020).
Currently, the development of e-commerce also has a major impact when the Covid-19
pandemic hit Indonesia in March 2020 (Nurlela, 2021). The implementation of public
restriction policies, as well as control of COVID-19 have had an impact on increasing
consumer online shopping. News report (cnnindonesia, 2021) the number of consumers using
e-commerce to shop online in Indonesia in 2021 is 32 million. That number has jumped 88
percent from only 17 million in 2020. Director Neelsen Indonesia, stated that the number of
consumers shopping has increased along with the increase in the internet in Indonesia.
E-commerce business is now growing at a very high speed. It can be seen from the large
number of visitors to e-commerce every month. The following are the top 10 e-commerce
companies with the highest number of visitors in Indonesia in Q3 2021.
Table 1 10
Top E-Commerce with Top Visitors in Indonesia
Ecommerce Name
Number of visitors
Source: (iprice.co.id, 2021)
Looking at the data in Table 1 above, Tokopedia ranks first, Shopee ranks second,
Bukalapak ranks third, Lazada ranks fourth, and Blibli ranks fifth. Then followed
successively Orami, Ralali, Bhinneka, JD.ID and Salora. Based on We Are Social research as
of April 2021, 88.1 percent of internet users use e-commerce services to buy products
(Lidwina, 2021) . Fashion products are the most popular sector in Indonesia and are in great
demand by e-commerce users.
Fashion penetrates all aspects of life, including spirituality. This is reflected in the
growing development of Islamic fashion, including Muslim fashion. Along with the
emergence of Muslim fashion fashion trends with the latest innovations. Starting with an
increasingly trendy hijab style with a simple and classy Muslim fashion model. Currently
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Muslims are very aware of covering their private parts, Muslim clothing is no longer seen as
covering their genitals but as a way of life. In addition, the existence of e-commerce that
makes it easy for consumers to make transactions creates opportunities for the development
of Muslim fashion. Muslim clothing is a model of clothing that is in accordance with the
teachings of Islam. The hallmark of the Muslim fashion model is that it is closed and not see-
through (Yuliza, 2021) .
This verse explains that the purpose of clothing is to cover the genitals, which should not
be seen by other people. The next function of clothing is as jewelry for the wearer. Someone
will appear neat and polite in Muslim clothing (Wahyuningsih, 2017) . As a country with a
Muslim majority in the world, Thomson Reuters provides information that Indonesia is the
third-ranked consumer of Muslim fashion in the world, spending a total of IDR 300 trillion
per year. The Muslim fashion sector will still have room to grow, especially since
consumption of Muslim clothing in Indonesia earns US$20 billion or IDR 286.9 trillion, with
a growth rate of 18.2% per year (Oto & Tekno, 2021) . This is caused by the religious nature of
consumers. The attitudes and behavior of consumers when making decisions about world
affairs, considering the affairs of the hereafter and their religious beliefs is called religiosity
(Aliyah & Suryaningsih, 2021) .
According to Ancok and Suroso in (Basuni & dkk, 2021) said that religiosity includes
various aspects or dimensions not only when a person performs worship but also other
activities. So that religiosity has an impact on purchasing decisions. According to Esso and
Dibb in (Aliyah & Suryaningsih, 2021) say that religiosity has a significant influence on
consumer behavior in purchasing decisions. Because each individual has their own level.
Consumers with a high level of faith will pay more attention to whether the product they buy
is in accordance with the teachings of their religion.
Apart from religiosity, purchasing decisions for Muslim clothing are influenced by
product quality. Consumers will definitely consider this when making purchasing decisions
because high-quality products will satisfy them (Martini, 2021) . Kotler and Armstrong in
(Tirtayasa, 2021) argue that product quality is a characteristic of a product that has the ability
to satisfy consumer needs. Products with high quality and meet consumer expectations will
give a good impression. To find out the quality of products in e-commerce, consumers can
only see the description or information listed under the product image. Information listed
includes materials, sizes, colors, patterns and availability. Therefore, potential consumers
must be careful in understanding the information provided, so they are not disappointed when
buying the product (Sari & Harti, 2021) .
Previous research conducted by (Dessy Trimulyani, 2020) found that religiosity can
influence purchasing decisions. On the other hand, the influence of religiosity on purchasing
decisions shows insignificant results according to the findings (Fitria & Artanti, 2020). Then the
findings by (Khaqiqi & dkk, 2021) concluded that product quality influences purchasing
decisions. However, it is different from the findings by (Nasution, 2020) that product quality
has no influence on purchasing decisions. Based on what has been explained previously, the
researcher wants to review the relationship between religiosity and product quality
simultaneously, so that there is an influence on purchasing decisions.
According to (Saidy & Katman, 2022), religiosity is a person's appreciation of religious
values and teachings that are appreciated for religious teachings and values, both from the
heart and actions. This appreciation is then carried out in everyday life. Religiosity can be
manifested in one's activities or actions related to religion and beliefs that are adhered to
(Rakhmawati, 2018). The religiosity of a Muslim can be measured by the extent of knowledge,
belief, practice and appreciation of religion (Rahmawati, 2016) . According to some of the
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definitions given above, it can be concluded that religiosity is a form of appreciation of
religious teachings that exist within a person then acts according to the level of obedience to
his religious teachings both in everyday life.
According to Saparso and Jesfer in (Tonibun & dkk, 2021) states that a product is any
item offered by producers to be felt, requested, ordered, purchased, used or consumed
according to the needs and desires of consumers. Product quality, as defined by Teguh and
Rusly in (Septiani & Robianto, 2021), is the overall characteristics and characteristics of a
product or service that affect the ability to meet stated needs. Meanwhile, according to Kotler
and Armstrong in (Tirtayasa, 2021) product quality is the characteristic of a product that is able
to meet consumer needs. According to some of the definitions set up above, it is concluded
that product quality is a product/coal produced by a person or a company and has a use value
that must be marketed to satisfy the needs and desires of consumers.
According to Private in (Showlani, 2021) purchasing decisions are all mental processes
and other physical activities that occur in the buying process at a certain time and place and
fulfill certain needs, in other words as the stages chosen by consumers . Another
understanding of purchasing decisions is conveyed by Tjiptono in (Purboyo & dkk, 2021) is a
process where consumers are aware of a problem, seek information about products, and
assess how well each can solve problems, which leads to purchasing decisions. Meanwhile,
the purchase decision according to Kotler and Armstrong in (Sumolang & Mandey, 2018) is the
stage in the decision-making process where a consumer actually makes a purchase. Based on
some of the definitions above, purchasing decisions are consumer actions when they actually
buy after knowing the problem, looking for product information and determining how well
each alternative solves their respective problems.
Study utilizes quantitative research methods and uses an associative research approach.
According to Suqiono in (Janet & dkk, 2021) defines that the associative research approach
intends to determine the effect or relationship between two or more variables. Associative
research has the form of a causal relationship, which shows that there are variables that are
the cause and there are variables that are the effect. This means that changes in one variable
(independent) cause changes in other variables (dependent).
Location and Time of Research
This research was conducted in the city of Makassar. The time for this research to be
conducted is approximately 3 months from April to June 2022.
Population and Sample
In this research, the population used is the people of Makassar who are Muslim and have
purchased Muslim clothing on e-commerce.
This research utilizes a sampling technique, namely non-probability sampling with purposive
sampling (directed sampling) where the sampling technique is based on certain
considerations. According to Hair's theory in (Iskandar & dkk, 2021) explains that when looking
for research samples with unknown populations, a minimum calculation of 5 to 10 times the
variables or indicators can be analyzed. Then the calculation of the sample obtained is as
The Influence of Religiosity and Product Quality on Purchase Decisions for Muslim Clothing in E-
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Sample = Number of Indicators × 10
= 16 × 10
= 160
In accordance with the calculations above, the researcher concluded that there were 160
samples in this study.
Method of collecting data
Data collection methods used in this study were questionnaires, observation and
documentation. Questionnaires were given online via Google-from and offline to respondents
using a Likert scale. It is understood that the Likert scale is a scale designed to measure
attitudes, opinions, and perceptions of the symptoms experienced by respondents.
Data analysis technique
In this study, data were managed using statistical analysis techniques by utilizing the IBM
SPSS Statistics version 21 computer program. Therefore the data analysis techniques for this
study were through classical assumption tests, coefficient of determination tests, multiple
linear analysis and hypothesis testing.
Variable operational definitions
a. The religiosity variable (X1) and product quality variable (X2) are independent
variables in this study.
b. Purchase decision variable (Y) as the dependent variable in this study.
Multiple Linear Analysis
Multiple linear analysis tests were carried out to explain and predict how much
influence religiosity (X1) and product quality (X2) had on the decision to purchase Muslim
clothing in e-commerce in Makassar City. Table 2 shows the results of multiple linear
analysis tests.
Table 2
Multiple Linear Analysis Test Results Coefficientsa
std. Error
Religiosity X1
Product Quality X2
a. Dependent Variable: Purchase Decision
Source: Results of primary data processing by researchers, 2022
From the results of the multiple linear analysis test in Table 2 above, the following
form of the multiple linear regression equation is explained:
Y= 5.345+0.459X1+0.397X2+e
The multiple linear equation above, the interpretation obtained is as follows:
a. The constant value is 5.345 indicating that when religiosity (X1) and product quality
(X2) have a value of zero (0), the decision to purchase Muslim clothing on e-
commerce will still have a value of 5.345.
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b. The regression coefficient value for the religiosity variable (X1) is 0.459 indicating
that an increase of 1 unit will increase the decision to purchase Muslim clothing in e-
commerce by 0.459 units.
c. The regression coefficient value for the product quality variable (X2) is 0.397
indicating that an increase of 1 unit will increase the decision to purchase Muslim
clothing in e-commerce by 0.397 units.
Test the Coefficient of Determination R2
Table 3
Test Results for the Coefficient of Determination
Summary models
R Square
Adjusted R
std. Error of the Estimate
, 513
a. Predictors: (Constant), Religiosity X1 , Product Quality X 2
Source: Results of primary data processing by researchers, 2022
From the results of the R2 test table above, it shows that the R Square value is 0.519
or 51.9%. These results indicate that the percentage contribution of the independent variables
in explaining the total amount of the dependent variable is 51.9%. Meanwhile, the remaining
0.481 or 48.1% is determined or influenced by other variables not proposed in this study.
Partial Hypothesis Test (T Test)
Obtained an understanding that the t test is used to determine whether or not there is a
significant influence of the independent variables, namely religiosity and product quality
partially on the dependent variable, namely purchasing decisions. The t test with a
significance probability level of 0.05. If the significant value is <0.05, then partially the
independent variable has an influence on the dependent variable. The results of the t test are
obtained in Table 3 below:
Table 4
Partial Test Results (t test)
Religiosity X1
Product Quality X2
a. Dependent Variable: Purchase Decision Y
Source: Results of primary data processing by researchers, 2022
Based on the results of the calculation of the t test in table 4.15 above, it is known
a. Obtained a significant value of the religiosity variable (X1) of 0.000 <0.05. In the end
it leads to the conclusion that partially religiosity has a significant influence on
purchasing decisions for Muslim clothing in e-commerce.
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b. The significant value of the product quality variable (X2) is 0.000 <0.05. In the end it
leads to the conclusion that partially product quality has a significant influence on
purchasing decisions for Muslim clothing in e-commerce.
Simultaneous Hypothesis Test (Test F)
The F test aims to test all the independent variables (religiosity and product quality)
studied, giving a simultaneous effect on the dependent variable (purchasing decision). If the
significant value < 0.05, it means that the independent variable simultaneously has an
influence on the dependent variable. However, if the significant value is > 0.05, it means that
the dependent variable simultaneously does not have a significant effect on the dependent
variable with a significance level of 5 % (α= 0.05). The results of the F test are obtained in
Table 4 below:
Table 5
Simultaneous Test Results (Test F)
Sum of
a. Dependent Variable: Purchase Decision Y
b. Predictors: (Constant), Religiosity X1, Product Quality X2
Source: Results of primary data processing by researchers, 2022
From the test results above, it was found that the significant value was 0.000 <0.05. In
the end it leads to the conclusion that religiosity and product quality simultaneously have a
significant influence on purchasing decisions for Muslim clothing in e-commerce.
Based on the results of the analysis that has been carried out, then a discussion will be
carried out regarding the results of data processing in this study as follows:
Based on the findings of the analysis, the following will be discussed further related to the
results of data processing in this study:
Religiosity has an influence on purchasing decisions for Muslim clothing in e-commerce
in the city of Makassar.
From the partial test results in the table above, that the religiosity variable has a
significant value of 0.000 <0.05, meaning that the religiosity variable has a significant
influence on purchasing decisions for Muslim clothing in e-commerce. So the first hypothesis
can be proven true.
In line with Faiz Muwajidin's explanation in (Isa & dkk, 2020) "the higher the obedience
or belief a person has in their religion, the higher the level of religiosity". As a result, the
stronger the religiosity values possessed by Muslim consumers in the city of Makassar, it can
influence them in purchasing Muslim clothing on e-commerce.
The findings of this study are similar to those of research (Dessy Trimulyani, 2020)
and (Yauchy Apsa, 2020) with the finding that religiosity is not able to influence the decision
to purchase Muslim clothing. Because respondents in this study made purchasing decisions
for Muslim clothing did not have a high level of religiosity in making purchase decisions, this
was caused by other factors. The findings of this study indicate that religiosity has an
influence on purchasing decisions. So it can be concluded that there is a discrepancy that
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occurs in these findings with this study. The discrepancy that occurs in these findings shows
that not all individuals have the same level of religiosity in making Muslim clothing
purchasing decisions in e-commerce.
Product Quality Influences The Purchase Decision Of Muslim Clothing In E-Commerce
In The City Of Makassar.
Table 5 above shows that the quality variable has a significant value of 0.000 <0.05,
which means that the product quality variable influences the buying decision of Muslim
fashion in e-commerce. So the second hypothesis can be proven true.
This finding is in line with the opinion of Kotler and Armstrong (Budianti & Anjarwati, 2017),
"the better the quality of the products produced, the more opportunities consumers have to
make purchasing decisions". As a result, the better the product quality, the higher the
purchase decision. Consumers who are satisfied with Muslim clothing on e-commerce will
continue to purchase Muslim clothing.
This finding is similar to the findings (Khaqiqi & et al, 2021) and (Dewi, 2021) that
product quality can influence purchasing decisions. Meanwhile, in contrast to the findings
that product quality is not able to influence purchasing decisions. This is because some of the
products offered in e-commerce are of poor quality, for example having translucent quality
fabrics. Meanwhile in the findings of this study that product quality influences purchasing
decisions. So that it can be concluded that there is a gap that occurs in these findings and with
this research. The discrepancy that occurs in these findings shows that not all products sold
on e-commerce are of poor quality.
Religiosity and Product Quality Simultaneously Influence the Purchase Decision of
Muslim Clothing in E-Commerce in Makassar City
From the results of the hypothesis test in table 4.17 above, a significant value of 0.000
<0.05 is obtained, which means that the religiosity and product quality variables
simultaneously have a significant influence on purchasing decisions for Muslim clothing in e-
commerce in the city of Makassar. So the third hypothesis can be proven true.
The results of purchasing decisions for Muslim clothing in e-commerce are influenced
by religiosity and product quality. As from the previous understanding that religiosity is a
religious attitude possessed by someone who makes him behave according to his level of
obedience to his religion. Product quality is the strength of a product to meet consumer
expectations. Therefore, every individual feels compelled to wear Muslim clothing, because
one's religiosity feels the need for encouragement to submit to their own religion. Muslim
clothing that has good quality will spur consumers in making purchasing decisions. Obtaining
the conclusion that the existence of these two factors makes a simultaneous influence on the
purchasing decision of Muslim fashion in e-commerce.
As with the findings above, the conclusions obtained will be explained below: Based
on partial calculations (t test) the religiosity variable has a significant influence on the
decision to purchase Muslim clothing in e-commerce in the city of Makassar. This is because
the significant value is 0.000 <0.05, so the assigned Ha experiences acceptance and H0
experiences rejection. Based on partial calculations (t test) the product quality variable has a
significant influence on purchasing decisions for Muslim clothing in e-commerce in the city
of Makassar. This is because the significance value is 0.000 <0.05 as a result Ha experiences
The Influence of Religiosity and Product Quality on Purchase Decisions for Muslim Clothing in E-
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acceptance and H0 experiences rejection. Based on simultaneous calculations ( F test) , the
variables of religiosity and product quality simultaneously have a significant influence on
purchasing decisions for Muslim clothing in e-commerce in the city of Makassar. This is
because the significant value is 0.000 <0.05 as a result Ha experiences acceptance and H0
experiences rejection
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Retrieved April 5, 2022, from republika: