The Influence of Religiosity and Product Quality on Purchase Decisions for Muslim Clothing in E-
Commerce in Makassar City
101 Return: Study of Management, Economics and Business , Vol1(No3), Nov 2022
Muslims are very aware of covering their private parts, Muslim clothing is no longer seen as
covering their genitals but as a way of life. In addition, the existence of e-commerce that
makes it easy for consumers to make transactions creates opportunities for the development
of Muslim fashion. Muslim clothing is a model of clothing that is in accordance with the
teachings of Islam. The hallmark of the Muslim fashion model is that it is closed and not see-
through (Yuliza, 2021) .
This verse explains that the purpose of clothing is to cover the genitals, which should not
be seen by other people. The next function of clothing is as jewelry for the wearer. Someone
will appear neat and polite in Muslim clothing (Wahyuningsih, 2017) . As a country with a
Muslim majority in the world, Thomson Reuters provides information that Indonesia is the
third-ranked consumer of Muslim fashion in the world, spending a total of IDR 300 trillion
per year. The Muslim fashion sector will still have room to grow, especially since
consumption of Muslim clothing in Indonesia earns US$20 billion or IDR 286.9 trillion, with
a growth rate of 18.2% per year (Oto & Tekno, 2021) . This is caused by the religious nature of
consumers. The attitudes and behavior of consumers when making decisions about world
affairs, considering the affairs of the hereafter and their religious beliefs is called religiosity
(Aliyah & Suryaningsih, 2021) .
According to Ancok and Suroso in (Basuni & dkk, 2021) said that religiosity includes
various aspects or dimensions not only when a person performs worship but also other
activities. So that religiosity has an impact on purchasing decisions. According to Esso and
Dibb in (Aliyah & Suryaningsih, 2021) say that religiosity has a significant influence on
consumer behavior in purchasing decisions. Because each individual has their own level.
Consumers with a high level of faith will pay more attention to whether the product they buy
is in accordance with the teachings of their religion.
Apart from religiosity, purchasing decisions for Muslim clothing are influenced by
product quality. Consumers will definitely consider this when making purchasing decisions
because high-quality products will satisfy them (Martini, 2021) . Kotler and Armstrong in
(Tirtayasa, 2021) argue that product quality is a characteristic of a product that has the ability
to satisfy consumer needs. Products with high quality and meet consumer expectations will
give a good impression. To find out the quality of products in e-commerce, consumers can
only see the description or information listed under the product image. Information listed
includes materials, sizes, colors, patterns and availability. Therefore, potential consumers
must be careful in understanding the information provided, so they are not disappointed when
buying the product (Sari & Harti, 2021) .
Previous research conducted by (Dessy Trimulyani, 2020) found that religiosity can
influence purchasing decisions. On the other hand, the influence of religiosity on purchasing
decisions shows insignificant results according to the findings (Fitria & Artanti, 2020). Then the
findings by (Khaqiqi & dkk, 2021) concluded that product quality influences purchasing
decisions. However, it is different from the findings by (Nasution, 2020) that product quality
has no influence on purchasing decisions. Based on what has been explained previously, the
researcher wants to review the relationship between religiosity and product quality
simultaneously, so that there is an influence on purchasing decisions.
According to (Saidy & Katman, 2022), religiosity is a person's appreciation of religious
values and teachings that are appreciated for religious teachings and values, both from the
heart and actions. This appreciation is then carried out in everyday life. Religiosity can be
manifested in one's activities or actions related to religion and beliefs that are adhered to
(Rakhmawati, 2018). The religiosity of a Muslim can be measured by the extent of knowledge,
belief, practice and appreciation of religion (Rahmawati, 2016) . According to some of the