Special Autonomy Fund as Implementation of Special Autonomy Policy in Aceh
1202 Return: Study of Management Economic And Business, Vol 2 (12), December 2023
In accordance with this regulation, the allocation of Special Autonomy Funds in Aceh is divided
into three main categories: Joint Programs and Activities, Aceh Development Programs and
Activities, and District/City Special Autonomy Fund Programs and Activities (DOKA). Joint
Programs and Activities, in particular, include projects run by the Aceh Government, where the
benefits and impacts are felt widely across districts/cities. This program was determined by the
Governor of Aceh based on recommendations provided by the Aceh People's Representative
Council (DPRA). As the implementing entity, the Aceh Working Unit (SKPA) is responsible for
implementing Joint Programs and Activities, with targets covering various aspects, including
health insurance, providing scholarships, assistance with education costs for orphans and/or the
poor, building or upgrading houses. habitable, as well as other programs and activities
determined by the Governor. This regulation reflects the Aceh Government's efforts to
distribute resources fairly and effectively, while ensuring that the benefits of the Special
Autonomy Fund are felt by all levels of society in various regions.
Meanwhile, Aceh Development Programs and Activities are focused on initiatives that
are considered priorities in the Aceh regional development context. This program targets
projects that have not been completed and are still really needed by the community. As a
concrete example of the Aceh Development Program and Activities is the initiative to develop
the capital of Aceh into a sustainable city. This sustainable development effort includes the
development of basic infrastructure such as clean water systems, sanitation and waste
management, public transportation infrastructure, green city development, as well as
implementing the smart city concept. In relation to financing, 1% of the total funds for the Aceh
Development Program and Activities are allocated specifically to support development projects
in the City of Banda Aceh. This fund is budgeted as a special transfer, increasing the allocation
of Regency/City Special Autonomy Funds (DOKA) intended for the City of Banda Aceh. This
approach shows the government's commitment to supporting sustainable development that does
not only focus on the physical aspects of the city, but also pays attention to social welfare,
environmental sustainability and technological progress. This strategy marks an important step
in Aceh's development efforts aimed at creating a better environment for current and future
DOKA Programs and Activities, which refer to Regency/City Development Programs
and Activities, are initiated by the local government in each Regency/City. Proposals for these
programs and activities are prepared with an indicative budget determined by the Governor of
Aceh on the recommendation of the Aceh People's Representative Council (DPRA). Proposed
programs and activities must receive joint approval from the Regency/City People's
Representative Council (DPRK) and must be submitted to the Aceh Regional Development
Planning Agency (Bappeda Aceh) within a maximum of seven days before the Regency/City
Development Plan Deliberation (Musrenbang RKPA). Furthermore, these programs and
activities were further discussed and approved in the Special Autonomy Development Planning
Conference (Musrenbang Otsus), which involved the Regency/City Government and the Aceh
Government Budget Team (TAPA).
There are two categories of programs and activities that can be proposed by the
Regency/City government: first, programs and activities related to the development or
maintenance of infrastructure, including other construction, which have a minimum budget
value of IDR. 500,000,000.00 (five hundred million rupiah) based on sub-activities. This
includes, but is not limited to, projects such as rehabilitation of uninhabitable homes and
completion of unfinished projects. Second, non-infrastructure or non-construction programs and
activities, also with the same minimum budget value, focus on achieving integrated targets
based on specific locations. For example, activities in the agricultural sector, such as developing
cocoa areas, may include costs for procuring seeds, fertilizer and training for farmers. Overall,
the structure and management mechanisms of DOKA Programs and Activities are designed to
ensure that funds and resources are allocated effectively, cover various development needs at
the local level, and are in accordance with the specific priorities and needs of each District/City
in Aceh.