The Effect of Company Size, Board of Directors Size, Profitability, Leverage Against Islamic Social
Reporting on Sharia Commercial Banks in Indonesia
Return: Study of Management Economic And Business, Vol 2 (11), November 2023
report programs is very limited. Hasil penelitian ini sejalan dengan hasil penelitian Rizkianingsih
(2012), Widayuni (2014), dan Pratama et al (2018). which states that leverage negatively affects
ISRs. However, it is different from the results of the study Kariza (2018), Hidayati (2015) and
Hasanah et al. (2018) which states that leverage has no effect on ISR disclosure.
Based on the results of the research and discussion that have been presented, several
conclusions can be concluded, namely: a) Company size, board of director size, profitability, and
leverage together affect Islamic Social Reporting (ISR) at Sharia Commercial Banks in 2016-
2019. b) Company size negatively affects Islamic Social Reporting (ISR) at Sharia Commercial
Banks in 2016-2019. c) The size of the board of directors has a positive effect on Islamic Social
Reporting (ISR) at Sharia Commercial Banks in 2016-2019. d) Profitability negatively affects
Islamic Social Reporting (ISR) at Sharia Commercial Banks in 2016-2019. e) Leverage
negatively affects Islamic Social Reporting (ISR) at Sharia Commercial Banks in 2016-2019.
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