E-ISSN: 2963-3699
P-ISSN: 2964-0121
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Ginanjar Maulana
School of Business and Management Bandung Institute of Technology, Indonesia
Starting from the problem of government policy regarding DMO on coal, it is important to examine the
implications of DMO on the level of competition of the national coal industry in the global market arena.
Therefore, the research wants to examine the competitive sources of finance of the national coal industry,
and develop strategies to improve sustainable and superior performance so that it can indeed compete in
the global market. This approach is qualitative. The research location is the coal industry in Indonesia.
The research time is one time, yes it is 2023. Data collection techniques are literature review and
document study. Data analysis techniques use the Sustainable Balanced Scorecard (SBSC) model
combined with competitive advantage sources, and equipped with SWOT analysis. The results found
that the sources of Indonesia's coal competitive advantage are: (i) The.biggest in the industry. (ii)
Distance-low transportation cost. (c) Size (large industry size), (d) Strong market share. Then six
strategies were proposed to improve sustainable performance in order to compete in the global market.
The six strategies are basically a combination of production strengths, coal quality weaknesses,
environmental issues, and the development of environmentally friendly technology, as well as
technology that can improve coal quality, and can make coal not only for the benefit of energy sources.
Keywords : Competitive advantage; Sustainable Balanced Scorecard; Strategy; DMO
Coal is one of the fossil fuels which is the most important energy source for power
generation and serves as a staple fuel for the production of steel, cement, to textiles (Yulia &
Chandriyanti, 2021). Until now, Indonesia is still very dependent on fossil energy sources. About
88% of electricity is generated from fossil power plants, with 60% of it coming from coal, 20%
from natural gas, 6% from petroleum, and only 12% from renewables. Therefore, since the late
1970s, coal has become a strategic commodity and a reference for national energy policy (Natalia
et al., 2022).
However, at the same time, Indonesia's coal reserves are also used as a strategic export
commodity which is the main priority. Indonesia plays an important role in the global coal market.
ESDM data (2018) shows that Indonesia ranks fifth in coal producers, and coal exporters with the
second largest rank in the world. The revenue obtained from coal exports is one of the definite
sources for the state budget (Natalia et al., 2022).
Persaoal, only 21% of Indonesia's coal is used domestically. This often has an impact on
coal shortages in the country. Even in the period 2009-2011 there was a scarcity of coal in the
market. At that time, domestic industries using coal had difficulty getting coal supply, because
coal producers were more interested in exporting coal than selling it domestically (Haryadi &
Suciyanti, 2018). Even though domestic coal demand continues to increase, along with Indonesia's
population that continues to increase, and has become 273 people in 2020 (Worldometer, 2022).
Therefore, it is not surprising that since 2018 the government has imposed a Domestic
Market Obligation (DMO) policy. The DMO policy is motivated by the problem of not meeting
the minimum percentage of coal sales for domestic users by holders of exploration and
exploitation permits and coal production operations, and demands about the low utilization of
coal for domestic coal users. Meanwhile, at the same time, coal export activity is relatively high.
Therefore, DMO is considered as a form of coal management policy so that coal-rich Indonesia
is not used as an exploration sunmber for foreign parties (Jazuli, 2015). The regulation on DMO
regulates the fulfillment of national coal needs by 25% of the total production in the Annual Work
Plan and Cost Budget (RKAB) with a percentage of 80% fulfillment for electricity (PLN and
Independent Power Producer / IPP) and 20% for other domestic sectors (Alkanu et al., 2020).
Designing The Coal Domestic Market Obligation Competitiveness Policy Through Sustainable Balanced
Scorecard and Swot Analysis (Industry Level Analysis of Indonesia)
Return: Study of Management Economic And Business, Vol 2 (12), December 2023
The problem then does not stop only until the implementation of the DMO. There is still a
lot of homework related to the national coal industry after the DMO is implemented. One of the
problems that will be faced by the national coal industry is about the competitive advantage of
national coal in the global market. The competitive advantage of the national coal industry is not
light, because coal has also been projected as one of the energy sources in sustainable energy in
2030, which sets the energy composition of the emphasis not only on renewable energy (39.3%),
petroleum (19.4%), gas (7.8%) and coal (33.5%) (Baskoro et al., 2021). This means that coal will
increasingly become one of the mainstays of domestic energy sources, which means relatively
reducing the portion of national coal exports.
After the DMO policy, the Indonesian government again made a policy of limiting imports.
From January 1 to 31, 2022, the Indonesian government (c.q the Ministry of Energy and Mineral
Resources) has adopted a policy of banning coal exports for holders of Mining Business Permits
(IUP) or IUPK for the Production Operation stage until an indefinite period. The policy is stated
in Press Release Number: 1.Pers/04/SJI/2022. The policy was carried out by the government in
an effort to meet the national coal supply for domestic power plants, which affected 10 million
customers of PT PLN (Persero). This covers the electricity needs of the general public to
industries in Java, Madura, Bali (Jaqmali), and non-Jamali. If the coal export ban is not carried
out, then 30 Steam Power Plants (PLTU) with a power of around 10,850 megawatts (MW) will
be affected (Natalia et al., 2022).
The January 2022 policy is related to the commitment of coal entrepreneurs who supply
coal to PLN. The realization of coal supply from coal businesses to PLN every bulkan is still
under the obligation of a percentage of coal sales for DMO or domestic needs. As a result, at the
end of 2021, it was accumulated that PLN's plants experienced a deficit in coal supply. As of
January 1, 2022, the percentage of DMO fulfilled is only 35 thousand metric tons (MT) or less
than 1% of the total 5.1 million MT of reassignment given by the government (Natalia et al.,
In connection with this background, the focus of this study is to examine DMO from the
aspect of competitive advantage at the level of the national coal industry (Indonesia). The main
reference for the theoretical thinking of this research is Sigalas' (2015) article entitled
"Competitive advantage: the known unknown concept". The article clearly distinguishes between
sources of competitive advantage, competitive advantage (Ansoff, 1965; Porter, 1985; Sigalas et
al, 2013), and the results of competitive advantage, in the form of superior performance (Sigalas,
As for the sources of competitive advantage, it is relatively numerous. Sigalas (2015)
classifies sources of competitive advantage derived from three theories, namely sources of
competitive advantage derived from: (1) Resource-Based Theory (Barney & Clark, 2007), (2)
Market-led theory (Sachs & Yang, 2002), and Industrial organization theory (Tirole, 1988).
DMO issues, the development of the mining industry, and competitive advantage are
dynamic and complex. Therefore, first of all, all elements of competitive advantage are analyzed
first by SWOT analysis using the magnitude, importance, and total rating (M.I.R) method (Ferrel
& Hartline, 2014), so that several strategic choices are obtained for the coal mining industry in
Indonesia. Then an analysis is carried out using a source of competitive advantage analysis,
sustainable balanced scorecard (SBSC), and SWOT analysis.
1. Research approach
This research uses a qualitative approach. A qualitative approach is a series of interpretive
techniques that attempt to describe, code, translate, and emphasize meaning rather than numerical
or frequency of naturally occurring phenomena in the social world. Qualitative research aims to
gain an in-depth understanding of a situation (Cooper & Schindler, 2014; Creswell & Creswell, 2017).
Among five types of qualitative research methods (phenomenological, grounded theory,
ethnography, narrative research, and case studies), this study chose the case study method (case
studies (Creswell & Thompson, 2018).
Designing The Coal Domestic Market Obligation Competitiveness Policy Through Sustainable Balanced
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Judging from the nature of the study, this study the purpose of descriptive studies is to
obtain data describing the topic of interest. Descriptive studies are typically designed to collect
data that describe the characteristics of objects (such as people, organizations, products, or
brands), events, or situations (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016).
2. Location and time of study
Judging from the research location, the implementation of this research was carried out in
Jakarta. Meanwhile, the research time is a one-time study (cross-section), namely 2023.
3. Data collection techniques
The form of data in this study consists of qualitative data (data in the form of words /
words), and quantitative data (data in the form of numbers / numeric) (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016).
Based on the data source, this study used primary data secondary data. Secondary data is data that
is already available and/or processed by other parties. Secondary data in this study are pre-existing
ones that are processed and provided by other parties (Sekaran & Bougie, 2016). The data collection
techniques include secondary data collection techniques using library research studies.
4. Data analysis techniques
Given that this research is qualitative research, the data analysis techniques in this study
generally use data analysis techniques from Miles, Huberman, and Saldana (2014). Miles et al
2014: 33). suggests that there are four components in qualitative data analysis, namely data
collection, data condentation, data display, and conclusion: drawing/verifying. Specifically, the
data analysis technique in this study uses: (1) sources of competitive advantage theory”, (2)
sustainable balanced scorecard (SBSC), and (3) SWOT analysis. The schema of the stages of data
analysis is as follows:
Graphs 1 Schematic of Analytical Techniques for Source of Competitive Advantage, SBSC and SWOT Analysis
National Competitive Strategy of Coal Industry on Global Competition in The Context of
Designing The Coal Domestic Market Obligation Competitiveness Policy Through Sustainable Balanced
Scorecard and Swot Analysis (Industry Level Analysis of Indonesia)
Return: Study of Management Economic And Business, Vol 2 (12), December 2023
SBSC analysis has only reached the stage of evaluating the performance of the coal
industry. Furthermore, to obtain the results of the preparation of strategies to improve the
sustainable performance of the coal industry in order to achieve superior performance so as to
win global competition in the context of DMO, further analysis is needed, in this case using
SWOT analysis with magnitude, importance, and total rating (MIR) methods from Ferrel and
Hartline (2017).
Based on this SWOT analysis, alternative strategies will be obtained to improve the
sustainable performance of the coal industry. Alternative strategies include the following
alternatives: (i) S-O (Strengths-Opportunities) strategy, which is a strategy that uses the power of
internal effort to obtain opportunities that exist outside the business. In other words, this strategy
uses internal forces (signatories to PPPs) to take advantage of external opportunities. (ii) W-O
(Weaknesses-Opportunities) strategy, is a strategy that aims to minimize internal business
weaknesses by utilizing external opportunities. In other words, the goal of this strategy is to
improve the internal weaknesses of PPPs signatories by exploiting external opportunities. (iii) S-
T (Strengths-Threats) strategy, is a strategy pursued by a business to avoid or mitigate the impact
of external threats. This strategy uses internal forces (signatories to PPPs) to avoid or mitigate
the impact of external threats. (iv) W-T (weaknesses-threats) strategy, which is a strategy of
defending by reducing internal weaknesses and avoiding threats. It is a strategy that is a defensive
tactic directed at reducing internal weaknesses (PPPs signatories) and avoiding external threats
(David, 2013).
Based on the description above, the order of analysis of chapter IV is as follows: (i)
Integrating sources of competitive advantage (Ansoff, 1965; Porter, 1985; Sigalas et al, 2013)
into four BSC perspectives with the addition of two dimensions of sustainability (social and
environmental). The result of this integration is in the form of a sustainable balanced scored carad
(SBSC) framework with content in the form of competitive advantages. Then a discussion was
carried out one by one on the variables of the competitive advantage of the national coal industry
(Indonesia) in the context of DMO. The results of this discussion are in the form of evaluations
for each of these variables, so that the performance of each variable can be justified quantitatively
in percentage of performance achievements. The end of this sub-chapter is the presence of an
SBSC evaluation matrix in the competitive advantage of the national coal industry. The numbers
in the matrix are based on the results of qualitative evaluation for each variable. Meanwhile, the
weight for each perspective refers to Liang & Wang (2019), namely the financial perspective with
a weight of 30%, the customer perspective with a weight of 15%, the perspective of internal
business processes with a weight of 15%, the perspective of learning and growth with a weight
of 13%, and the environmental perspective with a weight of 20%.
1. Integration of Competitive Financial Variables into the Sustainable Balanced Scorecard
(SBSC) Framework
This subchapter integrates sources of competitive advantage (Ansoff, 1965; Porter, 1985;
Sigalas et al, 2013) into four BSC perspectives with the addition of two dimensions of
sustainability (social and environmental). The result of this integration is a framework
Sustainable Balanced Scored Carad (SBSC) with content in the form of competitive advantage.
Then a discussion was carried out one by one on the variables of the competitive advantage of
the national coal industry (Indonesia) in the context of DMO. The results of this discussion are
in the form of evaluations for each of these variables, so that the performance of each variable
can be justified quantitatively in percentage of performance achievements. The end of this sub-
chapter is the presence of an SBSC evaluation matrix in the competitive advantage of the national
coal industry.
a. Financial Perspective
Together with China and Australia, Indonesia is listed as the largest coal producing country in
the world. Indonesia is a country that has the largest coal reserves in Asia Pacific. Indonesia's
total coal reserves against world coal are 3.7% In terms of production, Indonesia contributes to
producing 9.0% of world coal production, while domestic coal consumption is only 2.2% of
Designing The Coal Domestic Market Obligation Competitiveness Policy Through Sustainable Balanced
Scorecard and Swot Analysis (Industry Level Analysis of Indonesia)
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world coal. The rendahanya level of domestic coal consumption shows that Indonesia still has
the opportunity to utilize more coal domestically (ESDM, 2023a).
What is the position of coal in Indonesia's export structure. Indonesian Trade Data shows
that Indonesia's export structure as of January 2023 is dominated by the processing industry
sector, which reaches 70.15% of Indonesia's total exports. Then followed by the mining sector
(21.54%), the oil and gas sector (6.67%), and the smallest is the agricultural sector (1.65%). Coal
is one of the mines of the development sector. Coal is a contributor of 85% to total state revenue
from the mining sector. If the mining sector is calculated for its contribution to Indonesia's
exports, it means that coal contributes 18.30% (Kementerian ESDM, 2022b).
In the context of world coal trade, Indonesia is the largest coal exporter in the world. The
International Energy Agency (IEA) estimates that world coal exports will reach 1.35 billion tons
in 2022. There are seven countries that are the largest exporters of coal. In this case, Indonesia
occupies the position as the world's largest exporter. IEA data states that in 2022, Indonesia
exports coal of 473 million tons, followed by Australia (350 million tons), Russia (192 million
tons), the United States (76 million tons), South Africa (70 million tons), Colombia (53 million
tons), Canada (36 million tons), and other countries (101 million tons) (Sadya, 2023).
Figure 1 The World's Largest Coal Exporter (2022*)
Indonesia as the Largest Exporter of Coal
The volume and value of Indonesia's new stone exports from 2002 to 2022 showed an
increasing trend. Meanwhile, if you only look at the trend between 2021 to 2022, it only increased
slightly in terms of volume, but jumped sharply when viewed from the value of exports. Based
on data from the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), coal exports in 2022 weighed 360.28 million
tons, an increase of only 4.29% compared to the export weight in 2021. However, judging from
the export value, exports in 2022 reached USD 46.74 billion, an increase of 76.16% compared to
2021. The value of coal exports in 2022 is the highest record in the last two decades (BPS, 2023).
Indonesia's benchmark coal price (HBA) throughout 2022 strengthened significantly, HBA
in January was still at the level of USD 158.5 per ton. The HBA value continued to climb until it
reached 330.97 per ton in October 2022. The HBA trend weakened in December 2022, to USD
281.48 per ton. Although it decreased slightly, the HBA in December 2022 (BPS, 2023).
Indonesia sells medium and low quality coal types. Indonesia is able to sell both types of
coal in the international market at competitive prices. This is due to the low wages of Indonesian
workers (Indonesia Investments Report, 2023). Given that Indonesian coal is of low and medium
quality so that it has a lower economic value than high-calorie coal, a program to increase added
value or downstream coal is needed. The program is expected to increase the economic value of
the two types of coal (Kementerian ESDM, 2022a).
The Indonesian government itself has set national energy source and utilization targets
until 2050, which are formulated by the National Energy Policy and the National Energy General
Designing The Coal Domestic Market Obligation Competitiveness Policy Through Sustainable Balanced
Scorecard and Swot Analysis (Industry Level Analysis of Indonesia)
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Plan (RUEN). In 2014 the government has established Government Regulation (PP) Number 79
of 2014 concerning the National Energy Policy (KEN) (Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 79
Tahun 2014 Tentang Kebijakan Energi Nasional, 2014). This policy is a follow-up to the mandate
of Law No. 30 of 2007 concerning Energy, especially Article 11 concerning KEN. This national
energy policy is prepared based on the principles of justice, sustainability, and environmental
insight in order to create energy independence and national energy security. Figure 4.2 shows the
KEN Targets for the 2015-2050 Period, which includes 6 (six) KEN targets. The six targets
include the role of energy, NRE mix, energy supply, power generation, energy elasticity, and
electrification ratio (Kementerian ESDM, 2022a).
Figure 2 KEN Goals for the 2015-2050 Period
Source: ESDM (2022a)
Based on the scheme in figure 4.2 it appears that: (1) In 2025 the role of New and
Renewable Energy will be at least 23%, and in 2050 at least 31% as long as the economy is
fulfilled. (2) By 2025 the role of petroleum will be less than 25% and in 2050 it will be less than
20%. (3) In 2025 the role of coal will be at least 30%, and in 2050 at least 25%. (4) In 2025 the
role of natural gas will be at least 22% and in 2050 at least 24% (ESDM, 20213a).
b. Customer Perspective
The largest country to which Indonesia's coal exports are exported as of 2022 is India
(90.14 million tons). According to the Central Statistics Agency (BPS), Indonesia's coal exports
to India reached USD 8.8 billion or equivalent to IDR 131 trillion (at an exchange rate of IDR 15
thousand / United States dollar) during January-September 2022. The value of this export soared
205.26% compared to the same period in 2021. The value of Indonesia's coal exports in India is
almost equivalent to a quarter of the value of Indonesia's coal exports during the first nine of 2022
(Kusnandar, 2022).
The other nine countries ranked third to 10th are China (45.85 million tons), Japan (19.47
million tons), Philippines (23.02 million tons), Malaysia (19.33 million tons), Taiwan (14.29
million tons), South Korea (18.99 million tons), Thailand (11.30 million tons), Vietnam (8.51
million tons), and Hong Kong (3.90 million tons) (Kusnandar, 2022).
Coal is the dominant force in electricity generation. At least 27 percent of the world's total
energy output and more than 39 percent of all electricity is generated by coal-fired power plants.
Given the abundance amount, the extraction process is relatively easy, and infrastructure
requirements are cheaper than other energy resources (Indonesia Investment Report, 2023).
Designing The Coal Domestic Market Obligation Competitiveness Policy Through Sustainable Balanced
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Figure 3 Ten Indonesian Coal Export Destination Countries
The challenge of coal export is not light, especially from the aspect of the issue of the
negative impact of coal on the environment. This also has implications for the difficulty of
obtaining support for funding coal projects. Both of these challenges have an impact on the
difficulty of increasing Indonesia's coal export figures in the world market (ESDM, 2023a).
c. Internal Business Process Perspectives
Indonesia is a leading exporter of thermal coal. A significant portion of thermal coal
exported includes medium quality type (between 5100 and 6100 cal/gram) and low quality coal
(below 5100 cal/gram). BP Statistical Review of World Energy, around 60 percent of Indonesia's
total coal reserves consist of low quality coal (sub-bituminous) containing less than 6100 cl/gram
(Indonesia Investments Report, 2023).
As stated by the Indonesian Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Indonesia's coal
reserves are expected to run out in about 83 years if current production levels continue. If
Indonesia's coal reserves are placed in a global context, then Indonesia's global coal reserves
currently rank 9th which is 2.2 percent of total global coal reserves (Indonesia Investment Report,
There are many pockets of small coal reserves found on the islands of Sumatra, Java,
Kalimantan, Sulawesi and Papua. But the three regions with the largest coal reserves in Indonesia
are South Sumatra, South Kalimantan, and East Kalimantan (Indonesia Investments Report,
Figure 4 The largest coal reserves in Indonesia
Designing The Coal Domestic Market Obligation Competitiveness Policy Through Sustainable Balanced
Scorecard and Swot Analysis (Industry Level Analysis of Indonesia)
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National coal production continues to increase from year to year. Similarly, exports and domestic
use of coal also continue to increase. It's just that most of Indonesia's coal (70-80%) is for export
purposes. Table 1 shows this.
Table 1 Indonesia's Coal Production, Exports, Domestic
Source: Indonesia Investment Report (2023)
Indonesia has developed a rk25-year coal roadmap until 2045. The national coal
development and utilization road map is focused on developing 10 main programs. The ten
programs were selected according to the characteristics of Indonesian coal, the majority of which
is dominated by low and medium rank coal. The program in the Road Map was also chosen to
answer global and national strategic issues, especially in the provision of more environmentally
friendly energy, increasing the added value of coal through the development of various coal-based
industries, the need to reduce CO2 emissions from coal-fired power plants.
The ten main programs are:
a) Coal potential development program to produce methanol and DME through coal
gasification process, especially low-calorie coal. Methanol and DME products can be used
as energy sources and industrial raw material sources. In addition, DME can be a substitute
for LKPG, so that the use of DME can reduce dependence on imported LPG.
b) Coal development program to produce SNG, and hydrogen. The consideration of this
program is that natural gas in the Sumatra and Kalimantan regions is declining and the area
has large coal resource potential. Through this program, low-calorie coal in Sumatra and
Kalimantan which has low economic value is planned to be converted into SNG, ammonia,
and hydrogen which have higher economic value, especially to meet gas needs in the two
regions above.
c) Coal development program to produce fuel through coal liquefaction. This program is to
optimize Indonesia's coal potential through the provision of gasoline fuel from coal.
Currently, most of Indonesia's gasoline needs are still met by imports. Bautabara
liquefaction products into gasoline can reduce dependence on imported gasoline products.
d) Coal development program through coal-biomass briquettes for coal-fired power plants
and carbonized coal briquettes for small industries/MSMEs. Minin program to support
NRE plans in the energy mix through the implementation of co-firing bio-coal briquettes.
Compared to the use of only coal, the use of bio-coal briquettes is more environmentally
friendly, because biomass can be replanted and absorb CO2 from the atmosphere. The use
of carbonized briquettes for small industries as a heat source is more efficient and CO2
emissions are lower than the use of electrical energy.
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e) Metallurgical coal development program. Indonesia has the potential not only of thermal
coal (so far for power generation), but also the potential of metlurgi coal. Metallurgical
coal has a relatively higher price than thermal coal, and is needed in the steel industry and
refining of non-ferrous metals. Indonesia's metallurgical coal potential has not been well
inventoried, most of which are still sold as thermal coal, thus potentially reducing state
f) Coal development through upgrading (coal upgrading). Coal upgrading is one way to
increase the added value of Indonesian coal.
g) Advanced matertial and earth metal (LTJ) product development program from coal.
Advanced materials and LTJ are materials that are needed in various modern industries,
including the health industry, transportation, communications, security defense, and also
the EBT industry.
h) Coal development program for agro-industrial materials. Indonesia's low-calorie coal has
the potential for humic acid and fulvic acid which based on research daopate is used as a
fairly valuable fertilizer.
i) Utilization of coal for electricity through coal blending facility infrastructure, biomass
cofiring at PLTU, and optimization of coal utilization with IGCC. Through the coal
blending facility, low-grade coal that is not in accordance with the specifications of the
PLTU can still be used for electricity. In an effort to reduce environmental impact, efforts
need to be made to prepare IGCC technology in coal-fired power plants, so that low-
ranking coal can still be utilized and at the same time reduce carbon emissions.
j) Application of CSS/CCUS in coal development and utilization facilities. To still be able to
utilize coal, but by answering issues related to CO2 emissions, CCS-CCUS technology in
certain periods must begin to be applied to the electricity industry and downstream
industries that produce CO2 emissions.
2. Learning and Growth Perspectives
Indonesia now not only views coal as an energy source in power plants, but can also be
used to support other industrial activities. Coal can be the standard price of various types of
industries, including the advanced material industry, petrochemicals, and also the agricultural
industry. The Indonesian government carries out a downstream strategy or increase the added
value of coal (Kementerian ESDM, 2022a).
The coal downstream program in Indonesia is expected to create comparative and
competitive advantages for coal, as well as various derivative products. Coal derivative products
are expected to be economically competitive with oil and gas, so that they can be relied on for
import substitution, so as to save state foreign exchange, and increase domestic competence in
the coal sector (Kementerian ESDM, 2022a).
Coal industrialists should continue to learn and grow, at least in the form of coal
development as intended by Article 102 Law Number 3 of 2020 concerning Amendments to Law
Number 4 of 2009 concerning Mineral and Barubara Mining (Mineral and Coal Law) ( Undang-
Undang (UU) Nomor 3 Tahun 2020 Tentang Perubahan Atas Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun
2009 Tentang Pertambangan Mineral Dan Batubara, 2020). The development of coal in question
includes: (a) coal upgrading, (b) coal briquetting, (c) coking, (d) coal liquefaction, (e) cool
gasification including underground coal gasification). (f) cool slurry/coal water mixture. The
utilization of coal includes building its own Steam Power Plant (PLTU) at the mouth of the mine
(Kementerian ESDM, 2022a).
That the learning and growth of coal industrialists, is also driven by legislation. In the
Mining Law, coal mining and/or utilization activities are also one of the requirements for the
granting of guarantees for the continuation of operating permits into Special Mining Business
Permits (IUPK). Then Article 39 of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation mandates
that business actors who increase the added value of coal can be given certain treatment to state
investment obligations in the form of royalties of 0% (Kementerian ESDM, 2022a).
Designing The Coal Domestic Market Obligation Competitiveness Policy Through Sustainable Balanced
Scorecard and Swot Analysis (Industry Level Analysis of Indonesia)
Return: Study of Management Economic And Business, Vol 2 (12), December 2023
3. Social Perspective
The social perspective of the national coal industry is set out in the National Energy Policy
and the National Energy General Plan (RUEN). In order to achieve energy independence and
national energy security, there are 9 (nine) principles used to realize it. If the 9 points are taken
only related to social perspectives, then there are 4 (four) items, namely:
a. Energy availability and fulfillment of domestic energy supply needs
b. Efficient use of energy in all sectors
c. People's access to energy in a fair and equitable manner
d. Job creation
The social aspect of the coal industry can be seen from the government's policy in providing
electricity at reasonable prices to the community. This is done by reducing local electricity BPP
through efficiency in primary energy costs which are the largest component in BPP. In an effort
to realize this, the government issued several policies related to primary energy for power
generation. One of them is the Regulation of the Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources
Number 19 of 2017 concerning the Utilization of Bnatubara for Power Generation and the
Purchase of Excess Power (Kementerian ESDM, 2022a).
The regulation aims to, among others, regulate the pattern of the highest benchmark price
(HPT) in the procurement of coal-based power plants and excess power. This regulation also
keeps the local BPP Power Plant more effective and efficient, so that electricity tariffs can be
more competitive (Kementerian ESDM, 2022a).
4. Environmental Perspective
Coal is among the most polluting fuels due to its high carbon content. The social
perspective of the national coal industry is set out in the National Energy Policy and the National
Energy General Plan (RUEN). In order to achieve energy independence and national energy
security, there are 9 (nine) principles used to realize it. If the 9 points are taken only related to
social perspectives, then there are 2 (two) items, namely:
a. Optimal and sustainable management of energy resources
b. Preservation of environmental functions
As a country with considerable coal resources and reserves, Indonesia faces challenges that
are not easy. Indonesia cannot ignore the global public's attention to the negative environmental
impacts of CO2 emissions, as a result of burning coal. CO2 is the cause of climate change. On
the other hand, Indonesia has committed to participate in the Net Zero Emission agenda.
Therefore, Indonesia is developing programs related to environmentally friendly technology to
reduce CO2 emissions from clean coal power plants (Kementerian ESDM, 2022a)
From an environmental perspective, the Indonesian government is implementing energy
mix targets in Indonesia. Indonesia's energy mix includes petroleum, coal, natural gas, and
renewable energy. When compared to the 2011 marketing mix which positioned the portion of
coal to be 24% of Indonesia's total energy mix, then in 2025 there will be an increase in Indonesia's
coal consumption to 30%.
The government realizes that burning coal produces relatively large greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions, so efforts are needed to reduce GHG emissions sourced from the coal-fired power
plant itself. That is why the government encourages the coal power plant program by using low-
carbon technology or high efficiency, low emission (HELE) technology. These technologies
include supercritical, ultra-supercritical boilers and other more efficient technologies such as
Circulating Fludized Bed (CFB). Another technology is the use of coal bed methane (CBM). The
government wants to utilize this unconventional gas and it is available in sufficient quantities at
economical prices. The government is also considering the use of Gasification Combined Cycle
(IGCC) and Carbon-Capture and Storage (CCS) to significantly reduce GHG emissions. It's just
that the implementation is waiting after the technology is commercially mature. The use of such
technologies is expected to reduce the use of coal which can also directly reduce GHG emissions
(Kementerian ESDM, 2022a).
Designing The Coal Domestic Market Obligation Competitiveness Policy Through Sustainable Balanced
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In 2010 the Indonesian government set a target of reducing greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions by 26% by 2020, and up to 41% if there is international support compared to
the business as usual scenario in 2020. Post 2020, Indonesia plans to increase the target
beyond the current commitment. Referring to the latest study on GHG emission levels,
Indonesia has set an unconditional target of 29% and a conditional target of up to 41%
compared to the business as usual scenario in 2030 (Kementerian ESDM, 2022a).
Table 2 shows the energy composition in Indonesia's energy mix program in 2011
and 2025. The government expressed a desire to increase domestic consumption of coal,
so that coal supplies around 30% of the energy mix by 2025 (Kementerian ESDM,
Table 2 Energy Mix Targets
1. Sustainable Balanced Scorecard (SBSC) Recapitulation
The description above is an elaboration of the four perspectives of the balanced scorecard
(BSC) which has been expanded with sustainability aspects by adjusting the social and
environmental dimensions so that it becomes a sustainable balanced scorecard (SBSC) framework
which is then integrated with competitutive advantage variables. Competitive advantage variables
consist of three theories, namely sources of competitive advantage derived from: (1) Resource-
Based Theory (Barney & Clark, 2007), (2) Market-led theory (Sachs & Yang, 2002), and Industrial
organization theory (Tirole, 1988).
Based on the description above regarding competitive advantage variables integrated into
the Sustainable Balanced Scorecard (SBSC) framework, the results are recapitulated in Table
4.4. This table is a modification of Table 4.1 by adding the three rightmost columns. The number
in the weight column, especially for the fourth number of the sustainable balanced scorecard
perspective, refers to Liang and Wang (2019). The variable numbers in each perspective are the
average for that perspective according to the number of variables/indicators. The actual
performance column is an assessment of the Indonesian coal industry with a range between 0-100
with a value of tens of rounds. Meanwhile, Result is a multiplication between The Weight and
Actual Performance. Furthermore, the results are summed vertically so that the value of the coal
industry performance evaluation results based on the combination of SBSC with competitiveness
is 68.92929 which is rounded to 69. Figures show that the performance of the coal industry based
on the combination of SBSC with competitiveness is categorized as "sufficient" or "medium",
which means that it has not reached the "good" category let alone "very good".
Strategy to Improve Sustainable Performance of the Coal Industry to Win Global
Competition in the DMO Context
Based on the results of the Sustainable Balanced Scorecard (SBSC) matrix combined with
competitiveness variables from the three theories, namely competitive advantage derived from:
(1) Resource-Based Theory (Barney & Clark, 2007), (2) Market-led theory (Sachs & Yang, 2002),
and Industrial organization theory (Tirole, 1988); then a SWOT matrix was created. The elements
in the following SWOT matrix are taken from the results of the description of the competitive
Designing The Coal Domestic Market Obligation Competitiveness Policy Through Sustainable Balanced
Scorecard and Swot Analysis (Industry Level Analysis of Indonesia)
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advantage variables above which show strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats to the
national coal industry.
SWOT matrix to be analyzed in order to produce answers to the second research question, namely
on strategies to improve the sustainable performance of the coal industry in order to achieve
superior performance so as to win global competition in the context of DMO.
The variables incorporated into the SWOT framework include four groups of variables. The four
groups of variables are (i) Variable strength (strengths) of the national coal industry. (ii) Variable
weaknesses of the national coal industry. (iii) Variable opportunities of the national coal industry,
and (iv) Variable threats of the national coal industry. The variables of strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities, and threats, come from the source of competitive advantage, competitive
advantage, and the result of competitive advantage, superior performance.
Table 3 is the variables that are assumed to be interrelated and relevant in the context of the coal
industry's national competitive policies on global competition in the context of DMO
Table 3 SWOT Table of National Coal Industry in Improving Sustainable Performance and
Element of SWOT
( M)
( R )
1. Indonesia has the largest coal reserves in Asia
2. Indonesia the world's largest coal exporter
3. Production costs are relatively low
4. Potential human resources who can master
modern processing technology for coal
1. Low to medium quality Indonesian coal
2. Mastery of the latest technology is still
relatively weak
3. Coal excavation techniques still leave
environmental damage
4. Maish coal product diversification in the early
1. Downstream coal to improve the quality /
added value of coal
2. Utilizing coal other than for energy sources
(producing methanol and DME, SNG,
hydrogen, coal liquefaction)
3. Increase the export value of non-thermal coal
(metallurgical coal)
4. The emergence of various new coal
technologies that can improve the quality of
coal products and environmentally friendly
5. Policy and joint world programs to reduce
CO2 emissions
6. Opportunities to produce environmentally
friendly coal (such as carbonized briquettes)
1. The potential reduction of coal imports by
importing countries so far
2. The increasingly massive renewable energy
(including electrical energy) as an energy
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substitute that can shift the role of coal
3. The issue of the negative impact of coal on the
environment (CO2).
4. It is increasingly difficult to obtain financing
for coal projects.
Based on the results of SWOT calculations as presented in Table 4.5, it is known that there
are 7 (seven) indicators that have the highest total rating (R) value, namely number 9. The seven
indicators that will be paired are alternative strategies for the national coal industry to improve
the sustainable performance of the coal industry in order to win global competition in the context
of DMO.
(1) S-O Strategy (Strengths- Opportunities),
An S-O strategy is one that uses the power of internal effort to gain opportunities that exist outside
the business. In other words, this strategy uses internal forces (signatories to PPPs) to take
advantage of external opportunities. Alternative S-O strategies can be formulated as follows:
a. By harnessing the strength of coal reserves and the latest technology, Indonesia can export
environmentally friendly coal.
b. By utilizing the strength of coal reserves and the latest technology, Indonesia can export
coal in a differentiated manner, namely between coal for energy purposes and coal for other
industrial purposes.
c. By utilizing the strength of coal reserves and the latest technology, Indonesia can export
non-thermal coal, namely metallurgical coal
(2) W-O (Weaknesses-Opportunities) strategy,
The W-O strategy is a strategy that aims to minimize internal business weaknesses by taking
advantage of external opportunities. In other words, the goal of this strategy is to improve the
internal weaknesses of PPPs signatories by exploiting external opportunities. Alternative S-O
strategies can be formulated as follows:
"Utilizing various new technologies to optimize coal downstream so that the benefits of new
stones will be increasingly widespread in many industries"
(3) S-T Strategy (Strengths-Threats)
The S-T strategy is a strategy pursued by businesses to avoid or reduce the impact of external
threats. This strategy uses internal forces (signatories to PPPs) to avoid or mitigate the impact of
external threats. Alternative S-T strategies can be formulated as follows:
"With lower production costs and environmentally friendly coal proposals, Indonesia can
increase its bargaining position to obtain financing for coal projects"
(4) W-T strategy (weaknesses-threats)
The W-T strategy is a defensive strategy by reducing internal weaknesses and avoiding threats.
It is a strategy that is a defensive tactic directed at reducing internal weaknesses (PPPs
signatories) and avoiding external threats (David, 2013). Alternative WT strategies can be
formulated as follows:
"Indonesia produces environmentally friendly coal, so that it can overcome environmental issues"
In conclusion, the study highlights key findings related to the competitiveness of
Indonesia's national coal industry within the framework of DMO:
Export Dynamics: Indonesia, as the second-largest global coal exporter, dominates the thermal
coal market with 10 major importing countries. Factors influencing coal export values include
Indonesia's GDP, destination country populations, and exchange rates, while challenges arise
from volatile coal prices and government export restrictions; Competitive Advantages: Sources
of competitive advantage for Indonesia's coal industry include its industry dominance, low
Designing The Coal Domestic Market Obligation Competitiveness Policy Through Sustainable Balanced
Scorecard and Swot Analysis (Industry Level Analysis of Indonesia)
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transportation costs, size, and strong market share; Industry Challenges: Challenges include the
need for environmentally friendly coal technologies, volatile coal prices, and government export
restrictions; Sustainable Performance Strategy: The national coal industry's sustainable
performance, assessed through the Sustainable Balanced Scorecard matrix, indicates a
"sufficient" level. Strategies to enhance performance involve leveraging coal reserves and
advanced technology, exporting environmentally friendly or differentiated coal, exploring non-
thermal coal options, optimizing downstream processes, and focusing on environmentally
friendly production to address environmental concerns.
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