E-ISSN: 2963-3699
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Rizqi Syaroh Amaliyah
Riyadlul Ulum Institute of Technology and Business, Tasikmalaya, Indonesia
November 2022
November 2022
November 2022
backgrounds: The concept of human development or human capital is a
hot topic that is being widely discussed, considering that human capital is
part of human resource management with a broader scope of study which
addresses the practical side of human resource management.
Aim: Between emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, special
performance appraisal, education and training, and motivation on teacher
(3) The simultaneous effect of emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence,
special performance appraisal, education and training, and motivation on
teacher performance.
Method: Using a quantitative approach and multiple linear regression
analysis techniques.
Findings: Based on the results of NJI calculations, all variables in this
study are in the high category, meaning that each variable is perceived as
good by the permanent teachers of the foundation. The results showed that
the variables of emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, special
performance appraisal, education and training, motivation partially had a
positive and significant effect on teacher performance. Then simultaneously
the variables of emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, special
performance appraisal, education and training, motivation affect
performance .
KEYWORDS Emotional intelligence; Spiritual Intelligence; Special Performance
Assessment; Education and training; Teacher Motivation and Performance
The concept of human development or human capital is a hot topic that is being
widely discussed, considering that human capital is part of human resource management with
a broader scope of study which addresses the practical side of human resource management
such as compensation, performance appraisal and industrial relations. So that human capital
becomes very important in an organization or institution because human capital itself can be
interpreted as the overall knowledge, ability, expertise, and intelligence inherent in each
The achievement of human capital can be done through improvements in 3 (three)
areas, namely in the economic, health and education sectors. Seeing the meaning of human
capital which is a unity of abilities possessed by a person, to obtain these abilities, of course,
can be obtained through education. Based on this explanation , the research that will be
carried out aims at achieving quality human capital through the field of education.
However education is an important part in efforts to improve the quality of human
capital and can be used as an indicator for a country whether existing human resources are
able to compete globally. The fact is that the Indonesian government has made efforts to
improve the quality of human capital, including through investment in education, which is
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Return: Management Studies, Economics and Business, Vol 1(No 3), Nov 2022
The Influence Of Emotional Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence, Special Performance Assessment,
Education, Training, And Motivation On Teacher Performance
based on Law no. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System, article 49 paragraph
1 states that if the government mandates an education budget allocation of 20% of the State
Budget (APBN).
We can view education as a system, in which the system consists of input, process and
output. According to (Kompri, 2016) the education system contains at least five elements
consisting of guiding businesses (activities), students, the basis and objectives of the
educational process and educators who are indeed the center of teaching and learning
As an important element in education, in order to achieve better human capital
quality, educators or teachers are expected to have good performance in carrying out their
obligations as educators. Therefore, through government investment in the education sector,
there are various programs intended to maintain and improve the performance of teachers,
one of which is through teacher certification, Teacher Performance Assessment (PKG) and
equal access to education which allows teachers to enter the category of eligible to teach by
receiving Minimum education Diploma Four (D IV) or Bachelor (S1).
However, it seems that the government's efforts with an investment of 20% have not
resolved various problems related to teacher performance, especially at the Condong
Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Foundation. According to pre-survey research data, several problems
were found that could affect teacher performance, including poor emotional control when
carrying out tasks where self-management in discipline and preparation of teacher
administrative completeness was not timely. Then the lack of spiritual intelligence causes a
lack of awareness that working as an educator is part of worship and even issues related to
discipline must always be reminded, on the other hand this lack of spiritual intelligence has
an impact on the emergence of unhealthy competition among some teachers.
The special performance assessment carried out by educational institution units has
not run optimally because it has not been implemented consistently, so that educators do not
have the competitiveness to improve teaching. The low interest of educators to take part in
education and training activities to improve their competence and the non-linear number
found among them, coupled with teaching two subjects at once, results in low teacher
motivation in teaching this class.
In connection with the explanation above, as well as the rare research on emotional
intelligence, spiritual intelligence and special performance appraisal, education and training
and motivation in relation to teacher performance in the school environment, especially the
pesantren-based school environment, it is necessary to conduct formal research with specific
research objectives to know and analyze (1) emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence,
special performance appraisal, education and training, teacher motivation and performance,
(2) partial influence between emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, special
performance appraisal, education and training, and motivation on performance teachers, and
(3) the simultaneous influence of emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, special
performance appraisal, education and training, and motivation on the performance of
permanent teachers at the Condong Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Foundation, Cibeureum District,
Tasikmalaya City. Based on research results (Goleman & Hermaya, 2002) formulated that
success in life is determined by only 20% of Intelligence Quotient (IQ), while 80% is
determined by emotional intelligence (EQ / Emotional Quotient). (Goleman & Hermaya,
2002) defines emotional intelligence as the ability to motivate oneself and endure frustration,
control impulses and not exaggerate pleasures, regulate moods and keep stress from crippling
the ability to think, empathize and pray. Agustian, (2006) argues that emotional intelligence
is the skill of feeling, mastering efficiently practicing energy and emotional sensitivity as a
Return: Management Studies, Economics and Business, Vol 1(No 3), Nov 2022
The Influence Of Emotional Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence, Special Performance Assessment,
Education, Training, And Motivation On Teacher Performance
source of energy, information, relationships and human influence. The indicators of
emotional intelligence in this study include the star principle, the angel principle, the
leadership principle, the learning principle, the vision principle and the well organized
principle. ) (Agustian, 2006).
Spiritual intelligence is a person's expertise to solve problems of meaning and value,
namely the skill to place behavior and life in a broader and meaningful meaning (Zohar,
Danar. and Marshall, 2007). Another opinion was expressed by (Agustian, 2001a) spiritual
intelligence is the expertise to give the meaning of worship to every behavior and activity
through ways and thoughts that are clean towards a complete human being (hanif) and have a
monotheistic mindset (integralistic) and have principles "only because of Allah SWT".
Indicators for spiritual intelligence include prejudice, life principles, experiences, interests,
viewpoints, comparisons and literature (Agustian, 2006).
Performance appraisal according to (Mangkuprawira, 2003) defines performance
appraisal as a process carried out by institutions in evaluating the performance of an
employee's job. The special performance assessment organized by the Tarbiyatul Islamiyah
Condong Foundation is called the Teacher Achievement Index (IPG). This specific
performance assessment is interpreted by the Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Foundation (Tarbiyatul
Islamiyah Foundation, 2020) as an assessment of the achievements achieved by the teacher in
carrying out all the mandates given by the institution for a certain period of time. The specific
performance assessment indicators in this study took the elements that were assessed in the
special performance assessment at the Condong Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Foundation including
learning, learning, service and violations (Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Foundation, 2020).
Employee education and training is a job requirement to renew the mastery of various
competencies, skills and insights based on work activities that are actually recorded and
routine so that they can carry out and complete the work assigned (Simanungkalit, 2009).
Another opinion from (Handoko, 2016) defines education and training as organizational
activities to improve employee mastery of various skills and certain methods of carrying out
work, recorded and routine as well as to update and improve insight, skills, attitudes and
personality traits. Departing from the definition according to Hani Handoko above, the
indicators used to measure education and training variables in this study include how to do
work, insights, skills, attitudes and personality traits.
Motivation is a process that shows the strength, direction and persistence of an
individual in an effort to achieve goals (Robbins & Judge, 2015). Another opinion expressed
by (Hasibuan, 2005) motivation is more on how to mobilize the efforts and abilities of
employees so that they are willing to work together creatively to achieve and realize the goals
that have been set. Indicators for measuring motivation in this study include salary,
supervision, policy and administration, work relations, working conditions, the job,
opportunities for advancement, recognition or appreciation, success and responsibility
(Sedarmayanti, 2017).
Teacher performance is actually related to quality in carrying out tasks such as
working with students individually, preparing lesson plans, utilizing learning media,
involving students in various learning experiences and active leadership from teachers
(Mulyasa, 2013). According to (Supardi, 2014) teacher performance is the ability and the
success of teachers in carrying out learning tasks. The indicators used to measure teacher
performance in this study include the ability to develop lesson plans, the ability to carry out
learning, the ability to conduct interpersonal relationships, the ability to carry out assessments
of learning outcomes, the ability to carry out enrichment, and the ability to carry out remedial
(Supardi, 2014).
Return: Management Studies, Economics and Business, Vol 1(No 3), Nov 2022
The Influence Of Emotional Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence, Special Performance Assessment,
Education, Training, And Motivation On Teacher Performance
This study used a quantitative approach and data collection tools using questionnaires
and using multiple linear regression analysis techniques with data processing using SPSS
IBM 25 software . Riyadlul Ulum Wadda'wah Integrated Middle School, Riyadlul Ulum
Wadda'wah Integrated Middle School for Girls and Riyadlul Ulum Integrated High School
for Tasikmalaya City. The population in this study were permanent foundation teachers who
were subject to special performance assessments at the Riyadlul Ulum Wadda'wah Integrated
Middle School and High School at the Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Foundation, Tasikmalaya City,
totaling 112 people and the entire population was used as the research sample.
Based on the validity test and reliability test using Croanbach's alpha > 0.70, the
results obtained for all statement items from each variable were stated to be valid and reliable
so that it can be said that the questionnaire in this study can provide accurate and reliable
After the data from the questionnaire results were changed using the Method of
Successive Internal (MSI), then the data was tested using the classic assumption test
consisting of the Normality Test, Heteroscedasticity Test and Multicollinearity Test. Based
on the Normality Test using the Kolmogorav-Smirnov test both tables, histograms and PP
Plots show that the research data is normal. Based on the heteroscedasticity test using the
Glejser test, both tables and scatter plots show that the regression model in this study does not
show symptoms of heteroscedasticity. Likewise, based on the results of the Multicollinearity
Test using Tolerance and VIF values, it shows that in the regression model there are no
symptoms of multicollinearity. Thus based on the results of the classical assumption test, the
equation or regression model in this study can be said to be consistent.
To find out the description of each variable in this study, the formula for Interval Level Value
(NJI) is used. Where the results of the respondents' answers are tabulated to see the total
score of the respondents' answers and as a benchmark in determining the high and low
classification of the total score of the questionnaire per variable and per statement item.
Where based on the results of NJI calculations it is known that each variable in this study is
in the high category, and not yet in the very high category.
To test the hypothesis, the t-test and F-test were carried out. Based on the results of
the calculation of the t-test using SPSS IBM 25, the output table is obtained as follows:
Table 1
T Test Calculation Results
Unstandardized Standardized t ig.
Coefficients Coefficients
Emotional Intelligence (X1)
, 182
, 012
Spiritual Intelligence (X2)
Special Performance Assessment,142
Education and Training (X4) , 151
Motivation (X5) ,241
a. Dependent Variable: Teacher Performance (Y
Return: Management Studies, Economics and Business, Vol 1(No 3), Nov 2022
The Influence Of Emotional Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence, Special Performance Assessment,
Education, Training, And Motivation On Teacher Performance
On the basis of decision making for the t test where the significance value is less than
0.05 and t_count is more than t_table with a t_table value, it is clear that partially the
independent variables have a positive and significant effect on the dependent variable. Then
based on the results of Test F using SPSS IBM 25, the output table is obtained as follows:
Table 2
F Test Calculation Results
Sum of Squares
With a significance value of <5%, it is clear that simultaneously the independent
variables influence the dependent variable. And based on the results of the calculation of the
coefficient of determination, it is found that the dependent variable is influenced by the
independent variable by 81.4%.
Emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, special performance appraisal, education
and training, motivation and performance of permanent teachers at the Condong Condong
Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Foundation, Cibeureum District, Tasikmalaya City
Emotional intelligence (X1) is in the high category of 7324. This means that
respondents have the assumption that their emotional intelligence is at a good level and with
the emotional intelligence they have, teachers are more enthusiastic about teaching, trying to
be disciplined at work, able to generate motivation. students and understand their purpose in
Spiritual intelligence gets a total recapitulation score of 7256 and is included in the
high category. This has the meaning that the respondents assume that spiritual intelligence
makes their life principles more oriented towards worship where they feel the presence of
Allah SWT more in every step of their way, and make all activities including teaching as part
of worship. Then the literature that teachers read as material for teaching is sought for its
meaning so that the truth and greatness of Allah SWT is found.
Specific performance appraisals get a total recapitulation score of 7112 and are
included in the high category. This means that respondents perceive that this special
performance appraisal program can encourage teachers to participate more actively in
training activities outside the institution, stimulate teachers to comply more with the code of
ethics that applies in the institution, can also make teachers more disciplined.
Education and training variables get a total recapitulation score of 7114 included in
the high category. This means that the training program is perceived by the respondents as
having a good impact on the teacher's ability to relate material to the realities of life, the
teacher's ability to prepare semester programs and other learning tools in accordance with
applicable regulations.
The motivation variable gets a total recapitulation score of 7268 and is included in the
high category. Where the motivational variable is perceived by the respondents at a good
level because schools provide opportunities for teachers to continue their studies, provide
office facilities as support for work, provide regular supervision programs, and schools
provide salaries to teachers on time.
Return: Management Studies, Economics and Business, Vol 1(No 3), Nov 2022
The Influence Of Emotional Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence, Special Performance Assessment,
Education, Training, And Motivation On Teacher Performance
The teacher performance variable gets a total recapitulation score of 7559 and is
included in the high category. This has the meaning that the performance is perceived by the
permanent teachers of the Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Foundation to be at a good level where the
teachers have carried out their duties and responsibilities as educators such as carrying out
remedial, compiling enrichment material, giving test results to students so that they become
material for reflection for students, and using the method learning that is tailored to the
learning material.
Partial influence between emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, special
performance appraisal, education and training, and motivation on the performance of
permanent teachers at the Condong Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Foundation, Cibeureum District,
Tasikmalaya City
Based on the results of the study it was found that the independent variables in this
study partially had a positive and significant effect on the independent variables. The results
of this study are in line with several expert opinions including according to Agustian (2006)
academic ability, the title of higher education graduates cannot be a benchmark for how well
a person's performance is at work or how successful one can be achieved. This is supported
by the results of research which states that employee performance is influenced by the level
of emotional intelligence possessed by employees. Emotionally intelligent employees show a
tendency to commit lower violations so that institutions can use emotional intelligence to
improve employee performance (Agus, Putu and Wirawan, 2017; Fitriastuti, 2013; Maya,
2018; Sahidur Rahman, 2012; Sakti, 2020; Sony , 2016).
Spiritual intelligence enables a person to be more creative, change rules and
situations, play with boundaries and gives the ability to differentiate (Zohar, Danar and
Marshall, 2007). According to Agustian (2001) through spiritual intelligence humans can
determine what should and should not, distinguish between what is right and what is wrong
because they are able to interpret life more meaningfully, namely as a means of charity.
Someone who has a high level of spiritual intelligence will be able to interpret work not only
to make ends meet but to worship as a provision in the hereafter so that someone with good
spiritual intelligence will also show good performance. Based on the results of research
proving that the level of spiritual intelligence has a positive and significant influence on
employee performance (Angayaarkanni, 2019; Farhah, 2012; L Lasminiasih, RB Utomo,
2018; Tahir, 2018).
Performance appraisal is necessary because it has various benefits and uses including
improving work performance, compensation adjustments, placement decisions, and so on
(Gaol, 2014; Supardi, 2014). In line with the results of research that performance appraisal
has a positive and significant effect on performance (Jufri, 2018; Tangkuman, 2015). In
Hangga Rani's research, Indria (2015) suggests that employees who are given performance
appraisals tend to show better performance compared to employees who are not given
performance appraisals. Employees who are given a performance appraisal by their superiors
make the employee's performance even higher.
According to Mangkunegara (2013) there are various objectives of holding training
programs including to increase work productivity, work quality, morale and work enthusiasm
and increase stimulation so that employees are able to achieve optimally. In line with the
results of the study, it was found that education and training had a positive and significant
effect on employee performance (Agustriari, 2017; Dareho, 2017; Doane, 2019; Marsha,
Made, 2019).
According to Bangun (2012) many research results conclude that motivation will
affect increased performance and decreased work turnover and absenteeism. According to
Return: Management Studies, Economics and Business, Vol 1(No 3), Nov 2022
The Influence Of Emotional Intelligence, Spiritual Intelligence, Special Performance Assessment,
Education, Training, And Motivation On Teacher Performance
research results in several journals, it is revealed that motivation has a positive and significant
effect on employee performance (Anasthasia, Muis, & -, 2019; Budiman, 2016; Potu, 2013;
Taufik Rahman, 2017; Sitepu, 2013).
The simultaneous influence of emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, special
performance appraisal, education and training, and motivation on the performance of
permanent teachers at the Condong Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Foundation, Cibeureum District,
Tasikmalaya City.
Based on the calculation results of the Simultaneous Test (F Test) it is known that
there is a simultaneous influence of emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, special
performance appraisal, education and training, and motivation on the performance of
permanent teachers at the Condong Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Foundation, Cibeureum District,
Tasikmalaya City. And the magnitude of the influence of emotional intelligence, spiritual
intelligence, special performance appraisal, education and training, and motivation influences
teacher performance by 81.4% and the remaining 18.6% is influenced by other variables
outside the variables of emotional intelligence, spiritual intelligence, special performance
appraisal, education and training , as well as motivation that was not examined in this study.
This research is in the high category, so efforts are still needed to increase all
variables so that they become very high. However, when viewed from the results of the
partial test, the Condong Tarbiyatul Islmiyah Foundation needs to improve the quality of the
special performance appraisal program considering that this variable has the lowest influence
value. The efforts that can be made include in the early stages it is better if the elements
assessed in the special performance assessment include the main duties of an educator
because additional tasks are not carried out by every permanent teacher of the foundation. In
order for the special performance appraisal to be carried out properly, the Tarbiyatul
Islamiyah Condong Foundation needs to conduct outreach about the objectives and benefits
of the special performance assessment program to all permanent teachers so that they can
carry out additional assignments sincerely
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