source of energy, information, relationships and human influence. The indicators of
emotional intelligence in this study include the star principle, the angel principle, the
leadership principle, the learning principle, the vision principle and the well organized
principle. ) (Agustian, 2006).
Spiritual intelligence is a person's expertise to solve problems of meaning and value,
namely the skill to place behavior and life in a broader and meaningful meaning (Zohar,
Danar. and Marshall, 2007). Another opinion was expressed by (Agustian, 2001a) spiritual
intelligence is the expertise to give the meaning of worship to every behavior and activity
through ways and thoughts that are clean towards a complete human being (hanif) and have a
monotheistic mindset (integralistic) and have principles "only because of Allah SWT".
Indicators for spiritual intelligence include prejudice, life principles, experiences, interests,
viewpoints, comparisons and literature (Agustian, 2006).
Performance appraisal according to (Mangkuprawira, 2003) defines performance
appraisal as a process carried out by institutions in evaluating the performance of an
employee's job. The special performance assessment organized by the Tarbiyatul Islamiyah
Condong Foundation is called the Teacher Achievement Index (IPG). This specific
performance assessment is interpreted by the Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Foundation (Tarbiyatul
Islamiyah Foundation, 2020) as an assessment of the achievements achieved by the teacher in
carrying out all the mandates given by the institution for a certain period of time. The specific
performance assessment indicators in this study took the elements that were assessed in the
special performance assessment at the Condong Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Foundation including
learning, learning, service and violations (Tarbiyatul Islamiyah Foundation, 2020).
Employee education and training is a job requirement to renew the mastery of various
competencies, skills and insights based on work activities that are actually recorded and
routine so that they can carry out and complete the work assigned (Simanungkalit, 2009).
Another opinion from (Handoko, 2016) defines education and training as organizational
activities to improve employee mastery of various skills and certain methods of carrying out
work, recorded and routine as well as to update and improve insight, skills, attitudes and
personality traits. Departing from the definition according to Hani Handoko above, the
indicators used to measure education and training variables in this study include how to do
work, insights, skills, attitudes and personality traits.
Motivation is a process that shows the strength, direction and persistence of an
individual in an effort to achieve goals (Robbins & Judge, 2015). Another opinion expressed
by (Hasibuan, 2005) motivation is more on how to mobilize the efforts and abilities of
employees so that they are willing to work together creatively to achieve and realize the goals
that have been set. Indicators for measuring motivation in this study include salary,
supervision, policy and administration, work relations, working conditions, the job,
opportunities for advancement, recognition or appreciation, success and responsibility
(Sedarmayanti, 2017).
Teacher performance is actually related to quality in carrying out tasks such as
working with students individually, preparing lesson plans, utilizing learning media,
involving students in various learning experiences and active leadership from teachers
(Mulyasa, 2013). According to (Supardi, 2014) teacher performance is the ability and the
success of teachers in carrying out learning tasks. The indicators used to measure teacher
performance in this study include the ability to develop lesson plans, the ability to carry out
learning, the ability to conduct interpersonal relationships, the ability to carry out assessments
of learning outcomes, the ability to carry out enrichment, and the ability to carry out remedial
(Supardi, 2014).