E-ISSN: 2963-3699
P-ISSN: 2964-0121
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Harries Madiistriyatno
, Aulia Kusuma Wardani
, Anshori
Universitas Mitra Bangsa, Jakarta, Indonesia
STIA Menara Siswa, Bogor, Indonesia
, auliakusuma1997@gmail.com
, anshor230580@gmail.com
This research aims to analyze the qualitative relationship between McGregor and Maslow's motivation
theories and employee productivity at Laundry Harfiah, a service company in the field of electronic
equipment production. In background, research highlights the importance of motivation in increasing
employee productivity and company success. McGregor's motivation theory (theories X and Y) and
Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory are the focus for understanding and implementing in human
resource management. The research was conducted using a qualitative approach and case study
method, with research participants in the form of five Harfiah Laundry employees who had worked for
at least one year. Data was collected through in-depth interviews, direct observation, and document
analysis related to the application of motivation theory in companies. The research results show that
Literal Laundry has successfully implemented McGregor and Maslow's motivation theories in human
resource management. McGregor's theory is realized through policies that give employees the freedom
to determine work schedules and participate in decision making. Meanwhile, Maslow's theory is
applied through adequate salaries and benefits as well as training programs to meet the needs and self-
actualization of employees. The positive relationship between the application of motivation theory and
employee productivity is clearly visible, where motivated employees work better. Factors such as
organizational culture, leadership, and employee involvement in decision making also influence the
implementation of employee motivation and productivity. The conclusion of this research is that the
application of McGregor and Maslow's motivation theory at Harfiah Laundry has a positive impact on
employee productivity. Recommendations for companies include strengthening an organizational
culture that supports employee motivation, increasing employee engagement, providing recognition for
hard work, and continuing research for further understanding. Future research can use a quantitative
approach and involve more companies and other variables to deepen understanding of the relationship
between employee motivation and productivity.
Keywords: The Relationship of McGregor and Maslow's Theories of Motivation; employee
productivity; Harfiah Laundry
Motivation is an important factor in increasing employee productivity in a company.
Motivated employees will perform better and contribute more positively to the achievement of
company goals (Nadarajah et al., 2012; Williamson, 1986). Therefore, many companies are striving
to understand motivational theories in order to effectively implement them in human resource
management (Jackson et al., 2014; Shah et al., 2021).
In the theory of motivation, there are two theories that are quite famous, namely
McGregor and Maslow's theory of motivation (1943; Turabik & Baskan, 2015). McGregor's theory
of motivation is known as theory X and theory Y, while Maslow's theory of motivation is
known as Maslow's hierarchy of needs. These two theories have different approaches but both
focus on employee motivation (Mansaray, 2019).
Harfiah Laundry as a service company engaged in the production of electronic equipment
also understands the importance of employee motivation (Ramlall, 2004). Therefore, Harfiah
Laundry seeks to understand and implement theories of motivation in human resource
management. However, it is not clear what the relationship between McGregor and Maslow's
theory of motivation and employee productivity at Harfiah Laundry.
Qualitative Analysis of The Relationship of Mcgregor And Maslow's Theory of Motivation with
Employee Productivity in Harfiah Laundry
Return: Study of Management, Economic And Business, Vol 2 (12), December 2023
Problem Formulation Based on the background above, the following problem can be
formulated: How do McGregor and Maslow's motivation theories relate to employee
productivity in Literal Laundry?
The purpose of this study was to qualitatively analyze the relationship between McGregor
and Maslow's theory of motivation with employee productivity in Literal Laundry. In this study,
the author will analyze how Literal Laundry implements McGregor and Maslow's motivational
theories in human resource management as well as the extent to which the implementation of
those theories has an impact on employee productivity in Literal Laundry.
Research Benefits This research is expected to provide benefits for Literal Laundry in
increasing employee productivity through the implementation of McGregor and Maslow's
motivational theories in human resource management. In addition, this research is also expected
to be a reference for other companies that want to implement motivation theories in human
resource management to increase employee productivity (Bartol, 1991; Jiang et al., 2012).
Research Approach This research uses a qualitative approach with a case study method.
The qualitative approach was chosen because the purpose of this study was to understand in
depth the relationship between McGregor and Maslow's motivation theory with employee
productivity in Literal Laundry. The case study method was chosen because this research was
focused on one company and wanted to see in detail how the implementation of motivation
theory in that company (De Massis & Kotlar, 2014; Nurakhim et al., 2023).
Research Participants The study participants were employees at Harfiah Laundry who had
worked for at least one year. A total of 5 participants were interviewed by purposive sampling.
Data Collection Data was collected through in-depth interviews with research
participants. Interviews are conducted face-to-face with structured question guidance tailored to
research objectives. In addition, data are also collected through direct observation in the field
and analysis of documents related to the implementation of motivation theory in companies
(Jaya, 2020).
Data Analysis The collected data is analyzed qualitatively using thematic analysis
techniques. This technique involves data collection, data recording, data classification, data
interpretation, and data presentation. The results of the analysis will be linked to McGregor and
Maslow's motivation theory to understand the relationship between motivation theory and
employee productivity in Harfiah Laundry (Andjarwati, 2015).
The validity of research is obtained through several means. First, internal validity is
obtained by triangulating data through interviews, observation, and document analysis. Second,
external validity is obtained through checking research results with related parties in the
company (Leavitt et al., 1989). Third, the validity of reliability is obtained by conducting audit
trail techniques in data collection and analysis (Jogiyanto Hartono, 2018).
Research Ethics This research follows research ethics principles such as maintaining the
confidentiality of participants' identities, obtaining informed consent from participants, and
ensuring no conflicts of interest occur during the research. In addition, this research has also
received approval from Harfiah Laundry before being carried out.
Qualitative Analysis of The Relationship of Mcgregor And Maslow's Theory of Motivation with
Employee Productivity in Harfiah Laundry
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Characteristics of Research Participants Of the 5 research participants, consisting of 3
men and 2 women. All participants have worked in Harfiah Laundry for at least one year. The
average age of participants was 30 years with an age range between 25-40 years. Participants
also had different educational backgrounds, from high school education to undergraduate
education (Mantara et al., 2022).
Implementation of McGregor and Maslow's Theory of Motivation in Harfiah Laundry
The results showed that Literal Laundry has implemented McGregor and Maslow's theory of
motivation in increasing employee productivity. McGregor's theory of motivation is applied
through a clear division of duties and responsibilities and gives employees autonomy in
determining how they work (Chiniara & Bentein, 2016). While Maslow's motivation theory is
applied through providing employees with basic needs such as recognition for their hard work,
opportunities for career development, and a conducive work environment (Green et al., 2017;
Nkuda, 2017).
The Relationship of Motivation Theory with Employee Productivity The results showed
a positive relationship between the application of McGregor and Maslow's motivation theory
with employee productivity in Harfiah Laundry. The application of McGregor's motivation
theory helps increase employee productivity by providing clear responsibilities and providing
autonomy in determining how they work. While the application of Maslow's motivation theory
helps increase employee productivity by providing recognition for their hard work,
opportunities for career development, and a conducive work environment (Noor & Mohammed,
Factors Influencing the Implementation of Motivation Theory The results showed that
there were several factors that influenced the implementation of McGregor and Maslow's
motivation theory in Harfiah Laundry. These factors include organizational culture, leadership,
and employee involvement in decision-making (Williams et al., 2015). An organizational
culture that supports the effective application of motivation and leadership theory in facilitating
the implementation of motivation theory also contributes to increased employee productivity.
A limitation of this research is the use of the case study method which is only focused on
one company. In addition, this study also uses a qualitative approach so that the results of the
study cannot be generalized to a wider population (Azhari et al., 2023).
Implications and Suggestions The implication of this study is the importance of
implementing motivation theory in increasing employee productivity. The suggestion from this
study is that Literal Laundry can continue to strengthen organizational culture that supports the
application of motivation theory (Sukiyat, 2020).
Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the implementation of
McGregor and Maslow's motivation theory in Harfiah Laundry has a positive relationship with
employee productivity. The application of McGregor's motivation theory helps increase
employee productivity by providing clear responsibilities and providing autonomy in
determining how they work. While the application of Maslow's motivation theory helps
increase employee productivity by providing recognition for their hard work, opportunities for
career development, and a conducive work environment.
Factors such as organizational culture that supports the effective application of
motivation theory and leadership in facilitating the implementation of motivation theo ry also
contribute to increased employee productivity in Harfiah Laundry.
Qualitative Analysis of The Relationship of Mcgregor And Maslow's Theory of Motivation with
Employee Productivity in Harfiah Laundry
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