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P-ISSN: 2964-0121
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Indi Nervilia
, Aswin Naldi Sahim
, Nurmansyah
Universitas Mitra Bangsa, Jakarta, Indonesia
, aswinnald[email protected]m
, nurmsy1511@gmail.com
One of the efforts to strengthen the role of women in the family context to improve overall family health
and welfare is the Increasing the Role of Women towards a Healthy and Prosperous Family program.
After one year, an analysis was carried out to find out what factors affect the effectiveness of this
program. Specifically examine the influence of participation factors in programs, education, training,
access to resources, culture and norms on increasing the role of women in the family and further on
family welfare. Also culture and norms as moderator variables for the influence between changes in roles
in the family on family well-being. Respondents were program participants, and were immediately
interviewed for filling out questionnaires, which were processed with PLS Smart4 Structural Equation
Modeling (SEM) statistics. The findings of this study are that participation factors in programs,
education, training, access to resources to change the role of women in the family play a role in the
effectiveness of family welfare programs. Culture and norms proved to be moderator variables for the
influence of changing roles in the family on family well-being. Meanwhile, culture and norms are not
moderator variables for the influence of participant participation in programs and training education held
on participants' access to resources. With this, it can be understood what factors need to be done to be
fostered and improved, so as to accelerate the success process of the program to increase the role of
women towards a healthy and prosperous family in Indonesia.
Keywords: Participation in the program; Training Education; access to resources; culture and norms;
the role of women in the family; Family Welfare and (SEM) PLS
The Increasing the Role of Women Towards a Healthy and Prosperous Family program is
an effort to strengthen the role of women in the family context to improve overall family health
and welfare. Tackling gender inequality by providing equal opportunities for women in various
aspects of life, including education, employment, and health (Prasiani et al., 2021).
The role of women in society has a significant impact on family well-being (Thompson &
Walker, 2019). Although women have made substantial progress in a variety of fields, including
education and employment; (Ceci et al., 2014) But there are still major challenges related to the
role of women in the family context. The family is the basic unit of society, and the role of women
in forming a healthy and prosperous family has major implications for a country's social and
economic development.
In the midst of changing social and economic dynamics, women's empowerment policies
are becoming increasingly important. The Increasing the Role of Women Towards a Healthy and
Prosperous Family program is one of the initiatives designed to pay special attention to the role
of women in the family context. However, despite various efforts, a deep understanding of the
impact and effectiveness of this program is still needed in increasing the role of women and
achieving the goal of healthy and prosperous families (Ahmed & Khan, 2021).
Some of the problems related to this women's empowerment policy program for family
welfare include: (Smith & Jones, 2019)
1. Women's Role Challenges: Although women have entered various sectors of life, there are
still challenges related to traditional roles and social expectations of women in the context
of the family. Problems such as gender inequality and double burden are often obstacles
for women in carrying out their roles optimally.
2. Relevance of The Increasing the Role of Women Towards a Healthy and Prosperous
Family Program: It is important to assess the relevance and urgency of the Increasing the
Analysis of Factors That Contribute To The Effectiveness of The Program for Increasing The Role of
Women Towards a Healthy and Prosperous Family
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Role of Women Towards a Healthy and Prosperous Family Program in addressing the
problems faced by women in the family context. How this program can make a real
contribution in increasing the role of women and creating healthy and prosperous families.
3. Program Effectiveness Evaluation: Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Increasing the
Role of Women Towards a Healthy and Prosperous Family Program is crucial to determine
the extent to which this program has had a positive impact. Questions related to increasing
the role of women, changing people's mindsets, and improving family welfare need to be
answered carefully.
4. Social and Economic Implications: The role of women in the family has a direct impact on
social and economic conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the social and
economic implications of increasing the role of women through the Increasing the Role of
Women Towards a Healthy and Prosperous Family Program.
With the foregoing, more in-depth research was conducted to understand the complexity
of issues faced by women in the family context, as well as evaluate the effectiveness of women's
empowerment programs to achieve the goal of a healthy and prosperous family.
The Increasing the Role of Women Towards a Healthy and Prosperous Family program in
selected villages, namely Pedes Village, Pedes District, representing 348 villages and 5 villages
in Sukabumi District, has been going on for 1 year in Fiscal 2023. This program will be carried
out rolling, at the end of the activity carried out evaluated, and set a new village that will be
represented in the Increasing the Role of Women Towards a Healthy and Prosperous Family
program next year. The success of the program is expected to be determined by the level of
member participation in the program as well as the intensity of involvement in the program; At
the beginning of the activity, the participants were given briefing in the form of Education and
Training. The success of this program will depend on the extent to which the education and
training provided by the program can improve the knowledge and skills of Women; (Bullough et
al., 2015) The success of this program can also be seen from the change in the role of women in
the family after participating in the program, and also the change has an impact on the overall
welfare of the family; This program will succeed if it can improve women's access to economic
resources, education, and health; The success of the program will be seen in the extent to which
cultural and social norms affect the implementation and effectiveness of the program, and also
the program adapts to local values; Family Welfare is the ultimate goal of this program. Therefore,
it is necessary to know the contribution of this program to family welfare indicators, such as
health, children's education, and economic stability.
The Theoretical Model of Research
A prosperous family is a family formed based on legal marriage, able to meet the needs of
a decent spiritual and material life, devoted to God Almighty, having harmonious, harmonious
and balanced relationships between members and between families with society and the
environment (Perkembangan Kependudukan Dan Pembangunan Keluarga, 2009). Therefore,
family welfare is a dependent variable, while access to resources, culture and norms, participation
in programs and changes in family roles are independent variables. In addition, culture and norms
are variables. Theoretically his model is presented in Figure 1 below.
Analysis of Factors That Contribute To The Effectiveness of The Program for Increasing The Role of
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Figure 1 The theoretical research model
Research Hypothesis
Based on the theoretical model, main research hypotheses are proposed:
H1: Participation in programs has a positive and significant effect on role change in the family
H2: Training education has a positive and significant effect on role change in the family
H3: Role changes in the family are positive and significant for access to resources
H4: access to resources has a positive and significant effect on the program to increase the role
of women towards a healthy and prosperous family
H5: Culture and norms are moderators of the relationship between participation in programs and
changing roles in the family
H6: Culture and norms are the moderators of the relationship between training education and
changing roles in the family
H7: Organizational culture moderates the relationship between changing roles in the family and
access to resources
Distribution of Questionnaire, sampling dan proses data
In this study, saturated samples were used, all participants became respondents. Data
processing using statistical analysis of SEM (Structural Equation Model) PLS Smart. The
recommended sample size is between 30 and 100, with up to five variables and each variable is
described by three or more indicators (Ghozali, 2020, 2021). Measurement of bound variables
and independent variables using a likert scale of 5 score levels (Santoso & Madiistriyatno, 2021;
Sugiyono, 2013).
Measurement Model Test.
Convergent validity is assessed based on the loading factor of the indicator that measures
the variable. The results of the outer loading value of all indicators can be received after deleting
indicators whose values < 0.70, namely KI8, PK1, PK2, and PK 9 as in the table below.
Analysis of Factors That Contribute To The Effectiveness of The Program for Increasing The Role of
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Table 1 Measurement model results
Access to
Culture and
Role Changes
in the Family
Education and
In Table 1 below can be seen Contruct Reability and Validity, namely; The Average
Variance Extracted (AVE) value of all constructs is acceptable as it > 0.50. Likewise, the
Composite Reability value of the construct is acceptable > 0.70, and also Cronbach's Alpha is
acceptable because it is > 0.70.
The next below in Table 2 shows the analysis of Discriminant Validity - Fornell Larcker
also with acceptable status.
Table 2 Discriminant Validity – Fornell Larcker
Overall, it can be seen in Table 3 of the Fit Model below that SRMR < 0.08 and NFI > 0.70, so
that the Measurement Model is acceptable for measurement and can be continued at the next
stage, namely the Structural Model.
Table 3 Model Fit
Saturated model
Estimated model
Analysis of Factors That Contribute To The Effectiveness of The Program for Increasing The Role of
Women Towards a Healthy and Prosperous Family
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Struktural Model Test.
The second part, Evaluation of structural models using PLS-SEM algorithm analysis and
bootstrapping (Abdillah & Jogiyanto, 2021; Purwanto, 2021). The results of the structural evaluation
of the model are presented in the figure below: (Usman, 2014)
Figure 2 Struktural Model
Menguji Path Coefficient
Direct relationship
The results of the hypothesis test, for a direct relationship including path coefficient
analysis and significance analysis of supporting factors of exogenous variables and
endogenous variables, are presented on. Table 4 below.
Table 4 Results of Hypothesis testing (Path Analysis)
Path Coefficients
Analysis of Factors That Contribute To The Effectiveness of The Program for Increasing The Role of
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The results of statistical analysis of hypothesis testing are explained as follows;
Direct influence.
Hypothesis 1: The results showed that participation in the program had a positive and
significant effect on changing roles in the family (p = 0.000<0.05, β=0.522, t =
7.912>1.96). Therefore, hypothesis 1 is accepted.
Hypothesis 2: The results showed that training education had a positive and significant
effect on role change in the family (p = 0.000<0.05, β=0.429, t = 6.691>1.96). So
hypothesis 2 is accepted
Hypothesis 3: The results showed a positive and significant influence of changes in
family roles on access to resources (p = 0.031<0.05, β=0.194, t = 2.152>1.96). Therefore,
hypothesis 3 is accepted
Hypothesis 4: The results showed a positive and significant effect of access to resources
on family welfare (p = 0.000<0.05, β=0.719, t = 13.021>1.96). Thus, hypothesis 4 is
Moderator Variables
Hypothesis 5: The results showed that culture and norms were not moderated to the
relationship between participation in the program and changes in family roles (p =
0.193>0.05, β=0.106, t = 1.302<1.96). Therefore, hypothesis 5 is rejected.
Hypothesis 6: The results showed that culture and norms were moderators of the
relationship between training education and changes in family roles (p = 0.049 <0.05, β
= -0.149, t = 1.968>1.96). So, hypothesis 6 is accepted
Hypothesis 7: The results showed that organizational culture was the moderator of the
relationship between changing roles in the family and access to resources (p =
0.000<0.05, β=-0.496, t = 4.761>1.96), so hypothesis 7 was accepted
R Squares
Based on the results of R Squares above, the latent variables endogenous access to
resources 0.489, changes in roles in the family 0.883 and family welfare 0.517. Therefore,
according to Chin (2010) and Hair et al. (1998, 2013) the value of R Squares is strong
and moderate is close to strong.
With an R Square value of family welfare of 0.517, this means that the percentage
of the contribution of participation factors in programs, training education, access to
resources, culture and norms, changes in the role of women in the family to family welfare
is 51.7% while the remaining 48.3% is by other factors.
Changes in roles in the family have an R Square value, which is 0.883, this means
that the percentage of the contribution of participation factors in programs, training
education and culture and norms, to changes in the role of women in the family is very
large, which is 88.3% while the remaining 11.73% by other factors.
Furthermore, the R Square value of access to resources, which is 0.489, means that
the percentage of the contribution of participation factors in programs, education,
training, culture and norms, changes in the role of women in the family to access to
resources, which is 48.9% while the remaining 51.1% by other factors.
Analysis of Factors That Contribute To The Effectiveness of The Program for Increasing The Role of
Women Towards a Healthy and Prosperous Family
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Table 5 The R Squares value of each endogenous latent variable
R-square adjusted
The Women's Role Improvement Program for Family Welfare has proven effective due to
increased family welfare. According to the results of the study that family welfare will increase
as a result of changes in the role of women in the family (Ambler et al., 2021). This will happen
if women have access to resources, which is built if there is active participation in participating
in the Increasing the Role of Women Towards a Healthy and Prosperous Family program and if
attending education and training about the Program for Increasing the Role of Women Towards
a Healthy and Prosperous family program. In addition, it turns out that culture and norms are
moderator variables to strengthen and weaken the relationship between education, training and
changing roles in the family. In addition, organizational culture is also a moderator of the
relationship between changing roles in the family and access to resources. However, culture and
norms are not moderators of the relationship between participation in programs and access to
resources (Gupta & Sharma, 2018).
For more detail on successive program improvements, improvements will be made
to each of the key factors studied (Unesco, 2021).
1. Active participation in participating in the Increasing the Role of Women Towards a
Healthy and Prosperous Family program
The first step to be able to achieve the effectiveness of the The Increasing the Role of
Women Towards a Healthy and Prosperous Family program is the active participation of
members to participate in various activities carried out by The Increasing the Role of Women
Towards a Healthy and Prosperous Family. From here members will better understand what
is the purpose of this activity, what benefits will be obtained after following, as well as steps
and procedures to achieve it, so as to cause enthusiasm to run. Conversely, inactive members
lack an understanding of the goals and objectives of the program that will have a good impact
on their family lives in the future. So for the success of The Increasing the Role of Women
Towards a Healthy and Prosperous Family program, it is necessary to select members who
are really ready to participate actively in a positive sense (Johnson & Smith, 2016; Ministry of
Women’s Affairs, 2021).
2. Education and training about the Increasing the Role of Women Towards a Healthy
and Prosperous Family program
Education and training carried out by the Increasing the Role of Women Towards a
Healthy and Prosperous Family program to its participants have a very positive and
significant effect on family welfare through changes in their role in the family. The material
from the education and training will equip participants to better understand the program
objectives and steps to achieve them to become a prosperous family. In this study, the role of
education and training together with the active participation of participants in participating
in the program has a huge impact on the participants' desire to change their roles as women
in the family towards a prosperous family (Gupta & Sharma, 2018),
Analysis of Factors That Contribute To The Effectiveness of The Program for Increasing The Role of
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3. The changing role of Women in the family
As already stated, the active participation of participants to participate in the
program and the implementation of education and training will affect the desire to
change the role of women in the family. The changes that have occurred are as
follows: (Lim-soh & Tan, 2022)
a. Women were considered housekeepers responsible for domestic tasks such as cooking,
cleaning, and caring for children. While this role can provide satisfaction for some
women, for others, it can be a potential source of gender inequality. Now by
participating in this program, the task is done together with the husband, or handed over
to the maid.
b. Likewise, women are often considered the main figures in childcare roles. Society can
expect women to give full attention to children and support their development. Even
this has shifted, women are no longer the main figure in childcare, but with husbands or
maids. In fact, for some cases, the same as in the city, there is already a place for
childcare when the father's mother works.
c. There are also cases where women can be faced with expectations to choose education
and careers that align with their traditional roles as mothers and housekeepers. This can
create obstacles in achieving professional aspirations. Now too has changed where
women's professional aspirations can be carried out, of course through a crack with their
d. Actually, there is something sad also so far, namely in the traditional view, women are
expected to sacrifice personal interests for the welfare of the family. This can include
career sacrifices or personal aspirations, but with this program has undergone changes
through meeting with her husband, so work here is still limited to SME activities.
e. In some ways women face limitations in decision-making, especially with regard to
major decisions in the family. These decisions are more often taken by men. This has
also changed because women have been equated with men.
4. Access to resources
Changes in women's roles in the household can have a positive impact on their access
to resources. Some of these positive impacts include: (International Center for Research on
Women, 2022)
a. Economy: Women who have a more balanced role in the household can more freely
participate in economic activities. This can increase family income and give women
greater access to economic resources, such as financial management, investments, and
asset ownership.
b. Education: Women who have a more active role in the household tend to be more likely
to pursue higher education. They can have more time and support to pursue careers or
further education, which in turn increases their access to knowledge and skills.
c. Health: Changes in women's roles in the household can also affect their health. By
having more control over everyday decisions, women can pay more attention to personal
and family health, including access to health services, diet, and healthy lifestyles.
d. Family Decisions: Women's active participation in making decisions in the household
can have a positive impact on overall family decisions. Mutual decisions between
husband and wife can accommodate different perspectives and needs, creating a more
balanced and harmonious environment.
e. Decision Making: Women who have a more active role in the household tend to have
better decision-making skills. This can include decisions related to the child's education,
family health, and overall household management.
f. Empowerment: Changing women's roles can provide more space for them to feel more
independent and empowered. This includes skills development, increased confidence,
and self-awareness of their potential outside of traditional roles.
Analysis of Factors That Contribute To The Effectiveness of The Program for Increasing The Role of
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5. Culture and Norms
Culture and norms are critical factors that can moderate the relationship between
education, training, and changes in women's roles in the household, and subsequently to
women's access to resources. This moderator variable can strengthen or weaken the
relationship between the two variables, depending on the values, norms, and policies adopted
in a society. Here's an explanation of how culture and norms can act as moderator variables:
(Frambach et al., 2014; Hofstede et al., 2020)
1. Cultural Values:
a. Respect for Gender Equality: In societies that value gender equality, changes in
women's roles in the household may be more accepted and supported. This can
strengthen the link between women's changing roles and their access to resources.
b. Traditional Norms: Conversely, in a culture that still upholds traditional norms that
limit women's roles, such role changes may face resistance. This can weaken the
link between women's changing roles and their access to resources.
2. Norma-norma Social:
a. Society's View of Women's Roles: Whether society supports or opposes changing
women's roles in the household will affect the extent of their access to resources.
Social norms that support women in more active roles can amplify the positive
impact of such change.
b. Stigma and Discrimination: Social norms that stigmatize or discriminate against
women's changing roles can undermine their access to resources. Women may face
barriers or judgment from society.
1. Policy and Law:
a. Policies Supporting Gender Equality: Policies that support gender equality can
amplify the positive impact of changing the role of women in the household. These
policies can create a supportive environment and provide better access for women
to resources.
b. Policy Inequality: Conversely, inequality in policy or law can be an obstacle for
women to gain equal access with men to resources.
3. Historical context:
Social and Economic Change: Historical context and social and economic
change can moderate this relationship. Societies undergoing social and economic
transformation may be more accepting of women's changing roles and provide better
access to resources.
The results of this study can provide benefits and improvements in the management of the
Women's Role Improvement Program for Family welfare in Indonesia.
Understanding the importance of the Women's Role Improvement Program for Family
Welfare in Indonesia. More specific improvements in the improvement of the Women's Role
Enhancement Program for Family Welfare, namely: 1) Full Participation of Interested Parties:
The intervention of all interested parties, including the government, NGOs, academics, and civil
society, in program planning, implementation, and evaluation. 2) Adaptation to Local Context:
Ensure that the program can be tailored to the local needs and context of each region, considering
the diversity of cultures and social conditions in Indonesia. 3) Women's Empowerment:
Strengthen aspects of women's empowerment, including improving women's skills, knowledge,
and access to economic and educational resources.4) Men's Roles and Gender Equality: Involve
men in programs to create gender equality. Focus on education and awareness-raising of men's
role in supporting family welfare. 5) Skills Development: Provide relevant skills training for
women, such as financial skills, entrepreneurship, and information technology skills. 6)
Integration with Other Programs: Coordinate the Increasing the Role of Women Towards a
Healthy and Prosperous Family with other programs that support similar goals, such as health,
Analysis of Factors That Contribute To The Effectiveness of The Program for Increasing The Role of
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education, and economic programs. 7) Use of Technology: Leverage technology to improve
access and efficiency of programs, including online training, mobile applications, or digital
platforms for information exchange. 8) Community Advocacy and Awareness: Conduct advocacy
campaigns to raise public awareness of the importance of women's role in family welfare and
encourage community support for programs. 9) Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation: Form a
continuous monitoring and evaluation system to ensure that programs continue to adapt to
changing needs and challenges at local and national levels.
The Program for Increasing the Role of Women Towards a Healthy and Prosperous Family
is an empowerment program to try to shift some things from the traditional view. Empowerment
that makes women agents of change in families and communities through increasing women's
capacity, knowledge, and skills in various aspects of life, including health care, child education,
and household management. It explores and stimulates changes in norms and cultures that may
limit women's roles. By solving the problem indirectly, reduce poverty rates by empowering
women to participate in productive economic activities.
This research can contribute to the understanding of the factors influencing the Women's
Role Enhancement Program for Family Welfare. Furthermore, it provides an opportunity for
researchers to dig deeper into aspects related to family welfare in Indonesia.
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