E-ISSN: 2963-3699
P-ISSN: 2964-0121
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Hartono Subagio
Universitas Ciputra, Surabaya, Indonesia
In Uncertainty Situations Various efforts and support have been made by the government to
protect its people from various sectors. This article will discuss the strategic management of
MSMEs in dealing with the impact of the pandemic on the Emergency PPKM policy. The
purpose of this article is to find out the right MSME strategy during the current pandemic. This
article uses a qualitative descriptive research method through a literature approach. The results
of this research show that strategies that can be used by MSMEs in dealing with the pandemic
and emergency PPKM policies include (1) digital marketing strategies. (2) strategy to improve
services based on creative innovation (3) strategy to improve the quality of human resources.
Keywords : Economic Growth, Manufacturing, Industry
With the increasingly globalization of the world economy and the era of free trade,
small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Indonesia can also be expected to become one
of the important players. SMEs are expected to be market creators at home and abroad
and as an important source of trade and services balance surpluses or balance of payments.
To carry out this role, Indonesian SMEs must improve themselves, namely creating global
competitiveness (Astuti, 2019).
Nationally, small and medium enterprises have a very important and strategic
position, potential and role in realizing national development goals in general and
economic development goals in particular. This role can be seen in terms of providing
business opportunities, employment opportunities and increasing exports (Sofyan, 2017).
It can be seen that small and medium businesses are better able to survive the economic
crisis, because they have characteristics that are more flexible and make better use of local
resources so they can be relied on to support economic resilience. However, small and
medium enterprises in their development still face various problems that need attention
from various parties, including: (1) low productivity, unprofessional human resources and
management, lack of responsiveness to technological changes and lack of capital, (2)
access markets that are not yet adequate, including distribution networks that function as
marketing channels that are not yet running efficiently, (3) there are no signs of
improvement in the national economy and (4) challenges from the development of free
trade both in the context of AFTA, APEC and GATT cooperation/ WTO which will have
an impact on increasing business competition.
The various problems above can be overcome if small and medium entrepreneurs
are able to develop their businesses creatively and innovatively by always being market
oriented, improving quality, productivity and competitiveness by utilizing existing
resources and always following developments in information and technology. Therefore,
there is a need for policies for the guidance and development of small and medium
enterprises that can push them towards being more advanced and independent and able to
increase their role in the national economy. Data from the State Minister for Cooperatives
and Small and Medium Enterprises (Menekop & PKM) shows that in 2000, there were
around 38.99 million small businesses with average annual sales of less than IDR 1 billion
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or around 99.85% of the number of companies. in Indonesia (Tambunan, 2001) Although
the existence of SMEs and SMEs plays a very important role in the development of
economic conditions, the characteristics inherent in SMEs can be advantages or strengths
that actually become obstacles to their development (growth constraints). The
combination of strengths and weaknesses as well as the opportunities and challenges of
all of them with the external situation will be able to determine the development prospects
of SMEs themselves.
A good organization is one that has clear goals based on the vision and mission
agreed by its founder. To realize this goal requires a way to achieve it which is commonly
referred to as a strategy. Next, plans, policies and achievements and action programs are
prepared. In its application, the above elements may experience changes as a result of the
assumptions used in planning not being fulfilled, for example because the resources
obtained do not match expectations. It can also be caused by goals that are too abstract so
that they are very far from what is expected. Every organization certainly has a plan, and
within the company scope we know the term strategic planning, where this strategic
planning can help us evaluate periodically to achieve goals, help the company to progress
and develop, increase market share in the midst of increasingly sharp business
competition (Allison & Kaye, 2005).
In the Indonesian economy, MSMEs play an important role as a means of economic
equality, a means of reducing poverty levels, and a means of earning foreign exchange
for the country. With the existence of MSMEs, job opportunities are increasingly wide
open, which has a positive impact on the community's employment economy. MSMEs
can reduce the unemployment rate in Indonesia. MSMEs are one of the sectors affected
according to a survey conducted by the Katadata Insight Center. The survey results
showed that as many as 82.9% of MSMEs felt the negative impact of this pandemic.
Therefore, management strategies are needed to deal with business situations that result
in uncertain conditions and are susceptible to change (Volatility), causing conditions of
uncertainty (Uncertainty), situations full of complexity (Complexity), and floating
conditions that cause confusion for reading directions clearly (Ambiguity) caused by
external factors outside management or often referred to as VUCA
From previous research, the management strategy chosen by MSMEs in facing the
VUCA situation in a period of continuing uncertainty focuses more on (1) digital
marketing strategies. (2) strategy to improve services based on creative innovation (3)
strategy to improve the quality of human resources. For this reason, through literature
study in this research, we will explore the management strategies chosen by MSME actors
in dealing with the situation of extending the PPKM as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Apart from that, this research aims to increase literacy regarding new things that can be
done by MSMEs in facing the length of the pandemic, which is still unclear when it will
end or end.
The method we use in this study is a qualitative research method. The qualitative
method in this research uses a literature approach or can also be called a literature study.
Generally, qualitative methods are used to answer questions such as what, how, and why
regarding a problem or phenomenon that you want to discuss in an MSME strategic
management article during times of uncertainty. Meanwhile, the literature study approach
is a research approach carried out by searching for various sources and also references
on a theoretical basis that is relevant to the cases, discussions and problems raised in an
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article, specifically those related to strategic management, MSMEs, pandemics, etc.
Another term for literature study is bibliography study. The definition of literature study
is a technique of collecting data by studying books, notes, literature and various kinds of
reports related to the problem you want to solve, namely the problem of strategic
management of MSMEs in facing times of uncertainty.
Digital marketing strategy
According to (Syukri & Sunrawali, 2022), Digital marketing is a marketing activity
including branding that uses various media. Currently we have entered the era of the
industrial revolution, namely the development of the industrial sector with the use of
communication and information technology as the main element (Ahmad, 2012).
Considering that communication and information technology is really needed during the
Covid-19 pandemic, MSMEs are required to be able to adapt to existing technological
advances. By taking advantage of technological advances, it will certainly make it easier
for MSMEs to develop their business during a pandemic like now.
Marketing activities are an important factor in increasing sales figures during the
pandemic. By implementing a digital marketing strategy, it is hoped that you can attract
potential consumers quickly. According to (Hardilawati, 2020) Digital marketing is a
marketing or promotional activity for a brand by utilizing digital media or the internet.
During the pandemic, MSMEs are expected to be able to make the best use of the internet
to maintain their business. Research conducted by (Hendrawan et al., 2019) shows the
results that digital marketing has a positive influence in increasing sales of MSMEs.
Around 70% of creative entrepreneurs explained that digital marketing can be the main
platform in the marketing process, and offline marketing is only a complement, this is
because digital marketing's ability to reach consumers and is easy to use. According to
(Febriyantoro & Arisandi, 2018) Digital marketing can help MSMEs interact directly
with their consumers, expand market share, and collaborate with e-commerce.
According to (Imam Pamungkas Walton & Nurmandi, 2021) there are several ways
that MSMEs can use to promote their products, these methods include making videos or
photos about the product to be posted on social media, utilizing the features provided
such as Instagram ads and Facebook ads and introducing products on their accounts.
social media. These applications currently have features available for business accounts
to make it easier for them to promote their products. This must be utilized properly by
MSME players. Considering that currently there is a Covid-19 pandemic, community
activities are limited, including shopping activities, digital marketing is the most ideal
strategy for MSMEs to survive the pandemic situation. Apart from that, the scope of
social media such as Instagram is very broad and almost has no limits. So, the strategy
that is highly recommended for MSMEs in terms of surviving the Covid-19 pandemic is
a digital marketing strategy. MSMEs must be smarter in using social media to help
market MSME products.
MSME Strategy in Improving Human Resource Quality
According to (Yuwinanto, 2020) The definition of quality HR is human resources
that can create not only comparative value, but also competitive, generative and
innovative value. Human resources are one of the important factors so that MSME goals
can be achieved. To be able to survive during a pandemic like now, MSMEs must have
competent and quality human resources. According to (Nafis, 2021) The way to achieve
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productive, competent and competitive human resources which are expected to help
MSMEs survive in times of uncertainty is by holding training activities for MSME
players. As discussed in the previous point, changes to MSMEs are an important thing
that must be done to survive times of uncertainty like today, namely by changing the
form of marketing which is usually done offline only, now it must be supplemented with
the help of digital marketing in order to achieve maximum results. Apart from that, with
this period of uncertainty, many transformations have occurred in the world of work.
Many companies choose to implement work from home. In order to survive in times of
uncertainty, MSMEs must be able to make good use of information technology. To
achieve this, human resource training is needed to make them more competent. This is in
accordance with research conducted by (Marlinah, 2020) which shows that the training
provided to MSME actors has a positive influence on MSME income.
In developing human resources, there needs to be cooperation between the
government and MSME actors. The government has made efforts to prepare reliable
human resources through the pre-employment card program. The pre-employment card
program is a program launched by the government through the Ministry of Manpower
which aims to develop work competencies (Shofiana, 2020).
The pre-employment card aims to maximize the productivity and competitiveness
of the workforce, as well as foster an entrepreneurial spirit. By using a pre-employment
card, workers can choose various training that suits their wishes, such as technical skills
to how to start a business and develop it. Skills training that can be chosen include how
to sell via online media, how to become a reliable photographer, mastering language
skills, how to use social media to make a profit, and so on. With the pre-employment
card program, it is hoped that it can improve the quality of human resources which is
expected to be able to encourage MSMEs to progress further and survive in the current
pandemic situation. So, to support digital marketing strategies and improve services
based on creative innovation, HR training is needed so that competent HR can be created
that meets needs.
Practical strategic management has been well realized by MSMEs, as evidenced by the
various strategies carried out by business people and also MSME actors. Even in the
midst of times of uncertainty, in times of uncertainty like today, several strategies that
MSME players can choose are strengthening marketing strategies using digital
technology. Apart from that, MSMEs must also innovate the products they produce. So
that this strategy can run optimally, MSME players must improve the quality of human
resources (HR). With good quality and qualified human resources, MSMEs can carry out
digital-based marketing. MSME players certainly need funds to realize the various
strategies they have chosen, one of which is by utilizing assistance from the government
for this reason, survival strategies that can be used as a reference and recommendation
for MSME business people so they can maintain the business they have started include
(1) marketing digitalization strategy; (2) service improvement strategy based on creative
innovation; (3) strategy to improve the quality of human resources; It is hoped that the
three strategies recommended by the author will help MSMEs in developing strategies to
maintain their business to face unstable economic conditions.
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