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P-ISSN: 2964-0121
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Universitas Sahid Jakarta, Indonesia
The growing development of technology gave birth to the existence of big data that can store a very large
amount of information. The presence of big data provides opportunities for businesses. Business owners
can utilize big data to generate data that can be used to provide an overview as a basis for decision
making in conducting digital marketing activities. The method used is the documentation method with a
qualitative approach. The data used is secondary data derived from various search engines such as
Google Scholar and PubMed. Data analysis using the Miles and Huberman interactive model includes
data condensation, data display and conclusions drawing. The results show that the application of big
data analysis in digital marketing combines technological advances with a deep understanding of
consumer behavior, enabling companies to optimize marketing strategies, improve operational
efficiency, and respond more quickly to market changes, as well as make more informed decisions and
improve corporate image, becoming the key to success in facing competition in today's increasingly
complex and dynamic market.
Keywords : Big data; Decision making; Digital Marketing
Every year, information technology continues to develop and advance by leaps and
bounds. The emergence of various systems and more sophisticated technologies requires to
always accompany the development of existing technology (Nainggolan & Nasution, 2023). This
technology facilitates efficient data management and drives innovation in information processing
for decision-making and knowledge development. Big data is a new and important technological
development that enables the storage and integration of enormous volumes of data from multiple
sources (Ferdiansyah & Nasution, 2023).
Big Data is one of the main pillars in the industrial revolution 4.0, which is generated by
technology development and automation. Data can be valuable if it has been converted into
information, and Big Data experts say that the amount of data will grow faster in the future
(Arifulsyah et al., 2023). This growth can be seen from the size of the data used, where the
smallest size of data ever used is bits (binary digits) and has now reached petabytes (PB), and is
expected to continue to grow beyond the size currently measurable by humans (Kurniawan, 2019).
In the economic aspect of society, there is an important role of communication that can
affect marketing activities. Good and targeted communication will generate a positive response
from consumers. Companies must master marketing communications to support sales figures
(Syira et al., 2023). The right marketing and media strategies are used to be able to reach the
intended market so that sales volume always increases and profit is with digital marketing
(Gumilang, 2019). Currently, many people are interested in digital marketing to support various
activities, one of which is for marketing media (Susanto et al., 2020). Digital marketing is a tool
to promote their products that utilize internet media (Firdaus et al., 2022).
Pemasaran digital tidak mengharuskan penjual untuk bertatap muka dengan
pembeli/pelanggan karena menggunakan media internet. Pada pemasaran digital data yang
digunakan berasal dari sosial media dan website yang disebut dengan big data. Big data dapat
dikelola dengan berbagai teknik sehingga menghasilkan data yang dapat digunakan untuk
memberikan gambaran sebagai dasar pengambilan keputusan (Sofia et al., 2019).
Previous research conducted by Pangestu & Ikasar (2023) states that Big Data for business
analytics has great potential in improving decision making, operational efficiency, and creating
business value. By leveraging Big Data technology and infrastructure, organizations can collect,
manage, and analyze data at scale. This enables them to identify new patterns, relationships, and
Application of Big Data Analytics for Decision Making in Digital Marketing
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insights that support strategic decision making, customer understanding development, and
business process optimization. The role of big data in the trading industry sector has several fairly
specific roles including showing price distribution, consumer privacy protection, stock price
forecasting, tax potential diggers, as corporate value creation management, business value liaison
for strategy (Septa & Hoirul, 2022).
The novelty of this study is to analyze more deeply the process of big data analysis for
decision making in digital marketing. One technology that can increase the effectiveness of a
company's marketing is artificial intelligence (AI) (Octavio, 2023).
Technology that continues to develop causes all aspects of life to adjust. Including
marketing aspects. The development of technology presents the existence of big data that can
store various amounts of information in very large quantities. So that big data will help in the
marketing process more, especially digital marketing. Thus, this study aims to analyze the
application of big data analysis for decision making in digital marketing.
The research method used is a documentation method with a qualitative approach. The
documentation method is a method of collecting data by seeing, studying, then recording data that
has something to do with the object of research (Khosiah et al., 2019). Meanwhile, the qualitative
approach is an approach used to examine for natural object conditions, where researchers are key
instruments, data collection techniques are trianggulated (combined), data analysis is inductive,
and qualitative research results emphasize meaning rather than generalization (Apriyanti et al.,
The data source used is a secondary data source. Secondary data is a data source that does
not directly provide data to the data collector (Pratiwi, 2017). Data analysis using Miles and
Huberman's interactive model includes Data condensation, Data Display and Conclusions
drawing (Wanto, 2018).
New technological advances that integrate the physical, digital, and biological worlds
have affected all disciplines, economics, industry, and government. Allow devices to talk and
connect with each other with centralized control (Setyowati & Nasir Ahmad, 2021). The rapid
development of information and communication technology has penetrated all aspects including
the economy, namely digital marketing, one form of digital marketing tools that can be utilized is
social media as a marketing medium (Sanjaya et al., 2022).
Digital marketing is the application of digital technology that forms online channels to
market (websites, e-mail, databases, digital TV and through various other recent innovations
including blogs, feeds, podcasts, and social networks) that contribute to marketing activities aimed
at making profits and building and developing relationships with customers in addition to
developing a planned approach to increase knowledge about consumers (to the company, its
behavior, values and level of loyalty to its brand), then unify targeted communications with online
services according to the specific needs of each individual or customer. In short, digital marketing
is achieving marketing goals through the application of technology and digital media (Jasri et al.,
2022). Many ways can be used today to sell products digitally such as the use of social media,
marketplaces and websites that provide information and also as a promotional strategy
(Herdiansah, 2021).
The development of internet technology has also given birth to a system, namely big data
as a giant warehouse that holds all information (Florid et al., 2023; Solihin, 2021). The importance
of big data in the modern era is revealed in the phenomenon where the income of various industrial
sectors is through extracting the most suitable and useful information in creating strategies or
business opportunities that they manage. Sources of information can be through social media,
consumer transaction data, to service data that is of interest to the market. The more complex the
information you want to obtain and analyze, the greater the data that will be extracted.
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The purpose or main thing of this Big Data phenomenon is, there is a very exponential
growth of data and information, speed in data accretion (volume), and increasingly varied content
of the data that has the potential to create new challenges, new opportunities, and new sales or
marketing strategies. This indicates that optimal data processing in a big data warehouse will be
able to maximize the company's goal of winning the competition (Mantik & Awaludin, 2014).
Big Data is a term given to data sets that are very large and complex, making it impossible
to process using conventional database management devices or other data processing applications
(Duha et al., 2022). Big data is a collection of very large and complex data sets, which makes it
very difficult to process using only ordinary database management or traditional data processing
applications (Aldisa et al., 2022).
Big Data refers to the 3V's: volume, variety, velocity, and some add other V elements
such as veracity and value. Volume (data capacity) relates to the size of data storage media that is
very large or may be unlimited to units of petabytes or zettabytes; variety (data diversity) related
to the type or types of data that can be processed ranging from structured data to unstructured data;
While velocity (speed) is related to the speed of processing data generated from various sources,
ranging from batch data to real time, while the characteristics of veracity (truth) and value (value)
are related to the uncertainty of data and the value of the benefits of the information produced
(Turmuzi et al., 2023).
The role of Big Data in the industrial sector has been going on for a long time with the
main reasons being efficiency, time saving, and cost. Other reasons include increased
effectiveness. Companies engaged in the business sector have the main orientation on achieving
the highest possible profit margin (profit oriented) (Oktatriani et al., 2023). Various important
information can be generated from Big Data that can support the decision-making process for
company leaders as follows:
a. Knowing the public's response to the products issued through sentiment analysis on social
b. Helping companies make more informed and accurate decisions based on data.
c. Helps improve the company's image in the eyes of customers.
d. Business planning, by knowing customer behavior such as telecommunications and
banking companies.
e. Know market trends and consumer desires.
The occurrence of the industrial revolution 4.0 will certainly have an impact on the
reduced use of human resources in the production process, because the process has almost entirely
been replaced by machines and robots that can be programmed independently and remotely
through cloud computing technology and the internet of things as stated by Bal and Erkan (2019),
the data is then processed using big data technology and artificial intelligence which will provide
output in the form of suggestions for improvements and efficiency of the production process to
A good marketing strategy must be supported by the ease of information technology to be
able to obtain accurate and real-time information. In the digital era like now, an effective and
efficient marketing monitoring information system can make a major contribution in supporting
marketing activities. With a good monitoring information system, marketing decision making can
be more targeted because it is based on accurate and real-time data. Some of the latest trends and
approaches in this research include, Application of artificial intelligence, Use of AI techniques
such as machine learning, neural networks, and natural language processing algorithms in data
analysis of marketing monitoring information systems to identify patterns, trends, and customer
behavior. This helps in smarter and timely strategic decision making. Big data analysis, utilizing
sophisticated technology and analytical methods to process large volumes of data generated by
marketing monitoring information systems. This allows organizations to gain deeper insights into
customer preferences, market trends, and strategic opportunities (Sugiana & Musty, 2023).
Marketing stimulus carried out by marketers relies heavily on the internet and big data as
the trigger. The amount of data spread becomes a medium for making purchasing decisions. Big
data has been used in many businesses. Not only is the magnitude of the data the main point but
Application of Big Data Analytics for Decision Making in Digital Marketing
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what the organization should do with the data. In the world of marketing, this big data analysis
can be used to identify consumer behavior in interacting and transacting online. So that marketers
are able to develop marketing strategies where marketers can plan, create, and distribute content
that is able to attract target consumers to immediately make purchase decisions (Sudarsono, 2020).
Data sources from big data can be structured and unstructured data, so human resources
who master this problem are needed. Structured data has defined data types, formats, and
structures. Data can be transactional data, OLAP data, traditional RDBMS, CSV files, simple
spread-sheets. While unstructured data is textual data with erratic formats or does not have an
inherent structure, so to make it structured data requires more effort, tools, and time (Solihin,
2021). To get maximum results from the information received as a result of Big Data, companies
will utilize Big Data Analytics to facilitate information analysis. Big Data Analytics itself is a
process of extracting information used to find patterns (such as customer behavior patterns) or
trends (such as market trends) based on the data obtained. Big data not only simplifies the process
of storing data but also greatly facilitates the process of data mining. Data that has been processed
with Big Data Analytics will provide useful information for the Company which is then used as a
guide for decision making. Data source and quality are also one of the keys to providing the right
information so that companies can make the right decisions in Purnama, (2022) in (Adyastuti &
Khafid, 2022).
The development of technology gives birth to big data that can help humans. Big data can
collect very large information so that humans with various techniques can process the data to
streamline their business activities. With big data can help companies to make decisions in digital
Based on the results of the study, it was found that the application of big data analysis in
digital marketing is a vital strategy that combines technological advances with the need for a deep
understanding of consumer behavior. By utilizing information and communication technology
and large sources of information from big data, companies can optimize marketing strategies,
improve operational efficiency, and respond to market changes more quickly. Big data analytics
enable companies to take more informed decisions, improve corporate image, and plan more
effective marketing strategies, becoming the key to success in facing competition in today's
increasingly complex and dynamic market.
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