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P-ISSN: 2964-0121
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Anang Pramono
*, Timotius Satrio Setyo Ardi Wolayan
Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Surabaya, Indonesia
, timotiusardi19@gmail.com
Sales is one of the key factors in business. Failure to increase sales can lead to the collapse and
bankruptcy of a business. Recommendation System is a system that is capable of predicting
products desired by users. Personalized product recommendations effectively boost sales in a
business. In this context, the recommendation system is a strategic tool to optimize the user
experience and encourage further purchases. This research applies the content-based filtering
method, which utilizes an item similarity-based recommendation approach. Three variables are
used to determine the recommended product order: similarity value, sales quantity, and rating.
Based on the trial, it was found that 77.3% of users were interested in the recommended
products, while the remaining 22.7% preferred to purchase other products. Therefore, it can be
concluded that the recommendation system can influence users to purchase the recommended
products, thus impacting sales.
Keywords: Content-based Filtering; Increasing Sales; Recommendation Systems
The government has now declared the COVID-19 pandemic as an endemic. However, the
impacts and effects of the pandemic itself are still evident, one of which is the new habit of
ordering food online, which previously people were skeptical about (Alteri et al., 2021; Gündeş
et al., 2023; Suhaeri, 2020). This new habit formed because most people felt fear and concern
about being exposed to the coronavirus during the pandemic. Additionally, the
governmentimposed restrictions and urged people to reduce activities outside the home. This
situation prompted people to conduct transactions online, including ordering food. Despite the
situation and the government declaring it endemic, this habit still continues because people have
become accustomed to it. Apart from being accustomed, the level of trust among people who were
previously skeptical has also increased. Due to this new habit, alternative sales channels have
emerged through online platforms. This situation can potentially drive digital economic
transformation because business actors must adapt and find new strategies to follow the new
habits of the community, namely by shifting to the use of digital ecosystems (Kusuma et al., 2024;
Rosita, 2020).
The transformation from marketing and sales through conventional media to online media
is one way restaurants compete in the digital era. The existence of food ordering applications can
help increase sales at restaurants or restaurants (Lepkowska-White et al., 2019; Wulandari, 2022).
This is evidenced by increased restaurant sales after using food ordering applications (Yudhistira
& Sushandoyo, 2018). This increase in food orders will also impact increasing revenue from
Fusia is a restaurant that already has several branches throughout Indonesia, namely
Banjarmasin, Samarinda, and Surabaya. Previously, Fusia was a restaurant focused on offline
sales, and it collaborated with third parties such as GoFood in its sales. But in July 2022, Fusia
tried to put more effort into developing a business strategy and developing sales channels, namely
by creating an application for food orders. The features in this application are not only food
ordering features but also various other features such as reservations, vouchers, promos, and menu
information. Unfortunately, there are shortcomings in this application, which is not yet able to
offer food products that can adjust to users' wishes. From the launch of the application until now,
sales through the application have increased very low. This is certainly not in accordance with the
expectations of the designed business strategy. Making intelligent information systems using
Application of Big Data Analytics for Decision Making in Digital Marketing
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recommendation systems is intended to provide product recommendations that are suitable and
in accordance with user wishes.
The recommendation system has a significant role in assisting buyers in making purchasing
decisions. This feature has a strong influence on users buying certain products. In this case, the
recommendation system is an important tool to influence users to have an interest and desire to
buy a product. In addition, the recommendation feature is one form of product promotion owned
to increase sales (Hariri & Rochim, 2022). With the recommendation system, customers are
facilitated in making purchasing decisions. There are three types of filtering methods in the
recommendation system, namely content-based filtering, collaborative filtering, and hybrid
filtering, which combine the two previous methods.
Based on data records from Statista, Amazon increased sales by 37% from 2019 to 2020,
from an initial $280 billion to $386 billion (Krysik, 2021). Much of this success is due to
Amazon's integration of recommendations into almost every step of the buying process.
Currently, the recommendation system has played an important role in various online business
industries (Maristha et al., 2021).
So, with the aim of increasing sales, a study was made to examine the impact of the
recommendation system on sales by implementing a recommendation system on the Fusia
application, titled "Fusia Restaurant Application Development Using the Recommendation
This study's object is Fusia Restaurant. The data that will be used includes transaction data,
product data, rating data, user data, and branch data from Fusia. Researchers used observation,
interview, and questionnaire methods to observe and collect data related to research. The
recommendation system method used in this study is content-based filtering. Here is a flowchart
of the recommendation system process using content-based filtering, as seen in Figure 1.
Figure 1 Diagram Alur Pemrosesan Sistem Rekomendasi
A. Collecting Data
In this process, the data needed to be used is called and declared. These data are such as product
data, ratings, product data that will be searched for similarity and product name data that has been converted
into data series types. Series itself is a one-dimensional data structure similar to an array or list, but has
labels associated with each data element. Each element in the Series is called a "value" or "item", while
each label is called an "index". Below is the table structure of the data before it is managed.
Application of Big Data Analytics for Decision Making in Digital Marketing
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Figure 2 Entity-Relationship Diagram
B. Text Preprocessing
Figure 3 Diagram Alur Text Preprocessing
The flowchart in figure 2 is the stages of Text Preprocessing. In this Text Preprocessing process ,
text data processing is carried out in the product description before the data is processed. This process is
done to select text data to be more structured and facilitate analysis and calculation (Rakhmawati et al.,
2020). There are several stages in processing text in product descriptions. Here is an explanation of each
1) Case Folding: Case folding is one of the stages in text processing. Case folding is the
process of changing and converting letters from documents to lowercase. For example, the
Application of Big Data Analytics for Decision Making in Digital Marketing
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sentence without quotation marks "Nasi timbel is so delicious!" will be changed to "nasi
timbel delicious!”.
2) Clean Text: Clean text is the process of cleaning text data from unwanted characters. This
process aims to obtain maximum text data by leaving only important words or terms.
3) Stemming: Stemming is the process of simplifying words that were originally affix words
and then changed to root words (Ula et al., 2021).
4) Stopword Removal: Stopword removal is the process of removing terms or words in the
text of a document such as hyphens, conjunctions, pronouns or other types of words that
do not have an important role in describing a document.
5) Tokenizing: Tokenizing is the process of separating each sentence in a document into
words or terms so as to get the final result in the form of a series of tokens.
C. Content-Based Filtering Implementation
After the text data of products is processed, the next step is content-based filtering. The
process of content-based filtering itself consists of several stages depicted in Figure 4.
Figure 4 Content-Based Filtering
1) TF-IDF calculation
TF-IDF calculation method. Term Frequancy-Inverse Document Frequency or commonly
abbreviated as TF-IDF is a weighting technique for each word in a document TF-IDF is a method
used in text processing and data modeling to give weight to words in a document based on the
frequency of those words in the document and in the entire document collection. The use of TF-
Application of Big Data Analytics for Decision Making in Digital Marketing
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IDF calculation in the Content-Based Filtering method is as the formation of a profile of an item.
TF-IDF itself is a combination of two calculations, namely TF and IDF. The TF or Term
Frequency technique is used to count and measure how often a word appears in a document. If a
word appears more often in a document, it is concluded that the word is an important word in the
document, so the higher the TF value. However, the high frequency of a word that appears from
a document is not necessarily an important word if it turns out that the word also often appears in
many documents. So, to calculate the probability, IDF calculations are used to subtract the value
or weight of a word if it happens. IDF has the opposite way of calculating TF, that is, the less
often a word appears from all documents, the greater the value of the IDF (Pramesti & Santiyasa,
2022). Then, to get the maximum weight value, a combination of two calculations between TF
and IDF was carried out, which was then called TF-IDF. By applying the TF-IDF method, words
that have a high TF-IDF score in a document are most likely unique and important words for the
document. Here is the formula of the TF-IDF calculation.
 󰇛
: Frequency of x at y
: Number of document containing x
N : Total number of documents
By this method, the system can map the weighting of each term present in the item and obtain its
value. After that, the system will convert each term and combine them into an item profile.
2) Cosine Similarity calculation.
Cosine Similarity calculation is a method for calculating the similarity between two
vectors by finding the cosine from that angle. Here is the formula of cosine similiarity.
󰇛 󰇜
A =
Vector A to be compared similar
B =
Vector B to be compared similar
In the cosine similarity calculation method, it produces similarity values between each pair of
3) Product Input
This input data will be used to compare the entire data with the input data and find the data
that has the highest similarity value.
4) Compare Product Inputed to Other Item Profile
After the data to be searched for similarity is inputted, the system will start processing the
data by comparing the input data with other data to find which data has similarities.
5) Sort by The Highest Similiarity Value
After the comparison process is completed, the system successfully maps which products
have similarities and assigns a value to each comparison. Next, the system will sort these
similarity values from highest to lowest to obtain the products that are most similar to the input
6) Takes Top 10 Products with The Highest Similarity
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After the sorting process is completed, the top 10 products will be selected and become the ten
product data to be further processed for sorting with the additional variables of sales and ratings.
7) Sorting Data Based on 3 Variables
To get 10 products in the best order, sorting is done based on 3 variables, namely similarity
value, number sold, and rating.
8) Get 10 Recommended Products
After going through a sorting process based on 3 variables, 10 recommended products are
obtained with users.
Research shows that the content-based filtering method can be applied to recommendation
systems for the Fusia restaurant application case study. The similarity of item profiles influences
the recommendation results. For example, if a user selects "Fried Duck", then the recommended
items will be "Ayam Goreng", "Tempe Goreng", and "Tahu Goreng dan Tempe Goreng", which
respectively have similarity scores of "0.6", "0.2", and "0.1". Products like "Kakap" or "Beef
Burger" are not recommended because they have similarity scores of "0.0" or in other words, no
similarity at all.
Based on the recommendation results, user interest in the recommended products is tested.
The test results show that 77.3% are interested in and purchase the recommended products, while
the rest are not.
A. Recommendation Result
This subchapter will discuss the results of the recommendation process. Here is an example
of the product input to be searched for similarity is "Fried Duck." Because users make
transactions or purchases of "Fried Duck" food. The system will perform the process in figure 1
and then will output recommendations as in figure 3.
Figure 5 Process Results Recommendation System
Figure 3 is the result of a recommendation system process with "Fried Duck" input. The
recommendation results shown in figure 3 are the recommendations that will be displayed on the
Application of Big Data Analytics for Decision Making in Digital Marketing
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B. Display on Application
This sub-chapter will discuss the results of the recommendation process displayed on the
Figure 6 Recommendations Display on Home Dashboard Page
Figure 4 is the result of the recommendations displayed on the home dashboard page of the
application. Recommendations placed on the home page serve to make it easier for users to see
recommended products.
Figure 7 Recommendations Display on the Recommendations Page
Figure 5 is a view of the recommendation page that users can access when users click "see more".
This page is used to make it easier for users to see more freely the recommended products. On
Application of Big Data Analytics for Decision Making in Digital Marketing
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this page, users can also filter recommended products by branch of Fusia.
Figure 8 Product Detail Page View
Figure 6 is a view of the product detail page. This page can be accessed when the user selects one
of the recommended products. This page will help users by providing more detailed information
about a product.
C. User Interest Testing
This subchapter will discuss the results of user interest testing
Table 1 Traceability Test Results
Number of Users
Not Interested
Seen in table I, the results of the user interest test on recommendations from a total of 110
transactions and a total of 69 tested users. There were 25 product transactions that were not
interested in the recommended product and 85 transactions that showed interest. Here is a
diagram visualization of the test results.
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Figure 9 Visualization of Test Results
Figure 7 shows the results of comparing transactions with recommended products by
matching the time range. In the test results, 22.7% of transactions showed disinterest, and 77.3%
showed interest. The visualization shows that transactions that show interest are far more than
transactions that show disinterest.
This study applied a recommendation system using the content-based filtering method. In
this study, a trial was conducted to determine whether the recommendation system can influence
user interest in determining the product to buy. Based on the results of the tests that have been
carried out, it was found that 23.8% of transactions made by users were not in accordance with
the recommended products in the same time frame. However, as many as 76.2% of transactions
made by users still follow the recommended product. So, based on the results of the study, it can
be concluded that the recommendation system can help or attract users to buy and determine
recommended products.
It is highly recommended that business practitioners or entrepreneurs in the F&B industry
implement a recommendation system within their application systems. However, the impact to be
considered is the cost expansion for implementation and the security concern regarding user data.
In the future, to add variations to the managed data to make user profiles more detailed and
comprehensive, researchers could attempt to combine content-based filtering with collaborative
filtering, called hybrid filtering.
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