E-ISSN: 2963-3699
P-ISSN: 2964-0121
Homepage: https://return.publikasikupublisher.com
This work is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0
Cynthia Anna Wijayanti
, Syamsir Abduh
, Robert Kristaung
, Filma Festivalia
Universitas Trisakti, Jakarta, Indonesia
A business model is a strategic plan for creating, delivering, and retaining value, ensuring profitability
and competitiveness. To thrive in a dynamic market, a company should harness its strengths and innovate
its business model to address opportunities or challenges. Strong capabilities empower a firm to
effectively implement business model innovation in response to market fluctuations. This quantitative
study examines the role of a firm’s capabilities, which are dynamic capabilities and market orientation
toward a business model innovation in Indonesia’s hotel industry after the pandemic. Inferential
statistical analysis was conducted on two independent variables, dynamic capabilities, and market
orientation, to examine their impacts on business model innovation as a dependent variable using
Structural Equation Modelling with software Smart PLS 4. The samples included 492 general managers
at three to five-star hotels in Indonesia who were used as respondents. They were selected using
purposive sampling to examine two hypotheses. A five-point Likert-scale online questionnaire included
thirty-two questions from seven dimensions covering two independent variables examined. The results
of the T-test show that the firm’s capabilities, which are dynamic capabilities and market orientation,
have significant effects independently on business model innovation, with each substantial value of
p<0.05. Dynamic capabilities affect business model innovation by 42.9%, followed by Market
orientation, which contributes to business model innovation generation by 35%. Additionally,
Importance-Performance Map Analysis (IPMA) identifies the practical contributions of firm capabilities,
particularly highlighting the significance of proactive market orientation in influencing business model
Keywords : Dynamic Capabilities; Market Orientation; Business Strategy; Strategic Management;
Competitive Advantage; Hospitality
Globalization and rapid technological advancements have led to a significant level of
competition. In addition, sometimes disruption compels companies to reevaluate their business
models to compete in the market and sustain their businesses. What was considered a novel
invention just a few months ago quickly becomes obsolete due to disruptive forces. The ever-
evolving and highly uncertain market conditions often disrupt a company's business model (David
J. Teece, 2010), where innovation, a critical pathway to achieving competitive advantage, is
pivotal in reshaping the utilized business model (Assink, 2006).
The innovation within business models becomes a foundation for a sustainable competitive
edge that is challenging for rivals to replicate, offering more tremendous advantages than other
forms of creation. In response to crises and disruption, the company must use its internal
capabilities to adjust its business model's organizational structure, processes, and resources
accordingly. The capabilities of a firm encompass the ability to utilize its dynamic capabilities
and market orientation to innovate its offerings. Furthermore, by optimizing those internal
capabilities, a firm is expected to innovate its business model, as Business Model Innovation is
crucial in responding to crises (Breier et al., 2021).
The hotel industry in Indonesia is a significant part of the tourism sector, holding economic
importance, notably in government tax revenue generated from hotels. The hospitality industry
has experienced various challenges, such as the growth of a digital platform-based business model
called the Virtual Hotel Operator (VHO) in 2015 in Indonesia. The Virtual Hotel Operator
platform offers low-budget yet clean accommodation options and utilizes a digital-based booking
system, which has experienced rapid growth since its inception. They use innovation in their
business model to provide better, faster, and more accessible customer service and disrupt the
market. Meanwhile, not all conventional hotels prioritize innovation, including technology
The Role of A Firm’s Capabilities on Business Model Innovation; Evidence from Hotels in Indonesia
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innovation; instead, hotel managers commonly prioritize introducing new guest room amenities
or another similar service that may be less critical for business strategy (Wiastuti &
Susilowardhani, 2016). Thus, it implies that the hotel industry may need more ability to change
quickly through their current business model to anticipate environmental changes. Additionally,
the COVID-19 pandemic was another crisis experienced worldwide. Over the last three years, the
tourism and hospitality sector has been dramatically influenced by the pandemic, causing
significant losses for hotels and accommodations. In 2020, the national average occupancy rate
stood at a mere 35%, reflecting a 20% drop compared to the pre-pandemic year of 2019. This fact
underscores the need for adaptability and resilience within the hotel industry’s business model as
it navigates evolving market dynamics and external crises.
Therefore, hotels must use their internal capabilities to conceptualize and implement
business model innovation to sustain their competitive advantage. The significance of the ability
to innovate a business model is also established in the study by (Timotius, 2023), who emphasized
that businesses must embrace innovation to adapt their business models, enhancing
competitiveness and resilience in an increasingly uncertain environment (Adam & Alarifi, 2021).
In uncertainty, the capacity for innovation within currently utilized business models emerges as a
competitive advantage for corporations. Dynamic capabilities are considered the cornerstone of a
corporation's strength in innovating its business model by exploiting internal and external
resources. This research contributes novelty by delineating market orientation, perceived as an
integral part of a corporation's dynamic capabilities, specifically regarding how corporations
employ market orientation to apprehend market needs. This study aims to elucidate how dynamic
capabilities in managing resources, augmented by the ability to capture market demands, act as
catalysts for a corporation's innovation capacity in altering business models amidst market
Business Model Innovation
A business model shows how a firm develops and provides value to customers. It is also a
method to preserve some value for business model development. Innovation is sparked by a
business model, which then develops into a subject of innovation. The business model offers a
method by which technical advancement and knowledge, in conjunction with the use of tangible
and intangible assets and capabilities, are converted into a source of profit for the organization (D
J Teece, 2018). A business must establish its business model using one or more business model
concepts or designs to achieve superior performance. The business model themes can drive
innovation and provide direction in how the business model operates. By carefully selecting and
implementing business model themes, companies aim to achieve superior performance and stay
competitive in a rapidly changing business environment.
Facing a crisis or uncertain market is the least expected by a firm, and managing the
resources under the circumstances takes work. Given the continuous shifts in competition, it was
evident that business model innovation has evolved into a crucial element to consider in company
strategy (Pereira et al., 2015). Business model innovation involves making significant changes or
adjustments within a company, utilizing its capabilities to adapt to market conditions, especially
in an uncertain and dynamic environment. A company must constantly adapt and innovate,
employing novel creative ideas and technology, as business models are only sometimes stable
and enduring. The company can create unique value propositions and turn them into business
model innovations using its capabilities. Furthermore, Business Model Innovation is a company’s
flexibility to adjust to crises, and it is a potent recovery response to the COVID-19 crisis (Breier
et al., 2021). In other words, the company must use its capabilities to develop business model
innovation to respond to crises and survive. The dynamic capabilities and market orientation are
important to creating value and delivering it to consumers. The result of the firm’s capabilities
enables the company to create efficiency or novelty in the way it delivers value to the customer
through its business model. Further, in a study by (Yang et al., 2020) on promoting business model
innovation, companies must initially define new value propositions or design themes. Business
model innovation means reconfiguring the entire business model or some components in response
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to obstacles or as a strategy for innovation and diversification. In this case, companies can adopt
an approach of efficiency or novelty to transform or enhance their existing business model.
According to (Zott & Amit, 2007a), the business model innovation can be translated into
indicators as follows;
1) Easy transactions conducted with customers.
2) Efficiency in accessing every transaction.
3) Providing novel combinations for service.
4) Linking the staff and clients in novel ways.
5) The strategy of revenue generation is innovative.
Dynamic Capabilities
The firm’s internal capability to manage its resources is crucial in gaining a competitive
advantage and sustaining the business through a business model. Three critical resource areas
contribute to this advantage: nature-based, knowledge-based, and dynamic capability-based
views. The latter view, dynamic capability-based, focuses on the dynamism of the company's
environment. Using dynamic capabilities, an organization's internal and external abilities must be
integrated, built, and reconfigured to adapt to rapid environmental changes. Dynamic capabilities
constitute an essential part of Business Model Innovation (David J. Teece, 2018) and serve as a
critical antecedent to business model innovation (Franco et al., 2021). A company must be able
to detect and influence opportunities and challenges, coordinate across its functions, and integrate
and, if necessary, reconfigure internal resources to operate the business model innovation. At the
same time, the company must have the competitive capability to make improvements, which is
used as opportunities for innovation (Vu, 2020). Innovation supported by technological
capabilities will result in a company's dynamic ability to adapt to environmental changes
(Ilmudeen, 2021). The study employs five dimensions modified from the study of (Mikalef &
Pateli, 2016; Pavlou & El Sawy, 2011) to identify the dynamic capabilities, which are then
translated into activities of;
1) Sensing
2) Coordinating
3) Learnin
4) Integrating
5) Reconfiguring
Market Orientation
Rapid changes in the market may lead to consumer behavioral changes as well. Therefore,
companies need to recognize consumer needs and respond to information gathered from the
market. After collecting the consumer’s needs, the company transforms them into practical value
creation, followed by disseminating them across all functional aspects of the business. The
objective is to provide superior products and services to customers. The ability to search and
collect market data regarding present and future needs is known as market orientation. Market
orientation is part of a firm’s capability to assist in creating innovation by understanding the
market's needs. The understanding of current consumer and potential future needs serves as
guidance in creating value and is a crucial part of business model innovation (Amit & Zott, 2012,
2015). A capability perspective of Market Orientation is adopted to influence innovation, where
Market Orientation facilitates an understanding of customers and competitors. Furthermore,
understanding what customers require enables a business to define its value proposition and
support business model innovation (Ramani & Kumar, 2008). In other words, implementing
market orientation can help the firm innovate its current business model. The evolution in Market
Orientation literature is categorized into two dimensions: Responsive Market Orientation and
Proactive Market Orientation (Narver et al., 2004). Responsive market orientation emphasizes
existing customers, potential threats, and opportunities within established market segments.
Conversely, Proactive market orientation, which centers around future or emerging markets,
The Role of A Firm’s Capabilities on Business Model Innovation; Evidence from Hotels in Indonesia
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directs more attention toward concerns for potential rivalry and new market prospects (Wei et al.,
2014; Yang et al., 2020). Therefore, this study employs two dimensions of Market orientation
adopted from study by (Lamore et al., 2013; Yang et al., 2020; Yannopoulos et al., 2012), to
identify the current and potential of customer’s needs, which are through;
1) Responsive market orientation.
2) Proactive market orientation.
Strong dynamic capabilities are required for business model innovation development
(Teece, 2018a) . Several researchers tried to understand the relationship between dynamic
capabilities and business model innovation for multinational companies and their environment to
drive innovation within companies (Augier & Teece, 2009; Bocken & Geradts, 2020; Zahra &
George, 2002). By optimization of dynamic capabilities, it would be expected that a firm can
implement business model innovation and create a sustainable competitive advantage regardless
it is still debatable whether short or long sustainable competitive advantage (Banerjee et al., n.d.;
Jabbarzadeh et al., 2018; Kuo et al., 2017; Naguib et al., 2017). However, it is essential to
acknowledge that business model innovation requires dynamic capabilities to face the volatile
market like pandemic covid 19 and sustain the business (Mohammed et al., 2021). The previous
researchers also tried to link the relationship between the importance of market orientation to
conceptualize and implement business model innovation (Amit & Zott, 2012; Chesbrough, 2010;
Narver & Slater, 2012). However, it is still open to examining the different dimensions of market
orientation in influencing business model innovation (Gupta et al., 2019), particularly in the hotel
industry as a vital country’s national revenue. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate how firm
capabilities, which are dynamic capabilities and market orientation, can affect the generation of
business model innovation in Indonesia’s hotel industry to sustain the business after the pandemic.
The research is motivated to assist hotel management in understanding the importance of
the firm's capabilities, which are dynamic capabilities and market orientation, in influencing
business model innovation after the pandemic. Using the quantitative approach, the relationships
between these variables are disclosed. The findings will assist hoteliers in prioritizing the
development of innovative business models that leverage the firm's capabilities and create a
sustainable competitive advantage. This study aims to uncover the role and relationships among
the variable of Dynamic capabilities, with the dimensions of Sensing, Coordinating, Learning,
Integrating, and Reconfiguring, and the variable of Market Orientation with its dimensions of
Responsive market orientation and Proactive market orientation in influencing a Business Model
Innovation within the Indonesian hotel industry. Thus, the hypotheses of the study are proposed
as follows;
: Dynamic capabilities have a significant direct effect on business model innovation.
: Market orientation has a significant direct effect on business model innovation.
Figure 1
Conceptual Framework
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The study examines the role of a firm’s Dynamic Capabilities and Market Orientation as
independent variables on Business Model Innovation as dependent variables, utilizing a one-tailed
test. The conceptual framework, depicted in Figure 1, illustrates the connections between these
variables. This research involves five dimensions from variable Dynamic Capabilities, two
dimensions from variable Market Orientation and Business Model Innovation translated into
thirty-two indicators in total, which are summarized in Table 1. The questions in a 5 points Likert-
scale (1 strongly disagree to 5 strongly agree) distributed to selected respondents using non-
probability Purposive Sampling to who hold managerial positions as General Managers of three
to five-star hotels in Indonesia, the establishment of the hotel is a minimum of seven years and
have a minimum of 5 years of tenure at the same hotel until 2023.
Table 1 Research Variables, the Dimensions, and Indicators
Dynamic Capabilities
Scanning process in identifying new business opportunities (Sensing-1)
Modified from
(Pavlou & El
Sawy, 2011) and
(Mikalef & Pateli,
Reviewing product and service development efforts (Sensing-2)
Understanding how the competitive landscape evolves Sensing-3)
Gathering important intelligence (Sensing-4)
Coordinating several functional tasks in an efficient manner (Coordinating-1)
Providing effective coordination with external parties (Coordinating-2)
Synchronizing activities with functional units (Coordinating-3)
Discovering and importing novel knowledge and information (Learning-1)
Converting previously acquired knowledge into new understanding (Learning-2)
Assimilating new information and knowledge (Learning-3)
Utilizing expertise and data gathered to support in decision-making (Learning-4)
Real-time, simple access to vital data from business partners (Integrating-1)
Streamlining interactions between business partners (Integrating-2)
Incorporating important information from key partners (Integrating-3)
Preparing for unanticipated changes (Reconfiguring-1)
Reconfiguring business processes to create new productive assets
Market Orientation
Responsive Market
Maintaining a high level of dedication to fulfilling customer demands (RMO-1)
(Lamore et al.,
2013; Yang et al.,
Yannopoulos et
al., 2012)
Monitoring orientation degree to fulfilling customers’ requirements (RMO-2)
Measuring customer satisfaction systematically (RMO-3)
Distributing information on customer satisfaction on a regular basis (RMO-4)
The company exist primarily to serve consumers (RMO-5)
Proactive Market
Continuously identifying customer extra requirements which they are unaware of
Extrapolating key technology to gain insight into potential customer’s needs.
Using outcome from operational activities to gain potential customer’s needs in
the future (PMO-3)
Utilizing customer behavior patterns to identify potential requirements in the
future (PMO-4)
Brainstorming for projected future demands based on how consumers utilize
products and services (PMO-5)
Exploring the information from key account clients to gain potential future needs
Easy transaction conducted with customers (BMI-1)
(Zott & Amit,
Efficiency in accessing every transaction (BMI-2)
Providing novel combinations for service (BMI-3)
Linking the staff and clients in novel ways (BMI-4)
The way to generate revenues is novel (BMI-5)
In testing the variables, two stages of calculations will be conducted: Lower-order for
dimensions and Higher-order for variable level. Data analysis using Structural Equation Modeling
(SEM) with the software Smart PLS 4, encompassing model specification for the outer model and
inner model. The outer model assessed the validity with a value exceeding 0.7 and an AVE value
surpassing 0.5, testing reliability using Cronbach Alpha and Composite Reliability with a value
The Role of A Firm’s Capabilities on Business Model Innovation; Evidence from Hotels in Indonesia
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above 0.70, and testing the discriminant validity using Fornell-Lacker (Hair et al., 2019). In the
inner model assessment, a test for multicollinearity is conducted using VIF (Variance Inflated
Factor) with values less/below 5, the Determinant Coefficient (R2 and R2 adjusted), and
Predictive Relevance (Q square) value above 0.
Path analysis is utilized to assess the extent of interrelationships between variables, and the
significance of each effect is evaluated through hypothesis testing using the T-test and p-value.
In addition, the Importance-Performance Map Analysis (IPMA) is carried out to enhance the
presentation of path coefficients based on conventional PLS-SEM results. The aim is to find
predecessors with significant importance for the target construct (total solid effect), but
comparatively lower performance (low average latent variable scores). These aspects highlight
potential areas that need improvement and deserve close attention (J. F. Hair et al., 2017). The
IPMA will highlight which firm capabilities (Dynamic capabilities and Market orientation) hold
significant importance but low performance in influencing Business Model Innovation as a target
The Profile of Respondents
Of 578 collected questionnaires from January to May 2023, only 492 valid responses were
selected based on criteria, tested, and further analyzed. Most respondents were male at 71.54%
and women at 28.45%. The most common age range was 45-54 (39.84%), followed by 36-44
(31.70%). Most of the hotels in the classification were four-star hotels at 45.94%, followed by
three-star hotels at 31.70% and five-star hotels at 22.36%. The length of work of most respondents
in the same hotels was between 5-10 years (75.20%), and the largest respondents group worked
in the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, and Bekasi areas at 38.61%, followed by Central Java
at 27.03% (Table 2).
Table 2 Demographics of the respondents
Age (years)
<35 years old
36-44 years old
45-54 years old
55-60 years old
Hotel Classification
3 Stars Hotel
4 Stars Hotel
5 Stars Hotel
Length of work
5-10 years
10-15 years
15-20 years
>20 years
Hotel Location
Bali and Lombok
Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang and Banten
West Java
Central Java
East Java
Sumatra Island
Kalimantan and Sulawesi
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Result for Outer Model (Measurement Model)
In the outer model's lower order, causal relations were established between the indicators
of each dimension. Twenty-seven indicators from five dimensions of Dynamic capabilities and
two dimensions of Market Orientation were examined, where overall, the valid measurement
items displayed for outer loadings exceeding 0.70 (Table 3). However, at the dimension level,
there are some indicators with outer loadings below 0.7, which are Reconfiguring-2, RMO-1,
RMO-2, RMO-3, PMO-1, PMO-2, and PMO-6, but since their AVE values remain above 0.5,
those indicators in outer loadings are retained (Joseph F. Hair et al., 2019) (Table 4).
Table 3 Outer Loading Dimension Level
Indicators to Dimension
Outer Loading
Sensing-1 Sensing
Sensing-2 Sensing
Sensing-3 Sensing
Sensing-4 Sensing
Coordinating-1 Coordinating
Coordinating-2 Coordinating
Coordinating-3 Coordinating
Learning-1 Learning
Learning-2 -Learning
Learning-3 Learning
Learning-4 Learning
Integrating-1 Integrating
Integrating-2 Integrating
Integrating-3 -Integrating
Reconfiguring-1 Reconfiguring
Reconfiguring-2 Reconfiguring
Responsive Market
RMO-1 Responsive Market Orientation
RMO-2 Responsive Market Orientation
RMO-3 Responsive Market Orientation
RMO-4 Responsive Market Orientation
RMO-5 Responsive Market Orientation
Proactive Market
PMO-1 Proactive Market Orientation
PMO-2 Proactive Market Orientation
PMO-3 Proactive Market Orientation
PMO-4 Proactive Market Orientation
PMO-5 Proactive Market Orientation
PMO-6 Proactive Market Orientation
The results indicate that, at the dimension level, all indicators from seven dimensions
meet widely accepted criteria for Cronbach's Alpha and Composite Reliability (>0.70) and have
an Average Extracted Value (AVE) exceeding 0.50 (Table 4).
Table 4 Summary of Cronbach’s Alpha, Composite Reliability, and AVE- Dimension Level
Cronbach’s Alpha
Composite Reliability
Responsive Market Orientation
Proactive Market Orientation
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In the last step for the lower-order dimension level, the Discriminant validity was assessed
using Fornell-Lacker, confirming discriminant validity at the dimension level (Table 5).
Table 5. Discriminant Validity (Fornell Lacker) Dimension Level
Proactive Market
Dynamic Capabilities -Sensing
Dynamic Capabilities-Coordinating
Dynamic Capabilities-Learning
Dynamic Capabilities-Integrating
Dynamic Capabilities-Reconfiguring
Market Orientation-Responsive
Market Orientation
Market Orientation-Proactive
Market Orientation
Dynamic Capabilities, Market Orientation, and Business Model Innovation constructs were
examined in the higher-order testing. Outer loadings at the variable level exceeded 0.70,
signifying their validity (Table 6). Cronbach's alpha and composite reliability values are above
0.70, and AVE values demonstrated convergent validity at the variable level, all-surpassing 0.50
(Table 6). Thus, the Discriminant validity at the variable level using Fornell Lacker confirms that
Discriminant Validity is undetectable (Table 7).
Table 6 Outer Loading Variable Level
Dimension and Indicators to
Outer Loading
Dynamic Capabilities
Sensing Dynamic Capability
Coordinating Dynamic Capability
Learning Dynamic Capability
Integrating Dynamic Capability
Reconfiguring Dynamic Capability
Market Orientation
Responsive Market Orientation Market
Proactive Market Orientation Market
Business Model Innovation
BMI-1 Business Model Innovation
BMI-2 Business Model Innovation
BMI-3 Business Model Innovation
BMI-4 Business Model Innovation
BMI-5 Business Model Innovation
Table 7 Discriminant Validity Fornell Lacker-Variable Level
Business Model Innovation
Dynamic Capabilities
Market Orientation
Business Model Innovation
Dynamic Capabilities
Market Orientation
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Result for Inner model (Structural Model)
The inner model evaluation consists of the multicollinearity test (Variance Inflated
Factor), the determination coefficient (R2), the adjusted R2, and the Predictive Relevance (Q
Square). The multicollinearity test results show that the inner VIF values are below/less than 5
(Table 8).
Table 8 Variance Inflated Factor (VIF)
Business Model Innovation
Dynamic Capabilities
Market Orientation
The determination coefficient (R2) shows the influence of Dynamic capability and Market
Orientation on Business Model Innovation is 0.560, and the value of R Square adjusted is 0.559.
The Q square value yields a value above 0, which is 0.554. All the results are summarized in
Table 9.
Table 9 R Square, R Square adjusted and Q Square
R Square
R Square Adjusted
Q Square
Business model Innovation
Further, Table 10 shows a standardized coefficient (Beta) value of 0.429, or 42.9%, for the
contribution of Dynamic Capability to Business Model Innovation and 0.350, or 35%, for Market
Orientation to Business Model Innovation.
A statistical bootstrapping analysis is performed on each constructed hypothesis to
determine the significance level of each independent variable on the dependent variable. For the
first hypothesis, there is a positive and significant direct effect of Dynamic Capabilities on
Business Model Innovation, where the result of the T-statistic value is 7.020 with a significance
level of 0.000 (Table 10 and Figure 2). Since the t count value is greater than the t table for a one-
tailed test, it means that, theoretically, Dynamic Capabilities significantly directly affect Business
Model Innovation.
Table 10 Summary of Direct Effect, T-Test, and P-Values
Dynamic Capabilities ->
Business Model Innovation
Market Orientation -> Business
Model Innovation
The second hypothesis is that there is a positive and significant direct impact of Market
Orientation on Business Model Innovation, where the result is presented in Table 10 and Figure
2, with a T-statistic value of 5.500 with a significance level of 0.000. Since the t count value is
greater than the t table for a one-tailed test, it means that, theoretically, Market Orientation has a
significant direct effect on Business Model Innovation.
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Result of Important Performance Matrix Analysis (IPMA)
Finally, The Importance-Performance Map Analysis (IPMA) results are summarized in Table 11.
Table 11 IPMA Results
Dynamic Capabilities
Low Importance - High
Low Importance - High
Low Importance - High
Low Importance - Low
Low Importance - Low
Market Orientation
Responsive Market Orientation
High Importance High
Proactive Market Orientation
High Importance Low
Figure 2
Path Coefficient, T-Values and P Values
This research explores the role of a firm's capabilities toward business model innovation
within the Indonesian hotel industry after the pandemic. The inferential statistical analysis in this
study has unveiled the impact of the firm's capabilities for developing a business model
innovation. The two firms' capabilities, which are dynamic capabilities and market orientation,
significantly influence the innovation of the business model of hotels in Indonesia.
The bootstrapping results for each proposed hypothesis show that two of the firm's
capabilities influence the formation of business model innovation implemented by hotels after the
pandemic. Dynamic Capabilities have the most significant impact, with a 42.9% contribution to
business model innovation, while Market Orientation contributes 35% of innovation in business
models. These findings can serve as a reference for hoteliers in setting priorities and focusing
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their strategies on developing dynamic capabilities to enhance their innovation capabilities in their
business models when facing crises and market uncertainties. The result is theoretically supported
by (Breier et al., 2021), who state that the degree of innovation in the business model will
influence a firm's flexibility to adapt to a changing environment. Therefore, a company must have
a flexible business model, which serves as a driver of innovation, and alongside their function in
innovation, business models themselves are subject to innovation (Schneider & Spieth, 2013).
The first hypothesis, which is that there is a significant direct effect of Dynamic
Capabilities on Business Model Innovation, is supported in this study. The finding aligns with
what was demonstrated in research by Vu (2020), which emphasizes the vital role of a company's
dynamic capabilities in adapting to dynamic environmental conditions. In addition, the strength
of dynamic capabilities is crucial for sustaining a company's long-term profitability. Dynamic
capabilities enable a company to design and engage in all activities involving resources to achieve
competitive advantage through business model innovation (Arranz et al., 2020; Pundziene et al.,
2021; Teece, 2018b), which in this study contributes 42.9% influence on business model
innovation generation. Dynamic capabilities influence innovation in the business model by
creating different value propositions, value creation, and value capture. To create value
propositions, value creation, and value capture, companies leverage their dynamic capabilities in
sensing new opportunities, coordinating functions within the organization to exploit these
opportunities, continuous learning, integrating all resources, and reconfiguring them to deliver
value to customers. The result emphasizes that dynamic capabilities, accounting for 42.9%, is the
key contributor to business model innovation within hotel management in Indonesia. This means
that dynamic capabilities drive the level of innovation in the business model at 42.9% and 35%
from market orientation, while the balance is contributed to by other variables not studied in the
The finding is in line with the previous studies that the dynamic capabilities of an
organization affect the level of business model innovation as a crucial component of the value
creation architecture in the business model itself (Franco et al., 2021; Heider et al., 2021; Sharma
et al., 2021; Velu, 2017). The stronger a company's dynamic capabilities in managing its
resources, the higher its ability to innovate through its business model to achieve competitive
advantage and cope with dynamic environments. All the dimensions of Dynamic capabilities
studied theoretically supported the capabilities of sensing, coordinating, learning, integrating, and
reconfiguring by hotel management, affecting the business model innovation they implemented
post-pandemic. However, from the Importance Performance Map Analysis (IPMA) results, all
dimensions, which are the capability of Sensing, Coordinating, Learning, Integrating, and
Reconfiguring, are considered as either Low Importance but High Performance and both Low
Importance and Low Performance. Therefore, hoteliers can exert little effort on activities in each
dimension. The reason is regardless of the dynamic capabilities contributing to business model
innovation, the current dynamic capabilities implemented by the hotel have been evaluated to
successfully sustain the innovation generation in the business model operated by the company.
The second hypothesis that there is a significant direct effect of Market orientation on
Business Model Innovation is supported in this study, where market orientation contributes 35%
of innovation in business models. The supporting research with the same result conducted
by(Yuki & Kubo, 2023) indicates that market orientation can predict innovation. In creating
business model innovation, understanding customer needs is the foundation for generating value
and is a crucial component of the business model innovation itself (Amit & Zott, 2012a, 2015).
The market orientation is the company's ability to ascertain what customers want currently and
predict potential needs in the future. Understanding the current needs and predicting potential
needs require hoteliers to implement Responsive and Proactive market orientation. Another study
also suggests that both dimensions of market orientation, which are Responsive Market
Orientation and Proactive Market Orientation, have positive impacts and are necessary for
business model innovation by defining novel business approaches (Yang et al., 2020). Using the
Importance-Performance Map Analysis (IPMA), Proactive Market Orientation is considered
highly important but low in performance. This means that proactive market orientation is the area
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that needs to be improved by hoteliers to increase their ability to innovate their business models
in uncertain environments. The respondents evaluated that hotel management's ability to predict
consumers' potential needs from behavioral patterns still needs to be improved. Therefore, hotels
can do market research and analysis by investing in extensive research and analysis to understand
emerging trends, changing customer preferences, and finding opportunities for new market
segments. The implementation can involve regular surveys, competitor analysis, and data
analytics to identify potential opportunities. Another possible implication is continuous learning,
which encourages a culture of continuous learning and adaptation within the organization. Staying
informed about industry trends, attending conferences, and fostering innovation through cross-
functional teams can help project future demands.
Concerning Responsive Market Orientation, based on the Importance-Performance Map
Analysis (IPMA) result, the respondents considered this dimension as both high importance and
high performance. Meaning that currently, hotel management in Indonesia is successfully
implementing the Responsive Market Orientation to influence the Business Model Innovation
generation. Keeping the satisfaction of the customers is evaluated as the best strategy
implemented by the hotel management in facing the crisis instead of exploring potential needs as
part of the Proactive Market Orientation approach. Therefore, management must focus on
strengthening and optimizing their Responsive Market Orientation to further enhance customer
satisfaction and meet current needs effectively.
However, technology implementation in the hotel industry has received little attention
because the competition among hotels has traditionally not been focused on technological
innovation. (Tsai et al., 2009) suggested that a Proactive Market Orientation is practical when
high levels of technological turbulence and competitive intensity exist. They argue that a
Proactive Market Orientation is unnecessary when these levels are low (Yuki & Kubo, 2023). In
contrast, the result of this study shows the opposite result, as the Proactive Market orientation is
required to capture potential future needs from customers as it is now still considered as an area
to be improved in Indonesia’s hotel management. Therefore, understanding the turbulence in the
market may allow hotel management to choose between implementing a responsive market
orientation, which focuses on current needs, or being proactive in predicting potential market
needs in the future using advanced technology. Theoretically and empirically, both dimensions
of the market orientations can influence the degree of innovation in the current business model.
To be able to compete and sustain the business, especially in facing a crisis or a dynamic
environment, the hotel industry must have flexibility and adaptability to use the resources and
capabilities they possess. The empirical findings highlight the importance of firm capabilities,
which are dynamic capabilities and market orientation, in influencing business model innovation
within the hotel industry post-pandemic. The research reveals that Dynamic capabilities and
Market orientation positively have significant direct and positive effects on business model
innovation generation. Increasing the dynamic capabilities and market orientation will affect the
degree of innovation in the business model for the hotel industry. The finding empirically
contributes to the conceptual framework that strong Dynamic Capabilities and Market Orientation
are necessary for innovation development in business model as part of business strategy. These
capabilities are essential for sensing business opportunities, reconfiguring the resources, and
transforming the resources into an adjusted business model innovation after a crisis or in a rapidly
changing environment.
Dynamic capabilities enable companies to design and engage in resource-related activities
to achieve competitive advantages through their business model innovation. Furthermore, the
dynamic capabilities of an organization play a crucial role in shaping the level of business model
innovation, which is a fundamental component of the value creation architecture in the business
model itself. While all dimensions of Dynamic Capabilities theoretically support the capabilities
of sensing, coordinating, learning, integrating, and reconfiguring by hotel management, the study
also revealed that these activities are considered of low importance and either high or low
The Role of A Firm’s Capabilities on Business Model Innovation; Evidence from Hotels in Indonesia
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performance. Therefore, hoteliers may not need to exert significant effort in these activities, as
the current dynamic capability they have in place seems sufficient to sustain innovation in the
current business model operated by the company. This suggests that, while dynamic capabilities
are crucial, their optimization and focus should be balanced based on their specific importance
and performance in the hotel's context.
Market orientation encompasses the company's ability to discern customer desires and
anticipate future needs. In this regard, either Responsive or Proactive market orientation is
essential for hoteliers, while Responsive Market Orientation is both highly important and high in
performance, emphasizing it is crucial for meeting current customer needs effectively and
maintaining the current activities to sustain guest satisfaction. Hoteliers are advised to focus on
strengthening and optimizing their Responsive Market Orientation to enhance customer
satisfaction further. On the other hand, proactive market orientation was proven to be highly
important but low performance in this study. This dimension represents an area for improvement
for hotel management in increasing their ability to innovate their business models in uncertain
environments. The ability to predict potential customer needs based on behavioral patterns can be
enhanced through market research and analysis, investment in research and data analytics, and
fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation within the organization. While the
traditional focus of competition in the hotel industry may not have been on technological
innovation, the study suggests that Proactive Market Orientation can be vital for capturing
potential future customer needs. Contrary to some previous research, this study adds the
importance of Proactive Market Orientation in preparing for changes happening in the market. In
summary, both Responsive and Proactive market orientations can influence the degree of business
model innovation, and a balanced approach to these orientations can enhance a hotel's adaptability
and competitiveness in volatile environments.
While the findings offer an initial contribution, further research in various industries or
with a more specific focus on hotel classifications could provide deeper insights. First, each hotel
classification might have different principles and orientations when dealing with a crisis or
uncertain market. Future research could segregate specific hotel categories (e.g., only three or
four-star, or five hotels) to accurately represent the conditions within those categories. Second,
an area for improvement is the need for research literature providing measurement scales for other
firms’ capabilities, such as Service Innovation Capability, which constrained the study's scope in
hospitality. Therefore, future research opportunities exist to develop measurement scales specific
to Service Innovation Capability within the Indonesian hotel industry, enriching the service
industry literature, particularly in hospitality.
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