E-ISSN: 2963-3699
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, Wisman Indra Angkasa
, Dien Noviany Rahmatika
, Fahmi
,Teguh Budi Rahajo
Lecturer at Pancasakti University Jl. Halmahera No.KM. 01, Mintaragen, East Tegal District, Tegal City
National Research and Innovation Agency, Jl. MH. Thamrin 8 Jakarta
November 2022
November 2022
November 2022
Background: This paper aims to study the potential, opportunities,
problems, and strategies for diversifying seaweed commodities to
strengthen markets, competitiveness, and economic resilience of coastal
communities. Seaweed is an aquaculture product that can improve the
people’s economic welfare, deploy many laborers, and even increase the
country's foreign exchange.
Aim: The potential for seaweed distribution in Indonesia is wide open for
those naturally grown and cultivated in the sea.
Method: There are good opportunities for the seaweed industry related to
the potential for cultivation land, availability of raw materials, and demands
for processed products. However, there are problems and challenges to the
nation’s ability to export and compete for world market share to meet the
world's seaweed needs.
Findings: They include low quality and continuity of raw materials,
provided capital, weak human and institutional resources, and seaweed
products marketing strategies. There must be appropriate strategies for the
diversification of Indonesian seaweed commodities for market
strengthening, competitiveness, and economic resilience of coastal
Seaweed, diversification, economic resilience, coastal communities
Seaweed is a commodity for Indonesian economic growth. Its use has a long history, as
does the cultivation of certain groups of species, and is relatively small (Buschmann, et al.,
2017). It is an autotrophic organism that can produce many advantageous compounds
demanded a long time ago. It has also become a source of nutrition in many countries in Asia,
Europe, America, and Australia (Garcia-Poza, et al., 2020). Seaweed cultivation in Indonesia
is carried out in most parts of the archipelago by small farmers (Rimmer, et al., 2021). This is
because the seaweed commodity has a high economic value. It is one of the non-oil and gas
export commodities, a source of income for most coastal communities, and land for
employment in cultivation and industrial sectors. Commercial seaweed cultivation has
undergone drastic changes to keep up with the increasing demands in quantity and quality
(Sugumaran, et al., 2022). More than one million people living in coastal regions in Indonesia
strongly rely on seaweed cultivation that contributes to the rapid growth of the seaweed
industry. Indonesian seaweed has always been a mainstay for non-oil and gas export activities
and contributes to Indonesian export values. In 2020, seaweed contributed USD 279 million
or equivalent to Rp. 4 trillion. The figures released by the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and
Fisheries (KKP) confirm the position of seaweed in the ranks of the national leading export
Diversification Strategies of Indonesian Seaweed Commodities to Strengthen Markets, Competitiveness, and
Economic Resilience of Coastal Communities
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commodities. As a result, seaweed hs been a source of livelihood for coastal communities
throughout the islands in Indonesia.
However, the price of this seaweed is very volatile. It makes it difficult for small
farmers to obtain sustainable income. Their income distribution can cause massive
transformations in the human resources structure and impact economic outputs (Bilan,
Mishchuk, Samoliuk, & Yurchyk, 2020). This unsustainable income may reduce the
production process and affect the government's plan to increase the production rate five times
higher. Until now, seaweed products still experience up and down in the production process.
Many farmers have suffered significant losses due to attacks of pests and diseases which still
cannot be handled properly. The harming pests include copepods, amphipods, and certain fish
(Ward, et al., 2019). There is no growth in the processing industry, especially on the
downstream side. Most of the business units in Indonesia only process Eucheuma cottonii
into semi-refined carrageenan, and only a few turn it into carrageenan.
There have been 23 Indonesian companies engaged in the Euchuema cottonii seaweed
processing (ATC, SRC, and RC) until 2017. The seaweed is a promising protein source for
the future if its protein content is optimized through the cultivation process within high
nutrient concentrations (Stedt, et al., 2022). Seaweed cultivation has become an alternative or
complementary to terrestrial biomass production (Hasselstrom, Visch, Grondahl, Nylund, &
Pavia, 2018). World seaweed production mainly occurs in Asian countries (around 23.3
million tonnes) in 2018. Meanwhile, 5300 tonnes of seaweed are cultivated in Europe in
2018. This represents less than 0.02% of the total volume produced globally, valued at US$
9.6 million (Stevant & Rebours, 2021). This means that ocean aquaculture is needed to meet
the demands for food, materials, and energy for a growing global population (Solvang, Bale,
Broch, Handa, & Alver, 2021). Likewise, the Indonesian seaweed industry has spread across
17 regencies/cities in 10 provinces, namely Bangka Belitung, Banten, West Java, Central
Java, East Java, NTB, NTT, South Sulawesi, Gorontalo, and North Maluku, with a total of
installed capacity of 25,992 tons with annual raw material needs of 102,835 tons. For the
seaweed industry, Gracilaria sp (agar) is processed by 14 companies spread over eight
districts/cities in 4 provinces, namely North Sumatra, Banten, West Java, and East Java, with
an installed capacity of 7,658 tons and annual raw material needs of 66,911 tons. The total
production of seaweed in Indonesia has reached 11.3 million tons, or 38% of the world
production of 29.4 million tons (Busthanul, et al., 2020).
There must be brand new strategies in developing Indonesian seaweed products to be
more competitive. The harvested seaweed can decompose quickly, so it must be processed as
fast as possible (Emblemsvag, et al., 2020). All of the factors mentioned above should be
implemented concerning a holistic work plan through the development of seaweed
commodities by strengthening product diversification. Using a proper diversification strategy,
there will be more added values, business sustainability, and market strengthening for
improving the economic life of coastal communities. Therefore, this paper aims to examine
the potential, opportunities, problems, and strategies for diversifying Indonesian seaweed
products for market strengthening, competitiveness, and economic resilience of coastal
This research uses a desk study approach and is conducted in 2022. The desk method is
an effort to study relevant information, data, and reports to the research objectives. This
method aims to collect and review data or initial and further information related to the
research topics. It also aims to get clarity to develop a theoretical basis for enriching the
conceptual framework and methodological design as well as references during the
preparation of the final study report.
Diversification Strategies of Indonesian Seaweed Commodities to Strengthen Markets, Competitiveness, and
Economic Resilience of Coastal Communities
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The data analysis method is descriptive qualitative, and quantitative methods.
Descriptive studies function to ascertain and describe the characteristics of the variables of a
situation. The purpose of descriptive research is to describe relevant aspects of the
phenomena of an individual or organization (Sekaran, 2000). Hasan (2002) explained that to
use descriptive methods appropriately, researcher must have a repressive nature, always seek
instead of test, and have an integrative power towards various kinds of information he
receives into a unified interpretation.
Potential and Opportunities for Seaweed Industrial Development
Talking about opportunities for the seaweed trade market, Indonesia has a great power
in supplying seaweed raw material needs for the world. Seaweed can have more economic
value after receiving further treatments. In general, post-harvest handling of seaweed by
small farmers only comes to the drying stage. Dried seaweed can produce gelatin,
carrageenan, or algin, depending on the seaweed’s contents. The factories mostly carry out
these processes. Meanwhile, product diversification aims to increase added value for the
economic strengthening of coastal communities as seaweed cultivators. Therefore, seaweed
processing should also be in farming communities and women (Anggadireja, 2007).
Seaweed is a potential commodity and a mainstay for empowering women in business
development as an alternative livelihood to increase family income. This happens because
seaweed has become a popular food for humans, either through simple processing (directly
consumed in raw condition) or through more complex steps to become semi-finished goods
and further processed by downstream industries into finished goods such as pharmaceutical,
cosmetics, food, and others (Suhendar, 2006).
Seaweed from red algae is more popular among farmers than those from green and
brown algae. The new brown algae (Sargassum) have attracted more attention from research
subjects. Meanwhile, the cultivation business has not yet been developed. Brown algae
produce alginate. Meanwhile, red seaweed, especially the Eucheuma type, produces
polysaccharides like Agar and Carrageenan. These two polysaccharides are common
materials in many industrial fields. That is why they have a high economic value. The world
market demand for these two polysaccharides has increased every year. In general, the three
secondary metabolites of the three types of seaweed above have the same functions in the
industrial world. They work as thickeners, suspenders, stabilizers, and emulsifiers. In this
regard, the product diversification actors must deploy their maximum efforts so that seaweed
gets added value as a processing result. The complex empowerment system is closely related
to the success of processing seaweed into semi-finished or finished goods. To better utilize
and develop the Indonesian seaweed industry to be an integrated and reliable business from
upstream to downstream, all elements related to the Indonesian seaweed sectors (government
and private sectors as well as cultivators) must cooperate and integrate through the
implementation of the seaweed cluster strategy. There must be good collaborations with the
same understanding of development, including with the regional stakeholders. Other related
agencies should provide optimal facilities to develop seaweed as a superior product in each
region. The seaweed cluster means synergizing several supporting components of the
seaweed processing industry. The success rate depends on some key factors, such as the
creation of partnerships, research innovation, human resources, and cluster locations.
Problems and Challenges of Indonesian Seaweed Product Diversification
Currently, the seeds used and developed by the local communities are still obtained
directly from vegetative development. They usually set aside the thallus from their
cultivation. They have low skills for selecting good thallus for seedlings. Most of them also
Diversification Strategies of Indonesian Seaweed Commodities to Strengthen Markets, Competitiveness, and
Economic Resilience of Coastal Communities
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still have limited knowledge, so the yields are often not optimal. The limited number of
nursery centers to support seaweed cultivation development areas also makes it difficult for
cultivators to obtain quality seeds.
The low mastery of technology related to seeding, cultivation, harvesting, and drying of
seaweed is also a crucial problem in increasing seaweed productivity. The existing human
resources still have a relatively low level of education, knowledge, and skills related to the
development of aquaculture technology. This is due to the low acceptance of access to
capital, information, technology, and marketing of fishery products. These issues greatly
influence the low scale of business development which in turn results in low job
Post-harvest handling plays a very important role in the seaweed industry. This stage
determines the quality of the seaweed as raw material for processing. This activity must be
carried out carefully, starting from the way of harvesting, washing, drying, packaging, and
storage. Harvested seaweed must be 45 days old. The washing stage must produce a specific
level of cleanliness that meets the requirements such as salt and dirt levels below 5%. The
drying process must achieve a low enough moisture content so that the seaweed is suitable
for sale to manufacturers or exporters. Dried seaweed sold by cultivators has a maximum
water content of 35% for Euchema (Director General of Aquaculture, 2009) and is under
Indonesian National Standard 01-2690-1992 (Ministry of Agriculture, 2013).
However, the problem is that many of them are found in Parigi Moutong Regency. The
harvest age is too young and the post-harvest management is not very well. The farmers often
take the seaweed less than the recommended harvest time of 45 days. This causes the
carrageenan content to be low. They also do not dry the seaweed in a good drying area. There
are still many seaweed farmers who dry their seaweed on the sand using only nets/tarpaulins
without parachutes. This causes a lot of dirt to get stuck in the seaweed. They also do not
apply seaweed drying to the specified water content. Often the water content of seaweed
purchased directly from the farmers can reach above 40% so the salt content can be more
than 5%. This condition will damage the seaweed during the storage and distribution process.
To improve the quality, exporters or manufacturers often have to re-dry and clean the rest of
the salt. This of course requires additional costs and results in heavy shrinkage due to re-
drying and re-cleaning steps.
Indonesian Seaweed Commodity Diversification Strategy for Market Strengthening,
Competitiveness, and Economic Resilience of Coastal Communities. The sustainability of the
seaweed industry is influenced by quality assurance and production continuity (production
system), market (network), business capital, and guarantee for doing business (regulation)
(Anggadiredja, 2007). Meanwhile, the development strategies, according to Keppel (2008),
can be pursued through mapping and structuring cultivation areas, developing business
systems within the area, strengthening institutions, and empowering cultivators. Pandelaki
(2012) explained that the development of the seaweed cultivation industry must also be
followed by the development of the processing industry because it is where the added value
of seaweed lies mostly.
1. Increasing Productivity and Quality of Seaweed
There are some activities to increase the productivity and quality of seaweed. They
include providing more accessible and resistant seaweed seeds to disease through the
provision of seed gardens in production centers. It is also important to provide an
understanding to the local farmers regarding the quality of seaweed produced from pre-
production to post-harvest stages, such as planting age, spacing, RL water content, and
planting calendar, through advocacy and intensive supervision. Meanwhile, there must
Diversification Strategies of Indonesian Seaweed Commodities to Strengthen Markets, Competitiveness, and
Economic Resilience of Coastal Communities
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also be the provision of seaweed storage warehouses for individuals/ groups or cultivators
and the establishment of seaweed logistics institutions.
Subsidies for production inputs such as drying racks are also important things to do
to increase the productivity and quality of seaweed. Moreover, the government must
optimize its role in advocating partnerships between cultivators and traders. The strategic
roles of local governments in formulating strategic regulations are the preparation of a
master plan and regional spatial planning such as RT and RW supported by the carrying
capacity of the environment. Also, to increase seaweed productivity and quality, there
must be an optimization of the local governments in determining seaweed cultivation
zoning according to the ecosystem and cultivation methods. The next important thing is to
facilitate investment for external investors.
2. Development of The Semi-Finished Seaweed Processing Industry (ATC, SRC, And
RC) in Stages In Seaweed Production Centers
The government strengthens partnerships between the processing industry and
cultivators in production centers to ensure the continuity of raw materials and improve
production efficiency. On the other hand, the government is gradually limiting the export
quota of raw/dried seaweed (raw material) by shifting part of the export market share to
domestic (ATC, SRC, and RC processing industries). It is optimizing the assistance of
seaweed processing plants from the Ministry of Industry and developing new seaweed
processing industries in industrialized locations through a synergy program between the
Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Ocean and Fisheries.
The government is also collaborating with foreign investors to transfer technology
for the seaweed processing industry through the Training of Trainers (TOT) to realize an
industry with international standards. Meanwhile, there are simpler regulations and easier
licensing facilities to encourage the growth of the seaweed processing industry in
production centers. Thus, the government encourages the private sector to invest by
opening ATC, SRC, and RC seaweed processing units in seaweed production centers
through promotion and consolidation between the government, investors, and other key
players. Besides, the government facilitates a marketing network between the processing
and manufacturing industries (pharmaceutical, cosmetic, food grade, etc.).
3. Development of a business scale for processing seaweed ready for consumption from
micro to an industrial scale
To develop a business scale for processing seaweed ready for consumption from
micro to an industrial scale, there must be strengthening capital through a credit guarantee
scheme in collaboration with the banking sector and the Ministry of Cooperatives and
SMEs. They should also facilitate the processing of business actors in business financial
management through financial management training. On the other hand, it is also
important to assist processing business actors in making attractive product packaging and
branding to improve knowledge and competitiveness. Meanwhile, there should also be
regular socialization and assistance in the context of making P-IRT, halal certification, and
HACCP in the seaweed processing business. It is also important to support business actors
in marketing processed seaweed products through exhibition events, business and partner
meetings, as well as promotion of processed seaweed products, and the establishment of
marketing networks.
Diversification Strategies of Indonesian Seaweed Commodities to Strengthen Markets, Competitiveness, and
Economic Resilience of Coastal Communities
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Indonesia has a very big opportunity to diversify seaweed commodities to strengthen
markets, competitiveness, and economic resilience of coastal communities for the
development of the seaweed industry. It can be seen from the potential for land area,
production and productivity of seaweed, and the potential for increasingly positive demand.
The support of Indonesia's potential can make it a major producer of seaweed in the world.
Appropriate programs can also make seaweed a source of foreign exchange. On the other
hand, there are still various problems and challenges faced by the seaweed industry,
especially related to the quality and continuity of raw materials in the upstream and
downstream sectors. Indonesian farmers still have relatively low ability to export and
compete in the struggle for world market share to meet the world's seaweed needs. There is
also low added value in the form of processed products ready for consumption. Meanwhile,
the development of the seaweed cultivation industry must also be followed by the
development of the processing industry, because it is where the added value of seaweed is
mostly located. There are some strategies for the development of the seaweed processing
industry, such as; 1) increasing productivity and quality of seaweed, 2) developing of semi-
finished seaweed processing industry (ATC, SRC, and RC) gradually in seaweed production
centers, and 3) development of ready-to-eat seaweed processing business from micro to an
industrial scale.
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