Application of Big Data Analytics for Decision Making in Digital Marketing
Return: Study of Management, Economic and Business, Vol 3 (1), January 2024
statistical t (1.96) and p-value (0.198 > 0.05), thus indicating the existence of possible factors
other than satisfaction such as service, product quality and other value-added components
that complicate the relationship between customer satisfaction and loyalty.
Satisfaction has a direct influence on loyalty. Consumer satisfaction causes consumer
retention and influences purchase intent. Therefore, an increase in the level of satisfaction
will result in an increase in the volume of purchases and recommendations of products or
services to other potential consumers which will certainly have a long-term impact on the
sustainable profitability expected by the Company (Haeruddin & Haeruddin, 2020).
It is possible that customer satisfaction is not directly related to loyalty because
additional factors such as price, quality of goods or emotional factors also play an important
role in shaping customer loyalty behavior. Therefore, understanding the interactions among
these variables is key to developing effective strategies to strengthen relationships with
customers and maintain high levels of loyalty.
Based on the results of the analysis, it can be concluded that the quality of services and
products does not have a significant impact on the level of customer satisfaction. Conversely,
promotions are considered to have a significant influence on the level of customer satisfaction. In
addition, it was found that the quality of services and products did not have a significant effect on
the level of customer loyalty, while promotions had a significant impact on the level of customer
loyalty. The analysis also concluded that customer satisfaction cannot mediate the effect of
service quality, product quality, and promotions on customer loyalty levels. Therefore, to achieve
a higher level of customer loyalty, it is necessary to focus on more effective promotional strategies
and improvements in product and service quality.
Companies need to increase responsiveness to customer complaints to improve service
quality. Focusing on product durability, including expiration, can increase user confidence in
product quality. Providing attractive discount offers in accordance with customer expectations
can be applied to enhance promotions. In addition, to achieve better customer satisfaction,
companies need to continuously improve the quality of product performance to meet customer
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