E-ISSN: 2963-3699
P-ISSN: 2964-0121
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Nur Afni Bungaaeja
, Haliah
, Nirawana
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Hasanuddin, Makassar Indonesia
This research aims to determine and assess the accountability and transparency of village fund proxy
management carried out by the Bakaru Village Government of Pinrang Regency. This research is a
descriptive qualitative research with data collection techniques, namely interviews. The results of this
study show that the management of village fund allocation in Bakaru is in accordance with the applicable
laws regulated in the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 20 of 2018 concerning Village
Financial Management. The results of the Management Accountability research in Bakaru Village have
been good, both technically and administratively as seen from the information on the management of
village fund allocation that can be easily accessed and the implementation of programs that always
involve the community. Transparency in the management of village fund allocation in Bakaru Village is
also transparent, this can be seen from the existence of easily accessible information and good
communication between village officials and the community so that management is considered
transparent. Even though the management of village fund allocation in Bakaru Village can be categorized
as good, training and coaching on village fund management needs to be intensified by village officials,
especially those directly involved in managing village fund allocation to be more directed in accordance
with applicable regulations so that accountability and transparency in village fund allocation
management can be maintained.
Keywords : Accountability; Transparency; Village Fund Allocation
Village government is the smallest scope in a government of the Republic of Indonesia. If
development in each village can run optimally, then the goal of the central government to make
equal distribution of welfare and fair development will be realized. Therefore, the role of regional
government is quite vital in regional autonomy. According to Law on Villages Number 6 of 2014,
villages have the right to freedom to make regulations and rules in carrying out development and
encourage community welfare independently before being regulated by the regional government,
the existence of these regulations is expected to be more independent in carrying out resource,
financial and potential management activities owned by the village, thus requiring the village
government to apply several principles such as accountability, transparency, participation,
fairness, law enforcement, as well as effective and efficient governance. Regulation of the
Minister of Home Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20 of 2018, concerning Village
Financial Management and ADD itself will be regulated in the PerBup issued in the Region.
Permendagri Number 20 of 2018 shows that there are 6 (six) components in transparent and
accountable village financial management covering the process of planning, implementation,
administration, reporting, and accountability (Intishar & Muanas, 2018; Lestari, 2017). So that when
the principles of accountability and transparency are not applied properly, it will encourage
problems that will occur in the realization reporting process, of course, it will encourage fraud in
realization reporting with facts in the field (Haryanto & Arifuddin, 2007).
Village Fund Allocation is funds sourced from the State Budget intended for villages that
are transferred through the district/city Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget and used to
finance government administration, development implementation, community development, and
community empowerment. With the Village Fund, the source of income in each village will
increase. Increasing village income provided by the government to improve the standard of living
of rural communities. However, the existence of Village Funds also raises new problems in
management, village governments are expected to be able to manage in accordance with laws and
regulations in an efficient, economical, effective and transparent and responsible manner by
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paying attention to a sense of justice and compliance and prioritizing the interests of the
community (Ferina et al., 2016).
Problems that are often encountered in managing and managing village funds at the
planning, implementation, and reporting stages are still not understood by the community. The
community has a role in planning, implementing, and reporting the allocation of village funds,
but this has not been implemented optimally by the Bakaru Village government where the
community is less involved in the process of formulating and realizing the budget. This is
evidenced by many people who do not understand about funds and their realization for anything.
In addition, regarding the publication there has been no information regarding the budget for the
allocation of village funds in each hamlet, and even in the village hall there has not been a recent
year. The problem can be attributed to transparency.
The Village Fund Allocation is large enough, requiring the Village government in its
management to rely on the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 20 of 2018 and be able
to account for the use of Village Fund Allocation in an accountable and transparent manner. The
Village government is expected to be able to compile a good Village development and
empowerment plan. This, is intended to create good Village governance.
Bakaru Village has a village fund allocation that always increases from year to year. The
peak of the largest budget amount is in 2022 at Rp.1,893,262,648-, the amount of the village fund
budget depends on the needs and progress of the village development itself. However, what
happened in Bakaru Village, namely in direct observation and observation in the field regarding
village fund management which was the focus of research. The first is about budget priorities that
are still not implemented, such as roads that are still damaged, this is because village infrastructure
which should be a priority for development in village funds is not carried out optimally. In theory,
village fund management has two priorities, one of which is village infrastructure development
(Permatasari & Hasan, 2018).
Village financial management is the overall activity which includes planning, budgeting,
administration, reporting, accountability, and supervision of village finances. With village fund
management, there needs to be transparency and accountability in its management in order to get
maximum results (Adil et al., 2022). Transparency is essential to minimize misuse of village fund
allocations or reduce potential corruption. Therefore, local governments must increase
supervision of transparent financial management of public funds to maintain public trust. In
addition to transparency, another factor that can encourage good supervision of the management
of village fund allocation is local government accountability. Accountability is the responsibility
of the organizer to the community for every decision and action taken in managing the allocation
of village funds (Putri et al., 2023).
Accountability means that in its implementation the management of Village Fund
Allocation can be held accountable and Transparency means that in its implementation Village
Fund Allocation is carried out openly and can be easily accessed through available media. Village
financial management in its implementation is based on the principles of accountability and
transparency, if the principles of accountability and transparency are not fulfilled, it will have a
major influence on village government such as: embezzlement of Village Fund Allocation
management and obstacles in the distribution of Village Fund Allocation, which makes this
interesting for further investigation.
The purpose of this study is to find out how accountability and transparency in the
management of Fund Allocation in Bakaru Village, Lembang District, Pirang Regency.
Sabeni and Ghozali in Sujarweni (2015) stated that accountability or accountability is a
form of necessity for someone (leader/official/executor) to ensure that duties and obligations have
been carried out in accordance with applicable regulations. Accountability is the performance of
the village government apparatus from planning to supervising activities that use the budget must
be accountable and report every implementation of activities in an orderly manner to the
community and to the government ranks above in accordance with the law.
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Broadly speaking about the explanation of accountability, researchers concluded that
accountability is a form of responsibility of an institution or individual who is authorized to
manage public resources which is then published.
According to Sujarweni (2007), transparency is a principle of openness that allows the
public to know and get the widest access to information. With transparency, it will guarantee
access or freedom for everyone to obtain information about government implementation such as
information about policies, the process of making and implementing them and the results to be
achieved. Good governance requires involvement, resilience and ease of access for the
community to the process of government administration.
Thus, it can be concluded that transparency is a principle that guarantees the right of the
public to obtain true, honest, and non-discriminatory access to information about the operation of
an organization and the results achieved by the organization by taking into account the protection
of rights to individuals, classes and state secrets.
The method in this study is to use qualitative methods because the topics in this study are
topics that need to be explored. This research was conducted in Bakaru Village, Lembang District,
Pinrang Regency. The population used in this study is the Bakaru Village Office, Lembang
District, Pinrang Regency in 2022. The sample of this study is several sources who are trusted to
be able to provide the information needed accurately. Data sources in this study were obtained
from primary data and secondary data. Primary data sources are data that will be obtained and
collected directly by direct observation to Bakaru Village as well as conducting interviews with
Village officials, namely Village Head, Village Secretary, Village Treasurer, and Village
Community represented by the Village Consultative Board. While secondary data is data that
supports primary data, namely through books, journals, and documents in Bakaru Village,
Lembang District, Pinrang Regency. Data collection methods in this study are observation,
interviews, and documentation.
Village Fund Allocation Management
Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 20 of 2018 explains that village financial
management consists of several stages. Village financial management must certainly be
encouraged from various aspects, one of which is the quality of good village government through
the implementation of government governance in accordance with the regulations that have been
implemented. Funding by the central government through several sources of funds as a whole so
that village governments can exercise authority, namely improving community welfare from
various aspects. One source of funds that has the main use to reduce inequality and create
community welfare is village funds. Stages of village fund management:
Planning is the process of determining the desired direction of goals in the future to
determine how to achieve. According to Sri et al (2019), village development planning is a
process that is in accordance with the authority by referring to development carried out by local
governments. The Village Government in preparing the program to be implemented must be able
to improve health facilities, education, agriculture, environmental management, community
economy, and economy to improve the quality of life of the people in the Village. This
development planning process is contained in the Village Government Work Plan.
This Village Government Work Plan will determine the direction of village development
in the next one year. In the preparation of the Village Government Work Plan, it must be based
on the focus of village government planning contained in the Village Medium-Term Development
Plan (RPJMDesa). RPJMDesa and RKPDesa will be the only village planning documents for the
preparation of the Village revenue and expenditure budget regulated through Village Regulations.
This was explained by the Village Secretary in Bakaru Village as follows:
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We will compile the program, first produce the RPJMDesa, we put the RPJMDesa in the
RKPDesa, the RKPDesa can get additional information when musdus is held, and the debate
forum, it becomes additional information for the RKPDesa in the year concerned.” (Village
We first held musdus at the level of dukuhan, musdes at the village level, and musrenbang the
highest forum in the village. And of course there is the formation of a team consisting of several
village officials and then there are also representatives from community institutions.” (Village
So, through the explanation above, it is known that the proposals brought by the village
community through musdus, musdes and musrembang will be used as a reference in making the
RPJMDesa. Then the RPJMDesa will be further elaborated through the RKPDesa or one-year
Village Government Work Plan. Based on the results of research in the field, the Bakaru Village
Government in the planning stages both compiling and evaluating programs is quite good. This
can be seen from the deliberations held from the village level to the village level. This finding is
in accordance with the principles of transparency and accountability to be able to realize the
concept of Good Governance.
The implementation stage is a stage that has been planned in detail whose funds are sourced
from the Regional Budget including Village Funds implemented by the Technical Implementer
of Village Financial Management. The village head as the holder of village financial management
power has the right to appoint anyone to become Technical Implementer of Village Financial
Management. According to the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 49 of 2016 concerning
Procedures for Allocating Village Funds. Village Fund distribution is carried out by transferring
books from the State General Cash Account to the Regional General Cash Account for further
transfer of books from the Regional General Cash Account to the Village Cash Account.
In the implementation of finances in the village, there are several principles that must be
adhered to regarding receipts and expenditures made through the Village Cash Account. Where
all village revenues and expenditures carried out by the village government are carried out using
the Village Cash Account. This makes the village financial system centralized. If you want to
withdraw funds in the Village Cash Account, it must be signed by the Lurah and Kaur Keuangan.
The government distributes Village Funds to each village in stages using the
precautionary principle so that such a large source of funding is not counterproductive. The
Bakaru Village Government has its own regulations in the implementation of activities derived
from the Village Fund. This was explained by the Secretary of Bakaru Village as follows:
"For the Village Fund, I focus on it when it is disbursed, I mean if it has been entered in the
account. It can only be used and distributed to all hamlets to realize development through the
procurement team of goods and services" (Secretary of Bakaru Village)”
Based on the results of the interview, it is known that the management of the Village
Fund will be distributed to all hamlets with each hamlet receiving funds. In addition, the Bakaru
Village Government also compiled a Goods and Services Procurement Team (TPBJ). TPBJ
assists village governments in distributing goods and services needed by each hamlet in terms of
implementing programs derived from Village Funds. For each accusation. The village
government can supervise the implementation of its program through TPBJ, so that the village
government can ensure that the Village Fund in Bakaru Village can be realized for the
development of its hamlet.
All financial activities carried out by the Village Government, namely the Village
Treasurer, consist of revenue administration and expenditure administration as well as reporting
their responsibilities to interested parties. The village head holds the highest power in managing
village finances because of his position as the head of government at the village level. In its
implementation, the village head is assisted by the Technical Implementation of Village Financial
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Management which is a village apparatus appointed by the village head. This technical
implementation is an element of village apparatus that assists the village head to carry out village
financial management. The treasurer is held by staff in financial affairs who have the task of
receiving, storing, stocking/paying, administering, and accounting for village revenue receipts.
Based on Pinrang Regional Regulation No. 6 of 2008 concerning Village finance article
15 concerning the financial position of the village:
a) The village head holds the power of village financial management.
b) In exercising his powers as referred to in paragraph (1), the village head may delegate part
or all of his power in the form of planning, implementation, administration, reporting to the
Village Apparatus in accordance with his field of duty.
c) To carry out Village Financial administration, the Village Head can appoint a Village
Treasurer from the Village Apparatus who has expertise in the field of trustworthy financial
Based on the above regional regulations, it is stated that the Village Treasurer must
administer all receipts, storage, payments, administration, which are his responsibility and close
the books at the end of each month in an orderly manner. This is in accordance with the results of
an interview with the Head of Bakaru Village, stating that:
The Village Treasurer is required to record all transactions in the form of receipts and
expenditures. The Village Treasurer records financial transactions that occur, using the general
cash book, tax assistant cash book and bank book then the village closes every month the general
cash book, tax assistant cash book and bank book, as a report of its responsibility to the village
(Kepala Desa Bakaru)
In addition to the administrative stages arranged, the Village Treasurer is required to record
all transactions in the form of receipts and expenditures. The village treasurer systematically
records the financial transactions that occur, related to the statement, in a separate place an
interview conducted with the Bakaru Village Treasurer that the village treasurer is obliged to
record all expenditures and financial receipts of the village said:
In my administration as Village Treasurer, I am obliged to receive, store, and pay, which has
become my responsibility and close the books at the end of each month (Hasil wawancara
dengan Bendahara Desa Bakaru)
The results of the interview are in accordance with what was explained by the village
head Bakaru that the Village Treasurer is obliged to record all village expenditures and financial
In carrying out its duties and obligations in Village Financial Management, the Village
Government is required to provide its report to the government above it, namely the Sub-District,
as well as to the Regent / Mayor. In addition, the Village Government in accounting for its
activities must convey to the community.
According to the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation 20 of 2018 in carrying out their
duties, authorities, rights, and obligations in village financial management including Village
Funds, the Village Head must submit to the Regent / Mayor every periodic and yearly. The
submission of the Village Fund realization report is carried out no later than the fourth week of
June of the current fiscal year for the first semester and no later than the fourth week of January
of the next fiscal year for the second semester. Village revenue and expenditure budget realization
of Village Fund reported to Village Consultative Board (Peraturan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor
20 Tahun 2018 Tentang Pengelolaan Keuangan Desa, 2018b).
Form of reporting on activities in the Village revenue and expenditure budget has two
levels of reporting, which is:
1) Periodic reports are reports on the implementation of the use of village funds that are made
regularly every semester and or 6 months in accordance with the stages of disbursement and
accountability containing the realization of village fund receipts and village fund expenditures.
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2) The final report on the use of village funds includes the implementation and absorption of
funds, problems faced and recommendations for the completion of the final results of the use
of village funds. Both reports are made by the village head, village secretary and village
Both types mentioned above must be made in accordance with the regulations of the
Regent. The submission of reports on the realization of the use of funds financed by village funds
is carried out in stages by the village head to the sub-district assistance team then the sub-district
assistance team makes village-level reports. This report is then reported to the Regent through the
NPMPDK of Pinrang Regency as a basis for distributing funds.
Village Heads in the process of submitting reports on the use of ADD are required to
submit reports on time. If it is reported late, the Regent has the right to postpone the disbursement
of funds for the next stage and the reduction of funds sourced from the District Budget for the
following year in accordance with the assessment of the District, control team and the sub-district
facilitation team formed by decision of the Regent.
The implementation of the reporting process that has been determined in the Regent
regulation, the author conducted research on the reporting process carried out by the village
government in Bakaru Village in carrying out reporting on the use of Village Fund Allocation
carried out in two stages, namely semester 1 and semester 2, it was conveyed by the village head
who stated that:
The first stage of reporting, namely periodic reports, is carried out in January and submitted no
later than the end of June to BPMDK to disburse funds. Furthermore, the final report is carried
out in August and submitted no later than January. However, before being received by BPMDK,
the report is verified by the sub-district assistance team" (Results of interview with Village Head)
The results of the interview above were also corroborated by the Village Secretary, saying
"Reporting to BPMDK Pinrang Regency by making a realization report based on the DD
disbursement stage and evaluated by the Pinrang District Inspectorate" (Results of an interview
with the Secretary of Bakaru Village)
Based on the description above, the Village Fund realization report made by the Bakaru
village government at each stage, due to the disbursement of the Village Fund in the next stage,
must attach a report on the realization of the Village Fund in the previous stage. Therefore,
reporting carried out by the village government to the Regent / Mayor is only limited to each stage.
The village government also submits a Village Fund report listed in the Village Revenue and
Expenditure Budget to the Village Consultative Board every year.
The consequence of governance in terms of Village Fund management is accountability
to several related parties. In this case, the government is obliged to make a report from the
management of the Village Fund. Submission of Village Fund realization report in writing by the
Village Head (village government) to the Regent/Mayor. In good governance, accountability is
not only conveyed to the government, but must also be conveyed to the community.
The following is a description of the accountability carried out by the village parat:
It is informed in detail to the community because every village budget planning involves the
community for joint deliberation and everything that is prioritized will be implemented" (The
results of the interview with the head of Bakaru Village)
Yes, so at this time after the Village Government Work Plan we also convey that we will do this
and inform it in the form of billboards. And in Bakaru Village, we focus on greening because in
the new regulations there are several things that we must do. Because for the village fund, there
is no psychic from the center, we focus on the Village Millik Business Entity as the economic
development of the community, then there is a separate income for the village" (The interview
results of the head of Bakaru Village)
Based on the description of several informants above, the form of accountability from the
Bakaru Village Government regarding the management of Village Funds is to make transparency
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to several parties both to the district / city government and the community. So it was found that
the accountability carried out by the Bakaru Village Government was in accordance with
applicable regulations, namely the Minister of Home Affairs Regulation Number 20 of 2018
concerning village financial management which can be seen through accountability reports by
informing the community through the installation of information boards related to the use of funds.
Accountability for Management of Bakaru Village Fund Allocation
Accountability is an obligation that must be carried out by the village apparatus in charge
of policies and activities set by the government, the private sector or organizations responsible to
the community or related parties. Accountability according to Mardiasmo in (Ferina et al., 2016)
is responsible for success or failure in carrying out an organization's mission and the obligation
to report. Accountability is a public accountability process starting from the process of planning,
drafting, implementing, to reporting that can be accounted for.
Pemerintah Desa Bakaru sudah memenuhi dimensi akuntabilitas, diantaranya:
a. Accountability, honesty and law
According to informants regarding honesty and legal accountability carried out by the
village government:
Presenting budget reports through billboards such as installing billboards at the Village Office
so that the community can directly see them (Village Secretary)
Based on the explanation from the village secretary regarding the budget report that can be
accessed by the community through billboards installed at the village office, so that in Bakaru
Village has carried out honesty accountability, then in order to realize legal accountability in
Bakaru Village, this is evidenced by tax payment compliance seen in the tax assistant book made
by the village government.
b. Program Accountability.
According to several informants regarding the accountability of the program carried out by
village officials:
I think the community responded well because all the budgets are going well" (Chairman of the
Village Consultative Body)
"The community is very responsive to every activity carried out by village officials" (Village
Based on descriptions from several informants about the programs implemented by Bakaru
Village officials, the community gave good appreciation to village officials.
c. Policy accountability
Based on previous discussions regarding program planning or activities to be carried out
by Bakaru village officials. Village officials always involve lower-level communities so that
policies are approved based on initiatives by the community itself.
Accountability or accountability carried out by the Bakaru Village government has
implemented honesty and legal accountability where the village government installs billboards as
a medium of information on the management of village fund allocation so that it is easily
accessible to the community, program accountability is also carried out by the Bakaru Village
government seen from several developments that have been carried out where village officials
always involve the lower level community so that policies are approved based on Initiatives by
the community itself, although there are still some unrealized developments, it has become the
responsibility of the village government. And it is highly appreciated by the community because
it facilitates the smooth running of the community's economy, let alone the local community, the
majority of farmers who require working outdoors and road access is needed.
Transparency of Bakaru Village Fund Allocation Management
Transparency is a principle to ensure freedom for everyone to be able to obtain information
about the administration of government. Information that is entitled to be obtained by the
community both from the stages of the planning, implementation, and accountability process.
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Reporting is built on freedom of information. Information related to the public interest can be
directly obtained by those who need itn.
Based on Law Number 14 of 2008 concerning Public Information Openness (Undang-
Undang (UU) Nomor 14 Tahun 2008 Tentang Keterbukaan Informasi Publik, 2014). In the
regulation, it can be explained that transparency or openness is a principle that can ensure ease
for the public to access information.
Good governance will be achieved if the principle of transparency is well established.
Transparency can be measured through several indicators, which are as follows:(Iswahyudi et al.,
a. Document Accessibility Availability
The first indicator can be measured by the availability of document accessibility to avoid
fraud and abuse in the Village Fund management process. The availability of document
accessibility is also expected to make it easier for the community to access information about the
implementation of development activities carried out by the village government.
The interview with the informant is as follows:
That is to present it through billboards such as the installation of billboards at the Village Office
so that people can directly see it (Results of interview with Village Secretary)
This was also conveyed by other informants as for the results of the interview, among others,
as follows:
With the billboard which includes transparency, although we do not know the actual amount of
funds, whether what is displayed is correct, but it is expected that the authorities will be trusted
and responsible because the impact will greatly affect the development of the village itself.
(Results of interviews with villagers)
b. Clarity and Ease of Access to Information
The second indicator can be clarity and completeness of information provided by the
village government is very important for the community to know. Then the village government
must be able to provide clear information about the process of implementing village development.
The presentation of the interview results from informants is as follows:
"It was informed through the meeting that some Village Funds and so many Village Fund
Allocations. There are funds from the District and the Center are conveyed and it is explained
that the funds are not only for development but there are village employee salaries, environmental
salaries and other honors and then there are for community empowerment" (Results of an
interview with the Head of Bakaru Village)
c. Openness of Process.
The third indicator can be measured based on Law Number 14 of 2008 article 7 paragraph
2 concerning information disclosure states that public bodies including village governments are
obliged to provide accurate, true, and not misleading public information. All communities have
the right to know the process of managing the Dea Fund as a whole.
The results of interviews with informants are as follows:
"He informed through the installation of billboards at the Village Office so that the local
community can find out how many funds are obtained every 1-year period. (Results of an
interview with Love Welfare)
d. Existence of a Regulatory Framework that Guarantees
The fourth indicator can be measured by the existence of a regulatory framework that
ensures transparency, Village Fund management is basically regulated in Permendagri Regulation
Number 60 of 2014 (Peraturan Pemerintah (PP) Nomor 60 Tahun 2014 Tentang Dana Desa Yang
Bersumber Dari Anggaran Pendapatan Dan Belanja Negara, 2014).
An informant described the results of his interview as follows:
"If the management of the Village Fund is arranged by deliberation. Form of transparency after
that, there are realization billboards and compiled in (Regional development work plan) and
reviewed everything that will be planned then formed in billboards. Then there is the realization
that activity A has been completed and activity B has been completed, that is a form of Village
Fund transparency. (Head of Bakaru Village)
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Based on some of the results of the interview above, it can be concluded that the Bakaru
Village government has implemented the four transparency indicators by involving a number of
communities starting from the development planning process to conducting deliberations with the
community to discuss what development will be carried out with the budget that has been
disbursed by the government, both funds sourced from the State Budget and Regional Revenue
and Expenditure Budget. In realizing good governance, one of them must apply the principle of
transparency in the management of Village Funds by involving Village Apparatus.
The Village Fund Financial Management implemented by the Bakaru Village Government
is in accordance with Permendari Number 20 of 2018 concerning Village Financial Management.
In addition, the financial management process of village funds involves the community from the
planning stage to supervision. Based on the results of research on Village Fund Management
Transparency in development in the village that has been carried out in Bakaru Village. So, it can
be concluded that there is a musrembang to appreciate the ideas of residents, participation
containing detailed development activities, and the existence of transparency board billboards
displayed at the Village Office. As for the management of village funds, the report format is in
accordance with Permendagri No. 20 of 2018. There are no obstacles in submitting the report
because in making reports already using a system that already contains financial data. Based on
the results of Village Fund Management Accountability research in development in the village
that has been carried out in Bakaru Village. So it can be concluded by looking at several
accountabilities that have been carried out by the Bakaru Village government ranging from
honesty and legal accountability, program accountability, and policy accountability that have
been implemented in accordance with applicable regulations. And the village government always
involves the community in every development activity.
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