E-ISSN: 2963-3699
P-ISSN: 2964-0121
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Marissa Grace Haque
, Muhammad Yasir
, Robertus Suradji
, Istianingsih
Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Banking School, Jakarta, Indonesia
Faculty of Economics and Business, Universitas Bhayangkara Jakarta, Indonesia
2, 3 ,4
, muhammad.y[email protected]arajaya.ac.id
, istianingsih@dsn.ubharajaya.ac.id
By developing the right marketing strategy based on a thorough SWOT analysis, the company can
improve its performance and achieve sustainable growth according to targets. Especially when business
competition in the world is getting tighter, and geopolitical shifts significantly influence geoeconomics,
which has an impact on the national economy. Company management needs to implement marketing
strategies more vigilantly, so that they remain effective and efficient, on an ongoing basis. In this context,
SWOT analysis is used as a tool to reveal strengths, weaknesses, internal opportunities as well as external
threats and opportunities. SWOT analysis can help company management to develop increasingly
precise marketing strategies, with the aim of increasing sales volume. The results of the research show
that the use of SWOT analysis supports company management in developing more effective and efficient
marketing strategies, so as to increase the sales volume of products and services in an increasingly
competitive world market.
Keywords : SWOT Analysis; Marketing Strategy; Sustainable Business Management
The approach regarding SWOT analysis in marketing management is very relevant in the
context of modern business. Understanding a company's internal and external environment is a
crucial step in identifying strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that can affect business
The active participation of company founders and leaders in a SWOT analysis is very
important because they have a deep understanding of the company's vision, mission and goals.
However, they also need help from various parties to carry out this task effectively. Bringing
together a group of individuals with diverse backgrounds and views can help gain a
comprehensive perspective on the organization and its environment. Selecting people who can
represent various aspects of the business such as marketing, product development, sales, and
customer support is the right move. By involving individuals from various departments and
functions, a SWOT analysis can become more holistic and in-depth.
The research mentioned (Ibrahim et al., 2022) shows the importance of involving all
relevant parties in a SWOT analysis to achieve optimal results. This reflects the importance of
interdepartmental collaboration and communication in formulating effective marketing strategies.
Thus, the conclusion that can be drawn is that SWOT analysis is an important tool in marketing
management that requires the active involvement of company leaders and various stakeholders to
identify key factors that influence business performance and formulate appropriate strategies to
deal with them.
The increasingly fierce level of business competition currently means that business owners
need to have a plan so that the company can survive and develop. The increasing number of
businesses offering products and services to compete shows this. Every business actor must come
up with various creative ideas to be able to excel in competition at this level of competition.
Business actors must of course be able to adapt to changes in the business environment in order
to survive in intense competition. SWOT analysis is a strategy that describes how a business
expects different marketing initiatives or programs to influence the demand for a particular
product in the target market (Sari et al., 2023).
Marketing strategy is important in business because it can develop business. It is necessary
to implement marketing strategies to boost sales to prepare ourselves to face intense competition
Benefits of SWOT Analysis in Marketing Strategy for Sustainable Business Management
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between companies. One way to read a company's internal environment is to focus on its strengths
and weaknesses. The internal aspects of a company include its strengths and weaknesses.
Regarding the strengths of the company, it is seen that it offers high-quality goods at consumer-
friendly prices, a well-organized organizational structure, and both. The company's shortcomings
can be seen from poor product quality, unaffordably costs, and an unorganized organizational
SWOT analysis is indeed a very useful tool and can be applied by various types of
businesses, both small scale such as micro, small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and large
companies. The research shows that SWOT analysis can increase sales through various marketing
strategies designed based on the analysis' findings.
A study conducted by Olga and Arman (2020) highlighted how SWOT analysis can be used
to formulate effective marketing strategies, including in terms of promotion and product
packaging. By analyzing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats facing a company,
the right marketing strategy can be designed to maximize sales potential and business growth.
Apart from that, research conducted by Rumengan and his colleagues in 2023 shows that
SWOT analysis can also be applied in developing companies in the service sector, as happened
with PT Pegadaian. In this context, SWOT analysis helps a company to identify internal and
external factors that influence its business performance, so that appropriate marketing strategies
can be formulated to increase sales and optimize the services provided.
This research provides an illustration of how the use of SWOT analysis can make a
significant contribution to understanding marketing strategy objectives by paying attention to
strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, to increase sales and achieve sustainable business
management. Company management can more carefully identify the steps that need to be taken
more efficiently and effectively.
The method in this research is to use a literature review method which involves searching
databases from several reference sources, namely books, journals and information data regarding
SWOT analysis, strategic management, and those related to both. This writing uses a qualitative
descriptive system sourced from Google Scholar and Open Knowledge Map. In this research,
previous research used SWOT Analysis, Marketing Strategy, and Sales Increase (Saputra &
Sumantyo, 2023).
Swot Analysis
Descriptive analysis (giving an overview) of circumstances and conditions is known as
SWOT analysis. Conditions and situations are used as input factors in this analysis, and are
further categorized based on their relative contribution. The decision-making process can
logically benefit from this analysis, making it a useful tool for examining the variables that
influence the business and for the decision-making process for establishing strategies (Ibrahim et
al., 2022).
Descriptive analysis (giving an overview) of circumstances and conditions is known as
SWOT analysis. Conditions and situations are used as input factors in this analysis, and are
further categorized based on their relative contribution. The decision-making process can
logically benefit from this analysis, making it a useful tool for examining the variables that
influence the business and for the decision-making process for establishing strategies (Ibrahim et
al., 2022).
Based on research conducted by Latief et al., (2021), the logic behind this SWOT analysis
is to minimize threats and weaknesses and maximize opportunities and strengths. Create an SO
Strategy by considering the right methods so that the business can take advantage of its
advantages to seize current business opportunities and increase sales. With this, the marketing
mix is needed tactically to intervene in marketing initiatives as well as facilitate SWOT analysis.
In research (Husnawaty et al., 2015) the results of the SWOT analysis show inner
Benefits of SWOT Analysis in Marketing Strategy for Sustainable Business Management
Return: Study of Management Economic and Business, Vol 3 (2), February 2024
superiority. The company's Type 36 homes have an average sales rate of 13.76 percent. On the
other hand, the company's weaknesses are because the company's selling price is higher than its
competitors and lack of promotion. The sales volume of this type of house is decreasing. Based
on the results of the SWOT analysis of type 36 housing marketing, the SWOT formulation used
by the company is based on the marketing mix strategy, namely in the form of products,
promotional prices and distribution channels (Jumawan, 2018). According to Lupiyoadi in
Yamini (2022) the marketing mix is a tool or device used by marketers which includes various
program aspects that must be taken into account so that the established positioning and marketing
strategy can be implemented successfully. Initially the marketing mix consisted of product,
promotion, price and positioning (4Ps) which had an important role in stimulating consumers and
making purchases (Widjanarko, Saputra, et al., 2023). Service marketing is said to be a type of
product because it is an intangible act that is handed over by one party to another party.
Simultaneously, marketing tools known as “4Ps” evolved into “7Ps” suitable for marketing
services. The term "7PS" refers to the fact that service marketing also uses marketing tools but
with the addition of people, process, and physical evidence so that it is called "7PS" (Husadha et
al., 2020). So, it can be concluded that the service marketing mix is product, place, price,
promotion, people, process, and physical evidence Latief et al., (2021).
Several strategies that business people can consider to increase sales through SWOT
analysis are the ability to set selling prices. In setting the selling price, appropriate service
delivery must also be considered (Widjanarko, Hadita, et al., 2023). Satisfactory service will
create loyalty for consumers. Apart from that, to create a brand image that can be recognized by
the public, it is also necessary to develop promotions through social media (Saputra & Sumantyo,
2023). With these various strategies for increasing sales, research must also be carried out to
review the extent to which these strategies can be effective (Fithriyani & Haque, 2023).
Based on the findings and discussion above, it can be concluded that the marketing process
cannot be separated by using SWOT analysis to pay attention to the strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and risks of a small business unit such as SMEs or companies. A SWOT analysis
needs to be carried out to maintain the sustainability of a business. Business people can analyze
the internal and external environment such as market conditions, or the advantages and
disadvantages of the company. SWOT analysis can also be used for small and medium businesses
(SMEs) and companies. With SWOT analysis, companies are able to develop various strategies
needed to increase sales volume. With this increase in sales, it is hoped that the company will
continue to develop in a better direction.
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